Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 14, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
itvrt I InOregon Citypoatofflcess2nd-clussratt)l
Paid In advance, per year 1 Kj
Hi months jj
Three montbs'trlal D
IWThe date opposite your address on the
paper denotes t he time to which you have paid .
If this noticeis marked your subscription i due.
With Weekly Orc-fronian $2 00
Trl Weekly N. Y. World J j"
" National Watchman J
Appeal to Reasun J J
" Weekly Examiner 2 il
" Bryan's Commoner '
Standing business advertisements: Permor.th
Brof(!SsIoiialcards,U!l, per year): 1 to 10 inches
60c per inch, 12 inches for $6, 20 inches (column)
J8, 30 inches (M pane) $12.
Leoal advertisements: Per inch (minion) 12.80,
dlvorse summons .7 60. Affidavits of publica
tion will not be furnished until publication fees
are paid.
Local notices; Five cents per line per week
Per month 20o. Obituar es, cards of tbanks,
churoli aud locliro notices where admission foe
is 'Vhnrned or collected half price or 2'A cents
per line.
OREGON CITY, FEB. 14, 1902.
You must register again if wish to
vote at primaries or'at the June election
this year.
Tub road from Oregon City to Baker's
bridge is again reported impassable on
account of a slide. This is the usual
winter occurrence and until the work
is done right; it will continue to trouble
residpnts of the sections beyond.
Congkkbs is making itself ridiculous
over Cuba and the Philippines. It is
afraid that if the islands were accorded
living privileges to trade with us they
would injure'our commerce. If Importa
tion of their products will be detrimen
tal to us, why not give them full liberty
to bestow their injuries on other na
tions? Why i-h'.'i' ' Uncle Sam be the
dog in the mmger t ''e Hands?
A piuLANUiitoi'ivr is supposed to be a
person who loves his fellowmen. But
that is an old fogy definition., Carnegie
accumulated his many useless millions
by holding np (like a highwayman) his
workmen, and now struts around the
world giving a few millions to this school
and a few to that, and lolheis a phil
anthropist. Though a robber of the poor,
of many thousands of poor .for years and
years, he is lauded as a good man.
Whit fools we mortals bel
Tub timn for payment of taxes has
been changed by law. If you pay half
your taxes before tho tir?t Monday in
April (not April 15th as the Enterprise
had it) you have until fall to pay the
balance, if not.a penalty of 10 pir cent is
addod. If you are able to pay all
your taxes before March 15th you get a
rebate of 3 per cent. The time for pay
ment of taxes in the past has usually
been extended but the.new law prevents
that, and you are now compelled to pay
on time or have your property sold.
"Tun farmurs of England are crying
out against the increased burdens they
are called upon to bear in the name of
patriotism," writes a correspondent in
Great Britain, of the American Miller.
"Wheat-growing ia fast becoming a lost
art with thorn. It does not pay at all.
They Imvo to give the millers a ton of
wheat for a ton of bran. If millers wore
not gotlitigthoHi'top pi ices for br.in.thoy
could not pos-ihly live out of making
Hour, whii-h, imlu! f.u'o of the enormous
stoi'luof American Hour constantly ar
riviiu, dt'i'ios-vs the in irket lvilovv tho
,oMilility of a pmlll. Thorn is not tl.o
alighioiil iloul.it hut that womwlhing will
liavo to be done and that soon."
II mil! is a token of republican pros
perity: According to iho annual report
of the Mate factory commission, the em
ployment of child labor in Illinois has
increased ;'.) per cent in tho last your.
In 1900 tho inspectors found 14,256
children tit work in tho factories, and in
1!I01, 19,S:'). And this item is no loss
significant : Five hundred customs cloth
ing workers, the majority of thorn wo
men, have been locked out, and it is said
the number will bo largely increased in
the near future, as tho result of an or
ganized movement to Btamp out union
ism among the garment workers in Chi
Two weeks ago the Courier-Herald
published a statement, hacked by otlicial
figures from the court hotm showing
that Clackamas county was over ifl'JL.',
000 in debt on February 1st.
