Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 07, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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lm Ingenious Treatment bf whloh
Drunkard! are Being Cured Da'ly
in Spite of Tberatelves,
UmloasDoiet. No Weakening of the
Kerrea. A Pleasant and l'Altive Cure
for the Liquor Habit.
It is now Z(nerally known and under
stood I lint Drunkenness m a disease and
lot weaknens. A body filled with poi
ton, and nerves completely shattered by
oeriodieal or constHiit use of intoxicating
lienors, requires an antidote cauablf
neutralizinir and emdicatinR this poison,
ind drstroyinjr the craving for intoxi
tarns. Sufferers may now cure them
selves at home without publicity or loss
)l time from business by this wonderful
'HOME GOLD CUBE" which has been
perfected after many years of close study
wo treatment of inebriates. The faith
iul use according t directions of this
wonderful discovery is positively guar
tnteed to. cure the most obstinate case,
oo matter how hard a drinker. Our
records show the marvelous transforma
tion of thousands of Drunkards into so
ber, industrious and upright men
ERS 1 1 This remedy is no sense a nos.
trum but is a specific for this disease
only, and in so skilllully devised and pre
pared that it is thoroughly soluble and
pleasant to the taste, so that it can be
pven in a cup of tea or coffee without
the knowledge of the person taking it.
DiniiHamls of Drunkards have cured
themselves with thin priceless remedy,
nd as manv more have been cured and
made temperate men bv having the
"CURE" administered by loving friends
and relatives without their knowledge
in coffee or tea, anil believe today that
they discontinued drinking of their own
freewill. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be
deluded by apparent and misleading
"improvement." Drive out the disease
at once and for all time. The "Home
GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely
low price of One Dollar, thus placing in
reach of everybody a treatment more ef
fectual than otliurs costing $25 to $50.
Full directions accompany each package.
Special advice by skilled physicians
when requested without extra charge,
Sent prepaid to any part of hi . world
on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept
2330 and ?332 Market Street, Philadel
phia. All correspondence strictly confidential.
Brain Ftod Nonseise.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded by the most competent authori
ties. They have dispelled the Billy no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
bones. A correct diet will not only
nourish a particular part of the body,
but it will sustain every other part Yet
however good your food may be, its nu
triment is destroyed by indigestion or
dyspepsia. You must prepare for their
appearance or prevent their coming by
taking regular doses of Green's August
Flower, the favorite medicine of the
healthy millions. A few doses aids di-
gestion, stimulates the liver to healthy
action, (purines the blood, and makes
you feel buoyant and vigorous. You
can get Dr. G. G Ureen'o reliable reme
dies at George A. Harding's drugstore.
P. V & O. By.
25c is the regular Sunday
round trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store "
A Fireman's Close Call.
"I stuck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain," writes 0. W. Bellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa,
"I was weak and pale, without any ap
petite and all run down. As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit
ters and, after taking it, 1 felt as well
as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly,
run down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by G.
A Harding. Price 50 cents.
Italian Bees For Sale.
In new patent hives with super $4 each.
For information inquire of Prank Bnach,
Oregon City, or see proprietor, H. Heit
kemper, Oak Grove, on electric car line
Here is a Bargain,
I have one foreclosure place left and
unsold; 60 acres level, good soil; 16
acres nice cultivation ; balance light
brunli; new house, six large rooms, not
finished inside, hut cost $300 as it
4tiinds. Two great springs; 11 miles
from Oregon City ; one-half mile from
plank road; worth $1350; will take $750;
longtime; easy terms.
II. E. Ciioss,
Oregon City.
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo
Has world-wide fame of marvellous
cures. . It surpasses anv other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores.Chapped
Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for
Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at
George A. Harding's.
Bean the jf lh8 1,011 Hav8 BoUfht
How's This:
We offer One Hundred
ward for any caBe of
Fvr Kent.
A 10 acre tract in Cancmnh 20 min
utes walk from Woolen mill. Good
house and out lui din s. Two good
:ows for sale. For information call at
house, or address It. W. Porter, P. O.
Box 00, Oregon City, Or.
Dollars Re-
Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo.O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly bono 'able in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
Wkst&Tuuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O
Waldino. Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale DruuiiiBte. Toledo. O.
Hall's CatarrhCureis taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
couh surfaces of the system, i'rice .c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tes
timonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Continued from pagi 3.
