OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1902. from $1 40 to $1 70 per 100 in !!; S 100,000 Rolls of Wall Pa per at 5c DCr double mil at W.L. Block, The Home- iurmsher, opposite P. O. W.W. Everhart, of Molalla, was in the city Tneedaj. William Davis, of Beaver Creek, was In the city Wednesday. Henry Hedges, of Barlow, was in Or egon City Wednesday. Road Supervisor J ihn Aden, of Staf ford, was in the city yesterday. W. S. Hurst, the Aurora produce mer chant, was in the city yesterday. Airs. Newbury, postmaster at New Era, was in Oregon City Tuesday. T L. Turner, the well known Staf . ford pioneer, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Mader, of Poriland, was visiting Mrs. P. Nehren Wednesday. O. S. Ward and children, of Viola, were visitors in the city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J F. Nelson, ot Liberal, were visitors in the city Wednesday . Henry A. Snyder, postmaster at Au rora, was in Oregon City Wednesday. Lmis Funk and J. T. Fullain, of Redland, were in the city Wednesday. iV. II. II. Dulur, supervisor of the forest reserve, was m the city Tuesday WiMiam Thompson, a prominent far mer of Needy preciuct, was in Oregon luesuay. Miss Bursa Reddick, who hid been visiting friends in taU'in for several days, returned home Tuesday. D. S. Livesay, a former resident of Clackamas county, will remove his saw mill from Woodbutn to Salem, County Commissioner T. B. Killin, states in. tsiair is atieaa for the re publican nomination for assessor. L. K. Cogswell, a breeder of red polled came at unenaus, is visiting ma cousin. 1 1 . . . . ' ueorge L.azene at Mount 1 feasant. Rev. Bott, of Shubel, was in townyeg' terday. His daughter, Miss Helen, has rerarnea irom an extended visit to Lone Kock, Umatilla county. Miss Millielruse, of this city, closed a satisfactory three months term of school at Jones' mill Tuesday. She will begin another term of school at the same place, next Monday. D. O. Boyles, who has been employed in a Silverton store for some time past, was in Oregon City yesterday. He is now at his old place in L. W. Bobbin's store at Molalla. W. H. Bonney, the RedUnd sawmill proprietor, was in town Wednesday. He was consulting with Architect W. A. White about plans for a new dwelling mac ne is aoout to nave erected. Joshua Gorbett, the Colton merchant. who was in town yesterday, stated that there was less snow in his section than here. By last Bunday the enow had disappeared from the Coltoa section. . Road Supervisor G. H. Briggs, of New Era, was in town. Saturday, and stated that the Doernerbecker Furni ture Manufacturing Company's sawmill, was running on full time on ash lum ber. Willard W. Austin, the well known former school teacher of Clackamas county, is still visiting friends in this section. He expects to leave for Ham ilton, Grant county,' about " Februarv 20th. Casper Weismandel, of Macksburg, took up the boiler and engine for the cream separator to be established theie, on Wednesday morning. . Mr. Weis mandel will carry on the cream separa tor business in connection with Port land parties. They expect to handle aU the surplus milk in that immediate vi cinity. George H. Brown, the New Era pc tato king, was in the city Wednesday, and Btated that potatoes were now worth Electric Lamps! We have the up-to-date kind at $2,f0 per doz en. Sen if they are cot better than the kinds you have been using. We are aleo h e ad q n arters for mantles and chimnevs for Gasoline Lamps PERSONALS SPECIAL; THIS WEEK Einives, Razors, Scissors, Shears QUR CUTLERY SALE this week will be a hummer. The price every knife, razor or pair of shears will be cut so low that you will wonder how we can sell at such a price. We couldn't and make a profit, but we haven't consid ered the cost of good's in this sale. After you become famil iar with the make of Hayden, Randall & Co. you will have no other, and that's where our profit will come in. We have dropped every other line of cutlery for th;s, because the goods ere absolutely reliable. We guarantee every article bearing the name of H., R. k Co. 75c Shears for - 49c 65c " " - - 44c 60c " " 39c 50c " - 33c 3.5c " " - 19c 25c Scissors, - 13c 1 00 Manicure Scissors, 59c 90 " " 49c 25 Fer Cent. Discount We Have in o C. G. HUNTLEY, Oregon City, Ore. rraueisco market. iUr. Blown no. ne times permits his neighbors to-m.ik-small shipments to fill out a cur-lo id of his own Btock, and they receive the re turns individually. One man recently shipped 20 sacks in this way, mid the return check was $30. . The potatoes netted him $1 70 per sack. All millinery goods below cost at Mi0s Goldsmith's. Born, in Oregon City, February 5th, to Charles Boylan and wife, a sou. Eggs are now 22 cents per dozen in the local market, the e-jpulv not. vet coming up to ths demand'for the fresh article. H. M. Harnden is fining up the Ford confectionery store ou lower Sev enth street for oyster and ice-cream parlors. The average quality of potatoes are bringing about one cent per pound in the local market. It is only the prime article that brings fane v prices. All men are cordially invited to ajlend the meeting at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A cal talk will be given hy A. S. Ureter. John W. Loder will lend the sin 'in i Hats, trimmings and everything in millinery line below cost at Miss 4,iM. smith's. Miss Cleo. Smith, recently of Vancou ver, Wash., has purchased F. H. weisn's confectionery store ou Main street. Mr. Welsh is now engaged in the wholesale manufacture of candies up stairs in the Sladen building. Rv. P. K. Hammond, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, will give the third of the series of sermons next Sun day at II a. m., on 'Christian Doc trine. At 5 p. m., the sermon will be the third of the series on the Bible. Lost or Stolen-Clackamaj county war rants, numbered 9212, 9270, 9290, 8602, 9249, 9242, 9321, 9310, 9245, 9234, 9237, 9232. 