Cheney liod
1 lie Courier-l ler 'd lied
Cheney lied
The C"Ui ier-licr.iU lie. I
Is the substance of l'.rothcr Porter's ar
ticle in his organ lust week instead of
trying to disprove onr statement. His was
but u bully's or fool's argument and is
hardly worth', noticing, and besides his
iguorauco ' lMta M n'"11''11'-- cvt u ' 1,0
ia tn-ing to cover up tho doings of his
benefactors, tho board of commission-
H" nays Cheney's prices were so
tlmt tho board would not pay any
aU-uiioa to our bid for theeouoty print-
ing. Oar bid was bufone-thirrl of what
his wiifl and lie got the job. What was
the reason? We didn't belong to the
g. o. p He claims the publication ol
the tax list did not cot aa much this
year as usual. It did not, but it is no
thanks to him ; the sheriff collected so
much of the tax that there was hardly
anything left to publish and still the
bill for publishing was over (450. His
rates are 50 per Jcent higher than those
under the Courier-Herald contract for
The following, from Judge Murray F.
Tuley, of Chicago, dean of the circuit
court branch.'spoken Nov. 30, 1901, to
the Iroquois Club'in that city, shows
how a.learned aud grave judge regards
the judicial driftin'thiB country :
"Have not the United States judges
from the very oeginning been what Jef
ferson declared them to be 'sappers
and miners,' undermining the constitu
tion of the United States?
"It never has been considered any
part of the duty of the juicia'y power
to suppress riots, prevent disorder, or
preserve the peace. The duty of the
legislative power is to make the la, of
the judiciary to interpret and expound
it, and of the executive toenforce it.
"The judge, without hearing the de
fendant, ommands that is, decrees
what he shall or shall not do in advance,
and without a hearing enforces the per
formance of the commands of the writ.
Then he brings the defendant before
him, tries him without a jury, adjudges
him guilty of a violation of the com
mands of the writ formulated by the
judge himself in the absence of the de
fendant, and sentences him to punish
ment not defined by law, but resting in
the breast of suc.i judge.
"Not only does the amount of punish
ment rest in the breast of the judge, but
even the place where the imprisonment
shall be inflicted rests in the breast of
the judge.
"Is not such a proceeding by the judge,
government by injunction and a substi
tute for trial by jury ?" I
The Review of the Week, an English
conservative society weekly, says of the
parliament of Great Britain: 'Tarlia
ment is destroying its soul, the soul of
the nation. The vital functions of
financial control, of statesmanlike fore
sight have disappeared from parliament.
Look where we will, parliamentary gov
ernment is not only decadent but dead.
The best men of all nations refuse to
have anything to do with it; and in
England no less than elsewhere, lheto
ricians, talkers, boodlers, fine gentle
men, procurante philosophers, and Cir
ce's rout of led-captains agape for hon
ors or personal ends, are the people who
man the legislature. The main function
of parliament is no longer to check
finance or to govern." The Oregonian
of the 0th instant emphasizes this dis
mal statement in its editorial on that
"Blot Upon Civilization," the United
States senate. To quote in part: "It is
the cesspool of American politics. Thither
repair thebrainlosi rich, the blackguard
poor, the conscienceless rapscallions and
the coarsest clowns that imported
strains and native talents can produce .
Such assininity on one hand a"d rascal
ity on the other as our national life af
fords, painstakingly erect themselves
into an imposing arch into which as a
keystone the United States tenate fits
with miraculous precision.
It has tied the nation's hands with
Cuba, j fomented iu-urrectiou in tho
t'hilinpinos, prostituted the army with
its trailio in appointments, and made its
list of e i ployes au instrument of sup
pott to mab and reinalo stipendiaries ol
its members."
The above is a ll;tiug introduction to
the following "prize poem" on"Tho Ore
gon Delegation:"
Our ileleg'itlun to nil,- t'lU nation
Aud rereenl tills, our Kloiious stiito,
Will long in! luenlioiwd, ami xUoiiUt be pensioned,
linruot'tiilliwtl.for tlmtr wtt ami weight;
It Is iistouiullim' that such renowned meu
.should o'er be found la one ceutury,
And more appalling to lur tlioiu oalling
Themselves the Solous of eternity.
There's Joseph Simon, our modern Timon,
A pigmy ruling an empire state,
Who, like Jew Dreyfus, betrayed his life trust,
And rose at Balem on Coibett's slate.
