OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1902. He&fft PafalS; are Nature's warning notes of approaching danger from a dis eased heart. If you would avoid debilitating diseases, or even sudden death from this hidden trouble pay heed to the early warnings. Strengthen the heart's muscles, quiet its nerv ous irritation and regulate its action with that greatest of all heart remedies, Dr. Miles' Heart Cur. "My heart beat so hard that it Bliook the bed, and the pain wa go Bliarp and severe that I could hardly breathe. I used four bot tles of Dr. W iles' lluart Cure i,ni the palpitation and pain wcra cone." Mks. 0. Black, Charleston, S. C. t Cute ." o controls the heart action, accel erates the circulation and builds up the entire system. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. ' License Teamsters. The next legislature should pass a law licenBini? non-resident teamsters. In the San lv neighborhood tie and 1 urn her haule s havd already worn out the plank roada built four years ago. These peo ple, as a rule, do not live there but are merely transient teamsters tIio go from place to place as jobs are secured. Tney should be made to par a license or tax or the sawmills be compelled to furnish new plank without cost to relay those worn out. At I'l i-unt Home it is not an uiicoumi'i'i uu ee 40 or 51) wagon loads of tie- ir lu n weighing from five to six to is e cii. duch loads cut right thni'.tfii ilv i.i iik' as if they were matihes, -t nialiy f h fltw or knot ap pears umifr -the wheel-. In the district norih of mainly the sawmills furnished lumber to tlm county for $2 per thous and and afterwards gave the $2 back to pay for putting down. In the Sandy district the sawmills charged $3 or $4 and keep it. What is true in the north part of the county is also true around Oregon City where the woixlhaulers cut up the roads in a simihir manner. Where a man owns a farm t'mt he is clearing up and uses the roads, noolijuction is made, but non-tax paying teamsters should pay a tax of amne kind for the privilege of us ing our expensively built roads. WHY RENT PiANOS? Ellers Will Furnish a Good Piano Free of Charge for Two Years. A Good Proposition. In addition to our regular lines of pianos, the peerless Chickering, the fftnioiiH Kimball, the artistic Weber, the Vohc & Sons, Ilobfrt M, Cable, Decker ifcSon, and a dozen other w 11 known standunl makes, all of which are full v represented in our enormous ftoek, we have jnut now several very fine square pianos that must he gotlen out ot the way at once. Five or 'six carloads of pianos, that were personally selected by Mr. My. Kilers, president of our com pany, on his recent trip East, will he coming in next week, and we need the room. In order to get them out of the way at once you can obtain some excel lent bargains. A very Hue Weber eqmirn will go to the, Brut comer for $115. A very fine Marshall it Smith, good as new, will go for an even hundred. Two Kmersons, a Steinway and a Steek will go for Ihss than ifMK, a Bradbury for $;J5, and a Bai ley sqiiMre will go for $:!l). For live or ten dollars down and $3 or $4 per month you can secure either of thouliove. Give the youngsters a chance to learn. At any time within two years we will take these pianoB at sale price towurdH payment of any new I'priuht piano, thus virtually giving you the use of a Square piano fo.- two years free. Call earlv nu takt vour choice. KILHKS ru'NO HQUSK, 351 V athington St,, Portland, Ore, For Over Sixty yearn Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup liae been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five ctilts a bottle. Its value is incalcu lable. Hesure and ask for Mrs. Wins icwVSoothing Syrup, and taka no other d. