Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 14, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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I !
0w Annual Clearance Sale I
And draws crowds of eager shoppers to every department which
is well represented with the newest and choicest collection of
FINE MERCHANDISE to be found in any store in the city.
THIS IS THE TIME OF ALL TIMES to get yo-ir Winter
comforts or necessaries at little cost. Don't miss this week's
bargain opportunity.
Biggest Bargains Ever Offered Anmaenrity
Ages 6, 8 and io. Heavy long coats, with capes attached and
without. Materials fine heavy and warm Scotch cloakings,
mixed effects, elegantly tailored. (ALL LAST SEASON'S
GOODS.) Prices $8.50, $9.50, $10.50 and $12.50. Your choice
to-day for $3 65. Wonderful values. Bring your girls along
and get the best bargains on earth.
McAllen & McDonnell
Fred Baker, of Wilsonville, was in the
city Fridsy.
Henry Harper, of Stafford, was in the
city Monday
Harvey Bieeell, of Canby, was in the
city Saturdsy.
B. F. Bullard, of Eagle Greek, was in
the city Friday.
S. P. Luelling, of Redland, was in
the city Monday.
James N. Bessette, of Sunnyside, was
in town Saturday.
August Funk, of Logan, was in Ore
gon City Saturday.
0. W. Robbins, cf Molalla, was in
Oregon City Friday.
Emil Horntchucb, of Sehubel, was in
Oregon City Monday
Peter C. Davidson, of Highland, was
in the city Thursday.
W . P. O'Connor, of Beaver Creek, was
in the city Saturday.
E. B. Miller and C. Zweifel, of Needy,
were in town Monday.
0. Fisher, of Beaver Creek, was a vis
itor in the city Saturday."
Fred Gage, of Clackamas precinct,
was in the city Monday.
C. Schuebel returned Saturday morn
lng from a visit to Salem.
J. M. Tracy was among the Logan
people in town Saturday.
Register C. B. Moores visited relatives
in Salem, during the week.
R. B. Hayhnrst returned from Lewis
ton, Idaho, a few weeks ago.
An excellent assortment of new patterns in
solid gold, gold filled, silver and nickel cases in all
grades and sizes Sold for cash or on installment.
Second-hand watches taken in exchange, i
We make a specialty of repairing watches,
and guarantee all our work.
H F-067
Dr. Rueben Goucher, of Mulino, was
a visitor in the city Monday.
Albert Durst, a well known resident
of Clarkes, was in town Friday.
;0. W. Robbina, of Molalla, is in the
city on business Corvallis Times.
Michael Davoren, of Clackamas pre
cinct, was in Oregon City Friday.
H W. Gard, a prominent democrat,
of Clarkes, was in the city Friday.
William B. Hayden, of Clack amas
precinct, was in the city Monday.
George and Hosea Rogers, of Clarkes,
were visitors in the city Saturday.
Postmaster A. Mather, of Clackamas
Station, was in Oregon City Friday. I
0. D. Morris and Nelse Bowers, of
Macksburg, were in the city Monday.
Miss Bessie Armstrong, of Barlow, is
visiting her couain, Miss Echo Samson.
Emil Staub, a well known Beaver
Creek farmer, was in the city Saturday.
Henry Hohlmann, a well known Bea
ver Creek farmer, was in town Satur
day. John Drescber went to Monitor Sun
day, to visit his family for a couple of
A. Swales, of Logan, was in the city
Saturday on his way home from Port
land. Professor R. E. Slory, of McMinn
ville college, was in the city during the
Miss Bessie Grout was up from Port
land Sunday, and spent the day at
George and Jacob Schmidt, fine stock
breeders of Shubel, were in Oregon City
Monday ,
Myron Babler, of Logan , was a visi
tor in the city for a couple of days during
the week.
Oregon City
Gnitfried Kn-vier, a well known resi
dent of Molalla precinct, was in the city
J. C. Elliott, a prominent Damascus
merchant, was in the city during the
patt week.
Mrs. VV. T. Johnston and Miss Clara
Johnston, of Clackamas, were in the
city Monday.
A. T. Winches, principal of the Canby
school, was a visitor in the city dmfog
the past week.
