I II, ,1 H"'"HH 1 .L'"fcal Society. C, OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1902.' ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice ! hereby given that Albert Engle and Clarence Engle have been duly appointed by the County Court of Hie State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Clackamas, administrators of the estate of Samuel Engle, deceased. All persons ;holding claims against (lie mini deceased or his estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified with proper vouchers tothe said administrators at the ollice of Hedacs & liriffllh Em)h., In Oregon City Oregon, within six months fain the publica tion of this notice, Albert Enoi.e, Hodges & Griffith, Ci.aresck Knolk, Attorneys, .Administrator's of the Hstate (of Samuel Kngte, dece sed. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Simeon .Way, plaintiff, vs. Amy May, de fendant. To Amy May, the above named defendant, In the name of the stale of Oregon, you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint flleu against you, in the above entitled suit and court, by April IB, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply for the relief prayed for In his complaint tiled herein, namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of matri. nionv existing between plaintiff and defendant herein and the custody of the minor child named in plaintiff 's complaint. This summons is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McBiide, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and tiled March 6, 1902. The dute of the first publication of this summons being March 14, 11(02, and the date of the last publica tion hereof April 18, 11)02. M J. MacMAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In the matter of the estate of Aaron E. Walt, do ceasod. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an or der of the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 24th day ol February, 1!H2, 1 wi 1 from and alter the 2!lh da of March 1P02. proceed to sell at pri vate sale, the following described real property of said estate, and all the right, title and interest which the said Aaron K. Wait, deceased, had therein, to wit: Heeliou ."16, Township 34 South, ltBiige 2 East; Section 111, Township :16 South, Range 3 Kast ; the N. W. , and N. ' of 8. W. Section 16, Tp. S 8. R. 3 K.; the W. y, of E. J-2, and N. k. '4 of N E. Ui. and 8. E M ol 8. E. of Section of t .action 16, Tp. 119 South, liiinge 8 East. The terms ol said sale are cash in hand. CHAS. N. WAIT, Ex -enter Dstate of A. E. Walt, Deceased. First insertion February 28, l'.H)2. Last 'V, illKtib 28,1!)02. , CITATION. . In the countv court of the state of Oregon, for the county rf Clackamas. Citation to heiis and parties Interested In probate. In the mutter of the estate of Wm. D. Bedford, deceased. To Mrs. Flnegan or Flanegan. John Bedford, T. Bedford, Q P. Bedford, and to all others un known, and Interested In aid estate Greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to be and appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of ClackamaB, at the court room thereof, at Oregon City, in the said county of Clackamas, on Mon day, the 7lh day of April, A. I). 1002, at 10 o'clock a. ni. of that day, then and there to show cause, if any you have, why an order should not be made by this court, allowing Asa Hawkins, the administrator cf said eBtate, to sell the northeast quarter of section 14, township 4 south, range 6 . east of the Willamette metidian in Clackamas county, Oregon, according to the petition on file for that purpose. Witness, the Hon. T. F. Ryan, Judge of the couniy court of the stute of Oregon, fur Seal the eduntv of Clackamas, this 2Sth day of February, A. 1). 1!Hi2. Attest: E. 11. COOPER, Clerk. II. E. CROSS, Attorney lor the Ebtale. t SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Martha McHcely, plaintiff, vs. Geoigo McFeely, defendant. To George Mc Feely. the above named defend ant: in thu name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tt.e com plaint filed against you in the above suit by the 12th d ? of April, 1002, following six consecutive weeks' publication of this notice, and If you fail to so nppear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a dtcree against you as prayed for in ,he complaint, to-wit: 1st, a decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony existing be1 ween plaintiff and defendant; 2d, that plain tiff have all net costs and disbursements in this suit; that plaintiff prays such other and further relief as the matter of this case may require and as to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served by publication by vlr ureof an order made by the Hon. T. A. McBrido, Judge of the above-entitled court, made and en tered