Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 21, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Mark's Prairie.
Today is a glorious spring day, the
second "one we have had bo far.
Mrs. Bahari is home frotn the hospital
feeling greatly improved.
The new church at Hopewell was ded
icated today and named New Menonite
Hopewell church.
Misses Zillan and Grace Thompson
were out inviting several of our young
men to a purprise parry to be given at
r.heir home next Tuesday eyening, Mar.
18th. , ,
We learn Hhat Charley Owinga of El
liott's Prairie is not. any better.
Tlie birthday party at Mr. Polk Grib
bles' whs a grand success. A large at
tendance and a good time was enjoyed.
A sumptuous lunch was served and fine
music wa furnished by the Oglesby
brothers. G. Oglesby and 8. Kinzer
were floor managers. About seventy
five friends congratulated Mr. Gribble.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Freeman of Bar
low, were callers at our burg Sunday.
M'ss Hanna Peters has been under
medical treatment iu Portland for the
oast two weeks.
Theo. Cam pay was calling on his ladv
friends Sunday . Looks a little suspi
cious, Theodore 1
Epli Games has a new buggy horse
and is now buggy riding every Sunday.
Get ready, girls, as Kh means business.
In your last week's paper you men
tioned a well-known republican, of El
liott's Prairie, being a candidate lor rp
resentaiive. Can he be elected? Yes,
when the ladies vote ami men have not
the right to protect their homes. Then
we think tie might be. Your corres
pondent has higher regiidsfor virtue
than to think the republican party will
ever tender the gentlemen referred to
any nomination for otlice.
The Good bridge bill is in a very disa
greeable condition. The hill this side
of the bridge is in a worse condition than
before it was cut down. There are
about 99 loads pulled down the latter
hill to one pulled up, so if the money
it cost to cut the hill down and regravel
it would have been put in gravel on level
road it would have done more good to
the common farmer.
J. W. Smith has improved the looks
of his place by putting up a neat picket
fence around his front yard.
The socialists of this place are getting
down to business. That's right, boys,
if you steer clear of soreheads and let
your watchword ever he, the greatest
good to the greatest number, we will he
with you on election day.
This world is not so bad a world,
As some would like to unke it,
Though whether good or whether bad,
Depends on how we take it.
We have a hot time all this life,
No matter what we try,
And many times we think we'll have
A hot time when we die.
Union Hall.
M.uch wvather and M irch storms
greet us now every day. We will have"
no mure gooil weittier uutu alter master
Sunday. i
Frank May and family, of Ban-low,
have moved on the Adkins farm.
MissAra Lee, of Canby, is visiting
her grandma, Mrs. Tice, at preseut.
Mrs. Caroline Thomas visited Mrs.
Joseph Perriuger last Sunday.
J. II. Burns called on Charles Pem
broke and family one day last week.
L.J. Tnomas is clearing land. He
will get a nice Held ready for the plow
this spring.
T. J. Grimes has completed a neat
picket fence around his house. -
Never thought of such a
sign for a medicine did you ?
Well, it's a good sign foi
Scott's Emulsion. The body
has to he repaired like other
things and Scott's Emulsion is
the medicine that does it.
These poor bodies wear out
from worry, from over-work,
from disease. They get thin
and weak. Some of the new
ones are not well made and
all t.f the ekl ones are racked
from long usage.
Set It's Emulsion fixes all
kinds. It does the work both
inside and out. It makes soft
bones hard, thin blood red,
weak lungs strong, hollow
places full. Only the best ma
terials are used in the patching
and the patches don't show
through the new glow of health.
No one has to wait Ids turn.
You can do it yn:r;elfvii
I and the bctt'o.
This picture rj;)r;;ert:
the Tiado Ksik nf Scoii'.
Kniulsion ar.d is o:i tin.
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for fret sample-
409 Pciil St,. New Yoik.
50c. and $1. all druggists.
Mrs. Tice and Miss Lee visited Mrs.
Mrs. J. Bobbing last Tuesday.
Oscar Striker, of Canby, visited his
(larents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perrin
ger, last Sunday.
L. P. Burns, wh is employed at Ad
kins Bros.' sawmill, is laid up with an
abscess on his neck. He is getting bet
ter. Sam Wilkerson is cutting wood for
Perry Bums.
