Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 07, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Hi ask Jff
... r.Tr..... v erst'-.
weakens the body and de
grades the mind. It saps
the nervous strength that
is the source of all health,
and perverts the functions
of every organ. Because
of its stubborn nature, it is
often called incurable. This
is not true. There is one
medicine that never fails to
check the nervous spasms
and give new strength to
the entire system.
"My little frirl had epilepsy so bad
that in one iliy she suffered seventy
one fits. The doctors gave her up to
die, but I began giving her Dr. Miles'
Nervine aud now she is perfectly well.
It took five bottles to effect a cure."
Mrs. Aijie Lf.wali.en,
Siloam Springs, Ark.
Dff. Mils
allays nervous irritation,
stops spasms, restores di
gestion and mental vigor.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it faile
to curer E W. Grove's signature is on
ach box. 25c.
Look Carefully
To Ycur Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause tbe kidneys to work a3
nature intended they should.
They build up tbe shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as no
known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
they Lave no equal.
io, 25, 50 Cents 10s
Sold and Guaranteed by
Prescription Druggist,
Oregon City Oregon
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effects
on the entire system, and where
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels.
EcgrSs Cathartic
Con fee nons
Thz rnly harmless, vegetable,
kowcl regulator, and I;.vcr vltalkcr
As pleasant to the taste as
oand, and as positive as the harsh
est mineral. No gripe or pain.
29 10, 25, 50 cents. j
Sold and Guaranteed by 1
Prescription Druggist,
OreQon City Oregon
r (' t ! -f"" .m,rrm .,nf .mmm, ni
11 A
I5il IT"
p3 roe
. m
I 1 Pyspq'.a k unrecognized in i
5f hull' the eiise. It deceives the j&
w unknowing nufftwr. lis nmny V?
variations work along tlu'Wenkcst '"
j linea of the MsUm. To buttle
r'Z opiinst only one of them is vain, i'j
Lf U.ir boiiklt't t'Xi'luinsiia (jyinji-
(J touts. Oiirlhspt'iis'ukTnlili'tsgive t-'
. . II .11 111 tO I) tti I ll,lt,,V V.,ll.t .
fi Dyspepsia Tabloto U
. 10c, ?5C. H
r:s and 60c. isci
Sold and Guaranteed by
Prescription Druggist,
We$on City Oregon
Kind Word.
The following notice from the pen of a
f rmer resident of this section appeared
in his paper, the Wiliiamstown, (Ky.,)
Courier :
We beg to acknowledge tbe receipt
of the New Year number of the Oregon
City Courier-Herald, published in that
beautiful city of 'hat name at the falls
of the Willamette river, in tbe state of
Oregon. It is a beautiful souvenir edi
tion, rich in illustration and description
of the wealth and resources of Clacka
mas cou"ty, and comes to ns from our
old school boy, Grant B. Dimick, now
mayor of the city. It seems, when look
ing backward, but a few short years
since the editor of the Courier taneht
school in this lovtdy valley of the Wil
lamette river, a few miles south of Ore
gon City, and Grant B Dimick and his
three brothers were among the crowd of
children who were under our tutelage.
It has In fact been seventeen years ai?o
this very winter since we taught this
school in the village of Hubbard almost
under the (hadowof Mt. Hood ; long
enough, indeeu, for the scene to chanae
in the life of any man. It is yery grati
fying to know ihat one who only for a
brief time wus under your control as
teacher has been as successful in life as
youna Dimick and bus worthily suc
ceeded in all his undertakings. We
have kept track of him for years, as a
young lawyer assistant dis'rict attorney,
and now twice elected mayor of his city
of 10,000 people with much in store for
the future. Theie is no rich r spot of
of earth in all this land of ours than the
Wi.liimette valley and Oregon City is
the jewel injier crown.
''I have used Chamberlain's Congh
Remedy for a number of years and have
no hesitancy in saying that it is the best
remedy for coughs, colds and croup, I
have ever used in my family. I have not
words to express my confidence in this
remedy Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star,
Mich. For sale by G. A. Harding
Kidney complaint kills more people
than any other disease. This U due to
the disease being bo insiduous that it
gets a good hold on thp system before it
is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure will
prevent the development of fatal disease
if taken in time. Charman & Co.
Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901.
ETer since the first appearanoe of my
menBes they were very irregular and I
suffered with great pain in my hips,
back, stomach and legs, with terrible
bearing down pains in the abdomen.
