-Society. CltyHaU City ourieiw COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1902 19th YEAR, NO. 44 EDVCATIOAL MATTETtH. Teacli.rs' Association and Other Local School News. teachers' association. County Superintendent J. C. Zinser has completed the program for the meeting of the Clackamas County Teach era' Association to be held in the East ham school building, Saturday, March 29th. It is as follows : "Civil Govern ment, Our New Text," by VI'ibs Fannie G. Porter, of the Portland schools; "Mathematica Geography," Miss Sade H. Chase, of the Oregon Citv schools; "Nature's Study in Elementary Schools," Miss K. Alice Quint;, f the Portland Academy; "Important Phases of Primary Teaching," Professor R C. French, of the Btate normal school at Monmouth. The Oregon Cily teachers have planned to provide a free compli mentary dinner for the vfsiting teachers, to he Berved in the school builning GRANTED E1G.UTK QUADS CERTIl'IC ATKB. County Superintendent Zinser this week issued diplomas to the following eighth (trade pupils, who passed the eighth nmde examination : Logan school district No. 8, II. W. Baker, teacher Helen Sprngue. Tracy district No. 68, Garfield ; E. F. Surfus, teacher Maude E. Holder. Willamette Falls district; Millard Hyatt, principal Mary Vaughn. Stafford district No. 41; Elizabeth Downing, teacher Jennie A. Reichle and Rosena Schatz. Molalla No. 35; M, R. Biown, teacher Rex W. Lewis. Clackamus diBlrict No. 64; J. W. Fisher, teacher Cora E. Ambler. SCHOOL NOTES. Miss Anna Olsou baa completed her second month of school in district No. 77, Damascus. The average number of pupils attending is 33; average daily at tendance, 31; 94 per cent of the enroll ment is attending school. The aoportionment of school funds will be made in the first week of April. Schools that desire teachers, should send their applications to the county superintendent. Miss Anna Bachman lias been en. gaged to teach the Sandv school No. 46 Miss Daisy McAnulty, who is teach ing No. 60 in Union precinct, haa been granted an extension of her contract. Ex-County Superintendent H. G. Starkweather visited the superin tendent's otlico, and expressed surprise that under a republican administration, the ollico should still have the same old furniture. The next eighth grade examination will be held April 9th, 10th and lltli, and teachers should aBk for the new rules. Mount Scatt school dUtriet No. 99, will hold a box social next Saturday evening. The proceeds will go towards purchi i ig a new flag and for library purposes. Friday, March 14. Assay The Oregon assay office bills Office, held the boards in the United States senate. Senator Mitchell was given a hearing by the fi nance committee of the senate in sup port of his bill to establish an assay ol fice at Portland. He explained the ne cessity of an office at that point, and on his showing is confident the committee will favorably report the bill. The house committee on coinage gave a hearing to Representative Tongue on his bill to establish an assay office at Portland, and to Representative Moody, In support of his biil for an assay office at Baker City. Mr. Tongue asserted that the present office at Seattle does not accommodate the gold of the Nor thern Pacific, and furnishes no accom modation at all for Oregon. A quiet boom is brewing at Washing ton in the interest of Mark Hanna for president Emperor William may meet Prince Henrv on a battleship nt sea General Mettieuti has been re leased by the Boers Seattle em ployers threaten to tie up building it un ion men will not give in The dry dock contractors will soon begin work in Portland. Saturday, March 15. Funston General Funston ar At rivjd in Washington Washington, tonight. His purpose . here mainly is to pay his respects to President Roosevelt and Secretary Root, He will remain until next week, when he expects to depart for Oakland. Calif., where Mrs. funs ton is staying. He Baid tonight that his leave of absence from from the division of the Philippines will expire April 10th, at which time he will leave San Francisco, unless there is a change in his assignment. If General Funston is to be given duty in the United States to the expiration of his leav , the has an been made aware of it. The Boston strike has not been en tirely broken Tommy Ryan knocked out Billy Smith at Kansas City.... The international chess match opened at New York and London ... Governor Geer carried the Marion county prima ries.... The steamer Bonita is secured by White Collar line for The Dalles route Senator Mitchell today in troduced a bill for the relief of on the lands rf the Eastern Wednesday, March 19. Another The pier of the Phoenix 1 New Jersey line, at Hoboken, N. J., : Fire. burned last night, caus ing a loss of $1,000,000. It is believer! that at leant two persms perished. The steamship British Queen was burned to the water's edge, and sev eral lighters and their cargoes were de stroyed. The Barber Line pier was damaged and the big steamer Maasdam was lor a time threatened . Senator Mitchell succeeds Morgan in charge of the isthmian canal bill in the United States senate There is a plea for freedom, and a growth of the revolutionary movement in Russia The Northern transcontinental lines are still snow-bound There is a great, demand for brick among Portland con tractors trinity church Accepts an offer to worship iu the First Presby terian church, of Portland. j Plows - Harrows - (Continued on page 7.) Probate tourt Orders. In the matter of the estate of Samuel ! Taylor, deceased, J. M. Barbur, the ex ecutor named in the will, resigned hn trust, and letters testamentary were is sued to the widow, Charlotte Ta lor and I i son, Joseph S.Taylor. The two luiter Vm filed a bond for $7,000. 1 pfj J H. and Emma Slyter, of New Era j Wj precinct, were granted letters of adop-, KJs5 tion for the custody of the person of Ota I Ross, a minor, and it was ordered that Hi the child's name be changed ro Ora j5( Slyter. The Slyters have been guar- jgj dians of the child for some time past. Big Mrs. Nellie Sladen has been appointed I guardian of tier daughter, Mildred Flor ence Sladen, for convenience in legal processes. Assessed A Mill Pond. MOW is the time that the WIDE AWAKE FARMER is looking where he can buy the best goods for the least money, and he always decides on the Canton P. & 0. Plows and Harrows because they run easier and do better work than any other upenor Simon Loses. His Opinion, Edward H. Joehnk, ot Mount Pleas ant, writes the following as his opinion of the Filipino and the Philippine Is lands, after serving 33 months in Phil ippine waters : "The Philippinejslands are situated in the Eastern hemisphere, between the 125th and 130th meridian, east longi tude, between the 6th and 21st, north latitude. "They are bounded on the north by rocks and shoals; on the east by Insur gents, rocks and continual rainBhowers; on the south by Insurgents, rocks, shoals, reefs and many small uninhab ited islands; on the west by typhoons, heavy rain showers, Insurgents apd rocks. The climate is very mild; so mild as to produce rnosquitr.s, snakes, crocodiles and Insurgents. Manila iB the capital and largest city. It is noted for the large number of Chinamen, w ho labor and trade there; for its narrow Btreets and low buildings; also for its numtrous saloons, which are found at almost every curuer of every street. Ca vite is a small iown across the bay fr m Manila, and is ued as a naval station. It is noted for ihe large nuinber'of .Chi nese employed in the navy yard. The dseases prevalent on the iUnds are those prevalent on every part of the globe. The principal exports are hemp, dead soldiers, sick soldiers, de serting nien from the army and navy, damagf d and destroyed ships to be sent to the states for necessary repairs. i.ne principal imports are ammunition, cof fins, medical stores, provisions of all sorts, soldiers, sympathy fnd more am munition. The Filipinos are very in dustrious in manufacturing bolos, knives and spears. Their labor consists principally in digging trenches, smug gling, stealing, fishing and robbing There are also many species of wild an imals on the islands, such as moequitos, monkevs, loaches and bolomen. The Filipinos eat principally rice, fish, boiled rice, fried rice, stewed rice, cooked rice and rice. For a change they sometimes have pig, pork, bacon and ham. Their religion is Catholic, and are nil very religious while nt church. The islands are very productive in pro ducing Insurgents; its channels, bays and rivers are well noted for the large nnraUer of ships they can wreca. The natives seldom walk, if a journey of five miles is to be undertaken. He usually hires acarnetto drawn by a caribou: r caribou is an animal slower than an nr l then he must take with him about fivedavs rations. If a journey of 50 miles is to be undertaken, the Filipino riiv dies of old ase before he raarliRR his destination. If he travels by water he nearly always gets lost in a typhoon. . . The standard dollar used there is the Mexican dollar, valued at from 45 to 49 cents on the dollar, changing iti value every three months. If you are travel ing and have with you a thousand dol lars, you cannot put it snugly in your pocket, but must have a carriage and two or three assistant. If the United Stales had free silver, the same trouble would be experienced." Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kid neys and bladder right. Contain noth ing injurious. Cbarman & Co. Land Company, in Sherman county The bill authorizes the secretary of the' interior to investigate and asosrtain the reasonable value of the lands settled upon and heretofore claimed by the re spective pe sons whoso names appear in senate document No 8, 51st congress. Sunday, March 16. The republican primary election held in Portland yesterday resulted iu the success of the independent ticket. With a few outlying precincts in Multnomah countp to hear from. The Independ ents elected about 95 out of 162 delegates to the county convention. The result is a defeat of the faction of the party rep resented by United States Senator Si mon, The Polk county convention nomi nated George Hawkins for representa tive, ard sent a Geer delegation to the state convention The Morrow county republican convention declares gainst Simon Oregon Land Boar i will enter into contract for reclamation of 9,000 acres of arid lands. .. .John Hale, a well known contractor of Port land, is dead Ex-Surueyor-Ge'i- eral James Clark Tolman, a widely known Oregon pioneer, died at Ash land Saturday. Monday, March 17. The Nor.h Dakota and the Ca Worst nadlan northwest has ex Blizzard, perienced the worst snow storm in many years, and the railmad traffic is practically para lyzed. The Not them Pacific and Great Noitliern have not moved a wheel for nearly 36 hours in the blizzard -stricken diHirict, and have abandoned all effort? to do so for U e present. The high wind has piled the snow in mountainous drifts and packed it in solid manses, many deep cuts being entirely filled. The temperature has been falling grad ually, and is now at or below zero. Not a transcontinental train has arrived in St. Paul since tridav, and none is ex pected for several days. J. P. Cotton, who was shot nv H. C. Messenger, near Ashland, died of his in juries Grace M. E. Church, of Portland, celebrates raising of $20,000 debt General Miles wants to go to the Philippines, but the President ob jects The railroad issue will play a prominent part in the comings V ash Editor Courier-Herald: Allow me a small space in your paper to make a statement in regard to my assessment. In 1901 were 35 acres more or less in N. M. Moore's name, which I gave in to the deputy assessor and seven acres of brush land on a side hill that is so steep that no team can travel it there; some six to eight acres iu the mill pond covered with water from 2 to 10 feet deep. The bill given me by the assessor calls for $365 total value and Ihe receipt I got from the sheriff is $400, The deed to me calls for 54 acres and a fraction. I did not give in the land that is covered with settlers j water, as it is of no use to me. When I Oregon I bought this farm there was no pond. Drills and Seede Are the Standard of the World. They work in all soils and are a positive Force Feed, and will sow all kinds of grain without cracking the seed. If you contemplate,buy ing a Drill or Seeder investigate the Superior. Now is the time to Pull the Stumps out of your field. We have the machine the Steel Clad Grubber, It will pull half an acre while while you set some other machines. Come and investigate this before buying a Stump Puller. You will also find a full and complete line of Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Garden Tools, Pumps, Wind Mills, &c So the assessor or someone took the lib erty to raise the ' valuation from $365 to $400. If the mill owner occupies six or eight aireB of this 54 acres of my land he should pay taxes on it and not I. There are 10 acres assessed to me, w hich is of no value to anyone but the mill owner. I will sell the 7 acres on the side Lill for $25 and perhaps for less, as I will give it away. If the assessors know better what the people have, theu we had bet ter not give in our. property. I have sold off of this 54 acres three acres more or less, and Mr. Scheftic.the mill owner, has it. My taxes on this 35 acres and the 16 added by someone are $15 53 with the 3 per cent discount. Pretty high.no doubt, as there is 1 igti water and 15 to 20 acres of this 34 acres are flooded. Respectfully Yours, M. F. Moore. New Era, March 8, 1902. Oak Grove Stock Farm. J. VV. Dowtv, proprietor of Oak Grove Stock Farm, has juBt purchased the fol lowing bull, and will keep him at head of his herd for a couple of years: Minmore 171,119,bred by Ladd Sired by Baron Linwood 10th 127308, a bull that, never met defeat in the show-rim ; 1st dam, Melba by Lord Ash wood 87624; 5ta dam ; imported Pet Gwynne by Brit ish sailor (2347); 17th dam, Princess by Favorite (252). Mr. Dowty has seven calves by the following bull, out of one milk stains of short horns: Lord Gwynne Bred by J C. Thorn tou & Son, of Pennsylvania, got by Baron Tuberose 118023; dam, 4i.h Lady Gwynne; 8ih dam, imported Minerva 4 h by Lord Warded (7167). Frank Brown, of North Yamhill, Or., manager oi Ladd's Oak Hill larm, re ports in the Rural Spirit the following as one ot Ms sales : "ToJ. W. Dowty, Currinsville, Or.: Bull Minmore calved Nov. 6,19)0; sire Baron Linwood 10th 127368 ; dam Mel ba. This is the second bull Mr. Dowty has got from Oak Hill, and he always t ikes a good one." ORTHWEST WIPLEWIEfiT mnm 208 FRONT STREET, I I Ullll llll j PORTLAND, ORE, vjiu ui-v noil John John, ington campaign . prominent pioneer of Williams Creek, Josephine county, is dead Willard Smith, of Tillie, Kansas, aged 20, who sought to blackmail a me.chunt, was shot and killed tonight by a party of four men sent to entrap him. Smith wrote an anonymous letter demanding money, which fie went to secure, and, resisting capture, was killed. Tuesday, March 18. Trinity Trinity Protestant Euitco- Church pal church was badly dam- Kuined. aged yesterday by a de structive fire, which broke out on account of a defective flue at the northeast corner ot the building on Sixth and Oak streets, Portland. The loss is about $le,000, covered by $16'000 insur ance, ilig holes are burned In the beau tiful groined roof, the organ is dam aged, and water is standing over the en tire floor from end to end. The expen sive altar cloths and part of the church furniture were pluckily saved by a mem ber of the church choir. Gus Kramer, assisted by several women, who were sewing in the parish house when the fire started. It is a question if the pres ent church building will be prepared. Several wealthy members of the church think that the time has now arrived to sell the property and build a new stone church on the lot owned by Trinity corporation, on Washington street, be tween 17th and 18th. Hates Again Reduced From all points east. Before you'make definite arrangements for that trip east let us quote you rates via the Illinois Central Railroad. Our rates are the lowei-t to be had, and it will pay you to write us. If you haven't time to com municate with us tell the agent from Hhoin you purchase your tic'iet that you want to travel by way of the IllinoU Central, and you will never regret the trip. If any of your relatives or friends in the East are coming West while the low rates are in effect write us about them, and we will see that they get the lowest rates with the beet service. Tli rough tourist cars, personally con ducted excursion cars, free reclining chair cars, in fact all the latest conveni ences known to modern railroading. For particulars regarding rates, time, service, stop-overs, different connec tions and routes, etc., etc., call on or ad dress B. II. Trumbull, Com'l. Agent. Do Not Be Afraid to look the facts squarely in the face. That cough, racking and persistent, a& companied by tightness in the chest and spitting of sticky mucus, is a sign of consumption. Common tense dictates the use of Allen's Lung Balsam, an bon est remedy, since it contains no opium; an efficient remedy, since it beals the irritated, inflamed throat and lungs, and so prevents a deep-seated cold from running ino incurable forma of consump I tion. 1- FRANK BUSCH THE HOUSE FURNISHER Placing Your Money No money spent in building is so wisely placed as that which you pay for good doors and windows. We invite atten tion to the assortment of our well made stock. Many great economies will be revealed by a visit and critical inspection of exceptional offerings throughout the entire store. Misrepresentations of any kind are not permitted in our store, if we advertise one door 2 feet 6x6 feet 6xi j4 thick we will not send you one that is dressed down to iji inches, it will measure one and one-half inches and cost only $1.35 at that. We guarantee our prices on windows to be as low or lower than any factory in Oregon can sell. A T&J'"" 'I Artistic Wall Paper There are many works of art in our stock of Wall Papers, We think we have some that are prettier than any ever shown before. Better Colors. Better Weights. Better Proportions. ' Better Prices. See if there isn't one here that just suits you. Price 5- cents per double roll. Of course we have higher priced paper. MM aw;; 0 U1 V--, , Here are novelties made to our order in exclusive designs. In the magnitude and variety of these Lace Curtains, in their artistic excellence and in their un usally low prices we present a sale that will be profitable and helpful to you in draping and adoring your home. Fixing-up-time is met by unusual offerings. Lace Curtains per yard 10c. LACE.CURTAIIIS A REAL PLEASURE The mechanical con struction 0 f the Climax Machine makes it a great pleasure, because of the ease of operation and the perfect work it does. Price $20 and pjy as you please. TTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.TTTTTTTTTTTTT1 r