Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 14, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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it Up
m De
When it becomes necessary to
sit up in bed to get your breath;
-when the least exertion such as
walking, sweeping, singing,
talking or going up. and down
stairs, causes shortness of
breath, fluttering or palpitation;
then it is time to do something
to brace up and strengthen
your failing heart. Take Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure. It is best
of all.
"I could not rest at night and
often had to Bit up in bed to
"breathe. The least exertion would
mke my heart palpitate dread
fully. Our doctor prescribed Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure and it com
pletely restored me to health. "
Mrs. E. C. McKelvey,
Palin, Tenn.
stimulates the digestion, in
creases the circulation and
makes weak hearts strong.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it fails
do curer E. W. Grove's signature is oo
ach hot. 25c.
look Carefully
To -Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
They build up the shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as no
known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
they have no equal.
io, 35, so Cents ios
Sold and Guaranteed by
Inscription Druggist,
Oregon City Oregon
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effects
on the entire system, and who
tlitir use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels.
?jr.r s Catlurttc
.c only harmless, ve?ctabic
4 4 4 j
towel i-ju'ator, and liver vital; -cr
As feasant to the taste as
candy, an J as positive as the harsh
est m'lii-r.-.l. No gripe or pain.
10, 25, 50 cents.
Sold an J Guaranteed by
Prescription Druggist,
Oregon City Oregon
Pvsppjwia is unrooogni.od iu
hull' the c.istv. It deceives tho
ttiitmrtiittg fmiuwr. IU many
vai i ions work along the weakest
lines of the system. To Uittla
lit; iiiit only one of them i.-i vain.
Ow booklet explains it ' pvinn
(otes. t, ,f Dyspepsia T;lblel.-i (jive
iMUH'leto and lasting relief.
1 BjjepsiaTafctets -
4ft- rRf "rfj
1fift.. ?5C.
.".S. AND 60C.
CoA and Guaranteed by
Viescr.ptloa Druggist,
Regular Februnrj Term of the Count?
K, Morton, John Lewellea nd T.
Klllln, Commissioners.
Be it remembered. That at a regular
term ot the Board of County Commis
sioners for the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, begun and held at the
court house in said county and state on
Wednesday, the 5th day of February, the
same being the regular time fixed by law
for transaction of county business.
There were present Hon. J. R. Morton,
Hon. John Lewelling and Hon. T. a,
Killin, commissioners ; E. b. Cooper,
clerk; J. J. Cooke, sheriff; when the
following proceedings were had to-wit:
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas.
Before the Board of County Commission
ers of the State of Oregon, for the county
of Clackamas. In vacation,' after the
January term, to-wit: In pursuance of
an order made by the board and entered
of record, ord ring warrants to be issued
in vacation, J, E. 11, Cooper, clerk of
said county and state, do hereby issue
warrants in payment of said claims for
the amounts and in favor of the following
personsyerein specified :
Mrs E Morgan support of Mrs E
Morgan, pauper.... $10 00
T M Baker support of Jane Rob
erts, pauper.... 28 00
Mrs K Davis, support of Johu 14 00
Rota Frichler, support of Mrs
Rosa Frechler and family 12 00
Ellen Bridges,- support of Ellen
and Gorman Bridges 8 00
J W Jones, support of John E
l'atton , ... ti m)
M L Davis, support of M L Davis 5 00
Wm Scott, support of John and
Margaret Mahan lb UU
Hattie Woods, support of Mrs.
