Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 21, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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it''' ,
Kotlce i hereby given that Albert Engle and
Clatenoe Engle have been duly ppointed by the
County Qourt of the state of Oregon for the Coun
ty of Clackamas, ailininintrators of the tslnte of
Samuel Engle, deceased. All persons ; holding
claimB against theaaid deoeased or his estate are
beieby notilied to present them, duly verified
with proper vouchers totthe said administrators
at the oillce of Hodges 4 Griffith. E:-q., In Oregon
City Ongon, within six months frcui the publica
tion of this notice,
llBDOES & GBIFFITH, Clahenck Knulb,
Attorneys, ;Adminlxtrator's of the Estate
of Samuel Engle, dece sed.
In the circuit court qf the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Simeon Way, plaintiff, vs. Amy May, de
fendant. To Amy Mny, the above named defendant,
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you. in the above entitled suit and
nurt. liv April It). 11)02. and if you full to answer.
for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply for the
relief prayed for in his complaint filed herein,
namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of mairi
mony txixtinn between plaintiff and defendant
herein and the custody of the minor child named
In plaintiff's complaint,
This summons is published by order of the Hon.
T. A. Meltriile, judge of the attove entitled court,
duly made and Hied Mirch 6, 11)02. The date
of the first publication of ibis summons being
March 1J, 1WW, and the dale of the last publica
tion hereof April 18, lata.
Attorney tor Plaintiff.
By new methods we are able to produce by this sys
tem the most beautiful and durable of all Dental
Work without the Least Pain.
Figure 1 shows a mouth where the four Incisors have
been extracted, and the two cuspids (eye tt'Hh): crowns dc
itioyed to the gum line, show lug the cuspid roots prepared
hi raceive a brioge.
I X-m. IT U ll V
Figure 8 shows the lorn o( two upper teeth, the six yeir
miliar and the first bicuspid The bridge above Is attached
by an opeu fac- gol.t crown over the second bicuspid,
anl a bar v. bicu extends into a cavity of the aeljoiuiug luulur
Figure 9 shows a root with
crown ready to attach. It is
folly t extract a root when
it can lie crowned and made
aa useful an ever.
figure2 rejnesc,
Mfir foe nd'iihtmerit.
In the matter cf the estate of Aaron E. Walt, do
ceased. Kotice is hereby given that pursuant to an or
der of the County Couit of the Slate of Oregon
for Clackamas County, made and entered on the
21th day of February, HnK, I wi 1 from and alter
the 2'.Hli dav of March 1902, proceed to sell at pri
vate sale, the following described real properly of
said estate, and all the right, title and Interest
which the said Aaron E. Wait, doeeascd, had
therein, to wit: Section 36, Township 34 South,
Range 2 East; decllon 10, Township 36 South,
Wn,iie 3 Eiisi: the N. W. V.. and N. W of S. W
Section 16, Tp. 81 H. R. 8 K.l the W. of E. i,
and N. E. of N. E. 14.. and 8. E M of S. E. M of
Section of section lti, Tp. H9 South, ltunge 3 East.
The terms of Bald sale are cash In hand.
Executor Estate of A. E. Walt, Deceased.
First insertion February 28, 1902.
Last "fct IMarth 28, 1J02.
In i he countv court of the state of Oregon, for
the county cf Clackamas.
Citation to helis and parties interested in
In the matter of the estate of Wm. D. Bedford,
To Mrs. Finegan or Flanegan, John Bedford,
T. Bedford, G, P. Bedford, and to all others un
known, and interested in said estate Greeting:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to be and appear In the county
court of tli state of Oregon, for the county of
Clackamas, at the court room thereof, at Oregon
City, in Hie said county of Clackamas, on Mon
dav, the 7th day of April, A. 1). W02, at 10 o'clock
a. "m. of that day, then and there to show cause.
If any you have, why an order should hot be
made by this couri, allowing Asa Hawkins, the
administrator cf said estate, to sell the northeast
quarter of Itctinn 14, township 4 south, range 5
et of the Willamette meridian in Clackamas
county, Oregon, according to the petition on lile
for tlmt purpose..
Witness, the lion. T. F. Ryan, judge of the
couniv court of the state t f Oregon, St
Seal the eriuntv of Clackamas, this 2Sth day
of February, A. 1). l'.ittt.
Attest: E. II. COnrKJi, Clerk.