on the 20th day of February, 11102, said or der providing that publication be made In the Courier-Herrld, and that the first publication be made o h the 28th day of February, 1002. M. J. MacMAHON, Attorne) for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT" Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the eslate of Polly Qulnn, de ceased, haB filed his final in the county court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county report as administrator of said estate and the court has fixed May 5ih, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m ,of said day as the time for settling said estate. A ny person having any objection thereto are here by no'llied to appear at said time and place and such objection will be heard by the cou't. CHARLES W. DART. Administrator of Said Eslate. Gcbdoh E. Hait.s, Attorney for Estate. Dated. March 20, 1002. NOTICE TO CREDITOR-. Notice is hi rel y given tint the undersigned has been appointed by the couuty .court of the State of Oregon, for county of Clackamas, admin istrator of llie state tif Margaret June Daumann, deceased, All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them, properly verified, to the unders gned at the ollice ot his attorneys. Hedges At Griffith, In Oregon City, Oregon, w itbin six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. A. A. BAT'MANN, Administrator of lhe Estate of Margaret Jane Baunmun, Deceased. Hkdgf.s A Ubifiith, Attorneys for Administrator. Hm Publ'icadon March 21, 1902. I ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of the State Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Emma Glllhnm, 1 Planum, vs. I T. W. Oillham. Defendant, J Mmn.hMiiHMI.liBimiimi.lnMiHmil,!., I JTT iJ AVegetablePrcparationfor As similating tlieTood andReg ula liiyi ihe Stomachs andBoweis of Promotes Dlgestion.Cteerful uess andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morptiine nor Mineral. Not Karcotic. Rtape at'OIdJOrSAMUELPlTCBEll Pumpkin Sad jUx.Senna JixAUt.SJu -Anise Seed. fipfnnint . Jti OuionattSoJa flfamSeed -Clarified Sugar -huitoyreen- flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness andLoss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT C0PYOF WRAPPER. I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears trie Signature of I In Use For Over Thirty Years ; NEWS OF THE WEEK. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK C1YY. OHSEEEISBBKJS Good Literature The Northern Pacific is not ed amotip; railways for its advertising ma'ter. Ite lj 4 I -w o 4- pmiphleta, folders, booklete, etc., are r I l IllOkS L taste uilv got'en Hp mid hm HniaM for what thev rontnin Here i pnrtii lift Tf1iT of what Mk. CHAS. S. FEE, eneral Passenger 11 Ollllllli Agent,-St. Paul, Mnn., will i-en-i ...it, can -fully " mailed, upon receint of prieeB tsiveti . Any cumbi nation can lie made, and monevor express orders, cilver or mumps will he accepted. This in a line opportunity to obtain ifooil dfHi riplive reading matter for little or nothing;. Wonderland i Tuedasy, March 25. Delay Republicans delay in matter As of Cuban reciprocity is for . To the purpose of presenting a Cuba. solid front. They are much . opposed to anv revision of tariff. A united stand will head off the many amendments which the democrats are.sqre to present. When the BubjVct comes up'for final Consideration, want to lose no time in disposing of it. What General Miles' criticism of the Miles Hawley military bill before . Said, the senate committee, as it will appnar on the official rec ord, has been made public. The most sensational features are eliminated. As one objection, General Mile-t holds that the measure provides for centralization ol the most pronounced type. Henry Watterson scores Roosevelt in speech at democratic banquet T-vo boys, Myo Ooffman, aged 18, and Arthur Ward 15, left Tillamook to walk over the mountains on the North Yam hill route, and froze to death in the mountains. ' Wednesday, March 26.' Cubans Control of the island of Will Cuba will be turned over to Rule. the Cubans May 20th. Sec retary Root's order issued last night revuires the new gover intent to assame all treaty obligation, and di rects Ueneial Wood to withdraw all American troops i-x.'ept a small artillery force, which will tem tin on Cub in soil only until the United States naval sta tinnB are established. Judre George H. Williams will be a camiidtite'or the republican nomination tor mayor of Portland The house by a majority of 10, unseated Rhea, of Kentucky. He was a democrat and the seat was given to a republican There huve been 40 cholera cases at Ma nila awl 30 deaths. Thursday, March 27. The Marion couniy republican con vention endorsed beer and Supreme JudgeHean. Squire Parrar and E. M. Croiean were nominated for senators. Baker