Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 28, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
SttUjifJ Id Oregon City postofflceas 2nl-clfts mttr
b"u4 Id advance, per year 1 50
lit months 75
rireemrmlliB'trial ... 28
fl"The date opposite yonr addrem on the
&ner donnles the timeto which you have paid
' this notice i 8 marked your subscription ia due.
OREGON CITY, MArlCH. 28, 1902.
That the brilliant victories over the
British of the I rish Boer leailer, Delarey,
are followed by the capture of a village
of 1500 people 30 miles from Cape Town,
does not indicate there is much founda
tion for the peace talk.
The Eugene Board of Trade will print
10,000 copies ot a pamphlet descriptive
of Eugene and Line county. The Ore
gon City B ard of Trade will do no such
thing. All the spare cash of its mem
bers has been paid out in exorbitantly
high taxes.
Senator Mitchell of Oregon voted
for the ship-subsidy bill in the senate,
which, if it passes the hoube,will put un
limited million-) of tlie paople's miney
into the pockets of the wealthy ihip
builders. ft is not enough, to these
greedy cormorants, tint last year the
United States stood second in the world
as a builder of ships, Great Ibitain be
ins flret.
Mr, Chamberlain confessed that even
If he were to die the British Empire
would still go on. An English pape r
printed this comment:
Josephus states to an admiring train
That if he died the empire would remain.
Yes, if you die, it will survive you, Joe-,
Bat if yon live? That's what we want to
Though only a small fraction of the
two and a third millions of tons of sugar
W3 consume is produced in this eouu
try, the minions of the protected suga r
iutere8ts are uncasing; iu their efforts
to prevent congre f- n giving Cuba
the industri-il relief i as's. They can
see no f iriher tl.an i.m limits of their
out of 827,248 in collnsion iun W, H.
Old!, bin land agent. Iiuahey etates
that pages 04 and 05 of the sesbion laws
of 1899 require the governor to sell
school lands to the highest bidder, which
he violated by selling 111,633 .acres at
$2.50 per acre. This occasioned the in
dicated loss of school funds, of which
from $54,000 to $90,000 went into the
pockets of Odell and his tools. The
"Tall Rooster" of Waldo Hills is iudeed
a very much soiled bird.
TnAT Warner Grange on Saturday do
nated $5 to the direct legislation propa
ganda, is only one indication of the in
terest the Patrons of Husbandry take in
the constitutional amendment that the
people of Oregon will vote on in June.
If the other 75 Granges in the state
(with a membership ef nearly 3300) do
tntein proportion, the order will con
tribute a campaign fund that will be a
credit to it. For 10 years the initiative
and referendum have been advocated by
the Grange. It has kept these m'as
nres constantly before thu people. Last
year's State Grange and previous State
Granges have urged them. If all the
farmers of the state saw their value as
fully as the grangers do, in promoting
good, economical government, the
amendment to the constitution would be
carried by a large majority.
To the Citizens of Clackamas County,
In obedience to tne popular will as
voiced in the growing discontent of our
citizetiB at the repeated disregard of of
ficial trustand mindful that civic virtue
underlies all political progress and
national greatness, we, in firm reliance
upon the patriotism and public spirited
ness of our citizens demand better things
for the people of Clackamas county.
We, therefore believe.
That our citizens should not be bur
dened by unnecessary taxation.
That public monies should not be
recklessly expended or used to pay pri
vate political debts.
That tax levies shall not be made that
are prohibitory of needed imigration or
that retard the national growth and
development of the country.
We reconize with alarm the showing
of the secretary of state as to the exces
sive per capita expenditure of Clacka
mas coonty aside from the outlay upon
roads as compared with other counties
of the slate and realize this condition of
affairs is calculated to keep'the (intend
ing settlers and the capital neccessary
to raise our county to its proper rank as
one of the great counties in the common
wealth of Oregon.
Then-fore, sinking partizmship in
that lamer patriotism which appilj to
every citizen who loves his country and
his flag we believe that a higher plane
of political life will come as the result
of our united eff irts in behalf of the
good name of our country and the wel
fare of all of our citizens alik-; to the
end that government, "of the people,
by the people and for the people" shall
not per'.sh from our midst
All citizens of the countv regardless
of partv affi iatinns are requested to
uniie in this effort fur better county
The Enterprise is either blind or wil
fully misrepresents. It accuses the
Courier-Herald of lying in regard to the
rock crusher, when, if it had sense
enough to go to the court house an I lo k
at the commissioners' journal, it would
see that we merely stated facts that are
a part of the county records. The rec
ords show that the county pa'd $3: 20
for hauling rock c-usher to the depot
lor loading and $11. 40 for repairs. We
never said or inferred that the county
paid for railroad transportation. When
the crusher comes back we'll show you
some more expense iu this regard. We
don't blame the borrowers but we do
the board.