During the past month I have been
taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford'i
Blaok-Draught, and I passed the month
ly period without pain for the firBt time
m years. Nannib Davis.
What ft life worth lo a woman suffer
Ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet
there -re women In thousands of homes
to-day who are bearing those terrible
menstrual pains in silence. If you are
one of these we want to say that this
will bring you permanent relief. Con
sole yourself with the knowledge that
1,000,000 women have been completely
aired by Wine ot Cardui. These wom
en suffered from leucorrhoea, Irregular
menses, headache, backache, and
bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui
will stop all these aches and pains
for you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of
Wine ol Cardui to-day and take it In
the privacy of your home.
For advice and litem turn. nddresB, Ktvinpr Bymp
toniB, "Tho lAOics' Advisory DoiMUUuimt,"
i iia uuaiuuiooga jueuicuie io., Liutttanooga,
ours if you y
f -v snil ours is so strong we
1 II I fr guarantee u cure or refund
" money, and we send you
free trial bottle if you write for it.
B11I1.0U S costs 25 cents aud will cure Con
sumption, Pneumonia, llroucliitis and all
Luiik Troubles. Will cure a couph or cold
hi a day, and thus prevent serious results.
It 1ms feen doing tnese things for 00 years.
8. C. Wki.i.9 c Co., I.e Rov, N. Y.
l' -I'., r I n . T . Oi
Only trunsoontinental line
pivssitiK directly throiinh
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cam. '
The most uwirnilieent scenery in
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all clashes of
K,rche-pt r!P4anl do 'ripttre literature
tienornl Agent,
214 Third Strett, Portbud, Oregon
PI'"- : ;
Fangrotn Tronlilra nnd Remedleo,
rointa of Dean (ironlnj.
Even the bumble (J,:in!eu beans are
Dot exempt from mucous enemies
which have. so assort'ed ihoinselves us
to become troublesome to the growers
of this useful vegetable. Since 180-t
the New Jersey station has been study
ing diseases of truck. crops, and beans
have received a full share of attention.
In bulletin 151 seven fungous diseases
of beans are considered, namely:
1. The anthracnosc or pod spot. 2.
l'he bean bncteriosis. 3. Tbe lima bean
mildew. 4. The lima bean pod blight.
5. The bean rust. tl. The bean leaf
spot. 7. The bean lea!' blotch.
All of these were met with In the
Held studies of the diseases, but tbe
first three, being the most common and
serious enemies, have been the subjects
for special treatment.
The bean seed is often Infested with
the antbracuose and becomes thereby
a prominent. If not the chief, means of
tiding over tbe Inactive or winter sea
son. The same Is doubtless true witb
It has been shown that soaking the
seed In fung.cldes, while destructive to
the fungus. Is not always without ill
effect upon the seed Itself. Export
ments differ upon this point, aud fur
ther Investigations nre bete needed.
There Is only one opinion us to ttu
desirability of discarding all diseased
seed before pluming aud using only
that which Ih mature and health
This Is strongly urged.
It has been demonstrated through
seven consei ,ftlve years of beans upon
the same land, two crops each season,
that the antliraenose Is checked by
fungicides. The same Is true of the
bacterlosls. The bordeaux mixture has
proved of substantial value as a rem
edy for bean mildew.
While Ihe experimental sprayings
have been at Intervals of ten days, it
Is not recommended that they be more
than three In number for the ordinary
wax sorts. For pole varieties or any
that require the whole season spray
ings once in three weeks would per
haps be most profitable, and yet the
distribution of the drenching rains
should determine the times of the ap
plications. It was shown that old spotted pods
when used as mulch greatly increased
the disease upon tbe area thus covered.
All such refuse, whether of pods ot
stems and leaves, should be burned.
A rotation of crops Is doslrable from
the standpoint of freedom from dis
ease, but ' li has been demonstrated
that with frequent spraying beans may
be grown with profit Indefinitely upon
the same land.
The lending points in, bean growing
are: First, to have strong, healthy seed
of the least susceptible growing; sec
ond, planted not too close or deep;
third, In rich, well drained soli, and
fourth, spray with bordeaux or Its
equal, soda bordeaux, at three week
Intervals. To this is added the not less
PODS WITH hai ri.i:i,)-IS.