county republicans In struct for Johns for governor, and the Moody forces claim a victory An ordinance introduced in Portland city council to prohibit bill boards. Letter List. The. following is the list of letters re maining in the postoffice at Oregon City, Ore., on March 26, 1902 : Women s List Miss Martha Clark, Mrs. T. F. Clark, Mrs. rflinnie May Men's List W. M. Cooper, Walter Moore, JHr. Corless, Jr., Wm. C. McDon aid, Chester Charter, Fred-J. Oster holtz, Archie Kemp, Robert O'Bryne, W. I,,, snidow. GEORGE F. HORTON, P. M. j 1. M. C. A. Notes. I Now that the ssason for indoor games . is over, it might be well to sum up the results ot the Oretton City Young Men s Christian Association games. The lo cal association had a strong team in the field during the entire season, although the personal was changed very much, and no two games having the same players. Those who have waiched the gumes most closely seem to agree that Oregon City put up the strongest team in the state, and is entitled to the champion ship for indoor base ball and also Junior basket ball. But one game was lost to each of the teams, and that under pro test. While nearly all the players did good and effective work, there are some who deserve especial mention for their ex ceptionally strong and aggressive play ing. First of these is beyond question Dave Williams, who pitched the entire season without missing a game, and judges concur in the opinion that he i the best pitcher in the state. He fanned more men than any pitcher he played attainst. He is suie and throws a swift ball. Califf, behind the bit, made an extiaordinarily good showing for his first season's participation in the game. He is the making of a strong man for the position. Durie at first base is a hard man to replace. He is a sure cttcher and strong baiter. Rapp.at right short stop, and Latourette, Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soo disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommo for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if ths urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able t control the passage, it is yet afflicted wltk bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause ot the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit at most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is soli at left, are a pair ; by drueelsts. In fifty- of good tnflelders. Seldom did low balls cent and one dollar pass them. Both are strong at the bat and scored manv runs during the sea son. Wilson was an able substitute and free, also pamphlet tell mane himsell Known whenever he -i v... hK-f!taiVlmiei ues. iou may nave KrltW'TWw )MSEj aaiuMG uuiuc uy 111,111 1901 All annuiil tmblii'iitinn, bi'iinllliillv illu'trati'd In color mid hnlf tone. This iniiiiln'r tr.-tii imi-llouliirly of the history of the Northern I'nrlilc's Trademark, the ciswr HutllettclJ in jMoiilaiiii, and thu ulluwMonu I'.irk. Send Six Cents c-nd Four Cents Send F fty Cents Mluiature Wonderland A nent mid dainty publication containing a complete history of tho Northern Pacilio Trademark. Thu artistic oovera of the Wonderland, lll0ttt-e used in miniature. Wi!d Flowers from Yellowstone A book of prcsH'Hl wild flower from Yellowstone Park, fhnwinir the real 11 avhi-8 in ih"ir natural colors. A dainty and beautiful souvenir ien specimens of llowers an i six full pige illustrations of Park scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 page book In strong, fleiible Oovers, Rood paper, plain tvpe, illuslr 'ted, (wckel sue, a compendium and Twent-flve descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Cents Climbing Mount Rainier , An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pap, In strong, flexible Send covers, printed on heavy papr, descriptive of an aacent of Twenryf)ve the hlnhest peak In the United SUtes outside of Alaska of a Cents, glacial nature. Raw or Inflamed Lungs Yield rapidly to the wonderful cura tive and healing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. It prevents pneumonia and consumption from a hard cold set tled on the lungs. Charman & Co. OABTOniA. Bean the f '"8 Have Always Boiignt t $975.00 Locomobile Given Jlway With every t;or.ts. invested with A. N. Wright, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrisun, St., Portland, Oregon, you get a ticket on the 975-00 Locomobile to be given .0 Some Lucky One n EW goods now every day. Quality always the best, New .and fresh Prices correct. from the factory tne IOWjR 36WEC6H Wabash Niagara Falls Short Line BUls Wmitvd. Sealed bids will be received for labor and material for two cottagea by the un dersigned until April 15. Plans and specifications can be Been at residence of the undersigned, who reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Joseph T. Lynch. played Following is the list of games played and the score for each : INDOOR BASE BALL. Company A. of Oregou Oity,8to24; 1st Battalion, Portland, 8tol4;Y. M. ('. A., Portland, 5 to 8; Y. M. O. A., Portland, 13 to 10, at Portland ; Battery A, Portland, 15 to 24 ; Y. M. 0. A., Port land, 6 to 12: Battery A, Portland, 9 to 14, at Portland. UASKET BALL Y. M. 0. A , J 1 niors, of Portland, 2 to 8 J Young Men's League, Portland, 7 to 12, (Juniors) ; Y. M. 0. A., of Port land, 9 to 22; (Seniors, second evening, class team; Turn Vertens, of .Portland. 