Mrs. L. L. Porter has been visiting
her parent, Mr. and Mrs. John Spang
ler in Corvallis.
Harry Beard, the paid leader of the
band at tie state reform school, was in
the city Saturday.
Justice of the Peace Matt Kandle an i
Frank Nicholas, of Highland, were in
the city Saturday.
Mrs. George W. Bigham returned
Thursday from an extended visit with
relatives at Salem .
. Sam Engle, the well known Molalla
pioneer, was reported to be seriously ill
the first of the week.
William Covey and Mr. and Mrs.
John Clowser, of Barlow, were visitors
in tlie city Saturday.
Mrs. (filbert Potter, of LaOamas,
Wash., is viBiting her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Robert Potter. ,
Rev.J. W Exon, of Viola, exchanged
pulpits with Rev. R. E. Dunlap, of
Canby last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs J. H. Kitching and Mr.
Bowen, of Currinsville, were visitors in
the city over Sunda .
Councilman Harry Gilmore, of Canby,
is recovering from the effects of a severe
attacii of pneumonia.
J, L. Stewart, Charles Hattan and
William Watts were among the Stone
people in town Saturday. '
Mr. and Airs. C. U. Barlow, who were
visiting relatives in the city, returned
to their home at Burlo.v Monday.
Silas Wright and son, Pierce, of Lib
eral, were in town Saturday, to attend
the funeral of the late Bruce Darnall.
W. H. H. Samson will go to Hubbard
today ' to conduct the auction sale of
property, belonging to Mort Cochran.
Rev. E. Meyer, who has returned
from his California trip, went to La
Camus, Wash., Monday, for a short
visit. , , '
Fred Rakel, of Caneman, who has
been very ill with an attack of eresipe
las for some time past, is slowly recov
ering. W. H. Miller, for 20 years a resident
of Soda Springs precinct, was in the
city for a couple of days during the
Si Hatton and George Sprague, of
Stone, were in town Saturday, and took
out the new bell for the Holcomb school
bouse, f
Lyman B. Andrews and Miss Marie
Roberts were up from Portland last
Sunday, aud visited their respective
Mrs. Henry Hakamp and twins left
yesterday for a week's visit with rela
tives In Oregon City. Woodburn Inde
pendent. Miss Anna Mathews, formerly of Cur
rinsville, is the new manager of Ham
den's confectionery store on lower Sev
enth street.
. K 1027
- 1 m
Ntir !''
M -imi. -i. M hAi hiii 1 1 lil'i'l litl
100,000 Rolls of Wall Pa
per at 5c per double roll at
W.L. Block, The Homc-
fumisher, opposite r.
Mrs, Lizzie Coates, of Portland, a sis
ter ji tfilas Wright, of Liberal, came up
from Portland Saturday to attend the
Darnall funeral.
Councilman William Sheahan re
ceived word the first of the week that
his father-in-law, Joseph Kuerten, was
very sick in Seattle.
Miss Pearl Harrington, of Highland,
who was attending school in the city,
has been very ill at the home of Mrs.
J . L. Waldron at Ely.
L. K. Cogswell, a prominent stock
man, of Ohehalis, Wash., who was vis
iting his cousin, George Lazelle, re
turned home Monday.
F. S. L. Bagby, of the sawmill firm
of Bagby & Dixeon, was in the city dur
ing the week, and stated that they were
busy getting out logs.
Attorney E. M. Rauds, a former prom
inent resident of Oregon City, has re
turned to his home at Vancouver, Wash.,
from a visit to Mexico .
A. M. Shibley brought in a load of
produce Saturday, and took back a load
of merchandise for W. J. Lewellen, the
Springwater postmaster.
Miss Mabel Kidder, is home
from the Willamette university at Sa
lem, and expects to resume her studies
at that institution next year.
Mrs. T. J. Divine, who has been vis
iting Miss Echo Samson for several
weeks past, returned to her home at
(ioldendale, Wash., Monday.
Mr. aad Mrs. J. K. Morris and Mr.
and Mrs J. L. Waldron and Mrs. O. W.
Deaver attended the Woodmen benefit
ball at Milwaukie Saturday night.
R. P. Cooper and O. T. Kay, two well
l nown residents of Meadow brook, were
in the city Monday, and reported that
fall sown wheat gave good promise.
