Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Hotice 1b hereby given that the undersigned
kas been duly appointed by the County Court of
Clackamas Cuunly and State of Oregon as the
Administrator of the estate of B. F. Baker, deceas
ed, and that all persons having claims ntitini-t
the said estate must present them to the under
signed, wtih proper vouchers, at the law office of
C. 1. Lntoureite in Oregon Oily, Ortgou, williln
six months from the date thereof. Dutnd Jan.
23rd. 19n0. H. BLANK1NSHIP,
Administrator of the estate of B. r?. Baker, defeased.
Notice is hereby given that by order of the
county court of the slate of Oregon for Clacka
mas county. In the matter of the estate of J.mins
A. Bnrbur, deceased, the undersigned will sell at
public sale to the highest bidder, at the front door
of the court home In Oregon City, State of Ore
gon, on talurday, the 8th day of (Vbruary, 1U02, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, the fol
lowing described properly being in Clackamas
county and stale of Oregon, to-wit:
i"ue sejof the se of section 2 of township
8 souih, range 2 east of the Willamette
Terms of sale cash at time of sale. Sale to be
made subject to the order of the said court.
Administrator of the Kslale of
James A. Bai bur, Deceased.
Dated, January 3rd, 1903, '
Kotlce Is hereby given that the undersigned,
Eliaubeth Zimmerman, administratrix of the es
tate of Aduin Zimmerman, deceased, has hied her
final account as such adiniuistrUix in the county
court of Clackamas county, orclPm, and that said
court has appointed Monday. March 3, UKW, at 10
o'clock a. in-, at the rooms of ssiil court in the
county court house In said county und state, the
time and place forbearing objections to such final
account and settling the name.
Administratrix of the estate ct' Adam Zimmer
man, decca oil.
LuUd UriEn City, Oregon, January 24, 1902.
In the circuit, court of the state of Oregon, for
Cliickiiniiis rotinlv.
Albert ti. ttilh, plainlill, vs. Alva T. Stitli, do.
To Alva T. Stith, the above mimed defendant!
In tne name oi the stale of Oregon, you are here
by requln d to appear and answer ihe complaint
filed ugainsi, yu, in the above entitled suit and
court, by March 10, 1902, and if Jen t ail lo answer,
for want thereof, Ihe plaintiff will apply for the
relief prayed for in his complaint iiled herein,
namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of mairi.
mony existing between plaintiff and defendant
This summons is published bv order of the Hon.
T. A. Mcliiiile, judge of the aliove entitled court,
duly made and filed January 211, 1902. The date
of the first publication of ihis summons being
January 81, 1902, and Ihe date of the last publica
tion hereof March 7, 1902.
McMAIION, Att'y for Prff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Mabel Mueller, plaintiff, vs. Charles Moeller, de
fendant. To Charles Moeller, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer the
compiaint filed against yon in the above suit by
10th day of March, 1002, following six conseculive
weeks' publication of this notice, and if you fail
to so appear ana answer, tor warn, wuieui, uie .
plaintitf will take a decree against you as prayed
for in the complaint, towit: 1st, a decree dissolv- I
ing Hip bonds of matrimony existing between ,
plaintiff and defjndant; 2d tin plaintiff have all
her costs and disbursements in this suit: that
nUlium nrnva such other and further relief as the
matter oi this case may require and as the court
may seem just and equitable.
This summons is served by publication by vir
tue of an order made by Ihe Hon. T. A Mcllriiie,
judge of the above entitled court, made and en
teral! on ihe 29th day of January, 191)2, sai l order
providing that publication bo made in the Cour.
ier Herald, and that the first publication be made
on the 31st day of January, 1002.
MoMAllON, Att'y for I'l'ff.
We have still a f w .-.
Tine Cassimere
Jetnnants at Cost P,
of lhanufac ure , $
Mummy. February 3.
Furiipi an A (I spaicli (rum London
Heavy uea thai the recent
Sloiuis. g,tle have in-en succeeded
h lie v enow siornis in
Western Knr pe, a d t lie chipping along
th" Coast of Spain h,i a ffered consid
erthlH damagH Forty lives are reported
to h ve heen lost in slupprecks along
the Italian coast veral person" were
ki .led by avalanches in Italy, rivers
fhere naving overrlmn 111' lr hanks, a
core of hrblgea tiavt- been broken and
many towns ure bioeuadid by the snow
A village near Verona haa b. en wrecked
bv the storm and ce t iin disttiets adja
cent to Rome have been flooded. There
is three feet of enow at Turin and Milan,
Harmon Haurodt, warned on charge
ofihooting San Fmipcicco policeman, is
under arrest iu PortU"i.
