Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 21, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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that throbs, pains and
aches, or feels heavy, stuf
fy, dull or di2zy, is a poor
head to do business with.
It irritates the temper, up
sets the stomach, interferes
with digestion and wears
out the brain and nerves..
Make the nerves strong,
the brain clear and your
head will be right.
"My head wo:ild bepin to swim and
I would grow dizzv and so weak and
numb that I would fall to the Boor.
Since usinij Dr. Miles' Nervine I can
work 16 hours a clay ; ml feel good. I
believe it saved mv life and cannot
recommend it too htphlv."
V. G. White, McGregor, Texas.
quiets the irritation, stimu
lates digestion and builds
up nervous health and
strength. Try a bottle.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
For Over Sixty 3 earn
Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup hae
been used for over Bixty years by milliont
of uiothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. - Is
pleafant to the taste, Sold by Druggists
m every part of the World. Twenty-,
five cents a bottle. Its value is incalcu
lable Besure and ask for Mrs. Wing
id w'sSoothing Syrup, and take ho other
Raw or li.t) metl Lungs :
"Yield rn'ioy to i - wonderful ama
tive and lie hi n quiiliiits of Foley's
Honey aim Tar. It prevents pneumouia
and cont-u rnpt ion from a hard cold set
tled on I lie lungs. Charoian & Co.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There U only one wny to cure Deafness,
and that in by constitutional remedies.
Deutiibon is caused by an inflnrrnd con
dition of l lie mucous lining of the Eusta
chian Tube. When this tube gc ta in
flamed uu have a rumbling sound or im
perfect bearing, and when it is entirely
clonal Dt'iitness is the result, and unless
the iiifluuiuialion can be taken out and
this tube lentnred to its normal condi
tion, hearing will lie ilesliojed forever;
nine cases out of ten an caused by ca- i
tarrli, vwiii li is nothing but an lutlumed
condition of the nnicoiiB surfacei).
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, flee.
F. J. Chunky & Co.
Toledo, 0.
flfSolil by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Women and Jewells),
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that great
est cf all jewels, health, is often ruined
in the sireuuons ell'orts to make or, save
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will risk lier life to get a coveted
gem, then let her fori ify herself against
the ii.siiliioua consequences of coughs,
colds and bronchial affections by the
regular line of Dr. Bosehee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest coo
&utiii!ior? in its early stages and heal the
jallei u d iiiegs and bronchial tubes and
liiui the dread disease from the system.
It is net a euro-all, but it is a certain
cure lor coughs, colds and all bronchial
trou'.'ivs You can got Dr. G. U. Gr en's
reliable remedies ut Georgo A. ll.ud
ing's. Get Green'B Sjiecial Almanac.
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tabled.
All druggists refund the money tf it fail
toeurer K. W. Grove's signature in od
each tioic. 2'c.
srors tub corim ani wouksofk
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cure no pay
Price 25 cents.
The Children's Friend.
There is no use trying to persuade
American mothers that a substitute ex
ists for Perry Davis' Painkiller. They
know how it relieves the troubles of
childhood, from sprained arms and legs
to stomachache. Other preparations
may do good, Painkiller is certain to.
A big dilt'erence, and one that lias been
recotini.ed for sixty years. There is but
cue Painkiller, Peiry Devi".'
You Could Look
intothr futurenml are thecondltlon
to which vour comili, if ncRlected.
will lrlw? von, yon would seek relief t
cuce and tiiut naturally would be through
. CuarniitMil to cure Con.
1 1 1 lr gumption. Bronchitis,
VMI Asthma, and all lung
Trouble, Cures Coughs niul Colds in a day,
SZ tvuts. Vrlte to S. C. Wklls & Co,
le Key, N. Y for free trial buttle.
KH Clover Root Tea purifies the Blood
Staple Lane.
One of the pleasantest features of the
season was a enrprise paity given at the
Nhortledge home, of tfiis place, last
Thursday. About twenty-five of the
; young people came in at 8 o'clock and af
, ter spending an hour in social conversa
tion, the fiddler arrived and the hours
! sped swiftly by while tripping the light
fantastic until midnight, when a lunch -:
eon was served in the dining room. All
! departed for home feeling that they had
1 spent one of the, most enjoyable even
1 inga of their lives. Those present were
I Mr. and Mrs. tfhortledge, Misses Mary
i and Sara Davids, Annie Mautz, Edith,
Jessie and Let ha Jackson, Pearl Emert,
Grace Keyn lds, Rhpda Newnirk, An
nie Shortlechre, Mrs. Gaffney ; Messrs
Thog. and Lewis Davies, Lawrence and
Albert Mautz, Rob Reynolds, Jim and
Ross Emert, Thos. Gi'obs, All Fair
cloug'i Geo. Priester, Geo. and I. Short
lidge, Frank. Lambert and B. Beach.