Hattie Woods 5 00
Elias Miller Bupport of Daniel
Mortimer 30 00
Mrs. S C Harrington, suppopt of j
Elizabeth Wilhott 18 UU
Paul Freytag support of J H
Jones 1U UU
Wm Dean, support of Miss For
rester b UU
A M Shibley, support of Mrs
GrindBtaff 8 00
Henry Lewis, support of Henry
Lewis, o uu
Mr Kruger, support of Mr. and
Mrs Kruger 7 00
Alice Carr, support of Jane Carr 10 00
L Mathewson support ot L Ma-
thewson 7 00
Qu8 Pirkle support of Gus Pierke
and family 10 00
C E Burns, support of Joh anna,
an Indian 5 00
Mrs Martha Duff, support of Mrs
Martha Duff . 4 00
J J Gorbett, support of W Stone B 00
J M Heckart, support of Carl
Gadke 8 00
Mrs J M Bacon, support of Mrs
J M Bacon indigent soldier. ... 10 00
Jacob Kohler, support of Jacob
Kohler 8 00
John H Churchill, support of
, John II Churchill 5 00
John Watson, support of John
Watson 5 00
W T Gardner Bupport of minors
atBovsA Girls Aid Society. 10 20
King Boh .il, support of Phoebe
llastir.urt 7 00
Elian Miller, support of CC Lewis 112 00
Mary xiarley Bupport ol James
Wilson 13 00
E Austin, support of Ira PhillipB 10 00
Eldora Younger support of Eldora
Younger and family 8 00
L Freeman support of L Freeman 6 00
John Avins support of John
Mrs M A Clark, support of Mrs
M A Clark and family 5 00
Mrs Adams Bupport of Mrs Adams
and family 15 00
Godfrey Sen male support of God
frey Schmale 6 00
Goo rrosser. support of Mrs Vol-
kers and family 8 00
Mrs Carrie Mayer, support of
Mrs Carrie Mayer 8 00
VV II Mattoon, support of O S
Phelps and wife 5 00
W T Finsley support of W T Fiu-
sley 5 00
Edward Wright support of Ed
win d Wright 8 00
David IVninan, support of
Clms. MeGuire 10 00
Co F O N G, Armory rfut 25 00
IVler Nehren, janitor.' 50 00
K 11 Cooper, clerk 125 00
O D Eliv, deputy GO 00
J ) Cooke, alu-rilV 1-tt 07
.1 K Jack, deputy 00 00
T I' Rnndall. recorder 100 00
Lonva Randall, deputy 62 00
A l.nelliiij;, treasurer 8!) o4
.1 II 1. Helling, deputy 20 00
J (' Zinnr, Biipt . .' 83 'M
Tims l Kviin, jmljre 100 00
(! A Stuart, en physician 14 5!)
Joseph St'.'wurt, ind soldier 20 00
''I IuU'h used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for a number of yM and have
no besviancy in saying that it ia the best
remedy for coughs, cold:) and croup, I
huve ever u;;ed iu my family. I have not
words to express my confidence in this
remedy Mrs., I. A. Moore, North Star,
Mich.' For sale by G. A, Harding.
O A fci I1 O II X u1l .
i l.. vi ... u... ii. ...... n...-U
Mim iou m Always oousra
Vot Over Sixty yettra
Mra. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has
been need for over sixty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect Rtiecess. It
soothes tho child, softens tho gums,
allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is
the best remedy for fUarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Kru.jgists
in every part ol the World. Twenty
five eeiits a bottle. Its valo isincalcu
labla, 15. sure and tisK for Mis. Wins
b w's Sooihin,' Syrup, and take no ether
At 3 drug ttwra.
9S rw 25a.
Mrs. Kate Reif and Mr. Julius Fried-
rich, two well known residents of New
Era, were the principals in a qniet
wedding that took place at the Mew
Era'Catholic church, Monday, Febru
ary 10th The marriage was strictly
private, only the required witnesses le-
ing present. Mr. Knapp p ayed the
wedding march, while the bride and
groom took their places at t e altar.
.bather beck officiated at the very im
pressive ceremony.
Miss Helen Dahl and Fred Storrer
were married on Saturday, February 8th
Recorder Ouny officiating.
A marriage license was issued to Lela
Gray and David Willoughby on the 10th.
Several Interesting Functions Dur
ing the Week.