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tiie ear. There is ojily one way to cure Deafness, and that ia by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflanud con dition of the mucous lining of the Kusta chianTube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling eo-iiui or im perfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and uuless th inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca . i. ,i, iu imflilnu but an inflamed ' ,i. ; ... f H,n inneous sutfaees. v will ive One Hundred IVdlars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) Kom.md ho Hall's Catarrh that c Cure. Snnd forcirculars. free J. ClIKXKY it Co. Toltdo, 0. raj-Sold by Druggists, 7"c. iiall's Family Pills are the best. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular March Term County Board. of the R. B. Morton, John Lewellen and Killin, County Commissioners ROAD BILLS. Eoad district 31 John Wanker 16 00 Charles Turner 8 25 Albert Turner 8 25 Henry Aden 9 76 finith Turner 5 25 Heorge Arlen 6 00 George Pter8 1 60 John Aden 22 00 Total Road district No. 33 $77 00 Geo B Rate & Co $47 80 Road district No. 34 Paid by Batdorf out of poll tax funds' Road district No. 36 N Blair $1 50 Revig Griham 1 20 K L Kanauy 2 70 Bud Thompson 3 00 Charles C Molson...'. a... 3 85 Tutul $22 25 Road district No. 35 November report M Donahue 28 50 Joe Donahue 45 00 Groves AGuger 38 25 8 Andrews 21 75 Paul Dunn 40 50 Dan llerlahe 13 50 Gilhert Uougliluui 40 50 J Bell 40 60 Win Hudson 33 00 P P Heia 15 00 A P Honghlum 20 00 Frank Dixon 3 75 Carl Shetterly 9 00 Chester Shetterly 5 25 Total $300 50 December Report Paul Dunn $ 26 00 G Houghlum 10 50 Groves and Go2er 25 50 Joe Donahue 24 00 M Donahue 25 50 8 Andrews 9 00 J Bell 18 00 Wm :Hudson. J 4 50 P P Heia 1 50 Carl Shetterly 8 25 Chester Shetterly 4 50 Dan Herlyhe 1 60 B P Houghlum 3 00 Total $101 75 January Report Paid out of bill for road plank. February report J Bell $11 25 S A Andrews 4 50 Wm Dickensen 9 37 A P Houghlum 3 00 L Honghlum 3 37 Paul Dunn 10 87 G Houghlum I 60 G roves & Goger 8 25 WBell 7 50 U P?'? 7 12 P P Heia 3 37 Ole Mik kelson 7 50 C Ham 1 1 ii 2 25 T. t 1 $79 85 v HDNEsnAY, March 5, 1902. In the matter of report of viewers on Btuvey of Hoone's terry and Aurora road. Read and laid over until tomor row. In the matter of Gotlieb Shmale, a county charge. Warrants ordered drawn In favor of George Mooney. In the matter of the petition of Willamette Falls Company for vacation of certain blocks, lots, alleys and Btreets in the town of Willamette Falls. Grant ed. In the matter of petition of W. II. riottemiller et al, for improvement of New Sweden and Buckner road. De nied. In the matter of compensation of Louis Owlette for improvement of hill on Foster road. Allowed $;0 from road district 14. In t he mutter of reoort of viewers on survey Rorland road. Read and laid over until tomorrow. In the matter of petition of T. II. Sconce et al, for relocation of Sconce road. Denied. In the matter of petition of Eastern Investment Company for assignment of certificates. Granted. In the matter of petition of L. VV. In gram concerning John II. Churchill and Chas. Culow. Ordered that Churchill be dropped from roll of indigent soldiers and Chae. Culow, allowed $3 per month irom March 1st, VMZ. In the matter of petition ef J. II. Sex ton for rebate ol taxes. Allowed $4.10. In the matter If resignation of S. B. Johnson, judge of election for Damascus precinct. Accepted and . R. Johnson appointed to till vacancy. In the matter of petition of Charles S. Bates, et al, for change in Howard's Mill and Canby road. Granted, View erE Charles F. Bates, John Muldjck and Win. Vorpahl. Date of survev, March 21st, 1902. In the matter of WoW Hill, Surveyor directed to survey same and set grade stakes. In the matter of petition of M. Oat field, et al, for improvement of Oat field road. Granted. Work to be paid for out of funds of road district No. 1, In the matter of the petition of B. J. llttlvey , et al, for a county road. Grant ed. Viewers Peter Engle, H. S. C. Phelps and C. T. Howard. Date of sur vey. March 24th, 1902. In the matter of petition of A.J.Moore et al, for a county road. Granted. Viewers W, P. Herman, P. J. Ridings and K. K. Judd. Date of survey March ISth, 1902. Iu the matter of petition of II, Vetch, et, al, for