Beaver Lake.
Again Beaver Lake is represented in
columns of the Courier-Herald, but the
representive has but little to say.
H. Dart had the misfortune to lose a
valuable cow in this section one day last
C. G. Vorhiesa lost a valuable silk
handkerchief while going home from a
dance several weeks ago. Anyone find
ing said handkerchief and returning it
to the owner will receive a liberal re
ward. The next time you go to Paquette's,
Al, leave the dogs at home.
Boys, bring your lunch baskets and
best girls to Mrs. E. Vorhies' on the
night of Feb. 10th, and trip the light,
fantastic toe. Everybody welcome.
D. M. Groshong says it is useless for
game warden to report him for chasing
deer with doge for his dog has a curly
tail which catches on limbs and other
obstacles and holds him till the deer ii
safely beyond pursuit.
Coon hunting is a new industry started
by L. J.Nicholson, a noted coon hunter.
During the last snow he captured four
coons and a wild cat. Beat that!
Bert Wade was visiting relatives at
Scotts Mills one day last week.
The next time you go to the danc3 Bert
don't break the chairs.
Bert and Raymond seem to be visiting
at Vorhies' quite often What is the
attraction, boys?
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gro-thong, of
Wilhoit, were visiting Mrs. E. Vorhies,
of Rock Creek, Sunday last.
Francis Haun is busy clearing land
and splitting rails. Look out, girls, for
Francis has his eyes open.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Haun
had the misfortune to have his woodpile
snowed under one day last week. The
truth of the matter was that he tiad not
yet had it covered. Henceforth you
must be prepared, Franklin, for snow
will sometimes fall in the land of "sunny
What has become of News Boy? Is he
dead ? We hope not, for we will be glad
to have some of the productions from
his pen.
Mrs. B. Wade has knit and spun 65
pairs of socks. Beat that for home in
Mr. Austin, of Oanby, was hunting
cattle in this section one day last week.
D M. Groshong and sons are logging
for Mr. Rich this winter.
Don't go cat hunting any more,George,
without your gun aim dog.
Slim Jim
Union Hall.
We are having some weather that is
very foreign to Oregon. This makes
one think of home in the Eastern States
where they have plenty ot such weather
as we have been having for the past
There are three new cases of smallpox
but all in one family. Ii. Wilkerson
was the first one to take the disease.
Mail Orders
Filled at
Sale Pi ices
The People's
We need hardly tell you that prices will be rock-bottom here this week. You expect it of
You have a right to expect it, and we'll take good care not to disappoint.
Our (ff
eat January 0
This is your month. Will you act? All the store's profit this month is yours. This
is what we told you Jan. 1. You believed us. You came, bought freely, and acknowl
edged by that buying that what we said was true. These are busy, active days here. It
seems to us that everyone in Portland knows of and has been attracted to the store "during
these great sale days. This week the greatest price-concessions you ever read.
Nothing for Dealers, But Everything for Customers.
Clearance Sale
on All Dress Goods and Silks
No such htirnuius tvtr tuforo offered. The
tlross Ki(ti)K tli'jmrlmrut will too a nemo f
Hn-ttt HOtlyltv thinwi'i'k unless wu tiro out nvly
mistaken. When giMiiU k tor 2Ho,nml Wo
Ky.uia go for to. It mentis Hits Is the time
iitii I place to Imv.
At 29c a yard
Fancy 4 -Much JiiiMtuanl ilfess Roods in any
wiiiitVd colors Htol di-MHMM. It would beim
possible to linprt'f-n you too trongly with this
value, well uorih ;."V
At 42c a yard
4'(-lneh till wool VeneMatm and Zllmllnes, in
all Rood Into tdmdtv Inquire elsewhere. Ve
if you run mutult it for l Ice the prlee.
At 2c& yard
School plul'l iu all the bright and newest
shades, Just, the tliiup for ehlldren'8 wear.
At 70c a yard
42-1 uch all wool niuiu aolells, sponged and
hrunk in nil Rood lrt to colors, Jimt tlio thtiiR
for rainy dnys.
At 89c a yard
Suitings iu all the nev grays, brown and blue
I'lnthn: 62 inches wide; just the thing for
ramv-d.Un skirling.
A $1.35 a yard
rtald back fruiting, frl inches wide, and all
Rood Colors j worth $J.t0 a yard.