11 in inclination to nmoh this station,
And to damnation all olno eonslmi,
W ill v erdlSKraoo htm till death embrace him
Aud Clio outers his Judas erimo.
Aud i;ure the uetule, tho miava aud crafty,
In uilnd Mac hiuvel cmnnleli';
At home a seheiner,aluad a dreamer,
Is honored now with Joe Polph's seat.
S.v Statosmtm smiling. Midlrido beguiling,
From evsryaisU in our natiou'a hall,
While Joseph Simon and ti ,'orgc, the sly man,
Are bonding low to their country ' call.
There's Tongue and Moody,Tom Tongue for booty,
And Malcolm Jioody weak ohild of clmu.-e
Willi strange ollront'iy.from buueh-gtnss country,
To seats lu iMiisTtws are now inlvonccd;
And oni- Ut'ar llcr.iuu, our pscudo s!utonuu,
W hum naught can h.ike front the public bin,
Muy syoits rnund him, paluvcr gicud lii:n,
I mil ho bow.- f.r out votos ag da.
Oh ! !o!ienv Maker, o shados of liaker,
Nostoihm Dolph and great Neinilh's brain,
Noble John Mclaughlin ;nnd men of that lair,p,
j st-.ull Otvon ever rise again?
Our Journals thundering, our nation wondering,
Uur people pondering on, now and then,
t'nile In praying, unite in saying,
" l'lils state hall n.Ver bo disgraced again."
Hats, trinnninus and everything
umttnety line
below cost at Miss Gold-
The Entfrprisp last week says that
the Clatsop county tax was higher than
that of Clackamas. Sich is not the
can-, the county tax of that county is 31
mills, one mill lower than Clackamas.
This still leaves Clackamas the "ban
ner" county in the state in regard to
high taxes just as we stated.
Alfred Luelling will no doubt succeed
himself as county treasurer. Ha is a
first-class official in eveVy sense and is
entitled to a second term. County Clerk
Cooper will probably be the unanimous
choice on citizens ticket for clerk, as will
J. E. Jack for assessor.
Dr. Seamann is candidate for coroner
on the republican ticket. Dr. Stuart
and R. L. Holman are the other candi
dates for the position.
P'very person interested in good gov
ernment should attend the meeting in
Oregon City on Tuesday, February ISth.
It will be decided at that time whether
a straight democratic, citizens, or inde
pendent ticket will be put up by those
opposed to the republicin machine. A
clean cou ity ticket, if it is supported as
it should be, would no doubt win, there
being many republicans that are not
satisfied with the way in which the
county affairs are being conducted and
would like a new deal all around.
Milwaukie and Clackamas precincts
have more tban enough candidates to
fill the republican ticket from top to bot
tom. Henry Stevens for recorder will
probub'y 1 e the only representative
from this section on the ticket, with pos
sibly a place on the legislative ticket.
The republicans north of the Clackamas
seem bound to have a commissioner, if i
the number of candidates is any indica
tion. J. R. Morton is up for renomina
tion and seems to have the best of it,
The other candidates from north of Clack
amas are A. W. Cooke, W. H. Counsell
and Jim Roots. , .
The Philippine Mess.
Did you ever hear, do vou want to know
How we govern the ignorant Filipino?
We give bim freedom in matters of fun,
But civic affairs we control with a gun.
'Tis strange that he is such a poor fool
As not to submit to carpet-bag rule;
But welcome at once without further de
lay, The horrible force of carpet-bag sway,
And take such freedom for what it is
Or lay bis plans to get off the earth .
He had better begin to learn to behave
In a manner befitting a toiling tdave.
His plaintive appeals to old Uncle Sam,
He ought to know, don't to much
Won't be considered for a minute.
While carpet-baggers know there is no
monev in it,
We, on Iheui 'tis said, we bought them
tor gold,
When they and their country forever
were sold .
We bought them from Spain, we bought
them for gain,
And their appeals for freedom are sim
ply in vain.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
A W Pick to S F Bridge, se of ne
and ne of se of sec L'tt, 1, 4 e $3200
F E Adams to T Woodward.lots 12,
Hi, 14, 15 and Jblk 2, 1, 2 and 14
in blk 4, and (i, 7 and 8 in blk 5,
12 and 13 in blk 6 and 3 and 4 in
blk 7, in East Oregon City 1689
J J Davis to b S Morris, b,1 of Bji
of sw of sec 2, 4, 4 e . . .