a county Iroad. Granted. Viewers Wm. Boriug, Thomas Bohna Biid Frank Osburn. Date of survey, .March 2."th, 1002, In the matter of the Lawton hill road. am over until March 12th, 1902, I In the matter o( report ot viewers ou urvey of Hoone's Ferry and Aurora r.Md. John aehtman, Ui Keasoner ai d Henry Wolfer appointed to assess . damages to laiulB of G. P. H. S. White, i l i. ...,.,. ..ri, u i,;to u" r u'l.ii,, EXl'KXSK ACCOl'ST. Cornelius Dair.. .M 00 Wm Thompson 4 20 Eugene Milts 4 20 O D F Wilson 2 00 E A Stroup 2 00 Isaac Miller 2 00 Ernest P Rands 8 00 Total $26 40 (Continued next week.) Mullno. Ory Holiday I Holiday ! Let us be gay, And share in the rapture of heaven and earth ; For see what a sunshiny joy they dis play. To welcome the Spring on the day of ber birth. A numler .'of farmers are plowing around Mulino. Mr. Finley is visiting his grandmoth er, who hat been very ill for a long time. She does not improve as was hoped. Mr. and Mrs. F. ErickBon and daugh ter. Mae. were visiting at the home ofll. Perry last Sunday. Mrs. Bnynton and Mrs. Trullinger were visiting Mrs. Daniels last week. Willows Pratt was a visitor in our burg last week. Mrs. HibBon who lias been visiting her mother has returned to her home at Salem. Mr. MurpLy and family and Mr. Er ickson and family were the guests of P. Pendleton last Sundav. Mr. Davis and family and John Erick son and Chan. Daniels were visiting at tue home ot Mr. Wallace Sunday. H. Perry has sold his farm. Good luck go with you. A party waB given at the home of F. Erkkeon last Saturday eve in honor of1 Johnny's 12th birthday. Those present were Misses Mae, Pearl and Elva Erick son, Giista and Beta Bowman, Maude and Maggie Manning, Katie Daniels, Mamie, Lihby, Ella and Vivian Saaar, Belle and Goldie Murphy, Katie Force, Mae Davis, Eva and Agnes Wallace; Messrs. Ernest and Archie Davis, Al bert and Elmer Erickson, Ross Eaton, Joe and Chas. Daniels, Bayne Howard, Frank Manning, Chas. Bowman, Fred Force, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Mr. Pendleton, Mr. Selt zer, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Games were enjoyed and we were then fav ored with a song in German by Mr. Seltzer and one in Swede by Mrs. Er ickson. A nice supper was served and all departed for home at 2 o'clock, wish ing Johnny's birthday came twice a year. Well, Lengthy, it seems to be rather a mystery that they go to the fruit trees and never disturb the fence but that's alright, we can easily find the General. Beaver Creek. We have had quite a spell of weather, as those who are not through plowing Beem to realize. There were quite a number at spelling school last Tuesday evening. It was the last spelling Jmatch for the term . Prizes were given. Marie Hermann and Amos Kirk won the prizes. Miss Holden's school will close next ITrwIuv IVa ara Bnrrv In InQA hoi from 0UI midst but we hope to see her back here again in the fall. Henry Ft then has a "game" hand bnt that was not wh.t the girls were laugh ing at Monday evening. There was a card partv given at the home of Mrs. H. W. Mathis, Monday evenirg in honor of Miss Blanche Hoi den. Those present were Misses Dora Henrici, Blanche Holden, Marie Her mann, Lizzie Weidner, Bella Davis, Sa die Ogden, Madolin Mathis, Will Shan non, Henry Shannon, P. and W. P. O'Connor, Archie McCord, Amos Kirk, J. G. O'Connor, Henry Staben, Frank Davis, Elmer Ogden and Willie Her mann. Now for the basket social Friday night. Don't be afraid to bid on the baskets, boys. 1 hey are all right. Mrs. Smith is visitinir her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P Bohlander. Miss Arta Kirk is on the sick list but we hope to hear of a speedy recovery. George Davis shot a pine squirrel or a bear, we have forgotten which He was not out to the card party. If any one is in need of rubbish to fas ten up their gate ways they should call on Mrs. Mathis. She will be pleased to give them a wagon load. Lady. darken. As no one seems to notice our little town I will wriie a few lines. Miss