11. E. CROSS, Attorney for the ICsiale.
PI .'II . .'lit- ihf I'UNC K I 'I' I f Uri.,' ',
-laCv'.i in iMu Jt
jv .... : v
r ' 1 .J
rt tore 4:
bridge 0"U bi
: suit's ...
iVgnre r -I,
lie brldne anchored In position.
in t i y
Figure 10 is a month that has lost all the t Kt 'otj
the two cuspiis and two midars; they are shu,,u iuouico
lor a full upper bridge.
BiuK'heil to a itw ri-mwiiiitirf uuih.ai.i tuoi.
r -4
: , I
ir W, 1 f
Vi it -:.,,.,,,,.,, raw,...: ........ 3
S - - ;':-;', J
ItKure 7 represents a lull set of teeth on a gold plate.
Figure 8 Illustrate! a case li
Vihicl) the lateral incisor has
been li st anil the cemral b cl-ir
onmn desi roved. To this ro 1
a en.wu tins been faste' ed an
a tooth has been s Id-, u-d I.
the crown to tit the int.ei8'ai'
left by the lust tauuai li.eisor.
Old nnc in London.
If London stii't-t tiiimt's nre not al
ways what they sciMii. the nn dips of tho
great parishes nsuitl'.v lire. TnUe Lam
beth, for instance. Thai vast listrit
has retained its mime practically unal
tered since the (lays of Edward the
Confessor, who granted a charter lb
which It Is styled I.ambehith. Some
Illiterate scribe, who helped iu the mal;
Ing of "Domesday," did. indeed, maki
an effort to obliterate its real name b
calling it I.anehei. but his efforts were
fortunately. In vain. William Rufu
In another charter named it Lambeth
since when it has kept its title uusul
In the old days Lambehlth (frou
hithe, a haven) was the great rivpr port
whence agricultural produce was fer
ried across the Thames to the more
populous country opposite. There are
still iniinv "hithes" left us. such as
Queenhitho and Itotherhithe, and, al
thousrli their original functions have
mm- there still remains a shadow to
remind us of I Itt-Ii departed glory.
London Chronicle.
ll slums th" bridge complete, reauj to place Is
s.,o u lu tigure 10.
Figure 12 shows the bridge In place, natural as life.
How to Ilnhe Chop Sue.
For those who like or who think they
would like the I' nious Chinese dish.
chop suey. the to'.lowit'g recipe, which
anv Intelligent hi.usewil'e can follow.
was given by W K. S. ales, fur sever
cl vent's vice consul at Amoy:
"For four persons two chickens liv
ers, two clilcKons gizznrus. one puuim
voting, clean pot k cut Into siimll pieces,
half an ounce of green root ginger ana
two stalks of celery. Saute this In
frying pan over a hot lire, adding four
tablespoonfuls of olive oil, one table-
spoonful of vinegar, half a cupful of
boiling water, one teaspoonful
Worcestershire sauce, half a teaspoon
ful of salt, black and red pepper to
taste and a dash of cloves and china
mou. When nearly done, add a small
can of mushrooms, half a cupful of ei
ther bean sprouts or French green peas
or string beans chopped fine or aspara
gus tips. The see-yu sauce which Is
eaten with this delectable dish can be
procured at any Chinese grocery."
Notice is hereby piven that (he undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator, witu tne
will annexed, of Hie estaie of Greenoerry Itoers,
deceased and any and all persons having claims
agaii.st the said estiito, must present them at the
ollice of D'lten & Sehuibel In Oregon City, Ore
gon, within six inomhs irom the date of this no-
"te' GEORGE ROGERS, Administrator.
U'Ken & HCIIl'KllEI.,
Attornt vs for Administrator.
Dated, Feo. 21st, 1902. I
DR. PICKENS, whose life has been devoted to the study of the Dental Art, makes a specialty, not of robbirip, the mcuth of the teeth
still left for service, but of b-iilding up a full set (painless) from the teeth and rocts which afford sufficienti,basis for crown and bridge work.
lie is prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to the dental profession and guarantee the same for fiveyears.
Send for illustrated book on " Dental Bridge Work of To-Day," It will bcmailed to you free of charge, and will explain so thoroughly
the system that you will urderstand it as well as the dentist.
Dr. L. L. Pickens, Dentist, Barclay Building, Oregon City
.iTiew.tTi. g -T. r?n: . j
Notice iB hereby given that the undersigned
havetileu their final report In the county court
of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, as admin is
trators of the estate of Thomas A. Hutehins, de
ceased, and the court has by order appointed
March 24th l'.KU at 10 o'clock a. m. as a day and
lime for the bearing of objections to such report,
if any there are, aud fertile settlement of said es-
H. E. Cboss,
Attorn for the Estate.