W aierbury had a $2,000 000 fire lat
Manila is intensely interacted in pro
pped legislation by congress for the is
lands. The mid-year commencement exer
cises at the state normal school, have
Campaign to raise the $35,000 debt of
Willamette university opened.
Tnesdsy, February 1.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
the State of Orugon for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the assignment of E. M Atkin
son, an insolvent debtor.
Notice is hereby given thatunder and pursuan
to u order of the above entitled court duly made
and entered in the above entitled matter on the
12thdavof November, 1901, requiring and com
manding me, as assignee, of the above named in
solvent debtor to sell the followiug describe d
real property, to-wit: A tract of land containing
fortv-eight (48) acres.more or lew. situated in sec
tions thirty-two (82) and thirty-three (S3) n
,n,,rDv.in i,rt i' nth. rnnirn two (2) east. Wil
lamette Meridian in Clackamas county, state of
Osegon, for a full description of which reference
ia hereby made to the partition deed made and de
livered to E, M. Atkinson by the heirs of Q. U. At
kinson, deceased and recorded in the records of
deeds of said county and state in book 57 at page
465 thereof, excepting therefrom a parcel of land
containing one and elghty-hve hundreths (l.oo)
acres heretofore conveyed by said E. M. Atkinson
to Georgo Stock by deed duly reoorded inbewk
to of the records of deeds of said county and state
at page 419 thereof, and also excepting a piece or
psrcel of land containing seventy-live hundreths
(.75) of an acre, heretofore conveyed by said H.M.
Atkinson to Henry M. Stock by a deed duly re
corded in the records of deeds of said county and
state in book 69 at yage 347 thereof, therefore
I will on Tuesday, the 4th day of March, im . at
th hour of 11 o'clock a. m., of said day at the
door ot the county court house of Clackamas
onnty, state of Oregon, in Oregon City, sel 1 at
publio auelion to the highest bidder all of the
above described real property. c.ACFIFLp
Assignee of K M. Atklnson.Insolvent Debtor.
Dated at Oregon City, Or.,thisSlh day of Jun.1902.
Nottce is hereby given that oil those having
olaim against Ihe estate r,f K.W. Peck.deceascd,
will present the same to K. C. l'cny, at Molalia ,
Oiegi.n, within 60 days frt m dale.
F. C. I'EKltY,
Detcd.irolnlU, Or., Jan 9;h,19tU.
Notice is hereby given that I have been duly
appointed by the county court of the state ot
Oregon for Clackamas county, as the exec ntor of
the will of Leonard Heinz, deceased,-ard tl at an
persons having claims against the said esta.e,
must present them to mewi th proper uer. at
the law office of C. U. & D- O. I.atouret e, Oregon
City, Oregon, kbln six
Executor oi the Will of
Leonard Heinz, Deceased .
I'ate.l, Jan. 9th, 19oi.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Mate of John R. Hem
bath, Jr., deceased. .r Trmimih
Notice Is hereby given that H. W. TremUUi,
the administrator of said estate, ha i fiUd t the
above enttlled court his Aral cc innt o f l s ad
ministration of taidestBte; that Monday, the 1-ta
day of K-hruary. 1!'02, at. too cio. a a......
court room of said court, m Oregon Ul . in m
Coui.iv and Plate, has been duly PP.n'"'"7"J
the aid court for the settlement ;o df wd JgXgfo
at which lime and Pce any in ere sted m
sa d tstate may appear .ni gATH,
said account. ' J ,,,h u Trem-
, Administrator of the Estate of John B. Irem
bath, Jr., deceased. rDirriTO
Attorneys for Administrator,
DYES do not stain the hands
or spot the kettle. Sold by C
G. Huntley.
ni &iiKi! Vl , i
ii if H. (-JoXi .6.i& MialU
The figurative phrase, "A green old age," is both
picturesque and suggestive. It likens us to trees,
which, instead of being bare and leafless in age, are still
vigorous, and giving leafy shade and shelter. What a
contrast between this helpful and beautiful old age and
the old age that is like the withered tree with only here
and there a leaf to show that life lingers in the trunk.