45 to 0, (ladies' class) ; Y. M. C. A., of Portland, 11 to 8, (Juniors, at Portland); Y. M. O. A., of Portland, 7 to 9, (Jun- iois) ; Y. M. C. A., of Portland, 1 to 8, (Juntos). The membership contest will close next Wednesday evening, on which oc casion the Ladies' Auxiliary will serve a supper to the members. There will also be a literary program. The Beds are in the lead at present and Ihe time is short, but as yet it is impossible to say which side will win. Citizens Primaries April 5th. The citizens convention will nominate candidates for county olli :es on April the 8th. Delegates to this convention will be elected at the citizeno primaries on Saturday, April 5th. The citizens ticket will be in the Geld against the machine ticket. Voters will hive to choose between these two. All good citizens Bhouid go to the citizens prima ries on Saturday, April 5ih, and elect del gates to the citizens convention who on be relied on to nominate honest, trustworthy candidates far the county olli CHS. The citizens convention and primaries are for all good citizens. It matters not whether you are a populist, a republi can, a democrat or a socialist. .Let all good citizens join in this movement and nominate men for county ollices who have the county's interest at heart, aud who are not chronic olhce seekers or pro fessional politicians. Home of Svmtap-Itoot ing all about it. Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters receive! from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure anl mention this paper. Strikes a Rich Find. ' I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervouB debil ity," writes F. Green, of Lancaster, N. 11., "No remedy helped me until I be gan using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles: that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family," Try them. Only 5 'c. Satisfaction guaran teed by Geo. A. Harding County Treasurer's Notice. I now have u.oney to pay county war rants endorsed prior to April 1, 181)9, and also road warrants endorsed prior to August 1, 1901. Interest will cease on the watrants embraced in this call on the date hereof. A. Lubllino, Treasurer Clackamas (Jo., Ore. Oregon City, March 28, 1932. OFFERS YOU TO BUFFALO And Points Beyond. To T. W. Glllham, Defendant . v In the name ot the Slats of Ormolu You are hereby required to p.pppar Anil answer the com plaint flW apiint you in the abuve entitled suit andeonrt. by Way 8, and if you fuil to answer, lor want thereof, lhe plaintiff will apply for the relltf prayed for in liie complaint tiled herein, namely, a deeree disolritnr the bonds of main mony "txisling between plaintill'aiid defendant herein and the eustorty of the minor children named in plaiulifTa oomplalnt. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. 1 hus. F. Hyan, Judge of the county court of (,'lakamni countv, duly made and filed March 27, l'.U2 'the dale of the Bret publication of this summons being Mareh 2S, 1902, and the date of the last publication hereof May 2, 1W1 M.J. MacMAHON. Attorney foi Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby glten that the nnderslnned, u adminiklrator of lhe eitate ofR. L. Ruasell, da eeaaed, baa filed hit final report with the county court of the Ute of Oregon for Clackamas couuty ani tbst Mid court baa net the 6th day of May 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m , for the hear ing of aaid report and objection! thereto, if any there be, at which time all perlona interested are required to be present. W.A HOLMES, Administrator, Dated Uil 27th day of March, 190i 4 Through Trains Daily from Chicago 4 Through Trains Daily from St. Louis 4 Trains Daily from Kansas City TjikT TTP'7PT'T, Ret lining Chair Cars (fn"1' p" Hman Palace Sleepers dVUlr IVIEIN 1 Dining and Cafe Cars on all iia.ftH. Polite train men. Terfect roadbed, shortest bed and quickest time. Tourist cars Mondays and Thursdays; 20 hours Chicago to Boston. C. c. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. ROSS, L. CL1NE, P. C. P. A.. Los Angeles. MANHOOD RESTORED ni a rumoiiH Krcnrb uii viiidun. will ouickly cure you of all ner v(.ua or di-a.se of tlie guiu' native orgum, biich an Lost Manhood, "CUPIDENE Thin it rest Veritable- Vital izer.the preaerip. BEFORE no AFT Insomnia, 1'ithisln the Jl;u-k beuilnal iMulsslnrm, jservmis Jtemilty, Pimples, unfitness to ilunv, KxuauminK Urnlna, Varicocele ana Constipntlon. 