J. H. Helvey and wife were called to
Woodburn one day last week on account
of illness nf the latter's brother.William
Smith. Mi. Smith is a sufferer from
heart trouble.
George Rauch and wife, who recently
returned from Idaho, visited the for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Kauch, of this place, for a few days last
Eugene Falkuer has gone to work in
Adkiii9Bros.' logging camp near Mu
lino. Mr. and Mis. Rauch went to Canby
last Monday.
Misses Amelia and Matilda Molzan
visited their sister, Mrs. Sophia Adkins,
a few days last week.
Frank Hilton went to Canby on busi
ness one day last week.
The spring fever seems rather con
tagious. You had better htay pretty
close to home next Sunday.
Lee Ferry was visiting Fred Force
last Sunday.
Mrs. Daniels and Joe and Katie Dan
iels and Mrs. Gibson and daughter,
Ruth, were iviciting at the home of F.
Erickson and family Sunday.
Frank Man ning played for the dance
given at Beaver Creek on St. Patrick's
Mr. Boynton, of Woodburn, was vis
iting his eon, Charles, a few days last
Mae and Ernest Davis were the guests
of Klva and Albert , Erickson Sunday
evening. '
Mr. Hay hurst, of Carus, was a visitor
in Mulino last week.
William Wallace and family were vis
iting at the home of W. A. Woodslde
Clarence Mallatt is again in Mulino on
a visit.
Mr. Edwards and son, Gomer, are
visiting here at present. The former's
wife, who is at Lafayette, intends to
make her home here in a short time.
Mr. Evansfwaa visiting at the home of
Mr. Wallace last week.
Mr. Murphy and family were visiting
at the Erickson home last Sunday.
Easter services will be held in the
Grange hall at 10 o'clock a. m., March
30th Everybody is invited to attend.
A program consisting of music and reci
tations wi'l be rendered by the Sunday
school. Bunchy.'
Beaver Lake.
Stil it rains 1
George Gioshong made a business
trip to Elliott Praitie one day last week.
Mrs. Davidson, of Russelville, was
visiting friends in this section aie day
last week.
Rev. Purcell.of Woodburn, addressed
the citizens of Beaver Lake last Sunday.
C. G. Yoihies contemplates cutting
logs the coming summer.
Bill Dart, of Molalla, was seen in this
burg one day last week.
Three cheeis for socialism I
Fish biteth ; grouse hooteth and the
sound of the reel and rille can be heard
on all sides.
We are glad that the Courier-Herald
has a new correspondent from Russel
ville. '
J. M. Groshoug was transacting busi
ness at the county seat a few days ago.
Our school will start March 24th with
Fred Drager as teacher.
John Churchill has had the misfor
tune to lose some valuable sheep.
Well, Ed, D., the next time you go to
Vorhles' besure you are not troubled
with heart failure!
Ben Barston has his house moved.
An unknown man has been paying his
respects to the granaries and smoke
houses throughout the neighborhood.
He must be more on the alert or he will
get free board at the hospital for awhile.
The next time you desire to hook some
of the finnie tribe, Bert, you had better
get a guide to escort you aiound over
the logs and through the brush, which
perhaps would save you from another
seyere ducking. Bert.
Miss Dollie McCormic returned home
from Portland Saturday.
Mr. ami Airs, fish vimteU at ueorge
Urockarl's Sunday.
Solon Kinzer went to work at Hagby'a
Baw mill, Monilav.
Carl and Inez Hilton have moved on
their place near Dryland.
bay Woody passed through our burg
Saturday enroute for Hagby's saw mill.
Lewis Julius Hi.d Katie Spagle have
all gone to 11. L. Bents' to work during
tt.o summer.
Chiia. Noblitt of Oregon City and Miss
Daisy Ogle of Portland were viniting at
the Noblitt larm the first of the week.
Tena Sturve wet t to Portland last
7'uesduy fur a visit. She returned Sat
urday evening, accompanied uy at ss
ems of Portland.
Julius Moielamt has rented the Nob
litt farm.
John Rogi'ie bought J. L. Cochran s
Mrs. CO. Molson visited Mrs. Wal
ter Noblitt at Hubbard Sunday.
Chas. Spugle and Fritz Sturve are
gnitig to the loggini! camp Wedned.iy.
Mrs. Urocliint is still on the nick list,
Miss t ora Troyei and Geotge llostet
tler were married Sunday at the home
of the pmeids of the btide near Wood
burn. '1 bo infant child of Sam llefs was
buried at the Rock Creek cemetery, on
Monday. Elsie Hum..