Mrs. W. E. Lacey went to Oregon
City last Friday, and made proof on her
timber claim, which is situated on the
headwaters of the Yamhill river. Polk
County Observer.
Professor F. L. Washburn, who re
cently resigned bis professorship in the
state university to accept a similar
place in a Wisconsin university, was in
the city Saturday .
H. Breithaupt, of Damascus, has been
delivering onions in the local market,
duaing the past week. He recsived
$1 75 per sack for the product, which is
is of prime quality.
John Eudy and sister, of Portland,
were visiting their father, William
Eudy, Jwho is still confined 10 bis home
from the effects of a fall, received a
couple of months ago,
Rev. T. R. Hornschuch, of Sweet
Home, Linn county, was in the city
Saturday on his way home from Port
land, lie spent his boyhood days in the
vicinity of Beaver Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Vedder, who
were visiting friends at Milwaukie, re
turned to Scott's M ilia Monday. Mr.
Vedder will teach another term of school
at McKee, Marion county.
Alfred Weed returned from the Good
Samaritan hospital in Portland in Port
land the latter part of last week, 17 days
after Dr. Sommer performed an opera
tion for appendicitis on him.
Mrs. Sarah E. Howlett, of Eagle
Point, Jackson county, arrived Friday
morning, and ie visiting her brother,
Sheriff Cooke. She will remain here
for a month visiting relatives. '
D. W. Kinnaird, inspector of public
surveys, left Tuesday night to make an
inspection of newly-surveyed lands.
A. M. Kirchem, of Redland, is the
principal member of his crew.
Miss Reva Buel, of Sheridan, is visit
ing her sister, Mr. John Vernon on
Madison street. Miss Buel is employed
in a Sheridan mercantile establisment,
and is yisiting her sister during a short
Mrs. W. TS. Witrgins and children
went to Portland Friday to join Mr.
Witrgins in their new home. Their resi
dence is on (Jibbs street, South Port
hind, across corners from the home of
E. E. Williams.
F. M. Amen has trimmed out all the
brush in the road in front of his place on
the tiite road, makina a great improve
ment in the looks of things. He also
has 12,000 strawbeiry plants for sale.
Hood River Glacier.
Mrs. George 0. Brownell will give an
address before the statu conference 0
charities ami correction to be held in
j Portland, February 1819. Her topic
! will be the "Duty of the State to Its
Dependent Children."
George Himlor is now filling the posi
tion of track walker between Oregon
City and Clackamas Station, and piles
the wood along the track. He is pro
vided with a tricycle and, which is
provided with a switch light.
EraBtus A. Smith, of this city, deliv
ered an able oration at '94 class oratori
cal contest at McMinnville College last
week. The subject was "The National
Tendency," and it was printed in full in
full in the Telephone Register.
Deputy County Clerk O. I). Eby and
family went out to Molalla Sunday
morning. He returned in the evening,
but Mrs. Eby and child will remain
I there for several weeks, visiting her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Moore.
Charles H. B'.tzer, of Oregon City, an
old-time acquaintance of the Advocate
foreman, paid this office a pleasant call
last week, while waiting for the train at
Labam. lie will hold down a job in
one of the sawmills tl e-e. Chehalis,
Wash., Advocate.
Mias Bertha Goldsmith is expected
home from Ktn Francisco in two or
three days, wlire she ha been vimting
her sister, .Mrs. Lena Wicks for
several weeks past. Miss Celia Gold
smith left for San Francisco last Thurs
day night, and expecti to remain there j
lor a month.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hall have left Or
egon City, where they tn ide their liom".
during the past five or six months, Mtid
have secured a place near Buena Vista.
Mrs. Hall came np Wednesday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Adams.
In the course of a week she expects to
return to Buena Vista. Corvallis Gazette.
All .millinery
goods below cost at MUs
The Jessie Shirley Oompanv are play
ing at Grant's Pass this week.
The show windows in the store fronts
of the Willamette building are being re
modelled and improved.
The local Y. M. O. A. Juniors worsted
the Multnomah Athletic Club Juniors in
a game of indoor baseball herd Satur
day night.