How can this useful and attractive old age be
attained ? The first essential is to keep the stomach in
a condition of sound health. It is not the quantity of
food we eat but what we digest and assimilate which,
nourishes the body. When the stomach and 6ther
organs of digestion and nutrition are diseased the food
eaten is only imperfectly digested, there is loss of nutri
tion and the body loses strength and vigor as a natural
consequence. This loss of strength makes itself appar
ent in physical languor and weakness and lack of inter
est in affairs follows close on loss of energy JVhen. once
the grip on active life is loosed it is only a few steps to
doting senility.
Dr. Pierce's' Golden Medical Discovery cures dis
eases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and
nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and assimila
tion of food, and as a result the body is properly nour
ished and is made strong in the only way in which the
body can be made strong by the nutrition extracted
from food. No medicine can make strength. All
strength must come from food. So-called "strengthen
ing medicines " are for the most part stimulants, which
are particularly injurious to those of advanced years. There is no
strength in stimulants. There is no strength in anything but
food, the nutrition derived from which in the form of blood feeds
every tissue of the body.
Containing no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine nor any other
narcotic. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the ideal medi
cine for persons of all ages who are weak
through inadequate nourishment.
"Have purchased some of your valuable medi
cine of L. B. Spencer, of Blackstone, Va., and it
has helped my wife so much that we do not know '
how to praise it enougn.," writes Mr. victor u
Hayden, of Blackstone, Nottoway Co., Va. I
cannot express my gratification in words. I also had been suffer
ing from indigestion so badly that I could not work more than
half the time, but now can work every day and eat anything I
want. Why ? Because I took Dr. V. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It has put new life and energy in me, restored my
health and made a man of me once more. I used to weigh 170
but had gotten down to 144, sow am back to 160 and will soon be
back at my old weight if nothing happens. Your medicine has
done it all. I cannot thank you enough for your advice, and think
if it had not been for your medicine neither my wife nor myself
would have been here many yearns. By the help of Providence and
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery we think we can stay here
a good many years. You can use my name any time or place you
wish, to let the people know what Dr. Pierce's medicines have
done for myself and wife."
"When I wrote to you for advice, I was feeling very miserable
with not simply one ailment but general debility," writes Mrs.
Martha Tones, of Claremont Surry Co.,Va. "I purchased a bottle
of ' Golden Medical Discovery and also one of ' Favorite Prescrip
tion ' and a bottle of ' Pellets.' I soon liegan to improve and con
tinued taking them until I was feelwg so well I discontinued.
That was last spring, and I continued feeling as well as could be
expected of an old lady seventy-three years of age. The hot sum
mer was hard on me and I commenced to feel the effects of it. In
September I went on a visit, was taken sick, and had what the doc
tors called bronchial fever and cough. It was next to an impossi
bility to raise the frothy mucus. When I was able to get to the
6teamer I came home in a very weak condition. I immediately
commenced taking the 'Golden Medical Discovery and 'Favorite
Prescription,' and now after four weeks have passed since I came
home I am so well I can help my daughter about the house. I
have so much faith in your medicine I feel that the number of my
days have been prolonged by it. I think no medicine equal to
yours for old people. It makes their declining days easy and
cheerful. I would say to the aged especially, take Dr. Pierce's
medicines, they will help and cure also."
Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discov
ery." The only motive for substitution is to enable the
dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of
less meritorious medicines.
.' . . - - , - I
PRESENT ""-'' 52SZ
You cannot mmka a present
which will bm mora valuabla than Dr. Plaroa'm Common
Sanaa Madlcal Advlaor, containing over ona thouaand largo
pagaa and mora than 700 llluatratlon: , Thla graat "rk la
menf FREE on racolpt of mi am pa to pmy axpanaa ot mailing
OMLY. Sand SI onm-cent atampa for iha cloth-bound vol'
uma, or only 21 atampa tor thm book In papar-covara.
Addraami Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, H. X.
I X I ma 71 WVUT H 1
Nome From Washington conies
Scttndals. the news that the scandals
growing out of the irreif'ilar
itiei in the Nome district receive airing
from timo to t'me, and in ipite of all ef
forts to the contrary, it luoks as if an in
vestigation was going to be forced.
There is a disposition on the part of
tho-e who have the matter in direct con
trol to await all the facts before passing
judgment, while others feel that the
men, who have been charged, and in
some eases found guilty and fined,
should no longer remain on Ihe phyrolls
of the government. A mass ol defen
sive matter has been filed in the depart
ment of jtiHtice. It is understood the
atroruey-gen.nil has not had time to
make a thorough examination, and this
ii the reason why action bas been de
laved. It iB evident from the way that
nutters are now progiesning, that some
thing will have to be done very soon.