At J 9c a yard
Jiicquant.t, lluc mshmrro, fauoy ptemUa,
eli'.; values worth tu We K jrnl; ok'tiritncv
liU't, lvo,
Sl'KCIAI, NOWK,-V wniit you to urnlcr
nUnd that ilurluK tli' tirvnt wilt will be found
Ktvat nivlns oiiortunillM. U is our Intrn
tlon iu tlio next lew rlu.vs to eloso our lm
UH'im1 lot of itri'aa gootla; lii'iioe theoo uotrttilv
Brisk UMBRELLA Selling
The nhniMittc tolls ut tlrit we've m -re than
gootl torttu,t'ituK!tnmiutlK. Wo ttok a Iocs
Hi what a li ft. I'im' BU'i'l iv U iwrttK'Mi (rnnui
and khh! gloria sin tops, well worth CAa
II. 00; while thry liisl, at eaeli OU
iMiililreu.' I'uibtellaa, to no while the; OC
last lor Jli
Great Clearing Sale
in Suit Room
AH jrnod things wait for those who romp.
From this deiaiUut iH you have come to look
for bargaliiH regularly; but we can assure you
that No such offerings as these lipregiveu have
ever been made in onr advertisement before .
At $1.75 instead of $2.25
Another lot wttt-mailo Juekets. nil 1 1 tost ati'l
tw."t ahaili1. We eatiuot ciy how lonn they
will Usi. but uulil they are all gone you can
have them
The Jackets arc on Sale
At about half; women are coming from far
aail near lo buy thMn. In all wanted similes
aud sitvlespf line Melton and Kersey t'loths.
lo doiilile-breasled box or lUhl hnlie:: all
Hict'ly tailored ami satin lineil, well
worth 7,W, $8.60 and $10.tkl, for,
All our latest anionu ihent.
Loss than half price
$20.00 Raglans, $12.50
FulMength eoals, nicely tailored and all
lined; Cime In b aek and mode.
Mill-Kmls, Vrlnts, worth to 7)ac, for 2l,e
Silk Moreens, worth T.V, for Soc
Mill-Kn K tilnglmii.s, worth 7J ,'", for 4e
30 Inch Hleaehed Muslin, worth T'-Jfv for... fto
tM Hleaehed MtiMiu, worth lUe, for yard ..l.V
Unbleached, yard lUe
1'rluts, h.11 colors, worth tt1 .je, for yard 8o
reman Klanueletles, werth 10 aud l-VjO.
for yard.. ..TjO
IdieV Hlaek Hone, Fine Seamless Ulark
Hone, l-ast Dyes, Well Slmped, at A for
2."h instead of Lmj. each.
Fine lace si ripe one, worth 2Sc, f u 1"p
O neUa Vnlon Suits, in wool, white nicely
ma do and trimmed, worth fcJ t.0, fr
Me suli,
Pebble Cheviot Skirts
Choice of brown or black, with circular
lloutica, nicely made, worth i'XbO, for g(J
Ohalklluo slrlne or plain (tray, with flounce
and ulccly ullclu'd, worm (f;.o0, fir "J
Unusual Sale of
Rainy Day Skirts
Without rosorve; nil to ro at about half. It
will need no hint of ours to bring you to this
barguin feast, except 'he prices.
Heavy Cloth Skirts
In grav or black, nil wool, latest style d; 3 op
aml Uiiisli; worth l;i.50, for fJiJj
Ladies' Home Skirts
Marked for quick sc'liinc; different colors,
ttood liulntt, welt made, and all wool, d; rn
lor less than cot of guds: worth ;U7 . 0 1
R. & G. Corset
Straight Front, fl.25 quality, for (Klc
Glove-Fitting Corset
fl.OO quality, for flo,c
True Fit Corset
7;V. quality sv
Shirt Waists
A special lot In all wanted colors and designs.
Regular bi to $1, and wejo
won't stop to assort them. At7C aplCCC
Silk and Wool Waists
A line lot. well ti:adeand neat patterns, QO.
worth for ..70C
In all-wool neat waists and all good Q
colors and sizes, worth fl.-Mi, for- OC
Auction Prices on
all Ladies' Waists
If you ever bought wsluls lor less you bought
for It-ss than retailers paid for tlit in. The sale
lasts as loog as the waists do.
SII.K WAISTS, made of good tullcta silk,
it'cely tnado snd un to date.