The Viola Epworth Leagne will give
an entertainment and social on Friday
evening Febrnary 21st, for the benefit of
proposed repairs to the parsonage.
A typographical error in the printing
of last month's board of county commis
sioners proceedings made the lumber
appropriation for the Springwater road,
read 270,000 instead of 27,000 feet.
Mrs. W. T. Whitlock and Edward
King, each of Portland, have each filed
suits in the circuit court of Multnomah
countv to recover the $500 reward of
fered for the apdrehension of the mur
derers of young Morrow Public senti
ment is in favor of Mrs. Whitlock.
The steamer Leona came up the river
Saturday and passed on up the river to
Booneville for a load of wheat. The
Leona was recently the victim of a mis
hap on the upper river, but has been
thoroughly overhauled and is now in
first-class shape for traffic. Corvallis
P. Fisher and Edgar Allen, who have
doing business at McMinnville under
the name of P. Fisher & Co., Friday
filed a petition of banknptcy in the
United States coilrt. Their liabilities
are $10,636 87 ; assets, $8250. This firm
was formerly in business in the Cau
field block in this city, the establish
ment being known as the Beehive store.
Another popular mask ball will be
given at the Seventh street hall on
Washington's birtdday, ehruary 22nd.
As in the past functions given by the
management, excellent music will be
provided and every courtesy will be ex
tended to the dancers The admission
for men will be 50 cents; women, free;
spectators, 25c. This will be the last
ball ol the season Dy the management.
Mrs. Lizzie Curl, who formerly lived
at the home of J. F. Montgomery, died
near Jefferson Sunday. Mr, Montgom
ery was at once notified, and informed
the daughters of the dead woman, who
went up to attend the funeral. Mr
Curl was also notified by telegraph in
Eastern Oregon, but had already started
borne, and knew nothing of his wife s
death, until he passed thaough here on
tba train Monday morning. ; i
Last Saturday Fred Riebhoff , of
Stone, had a narrow escape from being
carried into the Willamette river. b a
slide. He had almost reached the
grade near the old Hackett place, and
saw a section of the grade slide into the
river, and two women driving ahead
barely got out of the way of the slide on
the other side. Mr. Riebhoff turned
back, crossed Baker's bridge, and came
to town on the other side of the Clacka
mas. 1
The seven months of public schoof at
Bourne was ended by a largely attended
entertainment Saturday evening at the
school house. Director H. S. Morrison
was master of ceremonies and the pu
pils took part in appropriate and pleas
ing musical and literary exercises Miss
Elizabeth Evans, the school teacher,
has endeared herself to pupils and par
ents alike because of her steady and
successful work in guiding the young
folks in the pathway of knowledge.
Sumpter Morning Reporter.
Lieutenants Vidalin and Richmond,
of the Salvation Army, will give their
farewell next Sunday night, and will go
to Baker City. They will be succeeded
by Captain Bogue and Lieutenant Mc
Allister, whose welcome will be held
next Wednesday night. There also will
be a special meeting on Saiurday even
ing, when coffee and cake will be served.
The band of Portland No. 4 corps, are
expected, and everybody is cordially in
vited. Sheriff Cooke and Deputy Jack will
begin the collection of taxes next Mon
day. Misses Ina Chase, Lulu Hankins,
Ketta Pierce and Mrs.G. O. Bacon are
busy making extensions to the tax-roll,
and it will be ready to turn over to the
sheriff the latter part of this week.
Fortj school districts made tax levies
this year, an unusual large number,
which necessitated conciderable extra
work in making the extensions. Many
taxnavers have been in the city during
the past week, anxious to pay their
taxes in order to get the benefit of the
3 per cent reduction. They can be ac
commodated after this week.
Ketli Austin and John A. Howland
were fined $25 each in Justice McAnul
ty's court last Friday afternoon. They
pleaded guilty and were let off with
minimum fines. During the i.reater
psrt of the winter Austin and Howland
have been on the upper Clackamas, and
killed deer for food, and used the sur
plus for baiting their traps. J. J. Kellv,
deputy sheriff of Multnomah county,
made the arreBt. under the direction ol
the game warden. Four dressed doe
deer were seized at the same time, which
were brought in and placed on exhibl
tion for awhile in Albright's market.