1 1 Btops all lussen by day or night Pi-evenla qulcii, noss of diichareo, wblcb if nol checked WlR to Hpemmtorrliofa and all the horrors of ImiKitency ir PI l::cleiuise the liver, the kidneys and the n riuary orKani. of all impurities. v T cent are troubled wtth CUPII.KN K .. tneo LM.bX.lxfoMi'VbymaJL BendforrEttclrcularandtemll JLddreaaDAVOl, EDINCO,P.O. Biaa7.8nFraiwtaco,C, JbrSriUW Q. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City Oregoa HEADACHE 3U At 0 aVuf rtana. 36 Dam 25. Foley's Honey and Tar Curea coughs and colds. Cures bronchitis and asthma. PurpH crnnn and WDOODintr couch. Cures hoarseness and bronchial troubles. Cures pneomonia and la grippe. Charman & Co. A Severe Cold Tor Three Months. The following letter from A. J. Nus- baum, of Batesville, lud., tells it own story. "I suuered for three months with a severe cold, A druugmt prepared me some medicine, nnd a physician pre scribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey and Tar, and eittbt doces cured me." Refuse substi tutes. Charman & Co. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Countv ClerU of Clackamas Coucty, Oregon, will receive sealed bid lor the construction of a bridge near T. L Turner's place at Tualatin ; paid bids to be opened April 4th, 1902, at 2 o'clock p. m. Plans and specifications (or said bridge are now on file at my otlice. The board of commissioners reserves the righ to reject any and all bids. E. H. COOPER, Dated Mar. 17th, 1902. Countv Clerk. A Week's Successes. , The Jessie Shirley Company, always welcomed by Oregon City, scored a round of successes every night last week. The opera house was crowded at every play presented, Socially, the en tire company is composed of high class people, and the individual members iiave many personal friends in this city. The "Sultan's Daughter," was pre sented Saturday night, and was greeted with continual rounds of applause. The farce-comedy proved a roamg success. Atteiul the Citizens rrlimrles. The c iratnittee app tinted by a mass meeting of citizens to call a citizens con vention takes this occasion to urge all good citizens to attend the citizens pri maries, which will be held on Saturday, April 5ih, at the usual voting place throughout the county. Come out to the primnries and show the bosses tint you refitae to be whipped in line for the purpose of hooeting into olhce the can didates of a politic il ring. Those candi dates are simply the creatures of this political ring, and the mas of the peo ple have no voice whatever in their se lection. You are only asked to take the county buiineBS in your own hands.' Vote for state and national olliuers of whatever party yon chojse, but name your own county ellicerrt. This is the way to solve the problem of our unreasonable taxation. The primaries will be hel l at 2 o'cloc't p. ni. voters will assemble at the vari ous voting places and elect a chairman and secretary. This chaifinan and sec retary will furnish the proper creden tials to delegates choeen for the county convention. The number of delegates apportioned to each precinct are given in the call for a citizens coivon'ion published in this paper. W. W. Jkhhb, Chairman of Campaign Committee, t O. W. Kahtham, Secretary. . NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for two miles of plank road. PUnk to be of sound, old timber and Id feet by 3x8 to 12 inches and to be delivered on the Moehnke Road, District 18, ready for laying by July 1st,'. 1902. Bids will be opened April 2nd, 1902, at 1 o'clock p- m. The Board reserves the right to reject any ana an dius. E. H. COOPER. Dited Mr. 17th, 19J2. County Clerk. You will never, wish lo take another dote of pills if you once try Chamber a in 's Stomach A J.iver tablets. J hey are easier to t'ke and more pleasant in effect. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. For sale by U. A. Harding. Machine Ticker. Conlinnid from pae 8. Wtvst Ore.ritii City f Hckmii, II'; 11 iii i'.. 0 F Olson, J W Moff itl, C A Jl lll.-r, J W M.