Died, Marehl:th, at. ber home in
Clackamas, Nancy Bell, wife of Charles
Roadai inel, after a long and lingering
ilines. Mrs. lioiidarmel was the daugh
ter of Air. and Mrs D. K. Spurgeon, lot
merly of Clackamas, hut now living near
Salem. The was born in the state of
Kansas and cametto this country with
herpaicnts when she was even yearj
of age. She was the second one of three
sisters, two of whom isui vive her, also
one brother, all residents here. At her
death her ace was 2ti yearr. She had
hid a Christian life some years before
uniting with the Congregational chinch
of this town of which she was a charter
member. Mrs. Roadarmel seemed never
iWiiwtirairiiiT-iTTiiTwiwtrriiii minii ivi rr
" For 25 years I have never
missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanses my
blood, makes me feel strong, and
does me good in every way."
John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pure and
carries new
part of the
rich blood
life, to every
body. You
are invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
active. You become strong,
steady,courageous. That's
what Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
$1.00 bottle. All druggists.
Aik jour doctor what he thinks of Ayer's
Barliiparilla. He knows all about this grand
old family medicine. Follow his advice and
we willbeSKtlnVl.
J. C. Aver Co., Lowell, Mass.
to have lost her first faith in Jesus as
her Savior, and that faith steadied and
comforted her in her last days and weeks
of great suffering. The funeral services
were held Saturday at 11 a. m., at the
Congregational church, the pastor, Rev.
Arnold, 'officiating. The church was
well filled with the many friends of the
deceased's family, the deceased's bus-
band and brother both being member?.
The pulpit of the church was decorated
with Easter lillies and other potted
plants. The floral offerings from friends
were beautiful. The deceased leaves a
husband and one little girl to mourn
her I08B. They had buried a baby boy
18 months ago.
Beckoning bands of a mother whose
Sacrificed life its devotion to prove ;
Hands ol a tattler to memory dear
Beckon up higher the waiting ones here.
A if MEND.
The family of the deceased, Mrs. Bell
Roadarmel, wish to thank their many
friends for their help and sympathy dur
ing the illness and death of the late Mrs.
Chas. Roadabmel and Daughter,
Mr. and Mrs K. D. Spurgeon,
King Spurgeon,
Mrs. L. Smith,
Mrs. Irwin Wilson.
Newt Farr was in our burg last week.
Mr and Mrs. LaCell of Woodburn are
visiting friends this week and are on
their way t'1 Eastern Oregon to reside,
as they sold their place in Woodburn.
Rev. Dunlap preached at Harmony
last Sunday. II" was accompmied by
his son, Artie.
The singing teacher, Bardel Van
Donge, is able to be out again, after be
ing laid ur for a few davs.
Mr' Kandleand our merchant were in
town on a business trip this week.
' Edith Buckner has returned to Cdlton
after a week's visit .villi her parents and
Mr. Rutherford and family were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Miller,
The primary was held at the hall and
was well attended by socialists as veil
as democrtts and republicans.
James and his best girl were out rid
ing Sunday. That's right, Jim. Noth
ing like it.
Adolph Moldenhauer was visiting Tom
Parish Sunday.
Fin Nicholas is in our berg, but is go
ing to make his stay short.
Mrs. Nichol's niece from Portland is
visiting ber this week.
Timothy Tickle Breeches, what did you
mean by the "ring?" Wishes generally
come true.
Say, Ethel and Grace, we are elad to
to see your smiling faces once more, af
ter being gone so long.
Mrs. George Kirk was visiting parents
last Sunday. Bumu.
Mr Aitle has lost seve'al head of cat
tle, cause unknown.
Louis Koellermier Las been splitting
rails for Mr. Baker.
Henry Elligsou was down at the foot
of Wabash avenue.
Mrs. L. Plutt of Newbnrg was the
guet of Mr, and Mrs. Koellermeier.
Mr. lieaman is on the sick list.
The rumor is that Louis and Henry
Toedtermeier will purchase another com
plete threshing outfit.
John Baps has been hauling hay.
Paul Kensy is driving a team for Mr.
Miss Lena Elligsou was the guest of
Mrs. J. W. Turner list week.
Henry and Will Koeltenneier are cut
ting wood en big Peter's place.