Dated, Feb." 20, 11102.
Good Literature
In the circuit court of the slate of Oregon, for
Clackamas county. ,
Martha McD'eely, plaintiff, vs. George Mel'ecly,
defendant. ... .
To George McFeelv, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the stale of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear aud answer tt.e com
plaint filed against you in the above suit by the
Lth d ,y of April, 11)02, following six consecutive
weeks' publication of this noiioe. and If you lall
to so nnprar and answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take a d, cree against yon as prayed
for in .he c-nipiaint, to-wlt: lt, a decree dissolv
ing the boiids ol mairlmnny exisiing be ween
plaintiff and defendant; 2d, that plaintiff have al
!,.., ,.,,.1 ai.lnirH.-nlellts ill tins suit: tlmt
plaintiff piavs such other and further relief as the
matter of tlTis cime may require and as to the court
inav seem just and equitable.
This summon l served by publication by vir
tue of an order made bv the Hon. T. .McHrldo,
judged the above-entitled court, made and en
tered on the 201b day February. WO-i. said or.
dcr providing that publication be n"17'e,n-,!
Courier-Ilerrld. and that the first publication be
made oh the 2ih day of February, !'!;:,.
Attoruej for Piaintllt.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,,
administrator of the estate of Polly Quinn, de
ceased, has filed bis Anal in the county court of
the slate of Oregou for Clackamas county report
as administrator of said eslate and the court has
fixed May 5th, 11)02, at the hour of 10 o cock a.
m ,of said day as the time for settling said eslate.
Anv person having any objection tliereto are here
by Wnitied lo appear at s,.id time and place and
such objection .ill be """RT.
Administrator of Said tstate.
G( rix it K. Hapfs,
Attorney for Estate.
Tatcd. March 20, ltKM.
Tlie Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for ita
advertising matter. Its
i I -- -vo4- PmP'h'ptH folders, booklets, etc., are
Jlr J imOal tastefully gotten Hp end are valuable for
what thev contain. Here is a nartiai liet
TkT 4-1 Z rr of what MR. CHAS. S. FEE, eneral Passenger
ilOllilllfil Agent, St. Paul, Ninn., will Send out, carefully
f mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi
nation can be made, and money or express ordera, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland iooi v
An annual publication, beautifully illustrated in color and
half tone. This number treats particularly of the history of Send
the Northern Pacific's Trademark, the ci-ter Batik-fluid iu Six Cents
Montana, and the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and daintv publication containing a complete history
' of the Northern Pacific. Trademark. The artistio covers of lnd
the Wonderland, l'JOl are used in miniature. Four Cents
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A hook of nressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park,
showing the real (lowers in thbir natural colors. A dainty
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of floners and six
full pige illustrations or Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book In strong, flexible Ojvers, good paper,
plain tvpe, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium and
descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland.
Climbing Mount Rainier
An Illustrated pockot-slze book, 72 pages. In strong, flexible
covers, printed on hcavv paper, descriptive of an aicent of
i the hishest peak in the United States outside of Alaska of a
glacial nature.
"!s 1
F.fty Cents
Unjust to the County Clerk.
(Continued from page 4,)
of accounts, it is part of Mr. Lewellin's
business, as commissioner to have it rec
tified. After giving his official signature
for their being correct, he must bear hie-
share of the oume it anything is not as
it ought to be. Thia method of doing
the county business, was not initiated
by the present commissioners, nor yet
durine Mr. Dixon's term, who preceded
Mr. Cooper, but away back when every
official was a republican, and I believe
it waa inaugurated for ihe purpose of
evading the law limiting the county in
debtedness. But now that it ia found to
be doing a serious injury to this county,
let us admit the mistake and look for a
remedy. Mr. Cross may be partly riitht
with regard to his charge ol t..e nmcliin
ery having too many wheels. It is sel
dom that boss legislation such as wai
used against Judge Ryan, can beofuse
to the people, out often, aa in this case,
has a contrary eflect.
Reieppctfully yours.
Gko. E." Harghkaves
Thursday, March 20.
Socialist The socialist state con
Slate vontion in Portland yea
Convention, terday, nominated the
following ticket:
Governor, R. It. Ryan, of Marion
Secretary of State, 0. W. Barzee, ol
Wasco county.
Ktate Treasurer, W. W. Myeri, of
Clackamas county.
Justice of the Supreme Court, C. P
Rutherford, of Harney county. The
other candidates for state olhceis will h
named by the state central commitiee
U. T. Geides, of Clatsop county, wa
nominated for congressman from tin
eeeoiiU distrfct.