Values to Th) for". 3
Values to a.M lor $S,i)
Best Silk Petticoats
Made of best taffeta silk, with deep accordion"
plaltcl tlounce ai d dust rtitlle. Tlis price is
111010 interestinir tbau anvtliing lse wc can
MV- $8.50 instead of $14.75
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure In All Cases
mm. V
y There is nothiner like Asthmalene
It brings lnBtant relief, even In the worst caseB. It
cures when all elsr fulls. '
The Kev. C. F. W hlL8, of Villa Bldge, 111., says:
Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good
condition . 1 cannot tell you bow thankful I feel for
the good derived from It. I was a slave, chained with
putrid Bore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de
spain d of ever being cured. I saw your advertise
ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thotiMht you hid overspokea
vourselvee. but resolved to give Hat rial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me
a full size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Eabbi of the Cong. Bnat Israel.
Mew York, Jan. 3, 1901.
Drs.Taft Bbos.' Medicine Co..
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an excellent rem
edy for Asthma and liny Feter, and its composition
allveiates all troubles which combine with Asthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. Aftar hav
ing it carefullv analyzed we can state that Asthma.
lene contains no plum, morphine, ehloform nor
ether, very truly yours,
Trial bottle se nt absolutely free on
rect-ip of tnsia . Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAF'i
ICINE CO., 7QEast nrth St. New
Yoik Citv
Wabash Niagara Falls Shcrt Line
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
4 Through Trains Daily ficm Chicago
4 Through Trains Daily from St. i ouis
4 Trains Daily from Kansas City
And Fdii s Beyond.
Reclining CliairCars (fr"0 p")lmnn Palace Sleepers
Dinina and Cafe Cars on all lia.nH. Tolite train
. . , . . , . i i-.. i ,! m x 1
men. reriect roanneu, enorresc oea ana quicKeai lime, lourmt, uuru muuuays
and Thursdays; 29 hoprs Chicago to Boeton.
C. c. CRANK, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
ROSb L. CLINE, P. C. P. A.. Los Angeles.
four cases in all.
slowly improving
There are now
Wilkerson is
Mrs. Annie Tice has returned from
Portland, where she has been working.
Mr. and Mrs. Stearns, who recently
came from Iowa, started on their return
trip a few days atro.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Adkins have gone
housekeeping by themselves.
Henry Fanton and Oscar Strike vis
ited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Perringer. on Friday last.
B. J Helvey was the guest of J H.
Burns and family one day last week.
James Adkins, the popular and well
known sawmill man, went to Purtlam)
on business one day last week.
Messrs Strcje and Wolf went to New
Era one day last w eek.
The Adkins Bros, sawmill has been
hut down the past week on account of
the bad weather.
Edward Casiday is hauling lumber
from AdHins sawmill to New Era.
Mrs. Nettie Riggs went to Canby last
John Burns went to Canny on Friday
No people can ever become truly'great
or free who are not virtuous. If the
soul aspires for liberty pure and perfect
liberty it also aspires for everything
that is noble in truth, everything thai
is holy in virtue. Taylor.
I When you meet with opposition,
Fight it down 1
Work the harder when Dame Fortune
Wears a frown ;
Fr she may be ascertaining
That you'll not begin complaining
Ere she gives you aid in gaining
Honor's crown.
Liver Pills
That's what you need ; some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Ayer s Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stitution and biliousness.
Gently laxative.
All druggists,
Vtniit VfHtr in'
brown or ru-lt
,ie or ht'Hrd a beautiful
Tlu'ii use
A CO., N.5HI A, N. M.
500 tracts of land for sale. Inquire of
U. A. Cheney, Oregon Uity, Ur.
Had to Conquer or Die.
"I was just abunt gone," writes Mrs
Rosa Kioliardson, of Laurel Springs, N
C, ' I had Consumption so bad that
the best doctors said I could not live
more than a month, nut 1 began to use
Dr. Kinn s JNew Discovery ana was
wholly cured by 6even bottles and am
now stout and well" It's an unrivaled
lite-saver in Consumption, Pneumoni
La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever
Cioud or Whooping Cough. Guaran
teed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottles
free at George A. Harding's drug store.
Don't pass us by call in and getour
prices. Red FrontTrading Company.
Women and Jewells
Marks Prairie.
This is ground dog day, and the sun
is shining. The old fogieg are predict
ing all kinds of weather.