E. C. Coos has moved to Miller's wood
August Dreamer, of New Era, was the
guest of A. Koellermeier, Sunday.
Miss Rose Rancher cut her thumb off
with an ax.
F. Ridder was seen on Main s'reet
Sunday. TnsY.
Scott Mill.
Scotts Mills is still moving, and every
thing is quiet in our burg.
S.'otts .Mills has three stores aud they
are all doing a good business. The peo
ple are wide-awake in this place.
Mr. Lawrence, of the Blue Front, has
large stock of fancy drygoods. Wade &
Hanier are doing a good busine a in the
WHy of selling peanuts.
The services at the church were a
grand success last Sunday. The build
ing was beautifully decorated and was
well tilled. A young man present was
"called down" for causing a disturb
ance. Emery Thomas' new house is com
pleted, and he has moved into it.
Uncle Dickey White, who has been
sick fur some time, was very low Sun
day. Mr. Wade and wife were in our town
Saturda; doing come trading Say,
Becky, look out for your go.d dust the
next lime you come into town. ,
Guy, don't go to Woodburn and stay
another week We are lonesome with
out von.
A. E. Thomas, our teamster, has failed
to make his usual trips to the station on
account of his horse having a bruised
G. T. Slaughter the Wilhoit freighter,
was passing through this burg with a
cart loaded with hoop iron for Wilhoit
G. T. Slaughter and C A. Ryan, the
Wilhoit freighters, was in our city Thurs
day last.
Elmer Thomas, of Scotts Mills, was
visiting, his brother on Missouri Ridge
Sunday last.
Yes, Uncle John, go ahead, we'll vote
for you.
MiBS Bertha Thomas, who has changed
her name to Mrs. Vedder, is now keep
ing bouse for her husband near McKee.
Say, Brenton, take good care of the one
arm chair.
We nearly forgot to mention that El
mer Thomas has purchased a line lot
of dishes at Wade & Hammer's store
the other day, and he is now making
regular calls on his widow.
Boys, get your cans and bells ready
and load your guns.
Born, to the wife of Robert Skarvin, a
bouncing boy. We expect him to be a
minister, as lie sang his first hymn last
Sabbath morn The better the day the
better the deed.
Dr. Brooks, of Silverton, was in town
March lllh and left a 13-pound boy with
Fred and Emma . Dr. Brooks
is a good, thoughtful man. That's all
right Fred, smile if you wish.
Brenton Vedder, of McKee, was in
our town Monday and Tuesday looking
alter the school at this place.
Say, bo s, what does all this mean?
Tuesday evening there were at the post
office three young ladies expecting lot
tern. I suppose they were to be from
their honey boys. iS'ow, boys, just re
mind them of the fact that there are
still a few lads left in Scotts Mills.
Wade and Hammer have a new line
Miss Rose Paquette, who hm been
visiting hei sinter, Mrs. Sandeis, of
Hubbard, returned home today. Glad
to see you again, Rose !
Grain is looking quite well in this part
of the country, but the roads ate nut so
pleaiant to behold. Of course, there ia
a little mud. Stuanger
The weather is hne.
Mre. Minnie Gibson and daughter,
Luth, of Salem, were visiting at Dr.
Goucher's last Sunday.
Hon. E. P. Hammond, the never-tiring
grange worker from Teasel, called
at Dr. Goucher's last week. The people
of Eldoredo are anxious tor him to give
a political speech at theschool house
but he has not said when he will en
lighten the people, but he did say his
taxes were loo high. Some said it was
Geo. C. Brownell, others sav it is the
county court. They give our officials ioo
many deputies. That is not Brownell,
he is certainly not the county court.
0. G. Holt, who went to Nome two
years ago, h stopping at Goucher's and
is going to work on Gold Creek, which
flows into the Santiam. He thinks there
are belter prospects there than at Nome.
One mill and machinery is going in
there this summer and perhups two ma
chines for working the ore. There will
be a big mining camp there in the near
The Manila itch is played out at Un
ion Hall. Folks all well.
Sorry to hear that Mrs. Bouge is not
gttting any belter.
There is not much visiting around El
dorado. Dr. and Mrs. Gowher passed thro'
Mulino to see J. J. Mallatt, the road
boss. Hoosier.
South Carus is doing fine, That is,
rikfht. go on my kind correspondent.