-Kny. The com mined on uln'torm n id i-mo-lilt ions reported the following: 'The republican 'party, in county convention assombled, in Oregon Cl-.y, Ciaiikama-i county. Orenon, M-iroh 26, M01, congratulates the people of this county upon the general piosperoun con dition of our co nmoa country, an well as that ot our own immediate vicinity, "We deeply deplore the untlrneely denth of our well-beloved President MoKlnla;, wh me mem ory Is endeared to the hearts of clttmna, and we hereuy oominend the win statesmanship of his successor, President Krosevelt, In his efforts t carry out the policies so ably begun by President McKinley , "W indorse and commend the aotlon ot Presi dent Eoosevelt In his efforts to control the trmts, and secure to labor an adequate recognition Id disputes with the capitalistic classes,aud wo here by insure him of our c.irdiil sympathy nnd sup. port. "We Indorse and oommonl the act! mi if our national representatives In champion! isf the Nicaragua Panal bil t.lio M tch dl-'.C ihn Chines exclusion Ml', aid t la bill t re isio i In II in V,ir Veterans, and hoi lor the upee ly passage of all theie measures. "We demand a cons'llutLn il amendment fur the-elect! in United Slatmm-nator by duvet vol of tho people. "Bo loving, ai wo do, that ell the people sliouU participate as far as possible In the nuking of the laws by whloh they are govorned, we heartily In dorse and commend to the careful ccnvlderatint of all the doctors, the -constitutional amendment kniwn as the Initiative anil referendum, and urge upon all speakers and campaign workers to lr! iij the matter prominently before the voters. "We indorse the action of the members of the last legislature In supporting Hon. J aim H. Mitchell for the United States sennle. "We commend the action of Senators Rrnwnetl and Porter and Representatives Kruse, Talbert audDrosser for their support of what Is known as the precinct assessor law, and the passage of the 80 day' exemption law lor the wage earnora of the state of Oregon, and their aotlon refusing to raise county sal arics. "We Instruct the nominees of this convention to both brandies of the legislature that if eloftol tlicy will make on earnest ellbrt to obtain legit latlon which will oause control of ths school text books by the state of Oregon, and their sale to the people at actual cost. "To obtain legislation by whloh a portion of tlieMate revenues may be raised by a gra'ltialiij Income tax and a graduated Inheritance tax. "To obtain legislation reducing the railroad passenger fare In the stale of Oregon to 8 cent per mile. "To obtain lo;lslntion, constituting eight hoiira a day's work throughout ihe state. "To labor for a precinct assessor la w. "In regard to county affairs, we hereby ple iire the nominees of this conveiitlfi Unit If clectol they will Insist upon as economic i adniinlstra. tUlof county alTiIrs, In such manner us to el down expensos wherever possible. "We bell -va tint It Is wise policy to pursue in the futuretthat no money be oxpended In the conalrw tlon of roads and bridg is1 outside of Hm mud fun4 piovldcd by law mull tho Indebtedness of lh coun'y Is decreased and finally paid. "Wo bollovo and demand that no ixtni clerical help or deputies sho-ild bo employed by any ouotyolll or. without. a petition, unlor oath, setting forth the ftcti, such as the 1 1 in 9 such clerk or d puty li to be employed, f ir what pur pose, the nonosslty of such omployin mt a'l 1 tli( amount ot wages to bo paid. "We heroby Instruct the nominee of this con vention for the office of oounty couiinisslonet, and also express to tho other members of the board of couuty commlssloneis, that It IstllewliJs of this convention, that all supplies necessary t be used In and about the oiurlhouso or fur any other purpose, "lull bo purchased in the mutt economical manner possible. "We hereby Instruct the county court of Clack amas comity that It Is our desire that no road boss be appointed, believing that It is a nselest expense. "We demand that all property whether belong ing to corporations or Individuals, shall be at. sensed In an equal ratio." A resolution was passed to the effect the sena tors and representatives In the state legislature In requested to restore the oounty Judge to his pow ers as Judge of lhe county commissioners' court, at the expiration of the terms of umoe of tbt present county eommlssoneri. TO CUKE A. COLD IN (INK DAV Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to curer . W. Urove'i signature is on each box. 25c. A Horrible Outbreak "Of large sores on my little datall er's head developed into a case "f scald head" writes C. D. Ishill of Mogran town, Tenn.,but Bucklen's Arnica balve completely cured her It's a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Bait Rheum, Pimples, Bores, Ulcers and Piles, Only 25 cents at Ueo. A. Harding's. Pneumonia Follows a Cold But never follows the use of Foley'i Honey and Tar. It stops the couifh, heals and strengthens the lunk's and af fords perfect security from an attack of pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. Char man & Co. Chronlo Diarrhoea. Mr. 0. B. Wingfield, of Fair Play, Mo., who suffered Ir. tn chrome iyen tery for thirty-five vears, says Chamber lain's Colic, Choi-! a ami Diarrhoea Remedy did him more emit tbHi r.T other medicine he had ever used. To rale by G. A. Harding.