That sheet also accuses this paper of
"soft soaping" Commissioner Lewellen
That's new to us. We said that if a
State Tax we should pay 2.54 per cent
Our present rate of expense 6.62 per cent
The County this year paid $95 for making index to tax
roll. Last year it paid $27, and the two years belore $20
each. Why does our " economical " b.jard " economize " out
of pocke t ? See it grow :
W, W, Jesse, Chairman,
O. W. Eastham, Sec,
O. W. Robbons,
George Ogle,
Henry Breithaupt,
E. R. Charman,
Harvey Starkweather,
Charles F Clarke,
Robert A. Miller,
Campaign Committee,
Governor, R. R. Ryan, of Marion
Secretary of State, O. W. Barzee, of
Wasco county.
State Treasurer, W. W. Myers, of
Clackamas ceunty.
Justice of the Supreme Court, C. P.
Rutherford, of Harney countv.
Congressman, B. F. Ramp of Roseburg
8tte Senator Fred J. Meindl, of Ab
ernethy. Representatives Robert Ginther, of
Beaver Creek precinct; A. J. Maville,
of Canemah; Waller F. Pruden, of
County Commissioner George La
zelle, of Canemah.
County Judge Charles E. Spence, of
Sheriff D. M. Klemaon, of Cane
mah. Clerk Gilbert H. Robbins, of Killin.
Recorder of Conveyances Franz
Kraxberger, of Macksburg.
Assessor William Beard, of Maple
Treasurer N. W. Richards, 01 Maple
Coroner Dr. W. F. Pruden, of
Abernnthy, J. S. Mayfield.
Beaver Creek, vVesleyHill.
Canemah, Thomas Lindsay.
Maple Lane, G. F. Gibbs.
Needy, Carl Hilton.
New Era, Joseph Reif.
Macksburg, Ed Morris.
Barlow and Mackburg: Justice, R. R.
Bratton, Barlow J constable, F. M.
M ithews, Macksburg.
New Era and Oanby: Justice, Elmer
Veteto; constable, F. Kelland.
Three Oregon City precincts, Aber
netby, Canemah, Maple Lane and West
Oregon City : Justice, J. W. Grout.
Notice is hareby given that the Citi
zens County Convention fr Clackamas
county will be held in Oregon City, Ore
gon, at 10 o docs a. m., on
APRIL 8th, 1902,
for the purpose of nominating candi
dates for the following county office-s,
to-wit: State Benator, three representa
tive to the state legislature, countv
judge, county commissioner, sheriff,
clerk, recorder, assessor, treasurer, sur
veyor, coroner, justices of the peace and
constables and road supervisors for the
several precincts.
The convention shall consist of 296
delegates, apportioned to the several
precincts as follows: One delegate at
large for each precinct and one for evey
1(3 votes of the whole vote cast in e ich
precinctat the last presidential elec'ion.
All officers shall be put
a flat
Barlow. ....
Beaver Creek
Canyon Creek
Cascades '
Can by 1 '
Clackamas 1:2
, $20.00
. 20.00
. 95-oo
For three years $67.00
For 1 90 1 95 00
pocket books and thu r-ipublicia party
servos them in thoir Rtupid course as a
willing hobby horse, which they will
surely ride to the devil .
Columbia county has numerous !
bridges, some of them quite expensive,
and miles npon miles of corduroy road, !
and notwithstanding the fact that its
population in proportion to area is small, J
the county debt is low. The reason 1
for this fav irable condition is probably
that Columbia's county officials are to j
bucolic to un lor.'t ind the art ot office-'
holding for what there ij iu it. !
Tim release of General Methucn ly
the Boers is regarded in Loudon as on
effort ou tneir pi t to humiliate their
enemies. Among thoughtful, well-in-formod
obnorvers there the Boers are le
garded as contemptuously lenient to
wards their invaders because they feel
perfectly confident oven now of winning,
au i there is no feeling of desperation to
provoke them to imitate the British
treatment of honorable captives.
Tim situation in Cathay is both puz
xling and threatening. Japan and Eng
land are opposed to the permanent occu
pation by Russia of the great, rich Chi
nese province of Manchuria, and Rus
sia is ery loth to let it go. In fact the
Bear wants eveu a bigger mouthful, and
his ally, France, is eager to seize all ol
Southern Chin from hr point of van
tage In Tonquin. The time is no doubt
propitious, if it ever will be, for Russia
aud France to scrap with England.
commissioner with backbone could be
elected he would no doubt show how
expenses of the county could be reduced
and that Lewellen would probably help
That organ of L. L. Fortt-r (senator by
the grace of Marion count) ) also tries to
lay blamo for the extraordinary expense
report of Clackamas county onto the
county clerk, when it knows better.