A large number of people were pres
ent at the FirBt Presbyterian church
Wednesday night to witness the inter
esting program attendant on the recep
tion to five well known married couple,
who had passed their golden or fiftieth
wedding anniversaries. County Super
intendent Zinser was master of ceremo
nies. The exercises were Interspersed
with old-time hymns, the closing num
being "How Tasteless and Tedious the
Hours." The Mimes Bessie Grant and
McMillan, recited appropriate selec
tions, and were attired in costumes of
50 years ago. They were heartily ap
plauded. 11. L. Kelly sung a solo.
Mrs. George 0. Browned gav interest
ing sketches of each of the five couples
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Roberta, Captain
and Mrs. 8. B. Oaliff, County Treasurer
and Mrs. A. Luelliug, Postmaster and
Mrs. R. T. Beattie, of Ely; Mr. and
Mrs Miles Rowen. Mrs. Grace Wil
liams, who was Mrs. R. E. Roberta'
bridesmaid over 50 years ago, also had a
seat on the platform. Congratulations
followed the interesting program with a
social occasion., Interesting remini
sences also were given by peveral of the
venerable guests of the reception. I'ol
lowing is Mrs. Brownell's sketch of the
10 persona, who were honored at this
time :
Please go back with me ill fancy 54
years, and visit a little .town in Wales
on the Dee. It is the 9th of August, a
boautiful summer morning. In the
house across the road from the Estab
lished Church preparations are being
made for a wedding. The bride, a dirk
eyed girl of 18, has known her soon-to-
be husband aince childhood. There has
bee nothing exciting or particularly
romanlic in their courtship. At last.
the hour came and the bridal party
crosses the road to the chnrch. The
bride and bridesmaid a BiBter, are
decked alike in changeable silk gowns.
The groom, and hit cousin who ia best
man, wear black with probably gay
waistcoats. They take their place be
fore the altar aud the imprest ive cere
mony is said before a robed priest.
Hush ! Can you hear the solemn words,
"I Richard take thee Mary to be my
lawful wedded w ile, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health till death do
us part." When the final words are
said and the prayer is over, watch them
coming down the ait-le, how proud the
young husband looks, how straight he
carried himielf, the slight young bride
at his side; bow demure, she sees only
the carpet. After the merry wedding
breakfast the young couple attended by
a young lady, cousin of the groom, take
the leave of their guests and start on a
wedding journey. Their yehicle is
called a car has two wheels, is painted
yellow and is drawn by two horses. The
roads are good and they drive 40 miles
to a small town, where the cousin
(Continued next week.)
On of the most delightful conceits and
social allaire of the season was the en.
tertainment given under the manage
ment of St. Paul's Episcopal church last
fhursday night. The soloists were
Miss Imogen Harding, George T. How
ard, U. A. Miller and .brank Confer,
A male quartet, consisting of Postmas
ter llorton, J. P. Lovett, George T
Howard and C. A. Miller sung several
several selections, livery musical num
ber was enthusia'-tieally encored, and
responses nere the rule. Refreshments
were served by members of the Guild
and DdUghters of the King. A pleasant
social time and dancing followed.
teachebs' CLi:n.
Miss Aimee Bollack entertained the
Teachers' Club at the home of her par
ents on lower Fourth street Monday
evening. A very pleasant evening was
passed, biiperintemlent Ziuser led in
the discussion of study, and the slide
rulo was demonstrated by Hal A Rands.
Miss Mary Case also favored the Club
meeting with one of her popular solos.
Mrs. lid A. Sheahan entertained the
members of the Derthic Club at her
home Monday evening. The parlors
were prettily decorated, Oregon grape
predominating. It was a Mendelsson
evening, and there was a good attend
ance of members.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Rowen were the
recipient! of a delightful party Tuesday
at Uie borne of their son in-law, County
OlerU E. H. Cooper in honor of their fif
tieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Rowen
received a present of a gold watch and
chain, and .Mrs. liovven received several
anicles of gold jewelry. Refrehments
were served. Those present were Rev.
and Mrs. A. J. Montgomery, Mr. and
Mrs, James lirown, of Gladstone; Mr.
and Mrs. L W. Ingram, Mr. and Mrs.
li. H. Co per, Miss Jennie Rowen, Miss
Libker, H. V. Rowen.