A I! Strowbridge to J T Strite, lot
I, sec 3, 4, 4 e
J 11 Ralslon to M U Cirim, lot 5,
blk hi, Will Falls
V liatv to 1) V Douu'las, s'.Iof
nw t-f M-e. ?4, 2, 5 e
II lvichter to t' lleilnian, se ot nw,
n'.; of si w of sec 31 leBS 10 acres
in 3, 2 c 2800
D V Oiler to D Wills, 2 as in G
Villa elm, 1, 2 e 250
1) C South worth to T R West, 10 as
in G Wil.s elm, 1, 2 e 1350
I) O Howell to U S Guttridjje, 81 as
in S Chaso elm, 4, 4 e 2000
M E Schram to A D Burnett, 100 as
in dm 3D, 2, 4 o 1000
0 ei C li It Co to A Wade, sw of se
of sec 21), 0, 2 e 160
A Wade to C It lfout;ham, s'4 of
so of sec 20, 6, 2 e 200
M A T Van Buskirk to N V Y
lloward.blk 02, Oak Grove 10
M E Schmidt to D llehwalt, 2 as in
Holmes elm 250
R Johnson to C Olson, wlj of sw ef
sec 11, 4, 1 e 1100
Wm P Panblman to 11 W Greason,
sw of nw aud rxji of nw, eec 3ti, 3,
3 e 500
T J Davis to J k i;auis, lu, as in
elm 5ti, 3, 2e 450
G J Trullinger to F Prier, 100 as in
elm 42, 4, 4, 2 e 1000
Tho National Bidire and L & Co to
K B Morton, lots 14, 15 and HI,
blk 27,Oswe)io S50
G K llarraves to G Ward, east
erly of lots 1 and 2, blk 47,
Oregon City 1
II l'.hret to H 11 Harms, sw of nw
of sou 14, 4,1 e 1100
A Pnndas to C 11 Kidor, w,1.; of
of Spink elm in. sec 11, 3, 2 e. . .. P50
J Foster to T F Kyan, ys of se of
see .1, , . : e -iw
I. lKunilas to Wm Ponglas, s.'s' of
11 w of sec 2, 3, 4 e 800
C Farris to G U Shafer, 5.45 a.i
in lot 2, see 10, 3, 2 e 430
Wm Rvan to E T Hall, tract in sec
3 !, 1, 2 e 00
A Y Maut & to J Shoi tlede, 30 as
in Swnfford claim 1700
W A Wise to R Wise, '8 interest in
ltl.OO as in Kagon dm 200
C Raop to O T Pembroke, IS as ia
Ma'v dm, 4, 2e 150
C Rapp to J E Wells.a as in L May
elm, 4, 2 e 310
M Siefer to L Wickline, nw of ne
sec 34. 2, 5 e 450
E A Deakins to P K Hartnell, 9.71
as in Craufield elm 679
S Mathews to C W Armstrong, lots
8, 9, 10 and 11 in blk 11, Milwau
kie . ... 80
J H Gibson to A H Mullins, lots 3
and 4 in blk 28, Milwaukie 2200
A C Mullins to J H Gibson, 22 as
in Campbel elm in 1, 2 e 2200
W A Procter to U S Griffiths, n
of nw of nw of sec 27, 4 e 400
S Rider to J J Rider, 1 as in Mails
rlin, 3, 2e 40
S J Mavnard to A W Cheney lot
5, blk 94, Oregon City 600
C O Mandantz to F A Hoffman,
25 81 as in Brock elm, 3. le ..: 500
A E Deakins to G W Williams, 9 as
in Cranfield elm 900
A Lacy to S A Tucker, 41.88 as in
Lacy dm, 4,4 e 629
W H Rickman to A J F Miller, lots
I, 2 and 3 in sec 4, 4, 5 e 1
O & C R R Co to O Wiley, s of
sw of sec 15, 2, 5 e 320
J Wiley to O Wiley, M of sw of
sec 15, 2, 5 e . 1
M H Fiannagan et at to 0 H Cau-
fleld by sheriff, tract in Oregon
Gitv 480
C E Barney to K Kruse, lot in blk
23, Falls View 150
S Barney to K Krause, lot 1 in blk
23, Falls View , 150
C Hoff to J G Volpp, tract in Bell
elm. 296
Brain Food Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded by the most competent authori