Miss Aura Thompson's school will
close this week. the has given good
satisfaction to Meridian district.
A select dance was given at Needy Sat
urday evening, Feb. 1st. The Oglesby
boys furnished the music.
Quite a ;iarge amount of potatoes were
lout by the lute cold snap in this vicinity.
Say, Corporal, if you will send more
news "atid less of your socialism your
communications will be better appreci
ated, aS the subscribers of the Courier
Herald here do not believe in your ooc
trine, anil you will confer a favcr on the
readers of the paper by not r..ixing your
news and poluics. Don't change your
name from Corporal to Roosevelt.
The Health of our .vicinity is very
good with the exception of some of onr
young met). They are not dangerously
ill however, and will soon recover.
jsew Era.
of cold weather
and snow.
Everyone seems to enjoy it.
A crowd of young folks went sleighing
last vv'ednesday and report Paving had
a fine time.
Reuben Lewis made a flying trip to
Oregon City hist Friday.
Charles Slvter and Mr. Weeb left a
few days ago for Washington, where they
will work in a shingle mill.
A few of the young folks were seen
ekating on the mill pond last Wednes
day. Miss Ethel Bradtl is visiting relatives
rnd friends at present.
A party was given et B. Friedrich's
home last Monday evening. D.iucing
and pla . ing games were the main fea
tures of the evening. A good time was
enjoyed by all attending.
Mrs. Reif went to Oregon City one
Jay last week. -
Wilber aud Laura Newbury spent
Sunday at Canby.
Marguerelte Mulloy went to Oregon
City one day last week.
Agnes Reif and Mabel Anthony are
on the sick list. Strangers.
amd Union Pacific
the 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave 'Portland everv
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willnm-
ette and Columbia Kiver Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full information pall on or addrem nearest
O. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A.L.CKAIO, G, P, A.,
Portland, Oregon
Dally Bound Trips, t xcept Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. 14
Leave Astoria 7 P, U
Between Portland, The Dalles and
Way Pom t
Leave Portland, Mon., Wrd. and Fri 7 A.M.
Arrlva The Dalles, nmi day S P. M.
Leave " Tues., Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M
Arrive Portland, same day ... 4 P. It
This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on harth
Landing and office, Foot Alder Street
both FiioNra, main 861 Portland, Oiiegos
J. C. WYATT, Aflt.. Vancouver
WOLFORO &. WYERS, Aflts.,White Salmon
PRATHER & HEMMAN, Agts.,Hood River
JOHN M. FILL00N, Aflt., The Dalles
A, J. TAYLOR, Arjt., Astoria
E. W. CRICHT0N, A fat., Portland
Jewels', candy, flowers, man that is
the order ot a woman's preierences
Jewels form a magnet of mighty .power
to the average woman, hven that great'
est of all jewels, health, is often ruined
in the strenuous enorts to mate or save
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will risk her life to Ret a coveted
gem, then let her foriify herself against
the insiduous conBeqnencrs of coughs,
colds and bronchial affections by the
regular use of Dr. Bosi-hee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread disease from the system.
It is not a cure-all, hut it is a certain
cure for coughs, rolds and all bronchial
troubles. You can et. Dr. O. G. Green's
reliable remedies at George A. Hard
ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac.
Now is your time to buy a hat cheap at
a Great clearance sale at Miss Gold-mith's.
right's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hantls in 8an Fran
cisco, Auj;. 30, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Briglil's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the series investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges Up to Aug. 'J5, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
wed or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen p-r ceut of
failures, the parties were satistied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St.. San
Francisco, Cal Oaruian & Co. are our
sole agents in Oregon City.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co 's
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (exocpt Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at way points on both sides of ti
Columbia river.
Both of tie above (teamen have been re r
and ere in r icellent hape for the season ofl 00
The lie giilHtor line will endeavor lo giveiti
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of lb Begulutur
The above steamers leave Portland7a. m.an
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in amp
time for outlining trains,
Portland Office, The Dalles Offlee
Oak St. Pock. CourtStreet.
General i,e
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Signature of CffJ4
Must mtks roon
Rnd offer all millinery
Miss Goldsmith.
for s plnrjsg d b
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Pap r
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Livery & Feed Stalls
Finest Turnouts in City
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of alt
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and, Sold
Goldstone, Sogaraan & Co.
livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspension bridge
First-Class Rigs of All Kinds