I Charlie Spangler went to Oregon City
last Monday.
i Robert Bhubel spertt last Monday eve
! ning at the home of Frank Irish,
i Mrs. Frank Irish spent Sunday last
I with her parents and relatives at Carus.
Ernest Jones aud Jim Fisk started for
; Eastern Oregon last Tuesday,
i Misses Edith and Jessie Jackson were
i.the BiiestBof their aunt, Mrs. Ethel
Snanaler. last week.
j Frank Irish took a load of potatoes in-
I to town last Tuesday.
Mr. Gouclier has improved his place
by putting a new wire fence around it.
Several of our young folks attended
the dance at Beaver Lake last Monday
St. Patrick's day is a thing of the
past. Chipmunks and snakes made
thir appearance on the 17ih.
Spring weather, sunshine and show
ers. Many sprint! tinwers are in bloom
Born, to .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moser on
March tith, a baby girl.
Rose Paulker lost a thumb while
splitting wood.
Snow fell last week to the depth of an
inch and more.
B. F. Weddle has sown some clover
seed on his winter grain.
Louis Scroeder is hauling hay to the
wood camp.
Mr. Sheppard is canvassing the conn
trv with pain paint,
The road up Larson's hill has been
George Locey bought up a car load of
potatoes last week to he delivered at Os
wego. He received $1 per cut. on cars.
Cattle are sleeking ur.
There has been no Iors, whatever, of
horses by stagaers or distemper in these
parts this winter. v
John Wanker has done some plowing.
The smallpox has not gotten a foot
hold in this neighborhood. It is on all
sides of us thengh soma pronounce it
but a severe form of chickenpox.
Farmers are laying back 011 their oirs
waiting for good weather. Won't the
gr.iin tiy when it clears up I
1 he onion craze has struck this sec-'
tion. Several farmers will sow as much
as four acres. Experience is the be-st
teacher in the onion business.
Stock looks fairly well, and with
plenty of feed they will be all right.
Seed potates seems to be scarce and
demand good prices. There will be a
good many acres of potatoes planted
this spring.
Mr. Adkins and wife, of Canbv, have
moved onto the Silas Adkins place at
Wright's bridge.
You want to step in and look at the
art gallery on Grand Avenue and see the
Bntenburg sofa pillows. The professor
savs they 'e all right.
Punchy, you are clear off two miles.
Ask the "general", he will tell you all
ISM. 111 Hjiiinnijif" minium! i'mi iji f
When You Think of
I Dont Fail to Visit or Write to
Eilers Piano House
351 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
The largest dealers on the Pacific Coast, wholesale and retail. Main dislri butlni? ware
rooms. Portland. Oregon, Spokane, Wash.. San Krattcisoo and Sacramento. Oal. We carry
the largest stock of High Grade Pianos, comprising rucr well-known makes as CHIGKB.K
INUoI Boston, WEBER of New York, KIMBALL of Chicago. Vose A Sons. Decker & bon,
Wheelock, Whitney, Hobsrt M. Oable.Sohiimann. Stoger, Hiner and Singer, also the many
toned Crown Piano and the Wesor Bros. Orchestral. ,,,, . uw
IN 0RUANS, we handle such well-knowu makes as the Kimball, Crown, Great West
ern, Burdett, Peerless and Needham, and the Rood qualities of these organs are so well
known that they require, no furthor recommendation from us. We will guarantee absolute
satisfaction, or money .fill be refunded.
The ANGELUS OltCHItSTRAL Have von seen it? A self-playinpt piano player, which
enables any person to play any kind of music on any piano; not a novelty, but a P''8'
pbiyer. It will play vour piano neuor inau
fe instruments by ualiliiK at our sales rooms
f . want to buy or not.
it 1 r 1 0 ft ill' ife'"" life JllHumll lili
about it. They did grub a few spple
Fred Nelson returned from Portland
Saturday, where he went to have his
tinger operated on, as he had a pone fel
on, and the doctor will probably be aole
to save his tinger.
Henry Cam returned home from
Washington Saturday and went, to slash
ing brush for Dee Wright and Fred Nel
son. Look out, ina few days something will
drop. I think the pot will boil over.
The ground is white with snow and it
is still snowing.
Rev. John Park is ill with la grippe.
Willis Cox has gone to Windom,
to work.