ties. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
bones. A correct diet will not only
nourish a particular part of the body,
but it will sustain every other part. Yet
however good your food may be, its nu
triment is destroyed by indigestion or
dyspepsia. You muBt prepare for their
appearance or prevent their coming by
taking regular doses of Green's August
Flower, the favorite medicine of the
healthy millions. A few doses aids di
gestion, stimulates the liver to healthv
action. IpnriUes the blood, and makes
you leei tiuoyant ana vigorous, iou
can get Dr. G. Q Ureen'a reliable reme
dies at George A. Uarding'i drugstore,
P. C&O.By. Co.
25c is the regular Sunday
round trip rate between ' Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store."
A Fireman's Close Call.
''I stuck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain," writes O. W. Bellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa,
"I was weak and pale, without any ap
petite and all rundown. As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit
ters and, after taking it, I felt as well
as I ever did in my life." Weak.sickly,
run down people always gain new lite,
strength and vigor from their uBe. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by G.
A Harding. Price 50 cents.
Italian Bees For Sale.
In new patent hives with super $4 each.
For information inquire of Frank Busch,
Oregon City, or sua proprietor, II. Heit
kemper, Oak Grove, ou electric car line
Extra; Notice.
Strayed from Redland cne red
ling steer, square piece out of top 01 left
ear, no brand. All reasonable ex
penses will be paid by its owner for re
covery of same.
James B. Dbw.
How's This;
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo.O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly hono -able in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldixg, Rinnan & Marvin, Whole
pale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's CatarrhCure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Pi ice 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tes
timonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Convention P. of H.forClackams county
will be held at the court house in Ore
gon Citv, Tuesday, March 4th, 1002, at
1 o'clock p. in.
Maby S. Howard, Deputy,
Mulino.Or., Feb. 3, 1002.
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo
Has world-wide fame of marvellous
cures. It. surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores.Chapped
Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for
Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at
George A. Harding's.
Rain and sweat
have no effect on
harness treated
with Eureka Har
ness Oil. It re
sists the damp,
keeps the leath
er soft and pli
able. Stitches
do not break.
No ri'iihsur-
lace to er ne
anil cut. 'Ihe
tw V.V
harness net
tmly keeps
looking like
ncv, luit
wears twice
as bm:by (he
utf ol Kurrka
harness OiU $
in cans
Uiie by
: Standard Oil
l Company
Brunswick House
Heals at All Hours Opou Day and Night
races Reasonable
Only First Class tfesiaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE.
Most Peopl
Phone 393
X m and Center Sts.
Hardware, Stoves, Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
Oor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITy
I Villi MAY NOT VtifHU IT 1
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class I
Goods to be Found at Bottom S
Prices in Oregon City is at S
Opposite Huntley's
First-Glass jyteats of 11 irds
(5ive yirr) a Sail aQd be Treated ?itt
R. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker
Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court House.
y . -y-"?
v ' '"3
We Can
By you this year than ever betore and would
be pleased to Have you give us a trial order.
We do not run a department store or a black
smith shop, but we do conduct a
And sell
i Bread Is the
The butter the flour,
The better the bread,
. . . Patent FIgup.
Makes the Whitest, Lightest Bread. It is kept
for sale by all dealers. Demand "Patent" Flour.
Made by.
and Restaurant
Like a Grocery House A place where they they
can get what they want and feel sure that the
price will be right. They want to feel confident
in tbeir Grocer. Now, you who are looking for
such a house, we most ordially invite you to try
Muir Bros. I
We carry the largest stock of Caskets
Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas
We are the only undertakers in the
county owning a hearse, which we fur
nish for lesa than can ba had elsewhere.
vVe are under email expense and do
not ask large profits.
Cilia promptly attended night or day
Brown & Welch
Pkopriktors of the
evsnth Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
Do Better...
Staff of Life
better the bread;
stronger the staff.