Many points in the East are in the
grasp of a blizzard. .
Woodmen clote Falkenberg campaign
with big demonstration in Portland.
The inventory of the property of the
late D. P. Thon.pson, of Portland, shows
the value of the estate to be over $780,
000. -
Portland has on'v 14 cases of i-man-
l pox.
The ways and means committee of the
hosue, bv unanimous vote today or
dered a favorab:e on the war reduction
bill. A surprise occurred hen Bab
I'oi'k, republican of Wisconsin, offered
his bill largely reducing duties on the
etiel schedule and placing Bin all arti
cles on the Hteel schedule and placing
small articles on the free list as an
aineuduietit, was defeated 6 to 7
Metera. Balcock and Tawney und ell
the democrat! voting in the affirma
Wednesday, February 5
England has rejected Holland's offer
of mediation in the Boer matter. Peace
negotiations must be conducted between
the British and Boers direct.
The Pacific Northwest Woolgrowers
Association met at Helena, Mont.
Pendleton refuses to join Lewiston in
fight on appropriation for lower Oolum-
bta. ,
Subscription already being made to
fund to wipe out indebtedness of Wil
lamette university at Salem.
The steamship Knight Companion
wrecked on coast of Japan
Ice is still troublesome in the Colum
bia river.
Oregon Pilot Commissioneis promise
better bar service.
Thursday, February 6
Some gas mains in Chicago exploded
anl 13 persons were killed.
The Southern Pacific Railroad Com
pany will allow settlers 10 days stop
over privileges at every station in Ore
gon. Forty-nine graduates of the High
school in Portland receive diplomas.
0'. ngrefBman Moody points out the
defects in the Millard land-leasing bill.
Settlers are much dissatisfied with the
present make-up of the bill. Newlands
introduced a bill in the house for the
annexation of Cuba. The house will
debate the oleomorgarine bill two days
A flax mill is now aseured for Salem,
the Commercial Club lmving closed a
deal for one.
W. D. Jeffries, a practicing physician
at Salem for 40 years, is dead.
The Vancouver ferry across the Co-
nmbia, is again running, the traffic
having been delayed by the ice.
Trouble is brewing between the whole
sale and retail (; racers in Portland. The
retailers object to the new credit rates
made bv the wholesalers, and threaten
to establish a wholesale house of their
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure BIoodL
All the blood In your body passes througfc
your kidneys once every three minutes.
1 ne kidneys are ycrat
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the bloodL
If they are sick or 00$
of order, they fail to dcr
their work.
Pains, aches and. hu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to necrlectejg
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though,
they had heart trouble, because the heart is.
over-working In pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arterie&J
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mthS.
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's-Swamp-Root,
the great kidney remedy te
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cass; .
onrt to caH nn He myrtle 'VAJT,
by all drueeists in fifty-.
cent and one-dollar siz-P l"1" jll ,"'
sample bottle by mall Homo of Swiuun-Rnat
free, also pamphlet telling you how to finof.
out If you have kidney or bladder trouble
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer.
& Co., BInghamton, N. Y. .
"Something Xew Under tlie Sim."
"Niasara The Scene of Perilous
Feats" is the title of an article in the
February Cosmopolitan which tells the
story of the many who haveyeer after
year gone to Niagara seeking notoriety
or death, From the earliest days Ni
agara has been the Mecca of those who
valued their lives lightly, and the story
of Sam Patch, Blondin, Maria Spelterina,
the jealous tiallenra attempt to cut the
cable on winch his rival was perform1
ing over the seething whirlpool rapids,
Peter NisBen s ill-fated "fool-Killer."
and Captain Webb s last swim, is car
riep down to Mrs. Taylor, the only sur
vivor of a trip over the great falls.
All Doclnit: '.l ive trif l l . t CA
TAURiibv tin) use of powdcra, itciiS
gases inhalers end dnms in punl.; U rio
The powders dry up the muctious mem
branes caua'ng them to cra--k i" it ndS
bleed, The powerful acids ud ia thv '
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same membranes that their mukeis have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. An old,
and experienced practitioner who has.
for many years made a cIobo study ami
specialty of the treatment of CATAR RH
has at last perfected a Treatment wbicK
when faithfully used, not only reliTe
at once, but. permanently cures CA
TARRH, by removing the canne, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all in
flammation. It is the only remedy
known to science that actually roaches
the afflicted parts. This wonderlul
remedy is known as "SNUFFLE the
and is sold at the extremely low price ot
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine Btillicient
for a full month's treatment and every-
Ahing necessary to its perfect use.