Mine Rhoda Mewkirk of Carlton, Or.,
was the guest of her old schoolmate,
Mrs. KUo Gibbs Gaffney.
A new bachelor is in town. Put on
your best smiles, girls, for he is looking
for a co ik
Beni , Heard left last Friday for
Grant s Puss where he will accept a po
sition in a box factory.
Mr. Jackson is building a new side
walk iu front ot his residence here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Gaffney
dined with Mrs. Joe Mjers Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were visiting at
Mrs Joe Myers Sunday.
Pany Blossom.
Elder Moor's son is working for Mr.
Miss Lena Kay is here visiting friends.
Miss Orla Boylesis at Molalla visiting.
L. B. Trulltnger and brother in-law
are slashing at Wadam's place.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Winiilield made Mr.
and Mrs. Harlessa pleasantcall Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wioglield made a flying
trip to town thia week.
L. 15. Trullinger's relatives act visiiing
him.;. ,
Eastern Oregon,
M jlalla, Mar. 18, 1902.
To tub Editor :
Having had the pleasure of passing
through Wasco and Crook counties of
Eastern Oregon, I will give a short
sketch of that section which may be of
interest to the readers of your paper.
The climate of Wasco is much dryer
than that of Clackamas. While the
roads of Wasco weie dusty, the busy
farmer seeding the fall-sown grain, wav
ing knee high, the traveller can hardly
believe that tie has only passed into an
adjoining county. Eastern Oregon, as a
grain producing section far exceeds that
of the Willamette valley. The farms
being large, the soil productive, the
yield large, the dry season in which to
harvest affords great advantages. While
the Willamette valley admits of diver
sified farming, fine improved farms, at
tractive buildings and excellent fruit
products. Passing on through Tygh Val
ley and Juniper Flat the traveller ob
serves a very productive locality, being
located near the mountains w here water
and timber are plentiful. PartieH desir
ing to operate sawmills would find ex
cellent opportunities for mills and ex
tensive dmiiaod for lumber in this local
ity The Warm Indian Innervation af
fords extensive urazing to the many
herds d -tock that feed across Its moiin
t iins an i prairies. Whilo the Red Man
l.izily roams about and feasts his de
sires from the ever-graeii us hand of our
generous Uncle Sam, his children at the
Agency, are provided with all the luxu
ries of life. Ten mouths school in a year,
fchoes, clothing, electric lights to guide
through the shaded hours of night.
The school has an attendance of about
150 pupils, while the whole population
numbers about 900.
Here we cross the Deschutes river into
Crook county, 80 tubes distant to The
Dulles, after which we rise 1100 feet,
very nearly perpendicular, to a broad
plain comprising about three townships.
Since January, 1902, this tract of land
being situated in townships 9, 10 and 11
south, and 13 east, has been thrown
open for settlement. The plain is
known as the Agency Plain, being per
fectly level with soil of a sandy nature,
which extends to a depth f Irom 16to
20 inches, with an abundance of bunch
grass and in localities numerous sage
Countless lumbers of s'.ieep and
horses graze the year round on this
plain. Reputable parties say theieis
no que stion but what the soil is of a su
perior quality and possesses sufficient
moisture to bo very productive and free
from foul vegetation. With the Des
chutes river on the west, on the east the
Columbia, the Southern railroad have
lately surveyed a proposed extension of
their road and have gone as far as to
place the trade stakes across the east
portion of this plain from which the
road will run to Prineville, thence on to
California. As to lumber, wood and
water there are sufficient quantities in
the near distance of from 5 to 10 miles.
There has been already estimated that
150 claims have been taken of 100 acres
each. To those who have not used there
homestead right is open an opportunity
that is fast passing away, lhe U.S
land law hae no requirements but what
cau easily be complied with and the en'
try fees are but $16 per 100 acres. The
Three Sisters, Mts. Jefferson, Hood, St.
Helens and Grizzley Butte stand as lone
ly sentinels while the coyote chases the
jack rabbit.
Caius W. Herman.
School opened at Garfield March 17,
with Miss Annie Hicinbothem as teach
er. Annie has taught two terms here
te (ore and gave good satisfaction. She
always rir s the school, and the pupils
know what to depend on.
Last Thursday and Friday were very
bad days. The snow was seven inche;
deep at Miller Bros.' sawmill, five miles
east of here, while it was nearly two
inches deep here.
We hnvo a good Sunday school at Gsr
field nilh Mrs V II Holder as superin
tendent, who has had charge for between
two and three years. The fact is, we
could hardly do without Mrs Holder,
in our commuuity.