Important point of burning nil tbe ref
use of the licld as sm.ii ai possible aft
er the crop is harvested
These experiments indicated that no
distance is superior to s inc'.ti s In tbe
row for bush beans of the golden wax
sorts when the rows are 'Jn Inches
apart, but it should be stated that less
space Is required in the second than In
the first planting of any season.
m K m
Tim IBull&t
Of the asMtela may be more sudden, but
it is not more sure than the dire punish
ment meted out to the man who abuses
his stomach. No man is stronger than
his stomach. When the rtomach is dis
eased the whole body is weakened.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It
cures diseases of other organs when it
cures the diseases of the stomach, on
which the several organs depend for
nutrition and vitality. v
I would say in regard to your medldnea
that I have been greatly benefited bv them,"
writes Mr. J. S. Bell, of Leando, Van Buren Co,,
la. "1 was at one time
as I thought almost
at death's door. I was
condned to my house
aud part of the time
to my bed. I had
t:i rie n a 1 1 on s o f i n et li
cine, but it only fed
the disease; but I must
say that ' Golden Med
ieal Discovery ' has
cured me. ancf to-day
I am stouter than I
have beeu for twenty
years. I am now forty
three years old. Have
taken in all twenty-nine
bottles -of 'Golden Medical
Discovery,' besides two or
three doaen vials of Dr.
Pierce's Pellets, but now I
take no medicine."
Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets curt con
stipation. Vou Doubt
Sometimes when
you read that certain
remedies will cure dan
druff, leaving the scalp
healthy and clean, pro
moting a luxuriant
i growth of soft and silky
i hair. " Prier's Hair
Food" however will 1
surely do these things. 1
Sold under t positive (uarente. Sj
for ule Dy all druggists, n
Don't tie the too of Tonr
nlly ond preserve Jar in
hoold fashioned way. Seal
mem iy me new, quick,
absolutely sure way by
a thin coating of Pure
Redned ParaOlne. Has
no taste or lor. Is
air tight and acid
proof. Easily applied,
useful in a dozen other
ways about tbe house.
Full directions with
each cake.
Bold every when. Mode by
1 bade marks
Copyrights &c.
Anvono son din if a sketrh and description may
Quickly lutrm-ruiii onr opinion free wiiether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions st rtctly contlciontinl, 1 Lundbook on Patents
gent frae. oldest anoiicy for socurlng patents.
Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive
tpecial iwtice, without chfrse, iu the
A handsomely Illustrated weeklr. I.nrpest cir
culation of any sclent itlc Journal. Terms, $3 a
year; four months, $1, Sold by all newsdealers.
(V.01MM & Ca.36,Broadwav. New York
Branch Offlco, 626 F St Wastalnnton, D. C.
wanVed-tiidstwortay men and wo
mill to travxl nd adtortlie for old esiablthed
house of solid fhmrmitil Rtan1irn:. Salary $78'1 a
year aud expenses, all patahle in cash. No "an
aaintf requirt'd. (live references and enclose
elf-adilri'ssed stunped I'livnlope, Address Man
)r. tii )a xton Bid i., Chlcai?o.
Notice Is tuMvliy plven that tho unclerslgned has
twen appointed administratrix of the estate of
James N. Miller, deceased, by the county court
of the itate of Orrgon, for the county ot Olaeka
All peraom havine; claims au'nlnat said estate
are hereby required to present lliem duly venlied
within six mouths from the date hereof to the
said aiiniinls rmrtx at the office of Bruce C.Curry
at Oregon City, Oregon .
Administratrix of the Estate of
Jnmes N. Miller, Deceased.
Patod, February 7, lint!.
Notice is lwhy given that in purni ince of an
order of the county court of the slate of Oregon
fur Clftckama county duly made and entered
the'trdrtay ol Feb.. l'.i in the math r of tha es
tate of Martha K. Firtlow. deceased, the under
eisued will on and after the stu dav of March.
liHki, offer f 'r sale and ptveeed to sell at private
sale for cash at Ihe time of tale, subject to con
tinuation of the said Court, the following property
U wit:
Cbmincncinx at a stake south US degrees east
S.ol chains from tne southwest corner of the li.
; L. V. of Wiltiiim Holmes and wife in township 3
south of rat ftei at of the Willamette Meridian
in Claekaniaa county. Oregon, an I running
theuee east 4.36 chains lo a
stake: llience south 11',' deiirees,
j eiist 21 chdlns to a sUko, tnenee west
! 4 3s chains to a stake, thence north It1, degrees
west 2.90 chain" to the place ol beginning, cou
I tainiug one acre, more or less.
KU. WII .1.1 AM.
J Administratrix of the Estate of
Martha E. 1'artlow, Deceased.