S aid Porter claims to have had some
thiig to do with the p.isaago of that law
which makes us pay state taxes on our
exponto.-f, but from the to..o of the arti
cle in last week's issue he wasn't pres
ent when it passed the flute senate.
This matter is laid upon the clerk for
the fU'iipUi reason th::' ha h.l.ng to the
opposition party. Tne clerk received
his authority in this matter from the
board and for doing his duty is severely
critic'sed by 0110 member of the board,
Mr. Lewellei. Under the law if ex
penses of the county continue at the
same rate we will pay 0.02 per cent of
state taies when we should pay but 2.64
per cent, over two and ona half times
the uvurago for thu state.
Marqnam 8
Milwaukie 13
Maple Lane 6
Needy 6
New Era 8
Oswego 9
Oregon Cby No. I 17
" " 2.23
Plea-ant Hill 8
Mieyers 4
Soda Springs ... 4
Springwater 5
Tualatin 7
Union 4
Viola 4
West Oregon Oitv.ll
Killin ".. 5
Cherrvville 2
Canemah 8
Damascus 9
Eagle Creek.. . 7
Garfield 5
George 3
Harding 7
Highland 8
Macksburg .... 7
Molalla 12
Milk Creek.... 8 .
The primaries are ht raby called for
S VT-URDAY, APRIL 5, 1902.
at two o'clock p. in., at the usual places
of meeiing for the purpose of electing
delegates from the different precincts to
the county convention. A chairman
and secretary must be elected at each of
the precinct primaries who will see that
the delegates elected have their proper
credentials. All citizens interested in
the welfare of the county are specially
invited to take part iu these primaries.
W. W Jesse, Chairman of
Citizens Campaign Com.
O. W. Kaistiiam,
2. Reduction of passenger and freight
3. We favor precinct assessors, each
precinct to elect their own assessor.
4. We reaffirm th principles of the
national socialist platform,
Chairman, J, W. Grout.
Secretary, Thomas Lindsay.
Treasurer, Charles Moran
Socialist Lecture.".
O. F. Keller will 1 peak on "Socialism"'
at the following places:
Oswego. March 81
Milwaukie April 1
Damascus ''
Holcomb "
Redland "
Beaver Creek "
Clarks "
Highland "
Canyon Creek "
Mulino "
Molalla "
Mr. Keller is one of the most forcible
speakers on the public rosrrum today
and posseses the happv fa ulty of con
vincing without an' ago iizing. Come
and bring the ladies.
J. W. Grout,
Inn Filipinos are not allowod to rend
the Declaration of Independence. In
'Cuba Libre" it's different. The de la
...!.,- nt Havana thus expresses its
iun w-
opinion of General Bell's reconeentrado
policy in the. Philippines : "How scan
ilalized were the Americans aud the
English over all that happened in Cuba,
and particularly over the reemwontra
tionsvstem under Weylerl How hu
mane! how charitable, how sensitive
werethesa Anglo-Saxons I And what
what barbarians, v.unb
L Alios rel roor nypo-
beasts we
II. E, Cross has given Commissioner
Lewellen some hot shots. In an article
he said that the commissioners was not
working eutirely for his health and had
drawn from the county in past year and
a half $4S7 of general fund, $185.75
and of bridge fund aud out of the cun
ning little fund in the treasurer's office
called tl contingent fund.a that he pub
lic never knows anything about and is
kept contrary to law, the sum of $99.20,
was drawn by Mr. Lewellen for personal
services on account of roads and bridges,
making a total of $i?l. !." In regard
to tax dodging Mr. Cross says, "It is
well known be had 13000 on deposit
w ith a bank in Oregon City when he
moved to town and whilo it may be all
right, yet he may be the tax dodger and
and a connty commissioner too."
Notice is hereby given that the Demo
cratic! County Convention of Clackamas
ci ti"tv " ill behold in Oregon City, Ore
gon, at 11 o'clock a. in, on
MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1902,
for the purpose of eluctfrig 13 delegates
to the Democratic State Convention, to
be held iu Portland, Or., on April 10th,
1902. and for the purpose of nominating
the following officers, to-wit: State sen
ator, three representatives to the state
legislature, countv judge, county com
niiBsioner, sheriff, clerk, recorder, as
essor, treasurer, surveyor, coroner, jus
tices of the pea. e, constables ana road
supervisors lor tne several precincts,
and lor such other business as may regu
larly come before the convention.
The primaries are hereby called for
at the usual place of meeting and at the
usual hours, tor the purpo&e of electing
delegates from the different precincts to
the convention.