Garfield is really a model neighbor
hoixl, and wo hope to see it build up.
althoug we will have to drop some of
our old fogy notions, and be willing to
let our neighbors have an equal chance
with w. For instance, some have fair
loads aloni? bv their farms, while others
have no road at all, only on about from
'25 to 50 per cent pitch and those folks
object to letting them have a road out
after tbey have built it, and it has not
touched their premises, and the owners
of the land, which it was built through
did not object. The only objection is,
that there are more roads now than can
be worked. Is that a fair conclusion?
Friend would you like to be shut in from
the outside world? Let ua all work in
unison for the advancement of our
neighborhood.and it will retain its name
as a model neighborhood.
Miller Bros had to refuse a bill for 40,
000 feet of lumber the other day for the
construction of the electric light plant
that is to go up this summer at the falls
of the Clackamas river, miles from
Garfield postoffice. Now let us all get
in and build a road down, there, as we
will have to have it any way. It would
oe an imposition on them to have to
build a toad tor the entire neighborhood
and no one should objet to helping, as
the Miller B -os have built 10 or 12 miles
of county road in this precinct.
A girl baby was born to the wife of
John Davis. John say it is a very fine
girl, Dut the boys seem to think the two
who are about 18 and 20 vears are much
finer girls. Mrs Davis and the babe are
doing well.
Miller Bros had a horse break its leg
by another horse kicking it. It will
cost about $150 to replace it.
R. Snodgrass and family are sick with
la grippe.
R. P. Cooper and family and Miss Lil
lie Ramsby visited Mr. Noyer and fam
ily Sunday.
A. L. Larkins and D. H. Looney are
running logs down Milk Creek.
Mrs. Hendershot is the possessor of a
new washing machine
School began Monday last Miss Ev
ans as teacher.
A very pleasant party was given at
the home of H Rastall March 9, iu hon
or of the birthdays of Mrs Rastall and
Fred Schafer. A fine dinner was served
to the guests. Those present were Mr
Standinger, wife and daughter, B rney
Leichtweis, wife and daughter, Bessie,
Fred Schafer, wife and son, Guv, Char
lie Harris, James Rastall, Maud' Rastall,
Harry Rastall aud wife.
Mr. Hendershot was in town Monday.
Charles Holman was out to his farm
Mrs L H Looney was in town 8 few
days ago and had some teeth extracted.
Mrs J W Standinger and Edna visited
Mrs T R Orem Monday.
MrsC"oper and Lillie Ramsby vis
ited friends across the river Mondav.
' Topsy.
i Mountain Road.
Q. Volff and wife were the guests of
Mr. Liesman and Wife Sunday.
Louis Koellermeier went to Oregon
City on Monday .
John Rienke went Wllsonyille Tues
day. .
Miss Lizzie Baker and Mr. Hoffman
were married at the home ..I the biide's
mother, Mrs. Baker, Tuesday morning.
The newly married couple left for their
future home at Marmot.
George Volff was hauling potatoes to
the warehouse Tuesday.
frank Kieser wes a visitor at the
school Tuesday, and he also visited Niels
John Denier was hauling suuis
through our Ktrp's on Wednesday.
Mrs. Koel,eineier visited Mrs. Baker
on Monday
We are having line weather at pres
ent, and the song of the frog is heard in
endless melody.
A man who will sell the butter on of
his children's bread, is not worthy of a
laboring man's support, so give us good
men on the citizens ticket.
There will be a grand oyster supper
n our burg Saturday night, March 22.
Ice cream will also be served.
Miss Eda Hubert, of Marquitm, is vis
iting her aunt, Mrs J Daly.
C Datum visited Al Kabourek Sunday.
Mary Scheer, who has been working
in Oregon City, has returned home.
where she will spend the summer. We
always welcome the good looks of the
fair sex in our midst. .
Another family immigrants have ar
rived from North Dakota, and expect
to buy a farm in this vicinity,
Messrs Lubnen and Murdock have
each purchased a crea n separator.
.1rs Laura Belle Scramlia visited Mrs
A H Reynolds Tuesday.
F U Klingler is on the sick list.
Several horses are reported to have
lung fever.
Harry Tuckor. of mker Citv, is visit-
iting his uncle, J H Daly, aud his
brother, Phil Tucker, of this place.
The Maccabee lare preparing for a
grand picnic in this place June 11.
(Continued next week.)
Etui the M Kind You Have Always Bought
Frog Fowl.
Road Supervisor Aden Jhas a force of
men working on the mountain road this
Turner Bros have completed their
wood cutting for this year.
Born, to the wife of Mr Brayton, the
8th, a son.
County commissioners bave ordeied a
new bridge to be built across the Wax
End canyon between James and Albert
Tom Herren has quit working in the
W C Store ond commenced the cream
ery bufinejS F E Barnes made a
trip to Portland Tuesday with a load of
potatoes John Mayes has movsd
onto Kd linker s (arm at Pleasant Hill.