Patei', Oregon Cit.v, Feb. t, laJJ.
Newly Furnished and Refitted
This Restaurant has no Superior in the City
Opposite Electric Hotel OREGON CIT1 OREGON
Bread Is the Staff of Life
The better the flour, the better the bread;
' The better the bread, the stronger the staff.
... Patent Flour ...
Makes the Whitest, Lightest Bread. It is kept
for sale by all dealers. Demand "Patent" Flour.
Made by.
Good Literature
For A I m os t SK,
F. auverusinji matter. its
fY A IfYinof- PampWptB, folders, booklets, etc., are
xIlI IllUd V tastefully gotten up and are valuable for
what thpv contni
TVTrf 1--5fT of what MR. CHAS. S. F
IX U IIIIIILL Agent, St. Paul, Nlnn.,
c' mailed, upon receipt of pr
-..uu, ir.oi)i, ui piiuru m veil, any comm
natinn can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive readina
matter for little or nothing. 6
Wonderland 1001
An annnal publication, beautifully illustrated in color and v
half tone. TIiIb number treat particularly of the hiotory of Send
the Northern Pacific'! Trademark, the custer Battlefield in Six Centa
Montana, aud the Yellowston. Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A.l!!!t,?nd.da,nty P'lMlcallon containing a complete history
of the Northern Paclflo Trademark. The artiltle ooyera of
the Wonderland, 1901 are used in miniature.
Wi!d Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowatone Pn'k
showing the real floweri in their natural colors. A rtali k-
full psge illustrations of Park
...... U11TCIII1 lnn
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book in atrong, flexible ooyera, good paper,
plain type, Illustrated, pocket size, a compenaium , and Twenty-flva
descrlptiye of the Woi d'a Wnndu.d v r..-?. ' "rm
Climbing Mount Rainier
An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pages, in atrong, flexible Send
friTf'i? ? ,'ea,onheTYPPer. descriptive of an ascent of Twenty.fi ve
glacial nature.
...We Can
By you this year than ever before and "-Hcl
be pleased to have you give us a trial order.
We do not run a department store or a black-
( sinun snop, Dut we do conduct a
And sell
Iiik at These Prices
Jumbo Mush, 2 lbs. in package,
2 packages for 15c
almon, 3 cans 2?c
Arm oc Hammer Soda, 8 lbs.
for 25c
Good Syrup, per can 25c
Roast Coffee, from ioc
Green Coffee, per lb ioc
Sardines, 6 cans 25c
can Baked Beans 20c
Washing Powder, per lb 5c
Ackcrman Coffee Extract, 8
packages 25c
Lemon and Vanilla Extracts, "
per oz jc
Bird Seed, with bone and grav
el, per package 7c
Blueing, per bottle 5c
Matches, per bunch ic
GLASS SETS; consisting of SUGAR
HOLDER and CREAMER, from 35c per set.
guarantee same,
fount ij 1 reasu rer's Sot ice.
I now have raoner to pay road r
ranta endorsed prior to April 1st, 1901.
Interest will ceas on th warrants em
braced in this c.iU on the date hereof.
A Li'GLLiN'o, 1 reasnrer,
Clackamas County, Or.
Orejjin City, J.n. 3 )ih, 1902.
Winter c nigha are ait to result i:i con
sntiiption if iietileuted. They can be
soon broken tip by usinj Foley's Honey
and Tar. Charmm & Co .
The Northern Paoifin is nnU
ed among railways for ita
thpy contnin. Here is a partial liet
. FEE, eneral Passenger
win ena out, carefully
Foar Caati
Fifty Ceats
Bucnunei s or nowera anrt six
I cenery.
Do Better...
Sewing Machine Oil, per bot
tle 5c
Regular 15c Shoe Dressing. . . ioc
Lemonade Sets, from $1
White Metal Teaspoons, per
set ISc
Curling Irons, each 4c
Fancy Toilet Soap, per box. . 51c
Lead Pencils, per dozen ioc
Table Oil Cloth, per yard 18c
Toilet Soap, long bar 4c
Men's Working Gloves, from., ,25c
Men's Black and White Striped
Working Shirts 43c
Men's Suspenders ijc
Men's and Boys' Hats at fac
tory prices.
Men's and Bo ys' Leggings. . .40c
Will trade a first-class milk cow frePh
in March for a good buy. I,iqire
Coi rikr-Hebald office.
'"." i"JS& S'ni'tt a iw
4- KwJf
S mg atom.
2i Dowa 2Se.