Tho Womens Auxiliary served the
supper at th annual anniversary meet
ing of the Young Mens' Christian Asso
ciation bold Monday night. President
Otto Olson presided at the business ses
sion. The now directors elected to till
expired vacancies were Louis Adaau.s
and Kred Brace. In the coming mem
bership contest Ernest Hands and J. W.
Lodei were appointed leaders.
Addresses were ma lo by Rev. J. H.
Heaven, Judge Ryan, C. Seliuebel and'
others. '
On S..U'.;day liin'it Otis Eoylan was
the lecipient "of a delijhtfiil suapris,
party at his noma oa sower ceveut.i
street. Games and music were features
of the evening. Befreshments were
Myrtle Lodge, Degree of Honor, gave
ajpleasant social and supper at their
hall Friday night.
Fire Department Matters.
A meeting of the boaid of fire com
missioners was held at the office of Re
corder Curry Monday afternoon. J H.
Howard, Angu.-t Asmus and J. W. Cole
were appointed judges of the annual fire
men's election to be held on the first
Monday in March. Resolutions were
passed asking the council to form fire
districts, and pur in a system of fire
alarms. Mayor Dimick presided at the
Fountain Hose Company elected the
fo lowing new officers: President, August
iimus; foreman, H.W.Jackson; as
sistant foreman, Henry Roos; second
assistant foreman, L. Ruconieh; secre
tary, Claude Sabin. C. Hartman was
placed in nomination for tire commis
sioner, and S. J. Burford was endorsed
for chief engineer. L Ruconieh was
endorsed for assistant chief engineer.
The Hook & Ladder Company nominated
S.J. Burbrd for chief engineer, and
Arthur Miln for commissioner.
Several Deaths.
In another column the Molalla cor
respondent gives an account of the
death of George Hungate, aged 70. He
was a native of Illinois, and a pioneer of
1850 Besides the widow, he left the
following children : Major, 8. A. D. and
Graham Hungate; Mrs Isora Vaughan,
Mrs. Flavins Painter, Mrs. James Baty
and Mrs. William Smith
K. Tellefson. aged 74. died at Park-
place last Friday, where he had lived
the past two years. He left 11 children.
The interment was in the Arthur's Prai
rie cemetery Sunday.
Mrs. Bertha Rowan, wife of W. I
Rowan, died at her home ia lids city
Wednesday, February 12, aged 24 years,
7 months 29 days. The funeral will take
place from .he Badtist church this after
noon at 2 p. m., Rev. Beayen officiating.
Thedeceastd was a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Davis, and had been in
poor health for several months.
H. N. Edmiston. father of Mrs. S. S.
Walker, died last Saturday, aged 67
years, one month and one day. The
funeral took place from the Walker res
idence Monday, Rev. Grim officiating.
Martin Bruce Darna'l die! of heart
disease at his home near Mulino Feb
ruary 6th. at 1 o'clock, and was buried
in the Masonic cemfcUry at Oregon City,
February 8th. Key. Grim, of Uregon
City, preached the sermon at the grave.
Deceased was born in Indiau Grove,
Livingston county, Illinois, Septem
tember 12ih, 1864. He crossed the
plains with his parents by twain in 1865,
who settled near Mulino, Clackamas
county the same year. He leaves
a father, N. H. Darnal , and one
brother, John H. Darnall. Bruce,
as was commonly known, had
warm friends wherever he went, and
was well known over Eastern Oregon,
where he rode the rang for years and
was packer for several surveying parties.
N. H. Darnall, hie father, is known in
this county asjone of our best citizens. 0.
Hot soda at the Kozv Ka idy Kitchen
Jesse Cox, of Elwuod, was in the city
The lone smallpox patient in the In
dian camp is recovering.
Kidney complaint kills more people
than any other disease. This is due to
the disease being so insiduous that it
gets a good hold on the system before it
is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure will
prevent the development of fatal disease
if taken in time. Charman& Co.
Had to Conquer or Die.