"SNUFKLrtS" is the only perlect CA
TARRH CURE ever made und ia now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for that annoying and ditUHllnsp..
disease. It cures all inflitimiatiotK
quickly and permanently and is ii1h'
w'Uiilerlu'.ly quick to relieve HAY FE
VER 01 COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will nave you if you use it B
once. It is no ordinary remedy, hut
complete treatment which is positively
cuaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if used according to th
directions which accompany each pack
age. Don't delay but send tor It at on
and write full particulars as to your con
dition, and yu will receive Bpecial ad
vice from the discoverer ot turn wonueB
ful remedy regarding your case without!
cost to you beyond the regular price k
Sent prepaid to any address in tb
United States or Can ad 1. on receipt ot
One Dollar. Address Dept. K 691, EE
332 Market Street, PhiladelpMa.
6 pe.
Individuals' Money to Loin at
cent and 7 per cent.
Call on or write,,
John W. LonicKy,
Attorney at Law;..
Stevens Bl'd'g. Oregon City, Ores
Portland Market.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Beat $2.803.40: graham
Wheat Walla Walla G465c: valley
64e(i4j hlueetem 65)jC.
Oats White, 1.20; itray, 11.15.
Barley Feed $19; brewing $20 per t.
Millstuffs Bran $19; middlings $21;
shorts $21 ; chop $18.
Hay Timothy $) 112 ; clover, $7(38;
Oregon wild $(!.
Butter Fancy creamery 27 and 30c;
store, 13 and 15.
Eggs 22 cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.003.50;
hens $4.505; springs $,'i3 50;geeBe,
$(i7; ducks $5J ; live turkeys 11(3
12c; dressed, l")(17c.
Mutton Gross, best Khecp, weather
and ewes, sheared, $3 25; dressed, 5
and 6 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 75 and $0 00;
light, $5; dret-sed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per
Veal Large, 8 and 1)1-2 cents per
Beef Gross, top ulcers, $3 50 and $4,
dresHed beef, 3 and 7 cents per pound.
Che'ee Full cream llc per pound
Younii America 12e.
Potatoes 90 1. 10 per hundred.
Vegetables Beets 90c; turnips 65c
per sack ; garlic 7c per lb ; cabbage $1.25
1.50 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75c
per dozen ; parsnips 85c per sack ; celery
7075c per dozen; aHparagua 78c;
peas 23c per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evapora'ed 7(8;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears
sun and evaporated 8gc; pitless plums
6c;7 Italian prunes 8(34e; extra
silver choice 5Q7.
8 acres on east edge of city limits) for
eale at your own price. Inquire st Coar
ier-Herald office.
A Thousand Dollars Thrown Away,.
Mr. W. W. Baker, of Plaiuview, Nub;,.,
writes "My wife hud lung trouble for?
over fifteen years We tried a numbetr
of doctors and Bpent over a thousand dol
lars without any relief. She was voryr
low and I lost all hope, when a friontti
suggested trying Foley's Honey ami Tar
which I did; and thanks be to llns great
remedy it saved her life. Sue la strong
er and enj iys better health than she-:
has ever known in ten yews. We shalli
never be without Foley's Honey anut
Tar and would ask those alllicted to try
it." ChanriHii & Co,
To Loan.
$500 $000 $700 -$800 $900 and
$1000 at 0 per cent ,one to three yer
on farm property.
Dimick & Eabtham, Lawyers,
Oregon City.
For Stomach Troubles. '
''I have taken a great mny different
medicines for stomach trouble and c in
stillation ," fayB Mrs. 8. Geigcr, of I)un
kerton, lowaV'but never had as jjood re
sults from any as from Chauilierlain'fe
Stomach and ;Liver Tablets." For tnlt
by G. A Harding.
What's the Matter t
"Don't know what's the matter,
losing flesh," is often reported of persons
with weak digestion, or diseased nerve,
or of over-worked people. Scott's Emul
sion is a wonderful maker of new flesh
and blood.
St. Valentine'sKglit, Feb. (4tfi
$25 Worth of Prizes, $25.
Cake Walks and Comics offall
kinds. Don't miss it.
Prizes on Exhibit at P. O. Store.
ADMliilON :
Maskers, 50c. Spectators, igc
Music by Tur tey'i Orchestiaof 4 PiewL
Given by Turney.