Alice Ritter has just closed a very successful term of school and has gone to Needy to begin her second term. 11. Kogers has gone to l'ortlami where be will work in a lawinill. Miss Emma Bock of Portland is visit ing her folkB for a few weeks. O. Ritter was a pleasant caller in our burg yesterday. K . Bullard is on the sick list. That's right, boys, practice up for the Hungry Hollow boys are coming up again. Cheer up trank. Some day our school ma'm will come back again. Sport. Highland. The republican primary was held Sat- urdar at Highland hall and named pre cinct otlicers and delegates to the con vention. It was a tame affair and but one or two had anything to oner as to the conduct of the county affairs. On Monday eve a most enjoyable par ty was given at the residence of the Rev. R, R. Punlap in honor of his 79th biithday. He is bale and hearty, as most men of fifty. About thirty of the moBt representative people of Highland were iu attendance. Professor Artie Dunlap is very much In evidence with his singing class and such interest in vocal music has never before been made manifest and Highland is being swayed from stem to stern by the concord of sweet sounds. There seems to be a boom in building here and the demand for lumber is so great that the mill cannot supply it. So far there has been no immigrants out to look at this part of the county. Bad roads are no doubt the cause, other wise we might have added to our pre cinct many desirable families, as there is plenty room. Religiom matters promise to be lively here this season as the Methodists and Baptists are vieing with each other in snatching the burning brands from the tire but as there is but one church build ing and both parties wished .o occupy it on the same date, the clouds of trou ble began to hover over the oiiiei wise serene community, and for awhile it looked as though a few Christian mar- tyrs might l e in order, but the Method ists withdrew for another dale. j And now a literary and flehntin" soci ety is talked i f and those who had their light under a buchel will have a chance to shine and Highland will produce or-1 tors who will make Hale and Mernberg look to their biurets when gold medals are in sigh. Now to cap the climax comes the! Highland laureate with a stanza on a, lovelorn "Don Quixote" whose Dulcinia has been captured bv a bolder knight : No. the Don does not travel the H on back now It'n a tale tbat is sad but true, And the tears that he shed, to try to get wed Would wet a moss back through. How his feet gut the start of his nne- hor'fe cart When he told her that lovine vow, But suffice it to Bay, other "Fellows" are aay Up and down that Hogback now. Miller ami Eastham at Molalla. As the regular correspondent has not sent yon an account of the independent poll i leal meeting at this place on March loth, I will send you a few items, trust, ing that even at this late hour they may be of interest to thoe who are honestly striving for hotter government. Mr. O. ' '. Eastham was the first; speaker. He is a young man of much ability, a good speaker, ud one who has shown the courage of his convic tions by daring to step out and oppose his own party when it has become I lie mere instrument to register the will of the county boss. His remarks were di rect to the point and were well received by the large aud.ence. He did not beat about the bush, but charged ths respon-; sibilite for the bad showing m ide by Clackamas county where it b lons, to the machine system of politics that traf fics in offices for the benefit of the party ; boss, j Colonel Miller then followed in his usual forcible and eloquent style and handled the county boss and spoilsman without gloves. The applause f the audience indicated that his rental ks were appieciated. The many telling points made by both speakers are too numerous to mention, but will doubtless be brought before the voters in every precinct in the county before the close of the campaign. A sensational mess age sent over the telephone by the would-be third