"I was just about gone," writes Mrs.
Rosa Kicliar json, of Laurel Springs, N.
0., ' I had Consumption so bad that
the best doctors said I could not live
more than a month, but I began to use
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by seven bottles an 1 am
now stout and well" It's an unrivaled
lite saver in Consumption, Pneumonia,
La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for
Coughs, f'olds, Asthma, Hay Fever,
Cioup or Whooping Cough, Guaran
teed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottles
free at George A. Harding's drug store.
Don't pass us by call in and getour
prices. Red Front Trading Company.
Women and Jewells
Jewels, candy, flowers, manthat is
the order of a womnn's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that great
est of all jewels, health, is often ruined
in the strenuous efforts to make or save
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will risk her life to get a coveted
gem, then let her fortify herself against
the insiduous consequences of coughs,
colds and bronchial affections by the
ri-gular use of Dr. Bosehee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal the
allected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread disease from the system.
It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles, ion can get Dr. G. G. Green s
reliable remedies at George A. Hard
ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac.
The Wall Street Journal
Give advice and answers, without
charge, inquiries about investments.
Studies, underlying causes of market
movements. Determines facts gov
erning valne&of securities. OritRnses,
analyses and reviews Railroad ami
Industrial report''. Has complete ta
bles of earnings of properties. Quotes
active and inactive stocks and bonds,
llecords the la.-t sale of bonds aud the
ield on investment at the price.
One who daily consults The Wall
Stwkkt Jouunal is better qualified lo
invest money safely and profitably
and to advise about investments than
one who does not do s.i.
Published daily by
IXivv, Jones A Co., 4 Broad S., N.Y.
The oldest news agency of Wall St.
$S a year, $1 a month,
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent.
Cure In All Cases
YE Aft S
Jumbo Mush, 2l2 lbs. in package,
2 packages tor. 1 5c
Salmon, 3 cans 25c
Arm & Hammer Soda, 8 lbs.
for. 25c
Good Syrup, per can 25c
Roast Coffee, from loe
Green Coffee, per lb ioc
Sardines, 6 cans 25c
3-lb. can Baked Beans 20c
Washing Powder, per lb 5c
Ackerman Coffee Extract, 8
packages .25c
Lemon and Vanilla Extracts,
per oz 5c
Bird Seed, with bone and grav
el, per package 7c
Blueing, per bottle 5c
Matches, per bunch ic
GLASS SETS, consisting of SUGAR
HOLDER and CREAMER, from 35c per set.
guarantee same
Fifty Cents m Year-Less Than 'Penny Number.
Published at Atlanta, Go.. Circulation Over 50,000.
Vha SUNNY SOUTH Istha Great Literary Weekly of the
South. It is devoted to Literature, Romance, Fact and Fiction,
and gives the best ofall that is current In its field. Amono its contributors the most
noted southern writers appear-Joel Chandler Harris, Harry stlllwell Edwards and
others of orowlng fama. Serial stories from Anthony Hope, Maurice Thompson,
Sidney R. Crockett, Mrs. r,e rce 3rbe:t and Arthur w. Marchmont have appear
ed, and others are in waiting from the pen of authors of national note. A short
story contest brought out nearly live huBdred splendid short
stories, all worthy a place In Ve SUNNY SOCTH'S readable col
umns. Other contests are contemplated that will successfully exploit the ripening
field of talent that only needs such fostering to Illustrate the wealth that is shy to
assert Itself.
CAe SUNNY SOUTH teems with the life ofthe great south. The gen
ial sunshine warms everything into activity, and the season is never cold enough
to check the hand of Industry. Tho paper conus fragrant with the breath of the
magnolia and pine, and gives out the very air of the orai.ge, pa'm and bay. Ilia
beauty and pathos, the romance and mystery of the land whero the com
stores uo the golden sunshine an 1 the cotton whitens In the moonlight, will be
given : e well-filled columns of this fascinating weeKly.
ascription price Is Only Fifiy Cents a year, alike to all persons,
agents, njASpapors, postmasters and every one else. Clubs of five, accompanied
by the full $2.50, entitle the club raiser to the paper one year gratis.