The apportionment of delegates is as
f illowe :
Abernethy 8 Marquam 6
ftarlow 4 Milwaukie 5
Beavei Creek.. 5 Maple Lane 5
Borings 2 Needy
Canyon Crsek, . 2 New Era
Cascades 3 Oswego
Canby 5 Oregon City No.l
Clackamas 6 Oregon City No.2 9
The Outlook maintains that there is
in present conditions, no demand for
"state socialism which barters individ
ual freedom for supposed physical com
fort," but that the social and economic
aspects are such that reform lies "along
the lines of individual responsibility for
public welfare." It supports its opinion
with these data: Conceding that there
is too great a concentration of wealth in
she hands of the few, yet nohere in the
world, in ancient or modern times, has
wealth and land been so generally dis
tributed among the population as they
are in this country j the natural wealth
now monopolized by the immensely
rich corporations who have fattened on
special privileges, cau become a prolific
source of income to the community by
means of taxation, without state owner
ship; the people are more and more ac
quiring natural monopolies, gradually
bringing railways under legal control
and taxing franchises at a ratio approxi
mating their actual value.
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Seals at All Hours Opon Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE.
j! Don't Hand Out Money
For something that is not the best. When you are
buying remember that t' e best is alwavs cheapest,
and a poor article is dear at any price. If it is grocer
ios the best and safest way is to bring or send your
order to us and then ycu know you are getMng the
best there is. The cheap kind we do not handle; it
doeBn't pay. No matter what prices we ask you can
always depend on the quality.
7ih aud Center Sts. Mllir BrOS.
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY
1 :
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
Opposite Huntley's
pii?st(lass lyLeats of ii Iiids
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Sivc yirrj a Sail apd be Treated ?iglt
eritesl" .
1 -
W 11 BcsheTi of Salem, charges
Governor tteeriuibe Oregoukn with
j.-vtn.. "grafted" tho r-tato school fund
Remember the primaries. The demo
cratic primaries are called for Thursday,
Apil Sid, and the citizens for Saturday,
April 5:h. Attend them.
Cherryville 2 Oregon City No. 3
Canemah i l'leasant Hill..
Damascus .... 5 Sievers 1
laglo Cioek. . . . 5 Suda Springs
Gartield 3 Springwater 4
George 2 Tualatin 3
Harding 4 Union 2
Highland 5 Viola 2
Macksburg .... 4 West Oregon City 7
Molalla 9 Killin 3
Milk Creek 4
Precinct chairmen are requested to
look after the primaries and to see that
all delegates have their proper creden
tials. By order of the democratic county
central committee.
Hubert A. Millkk, Chairman.
A. W. Cheney, Secretary.
I wish to call the attention of the
reading public and especially that of
ministers and church-going people, to an
article in the dally Oregonian of March
11th, second editorial column, Read
this article carefully, then read the so
cialist platform in full. In the article
referred t, Mr. Scott admits there is no
remedy under this system laying par
ticular stress on the profit in the business.
The socialist proposes to eliminate
profit and substitute co-operation, when
this is done in this business as well as
all others, -hat incentive would there
be to violate any laws?
What applies to New York will apply
to every 0 ther town in proportion to in
habitants. Tha average politician will
rise no higher than the average citizen,
we have no fight to make against the in
dividual, but the system, hence we take
no interest in the fight against Mayor
Dimick. Have not the same conditions
existed for the last five years in Oregon
City that do now, as to open gambling?
If so, what is the cause of the open figtt
against Dimick at this time? Who start
ed this fight? Did someone very much
interested in the re-election of Mr. Ryan
start the fight? Has profit anything to
do with it? It sokoks to a man up a
man up a tree.
W. W. Myers
Wanted A setting each of turkey and
goose eggs, Inquire of Courier-Herald
1 1 v . '1
"t xvil
We carry the largest tock of Caskets
Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas
We are the only undertakers in the
county owning a hearse, which we far-
lor less man can na had elsewhere.
expense and do
vVe are under small
not ask large profits.
Oilii prvnptly attends 1 night or day
R. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker
Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court House.
rown & Welch
Proprietors of ttte
Seventh Steet
weai Market
2 iJ
A. O. U. W.
Bread Is the Staff of Life
The better the flour, the better the bread;
The better the bread, the stronger the staff.
. . . Patent Flour . . .
Makes the Whitest, Lightest Bread. It is kept
for sale by all dealers. Demand "Patent" Flour.
Made by.
GOODS osa. :
Oh, yes; oh, yes; come this way f
for the fullest and freshest stock of X
huuuo m iuwn. vve are
just receiving a large lot of the
very best fruits and vegetables in
cans. Try our sliced peaches, our
fancy corn, or om tender melting
peas! Go away, you make my
mouth water. Oh, no; come round
and buy. Prices very low.
I fi fcHoice