$975.00 Locomobile Given JJway
With ever v $octs. invented with A. N. Wright, the Iowa
Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you get
a ticket on the 975.00 Locomobile to be given
' ..to Some Lucky Oik
Strikes a Rich Find. !
1 I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debil
ity," writes K. Green, of Lancanter, N.
11., "No remedy helped me until I be
gan using E'eciric Bitters, which did
me more good than all the medicines I
ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health lor yearn. 8he
saya Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles: that they are a
grand tonic and invigorator for weak,
run down women. No other medicine
can take its place in cur family," Try
them. Only 5 c. Satisfaction guaran
teed by Geo. A. Harding'
The Independent or anti-Simon fac
tion dominated the Multnomah count)
republican county convention yesterday
Henry E. McGinn wat nominated fo
state senator Samuel M. Hayden
a prominent Salem lawyer is dead.
EW goods now every day
Quality always the best.
New and fresh
Prices correct.
from the factory
3. n. wmw,
Wabash Niagara Falls Short Line
Notice is hirer given that Hie undersigned
has been ai pointed oy the county court of the
Suite ot Oreeon, for county of Clackamas, admin
istrator of the estate of Market Jane Baumaun,
deceased. All persons bvinis claims against
said estate are hereby required to present them,
properlv verified, to the unders Bned at the office
St his a'ltorncvs. Hedges & Griffith, In Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from the date ol
the first publication of this notice.
Administrator of the Estate of
Msrgsret Jane Baumann, Deceased.
Hedges & Gbifiith,
Attornevs for Administrator.
First Publicstion March 21, 1'JiK.
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine In a tasteleBB form. o
core no pay. Price 60c.
4 Through Trains Daily fiom Chicago )jn DIICCAI 0
l Thrnnnh Trains Daily from St. Louis tlU UUl I nLU
4 Trains Daily frcm Kansas City And Points Beyond.
T-ir ttt-mi H-T-7-rVTHT' Reclining Chair Cars (fre' r-miman l'aiace bieepers
CVJUlr iVlON 1 Dining and Cafe Cars on all tia.ns. Polite trail
men Perfect roadbed, shortest bed and quickest time. Tourist cars Monde;
and Thursdays; 29 hours Chicago to Boston. .
C. c. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
ROS& L. CLINE, P. C. P. A.. Los Angeles.
35 Do 25.J
Al fl SruC tna.
Foley's Honey and Tar
Cures coughs and colds.
Cures bronchitis and asthma.
Cores croup and whooping cough.
Cures hoarseness and bronchial troubles
Ptirea Dneumonia and la grippe.
Cbarman & Co.
We refund ioc. for every ,jack
DYE that fails to give satisfaction.
Monroe Drug Co., Unionville, Mo.
Sold by C. G. Huntley.
A Severe Cold for Three Months.
The following letter from A. J. Nns-
hauin, cf lialenville, Ind., tells it own
story. "I sull'ured for three months
with a severe cold. A drungist prepared
me some medicine, and a physician pre
scribed for me, yet 1 did not improve.
I then tried Foley's Honev and Tar. and
eight doves cured me." Refuse suhsli-
lutes. Charman&Co.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Cler of Clackamas Coucty, Oregon, will
receive sealed Mils lor the construction
of a bridge near T. L. Turner's place at
Tualatin ; said bids to he opened April
4th, 1002, at 2 o'clock p. m. Plans and
rjneci(ications for said bridge are now on
file at my office. '
The board of commipsioner" reserves
the righ to reject any and all bids.
Dated Mar. 17th, 1902. County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon,
will receive sealed bids for two miles of
plank road. Plank to be of sound, old
timber and 16 feet by 3x8 to 12 inches
and to be delivered on the Moehnke
Road, District 18, ready for laying by
July 1st. 1902. Bids will be opened
April 2nd, 1902, at 1 o'clock p- m. The
Board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dite 1 M r. 17th, l3Ji. 0 i nty Clerk .
Brain Food Nonsonse.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded liv the most competent authori
ties. They have dispelled the silly no
lion that jne kind of food U needed foi
bones. A correct diet will not only
nourish a particular part of the body,
but it will sustain every other part. Yet
however o 1 your food may bo, ita nu
triment is destroyed by indigestion or
dyspupMu. You must prepare for then
appearance or prevent their coming by
taking regular dopes of Green's August
Flow er, I lie favorite medicine of the
healthy millions. A few doses aids di
gestion, stimulates the liver to healHiv
action, purilien the bltod, and makes
you feel buoyant and vigorous. You
can got Dr J. G Ureen'u reliable reme
dies at (jeorge A. Harding s drugstore.
itjW Wind
11? I'ri'ttaretl.