term senator was prompt ly checkmated and let him down, yet lower if possible in the estimation of the audience. Molalla will be found loyal to the citi zens movement; the only hope for bet ter things that 'an possibly be realized at the coming election. Right here let me urge and impress upon everyone who feels kindly towards this movement and competent officials, selected by the people instead of one man who makes it his business to traffic in offices, the ne cessity of attending the citizens prima ries on Saturday. April 5th. Come out. Do not forget. This is your tight; do j not leave it for a few to in ike. 1 he way to nown bossism is to begin at the pri maries, and begin now. Come out Geo. Ogle. Molalla, Match 25, 1902. IwUliiht Club. Saturday evening th. Twilight Club gave a dance in Twilight hall. A dainty lunch was served. Tnose present were Mr. and David Martin, Mr. and Mrs. George Lazellp, Mr. and Mis. C. G. Gib son, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, Mr. Mc Cord; Misses Lorena Lazelie, Ethel Mc Cord, Emma Wilehart, Blanche Mci 'ord, jUessrs. Fred Meindl, Marshall Lazelie, Wallace McCord, Eddie Joehnke, Law rence Mautz, Eugene Ogle.Tom Kelland. The Best Fresciptlon for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. 1 rice oOc. A Printer Greatly Surprised. "I never was so mu h surprised in my life, as I was with the results of using Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says Henry T. Crook, pressman of the Aslieville,(N 0.,) Gaxette, "1 contracted a severe case of rhenmatisra early last winter by getting my feet wet. I tried several things for it without benefit. One day while looking over the Gazette, I noticed that Pain Balm was positively guaran teed to cure rheumatism, so bought a bottle of it and and before using two thirds of it my rheumatism had taken its flight and I have not had a rheum it ic pain eiuce," Sold by G. A. llaroing- You Will Grow Old Tast Enough Without allowing your hair to become prematurely gray. Pribr's Hair Food nourish es and strengthens the hair follicles, preventing prema ture grayness and promoting a luxuriant growth of soft and silky hair. the: star of stars Hs bull bfitrtogk In torn table. Turns freely lo the wind. 1M1 bertriiiK thrust In wheel, Insuring light'st running qualities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Gnlvunized after making. 1'ul together wait galvanized bolu, double nutted, no part can rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator: perlect regulation. No spring to change tension wlUi every change of temperature, and grow weaker wit1" ve. Rerxilrs always on hand. These things are wjrth money to you. Then why not by Star. Mitchell, Lewis & Stave: Portland, Oregon. Co Star illF Wind IT Mill Mi t GEORGE BROS. RESTAURANT Newly Furnished and Refitted t flEALS AT ALL HOURS OPEN DAY AND NIOHT PRICES REASONABLE This Restaurant has no Superior in the City I Opposite Electric Hotel Call and See ....The Finest ......AT Jackson's Bicycle Shop YAM! FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING DONE REDFRONT Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore. Tarm Product and Shinghs taken In Exchange Roast Coffee, - from 10c lb. Good Green Coffee, - per lb. 10c Diamond C Soap, - 7 'oars 25c Arm & Hammer Soda, - 6 lbs. 25c Alaska Salmon, - - 4 cans 25c Oysters, - - 3 cans 25c Gold Dust, - perpkgiJ8c Cocoanut, - per lb. 1 8c Good Syrup, - per can 25c RED FRONT COURT HOUSE BLOCK SPRING You Want a Harrow! GET THE BEST The Most Durable and Efficient are made by D. M. OSBORNE & STANDARD OF THE WORLD Later you will want an Osborne MOWER, RAKE, TEDDER or BINDER. . It will cost you nothing to examine the fine complete stock of Andrew Kocher, Canby, Ore. j Courier-Herald and OREGON CITY", OREGON X Wheel in Town All Late Improvements Neatest Wheel in Town Strong and Durable Satisfaction Guaranteed DON'T BUY WitMtlnraiatiiigMyM ICYCLES TRADING CO. OREGON CITY, ORE. HAS COME! Peg Tooth, Spring Tooth, or Disc Marrow T T CO., Pacific Homesteaa $1.75