Later, the seized venison was cut up
and given way and a part taken to
Countv Commissioner, T. B. Killln
of Clackamas county, visited at the
court houBe in Hillsboro last Tuesday.
He stepped over to inspect the working
The Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bak-.
ing Powder. Always light,
sweet, pure & wholesome;
1 eal Estate
Den't Pay Rent, Buy a Home.
0(VA COTTAGE AND LOT on Jefferson
OUIAJ tt , one third cash, balance in
tollmen, fifteen dollars per month, tn
twrM per cent.
,OUU Inton rt. below the hill. A
Trj dMlrable 5 room cottage with veatl
bale, ptnft-j and bath; one hall caeli, bal
ance t per otnt.
11 fiftfl WOHT ACRES Inelde city lm
l)UUv iti running water; desirable
for home and chicken ranoh. Terms to
$500 and upwards, 6 per cent.! smaller'
sums, 7 per cent, , Long time.
C. H. DYE,
Cor. Sixth and Main Streets.
of our poor farm system. Clackamas
oounty has no poor farm, but the de
mand for one is becoming quite urgent.
Another matter that he noted while
here is the number, of deputy officers
this county employs, pnd how they are
able to dispose of pnblic business. The
number of deputies employed in Clacka
mas county exceeds what is on the pay
roll here. It is to be admitted, how
ever, that the clerical force is shy in this
county. Mr. Killin is a brother of onr
Benton Killin, whom he very much re
sembles. Many of the habitutea of the
court hcuse mistook T. B. for Benton,
much to his amusement and their con
fusion. Hillsboro Independent.
The finest bon bon boxes in town svt
tb K.K. K.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
A few watches for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
Land titles examined, abstracts mads
and money loaned at lowest rates.
Dimlck & Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon
A few more New Year Numbers of the
Courier-Herald for Bale at the office..,
William Kreuger, who resides on Bea
ver Creek, but whose postoflice addresa
is Oregon City, wants to exchange hia
bicycle for a cart or buggy.
Lumber Leave orders at this office
for first-class lumber of all kinds, or ad
dress W. F. Hakrib. Beaver Creek,
Oregon. ;
Drs. P.. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentist,
Weinhard building.
The Weekly bregonian gives all the
national news and the Courier-Herald
gives all local and county news. Both
one year for Two Dollars.
Parties having a farm to rent will do
well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es
tate and insurance agent, at Oregon
City, who has applicants.
Key fitting, lock work and saw filing
at Johnson A Lamb's bicycle shop, op
posite Electric hotel. Satisfaction guar
AtQ. W. Grace's store on Seventh
and Center streets, for the next 00 days,
dry goods, boots and shoes will be sold
at 10 per cent, reduction. Suits for men
and boys will go at cost.
A Bargain A tract of 8 acres on Mo
lalla road ; three-fourths mile from Ely,
2 acres cleared. Must be
sold at once. Price $75 per acre. For
particulars inquire at Courier-Herald of
fice. When you yisit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Hoyal Kestaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
square meal, 15c.
600 tracts of land for sale. Inquire of
0. A. Cheney, Oregon City, Or.
"Ifl Could Get Rid
of this abominable cold," exclaimed the
sufferer, when the end of a spasm of
coughing gave him a chance to talk. The
way out of the trouble is plain. Take
Allen s Lung lialsam beluro this merci
less grip of tho cold has fastened upon
throat anl lung. After a few dopes the
cough is easier anil less frequent, and a
complete cure is but tho question of a
little time.
Socialist Vnmmltlen Meetinj.
The Socialist Central Committee of
Clackamas county is hereby called to
meet in the justice olhco oppoftte Hunt
ley's drug store, Oregon City, Saturday,
Februarv 15lh.at 1 p. in., for tho purpose
of sotting the time lor holding a couuty
onvention, and transact any other busi
ness that properly comes before such
AH p iiiricts in which there is yetno
com in ii eeman are requested to senu
someone to represent them.
FllKl) J. MKINW,,
Chairman County Central Com.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
When you lack energy, do not reliim
your food, feel dull and stupid, after eat
ing, all you need U a dose of Chamler
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
will make you feel like a new man and
give you an lappetite like a bear. For
gale by O. A. Harding.