Daniel Webster once told a friend
tlmt his grent speech In reply to
lliiyiii'. which Is the high witter umrlt
of mod. i'ti eloquence, but which nt the
time was supposed to have been deliv
ered without preparation, had been
suhsttintitill.v prepared long before.
When culled upon suddenly to reply to
the fiery Cnnilin ;::i's uttm-Us, which
alarmed the New Enghiiulers nf the
capital, he wtis entirely nt ease mid
ready for the fnt.v. for, ns he said, In
hud '"(inly to turn to his notes tucked
a way In n pigeonhole." , and refresh his
reeoihrtiou. "If Iliiyne." he said, "had
tried to make a speech to tit my notes,
he could not have hit them better. No
ninn Is Inspired by the occasion. 1
never was."
Left find IUkIii Limits.
riiyslolo;;lsis mill scientists In gen
eral have been making some curious
experiments with u view to determine
the relative length and strength of
"right and left limbs." Fifty and nine
teenths per cent of the men examined
had the right iirtn utronger than the
left. 10.4 per cent had the two arms
of equal lcti;:th and strength, and !52.7
per cent had the left arm strohger
than the rU:lit. Of women, 40.9 per
cent had the rhiht arm stronger thaii'
the left, aud 2l.."i per cent hnd the left,
stronger than the rlght.-Loudon Fam
ily Doctor.
Where SiiiiiUliitf Is a Crime,
There Is one country In the world
where It Is considered a crime to
smoke. Abyssinia Is tin n glon, and
the law forbhV'ing tobacco dates from
the year 1G42. It was at llrst merely
Intended to prevent priests from smok
ing in the churches, but It was taken
too literally, find nowadays even for
eigners have to be careful not to )e
sccn smoking.
Antiquity of IMaylng Cnrdn.
The gnme of cards was first played
In the east and seems to have had a
military origin. Cards were Introduced
from Asia Into Europe nt the time of
the crusades and were first used by
necromancers to foretell fortunes. Thry
soon became a popular amusement In
he south of Europe, where the Kara
ecus and M-mrs lai'ght the people how
to use them, and card playing spread
to nil parts of tin continent. The slatt
records of ( l. iniHii.v mention the fad
that Rudolph I.. In l-7". was fond irt
the game anil played with Ills court
After the invention of paper the mail
ufactttre of cards lieninie extensive.
but declined si inew lini when curd play
ing was foi hi.:. '.i ll liv several .of the
Oerman slates anil I y the English gov
ernment on ii'vnuil nf l lie supposed
Immoral ten Inn y lief ore the era of
Miner curds in the oileiit were made
of Ivory, papyrus and canvas, less fre-
rjuently of the precious mi-lulu anil
quite coniinonl.v of wnuil
Hm r-'ll tieiriOKk In tnrtt Utile. Turn freely to
Ihe wind. Hull kearluii thrum in whiwl, iimurlnic
liKheat ninnhiK qimlill". and rcnurviiiK greiiiett
amount of power for pumping. Unlvftiiizcd after
making. I'ut together with galvanized bolt",
double nutted, no part can rtmt or get lixwe and
rattle. Weight regulator; perlect legulutlon. No
pring to change taniion with f ve,-y change of
temperature, and grow weaker wlfi "gn. Beiialra
always on nann. iiiepe uiiiigi are wortu monej
1 lieu wnjr tun buy a star.
to you.
Mitchell, Lewis & Stavev
Portland, Oregon.
For ii ery iO'U llffinn.
"I told In in I wn'ilil make lihn eat hlr
words." declared Mr I'.eecliwood hot ly
speaking of a quarrel lie had had wilt
Mr. Hrushton. "He has been telling
things about me that are rank un
"How foolishly men talk to one on
Other!" coinaieuted Mrs llet eliwoofl
"What do you meanV" demanded her
husband. "Do you Intend to Insinuate
that mou talk lo each other uiute tool
Ishly than women chattel ?"
"Of course I do." the lady weut on
lmpit'tuil.ahly. "Now, women never
try to mul.e each other ent their words,
no matter bow angry they may be."
"Certainly not," retorted Mr. Beecb
wood, "and for a very good reason too."
ason7" she demanded
thc'.r (Vr.'r.'.ve n