Miss Lorena Kruse is spending a
few weeks with her cousins in Portland.
Tualatin Grange No 11, will give
the third and fourth degrees to 18 new
members Saturday. A dance will be
given in the evening.
Chunky Fellow.
Farmers have been hindered with
their crop sowing F Davidson and
James Mart are cutting logs for Russell
Bros' mill on the north fork of Molalla.
E P Carter was in our country doing a
good deal of talking on llnancial busi
ness. Johnnie Morris was here also.
(Contiuued next wee)
lTiij signature is on every box of tho genuln
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet
he remedy that cures n cold In nn duj
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It Is the great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommendedforeverythingbut if you havekid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, in hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
nffp.i in this rarfv anH tCsK!
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing-
hamton, N Y. The
regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-noot.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
1 now have money on had to pay Co.
warrants endorsed prior to Feb 6'h, 1899,
and also road warrants endorsed prior to
July 1st, 1901.
Intere-t whI cease on the wanants on
this call on the date hereof.
A. Lvellino, Treasurer,
, Clackamas Co., Oregon.
Oregon City, Match 14th, 1902.
You will never wish to take another
dose of pills il vou once try Chamber
lain s Stomach & Liver tablets. They
are eaoier to tske and more pleasant in
effect. They cleanse the stomach and
regulate the liver and bowjsls. For sale
by G. A. Harding.
Mountain Vkw
(Condensed on account of space )
The sun is shining again i fter heavy
showers..... J Gillett btiit a new
picker lence on J neckart s property
this week Mrs Friedrich's father
of Cams, is visiting with her this week.
...... Ferd Curran has quit work at the
Willamette Pulp Jfill and lias gone back
to the woolen mill .... Frank Kverhart
spent a few davs last week with relatives
and friends at Molalhi. Messrs Hall
and Curran moved their chicken house
th's week and made other improve
ment; President 8 Francis aud
Foreman J W Cunin attended No. 3
bai quet Mrt Heckait left for Se
attle Tuesday. Salina.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold
But never follow the u-e of Foley's
Honey and Tar. U slops the cough,
heals and strengthens the lungs and af
fords perfect security from an attack of
pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. Char
man & Co.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
Signature of $Lajffi&&&cM
Chronic Diarrhoea.
Mr. C. B. Wingfleld, of Fair Play,
Mo., who suffered from chronic dysen
tery for thirty-five years, says Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and linrrhoea
Remedy did him more eood than sny
other medicine he had ever u.-ed. For
sale by u. A. Haruuig.
Wine of Cardul is the guardian
of a woman's health and, happi
ness from youth to old age. It
helps her safoly into womanhood.
It sustains her during the trials
ol pregnancj, childbirth and
motherhood, making labor easy
and preventing flooding and mis
carriage. It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
known as the change of life.
cures leucorrhoea, falling of the
wonih, and menstrual irregularity
In every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman's
life. It reinforces the nervous
system, nets directly on the geni
tal organs and is the finest tonio
for women known. Ark your
druggist for a $1.00 bottle of
AVino of Cardul.
Batesville, Ala., July It, 1900.
I am Tisint? Wine of Canlui aud Thed
ford's Klack-Draupht and I feel like a
different woman already. Several la
dies here keep the medicines in tleir
homes all the time. I have three girls
and they are using it with me.
For MlYirp and literature, RtMrcsn, rMti
rynu'toim, " llie Ladies AtWisory Peittri
niMtt' The Chsitaiiooga JleUcuw Company,
I V. T -
Newly Furnished and Refitted
This Restaurant has
Opposite Electric Hotel
03,1 Finest Wheel in Town
Jackson's Bicycls Shop
Court House Block, Oregon City, Ore,
Turm Produce and Sbingks
taken in Gxcbange
Roast Coffee, ' - from 1 0c lb.
Good Green Coffee, - per lb. 10c
Diamond C Soap, - 7 bars 25c
Arm & Hammer Soda, - I hs. 25c
Alaska Salmon, - - 4 cans 25c
Oysters, - - 3 cans 25c
Gold Dust, - per pkg. 1 8c
Cocoanut, - - per lb. J 8c
Good Syrup, - per can 25c
I l (
You Want a Harrow!
I Peg Tooth,
I Spring Tooth, or
Disc Harrow
The Most Durable and Efficient are made by
Later you will want an Osborne MOWER, RAKE,
It will cost you nothing to examine
the fine complete stock of
Andrew Kocher, Canby, Ore.
Ccuricr-Hcrald and Pacific Homestead $L75
no Superior in the City
All Late Improvements
Neatest Wheel in Town
Strong and Durable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Hlrft Kin
9 g