Send on a Postal Card the names of six of your neighbors who
would ipprectato the opportunity to read a copy of The Sunny South, and one
sample will to mailed free. You cm got your club of five out of these very people.
SUNNY SOUTH enters over 50,000 American homes now; and
during 1902 is sure to be welcomed !n fully as many more homes, as the great
weekly feast of good things, the Southern Literary Weekly, whose columns for
1902 will bo th most readable of all the papers that come to you.
Address All Communications to
Ue SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga.
Tortland Market.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour B-st $2.80(33.-10; grahau. j
52.50. I
Wheat Walla Walla G1jG3c; va'kn !
MogtH ; hhiestem SiJa'c.
Oats White, 1.20; grav. IJtl.fi.
Barlev Feed $19; brewing $20 per t.
Millstnffs Jran $19; mid llings " $21:
shorts $21 ; chop $1S.
Hay Timothy $Mi312; clover, $7??P;
Oregon wild $6."
15 itt'T Fan y eream-rv 2"a!il 30c ;
store, 13 and 15.
22 eenis pr ooz.
Poultry Mixe.1 chicken; $:?.M:,t3 50;
heos $l,5t(o; spmus $3jf3 60; geese,
fiK.7; ducks $0($tt.l9 ; live turkeys 11 g
12c; dressed, l"xgl7c.
There is nothing like Asthmalene
It brings Instant relief, even In the worst cases, ft
cures when all else fails.
Tbo Rev. C. F. WELL8, of Villa Itidfte, lit., soys:
Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in goo
condition . 1 cannot tell you bow thankful I feel for
the good derived from It. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de
spnin d of ever being cured. I saw your adTertite
ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease. Asthma, and thought you had overspokeu
yourselves, but resolved to giye it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me
a full size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Kabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel.
New York, Jan. 3, 1901
Des.Taft Bbos.' Medicine Co..
tieutlcmen: Your Asthmiileue is an excellent rem
edy for Asthma and Hay FeTer, and its composition
allveiates all troubles which combine with Asthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hay
ing Il carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma
lene contains no opium, morphine, chlofonn nor
ether. Very truly yours,
Trial bottle se nt absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED
ICINE CO., 79 East t 3dh Si. TSiw
York City
j Sewing Machine Oil, per bot
, Sc
Regular 15c Shoe Dressing.
Lemonade Sets, from $ I
White Metal Tpaspoons, per
set 15c
Curling Irons, each 4c
Fancy loilet Soap, per box. . 15c
Lead Pencils, per dozen ioc
Table Oil Cloth, per yard .... 1 8c
Toilet Soap, long bar 4c
Men's Working Gloves, from., .25c
Men's Black and White Striped
Working Shirts 43c
Men's Suspenders 15c
Men's and Boys' Hats at fac
tory prices.
Men's and Boys' Leggings. . .40c
Mutton Gross, best si
and ewes, sheared, $3
and 6 cents per pound.
leep, weathers
25; dressed, 5
Hogs choice heavy, $5 75 and $ 00;
light, $5 ; dressed, ti 1-2 and 7 cnts per
eal Large, 8 and !1
prn nd.
cents per
Buef (Jrns, top steers $'i "0 fn,i ti
dressed beef, 3 and 7 cents
Dor pound.
Che'se Full cream IWic rT vwud
Young America 12c.
Potatoes 90 1.10 per hundred.
Vegetables Beets 90c; Wimps 05c
per sack; garlic 7c pr lb; cabl)ni-$i 05
(gl.oO per 100 pounds ; ca;ilif;oTitr 7oC
per dozen; parsnips 85c f.r sack ; cc'try
7075c per dozen; asparagus Te.
pi as 23c per pound. '
d fruit--Apples evanora'
0 73;
; ; a, a
r s
t;, a
,;1 cj:V CT W.'ICLS
sop and pvnpornt
'9e ;
a'lver choice 57.
Pitjcn City