Ina Park is at Willamette Falls, help
ing take care of her sister's children,
who have the measles.
Emms Freeman, who has been sick,
is able to be about again.
Geo. Kernes and family of Oregon
City spent Sunday with his wife a par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner.
Lura Baker is on the sick list.
Hcu-y Turner is working for Chris
Lillie Cacotian has gone to Oregon
City to work.
Una Burlus expects to hegin a term 01
t-chool ut El vojd the first Monday of
The young ptople of Elwood. are pre
paring for an entertainment and basket
social, which will be held in the school
room the night of the 26t,h. Everjbody
invited. The proceeds are to go to the
fencing in of the graveyard.
Annie Bittner has gone tq Oregon
City for a week.
Lee Cadonan of Portland is expected
home soon to help his brother with the
spring work. Lallah Rooke.
(Coriespoudence continued on page 6.)
Ladies hose, children's hose, and
men's socks very low, at Racket Store.
A Printer Greatly Surprised.
"I never was so mu h surprised in my
life, as I was with the results of using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says Henry
T. Crook, pressman of the Asheville,(N
C.,) Gazette, "I contracted a severe case
of rheumatism early last winter by
getting my feet wet. I tried several
things for it without oenetit. One day
while looking over the Gazette, I noticed
that Pain Balm waB positively guaran
teed to cure rheumatism, so bought a
bottle of it and and before using two
thirds of it my rheumatism had taken
its flight and I have not had a rheum it
ic pain since." Sold by G. A. Harding-
?; Tood
Cleans the scalp,
Removes dandruff,
Prevents baldness.
Fur sa'e bv all druggists, and
K. Prler, Caufleld Bldg.
Special inducement
For 30 Days !
TN order to introduce my woik to
the public, I will give free with
every dozen Cabinet Photos, a
14x17 Bromide Portra't
froj. the same negative. Sample
can be seen at the Studio. The
Portrait alone is worth the money.
All work strictly firet-class.
W. r. Snodgrass";
MAimnnn nromnrn
rrpiMVF atrentrUiennand restores
The reason sufferers are not cured by lnrtors Is because ninety per rent are troobled with
Proatalltla. OCPIDKN'Els the only known remedy to cure nhoutaii operation. MWteatlmonV
als. A wrlttea guarantee iriven and money returned if six boxes does not eileel a periuaueat cur
QUO a box, six (ur (5.00, by mall. Send for tbk circular aud testimonials.
Adrtresa ltVUL BIUIt'IMS CO., P. O. Brx !C78, San Francisco, Cat. IbrSnUb
G. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon city Oregoa
if 'iu111"'!!!! 'f """f W'W'
Purchasing a
me vt" iin, -
We take pleasure In Bhowiutr, whether you
Ulkll -il" lHlii..iilflliiiiiil1llu wlfamulfciililfci IlilllllM
Wall Paper and
Lieno Wall Finish
a perrranent sanitary and fire proof
wall coating.
Superior to Kalsomine, Ala
bastine or Gypsine. Lieno
works perfectly when all others
fail. At
Shank & Bissells,
Call or Phone for Wall Paper Samples.
7tb St. near Wain tel. lit
Molalla Undertaker
Keeps on hand a stock of
Coffins, Caskets, Burial
Rob3S, Furniture, Etc.
All Kings of Repairing Done
Send for catalogue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver
Portland, Oregon.
Land Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Peeds,
Mortgages, Etc. drawn, Money Loaned.
Office over iBank of Oregon City.
Guaranteed to be the best Sulky Plow
in the world. Tht is a broad statement,
but we stand rady to prove it in the field
wilh any plow made.
"Seml for Special Catalopue.
rslt'cliell, Lewis & tever Co
llte Kindlon Have Always Boujtt
. :...
tionot a famous French physician, wi,l quickly cure you ol all ner
vous or diseases 01 the generative uremia, such as Lost Manhood.
Insomnia, I'ains In the Bin-It. Seminal Emissions, Nervous Dehllltv,
Pimples, Unfitness to Mariv, ExuaualiuK Uraliia, Varkwele aiia
Constipation. II stops all losses by dav or right Prevents qulca.
Dfssol discharge, which if not cheeked leads to Spermatorrhoea and
all the horrors ot Impotency (TPinKNEcleauaealaeUver, Va
kidneys and the nrtnary oreant ol all too urines.
small weak ortranh.