9260, 9272, 9286, 9182, 8724. Reward paid and no questions asked if returned toB. F. Linn, Oregon City, Or. The Oswego postofflce was broken into and robbed just .'before midnight Tues day. About $40 in postoliice money was secured, and $10 belonging to H. W. Prosser. The robbers cut a hole through the door an 1 effected an en trance. There is no clue to the bur glars.. Do ytu like pictures? Do you like good pictures? If so, you are the kind of cus tomers we want to become acquainted with. We are nreoared to Hn wnri. strictly up-to-date. All the latest kinds of finish and all orders filled promptly. Give us a call. W. F. Snodgrass, suc cessor to Cheney & Rait . Cataract Engine Comoanv No. 2. hold its annual banquet Tuesday evening. Tbe following are the officers elected : President. 8. M. Rioftshv: dent, Stonewall Vaughan; secretary. G. B. Dimick: treasurer. John W r.r. der; foreman, H. E. Straight; assistant foreman. Henry Salisbury; second as sistant foreman, Ed Reckner. The county board of commisiionnri are in regular monthly session an 1 are in Jegular monthly session, and are busy with road matters. Tne MiUaukin in corporation matter will probably be heard today. Commiss.ouer r.WHlin will brine ud the mutter nf n Mm,i poor farm, during the session. He fa vors a poor farm after a thorough inves tigation. The candv store formerlr nwneA h Frank H. Welsh, manufacturer of the famous "Home Made Candies," has been sold to a Miss Cleo Smvth, of Van couver, Wash., who intends making many improvements in the place in the near future, and will carrv Hn of high grade Cigars, fresh Home Made Candies Creams. Bon Bin Fruits Etc. Remember the nlaee. M.in Street. Opposite Barlow's grocery store. A n ivel reception will ba held at t ). First Presbyterian church on Wednps. Who Is Better Able to testify to the worth of a cough remedy I ban one who has neon cuud thereby? Hardly a day pasefs but Home one tells us of a cough"knocked ont" by our Syrup of White PineCompouiid 25c. 50c, 75c. 0 o $3.00 Razors, $2.13 1 99 1.49 1.09 99 49 2.50 " 2.00 ' 1 50 " 1.25 " 75 Corn Razors, o o o o o on Every Knife Stock. Cut-Price Druggist. 0 My Lungs " An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said I bad consumption. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randies, Nokomis, 111. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Tires sizes: 25c, 50c, $1. All drof fists. then do u he says. If he tells you not to take It. then don't take It. He knows. Leare it with him. We are willinr. J . U. AYKR CO., Lowell, Mail. day evening, February 12th. The function will be in honor of five couples, who have passed their golden weddine anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rnh. erts, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. (Jaliff, Mr. and inra. Aiirea Laieiung, Mr, and Mrs. R. 8. Beattie. Mr. and Mrs Mile Kowen. The reception will be attended with an appropriate literary and musi cal program. The public is invited to the reception, which will be free. Hose Company No. 3, of the Oregon City volunteer fire department, elected the following new officers at the meet ing held Tuesday niaht: President, W. B Zumwalt; foreman, Otto Erick son; first assistant -foreman, P. F. Tune can; second assistant, O. A. Nash; secretary, B. M. Doolittle; treasurer, C. A. Muir. The following candidates for department officers were placed in nomination to be voted for at the Bre men's annual election to be held on the first Monday in March : Chief engineer, 8. J. Burford; assistant chief engineer, W. J. Wilson ; one of the three fire com missioners, O. Rchuebel. JSlotice. A meeting of all the citizens of Clack amas county who are interested in good gouernment will be held in Oregon City on Tuesday, Feb. 18, to discuss the political situation. Fuither announce ment and place of meeting will be pub lished next week. WEDDINGS. William 0. Eyeman and Miss Disy Anderson, who secured their license in Clackamas ceunty, were married last week in tbe Second Baptist chnrch par sonage on East Oak street in Portland, Rev. William Randall, officiating. A marriage l'cense wag issued to Be atrice M. Sandall and A. VV. Dyer on January 30th. ' E. C. Emenon was the witness. On February 3rd, a license was issued to Myrtle Cooner and S. W. Drisnnll J. VV. McCain was the subscribing wit ness. On February 5 h, a license was isaned Maude E. Hanev and Edward H. Will the subscribing witness was Henry A. Snyder. . SOCIAL EVEN1S. . Several interesting Functions Dur ing the Week. The Woodmen reception to Head Consul Falkenberg at Shively's opera home Wednesday night, was ao elabo rate affair. There was a proceion, led by the Woodmen Band, and the program was carried out as announced in this paper last week. The hall was crowded to its full capacity, and Mr. Falkenburg made one of his telling and eloqueut addresses. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor were the recipients of pleasant party lait Friday evening in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. Mr. Taylor is now in his 88th year, and very feeble. ' The fiftieth anniversary of the mar riage of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Kelly 0 3 eurred February 5th. The anniyersary will be celebrated as soon as Mr. Kelly if in butter health. Horticultural Convention The third annual convention of horti cultural interests will be held at the A riciillural Ouliegu, Oorv.illis, on the 13: li and 14fh ot February. A two days' pro gram of pithy, pointed talks, papers and discussions will be rendered. The great Hucce.ss has attended the former meet ings promises to be over-reached in the coming convention. The railroads will give the usual reduced price. Letter Lis:,. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postoliice at Oregon City, Ore., on February 6th, 1002: Womens' List Mary richeer, Ida Shockley. Mens' List Warren Brainard, Iver Brandford, William Butts, F. H. Clark, Joseph A. Cameron, Samuel Faust, Wilhelm Held, A. E. Jones, E. M. Law, John Moffett, E. Mass, (J. W. Mallutt, VV. F. Parker, E. J. Weston. Mr. Young, Oregon City Saint. GEORGE F. HORTON, P. M. For Sale My improved farm of 115 acres, 3 1-2 miles BoutKof Oregon City, and 1-2 mile north of New Era. On the place are loOO bearing jrune tress, nine years old, also a latent-improved drier. Good buildings. Price, $40 per acre. Apply to Matt Clemens, New Era. Quit paying rent, and don't pay in terest. Uwn your own home. The Or egon Home Mutual Society will buy yonr home and pay off your mortgage, and give you 10 years and. eight months to par for it. Only $" 35 per month for a $1,000 home. II. M. llamden, Ore gon City, agent. I Now is yojr time to buy a hat M.8B Goldsmith. cheapi AGENTS McCall's Dress Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. I Gen-UDiEN Ofrenloft of Kj Daily Change of Attractions Ss LADIES' UNDERWEAR, Medium Weight, Fleece Lined. tTnware j crockery 1 K 10 qt. Water Bucket, - - 1 5c J S ' ) gf 9 qt. Dairy Pan, - - - 8c 0dd Lots of Pitchers Bowls, . A lqtJDmn Ulll' jjf ) ENGLISH VIOLET SOAP j GLOVES J ffl. 7 ( Ladies' Kid Gloves, all shades, - 95c Sf ThO Mens' Fleeced Lined, Fur Top, . ' - ;rj j: VALENTINES, CITY COUNCIL. QOVERNMICNT BUILDINO SITU. At the regular monthly meeting of the city council held Wednesday night, it was unanimously voted that the city's property on the bluff, above the Sixth and 7th street stairways, be donated as a site for the proposed government build ing. Congressman Tongue has intro duced a bill in congress to appropriate $110,000 for a government building in Or egon City to be used for a postoHice and United States land office. The com mittee to whom the bill was referred, re cently communicated with Mayor Dim ick and made inquiries as to what could be accomplished in the way of stcuring a site. The council proceeding in the matter will at once be forwarded to Washington. PORTABLE CEMETERY TENT. Rev. A. J. Montgomery was present, and was accorded the privilege of ad dressing the council. He called atten tion to the fact that a great majority of the deaths in this country ccurred in the winter, and as a result, many of the burial services and interments were conducted in the pelting rain. Fspec ially was this the case in the city ceme tery . In attending the last sad rites at the grave women were compelled to stand on the wet ground while the rain poured down in torrents, often contract ing severe colds from the exposure He too, had observed on several occasions, when fraternal orders were cor-duoting ritualistic services the leaves of the optn book were fairly soaked with the falling water. These conditions tended to make the make the burial services, which people must afend, very disagre able. Cemeteries in some other cities have portable tents, which can be placed over the grave in bad weath. r, afford ing excellent protection. The sexton could have the custody of the tent, and place it in posiiion when needed. The motion to secure a tent passed unanimously, and the cemetery com mittee whs authorized to make the pur chase. It had been ascertained that such a tent conld be secured at prices ranging from $10 to $25, according to quality. The tent will be paid for out ot the cemetery fund. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. There was an unanimous remon strance presented against the improve ment of Adams street from Seventh to Fifth, the reiuonstrators claiming that' they were now being heavily taxed Rr Bewer improvements ; also that the pro posed improvement of this part of Adams street would cause all the traffic to pass tlirouijli the residence portion of the city II. M. Templeton, one of the r lumstraterri, was present and stated that if some of the other cross streets were Improved, they would not object to the improvement of Adams street. On mo tion the petition was ordered hid on the taliie. Later notices of publication were ordered for the improvement of Wash ington and Center streets. Fred Gjissr was g ant id a si.loon li cense to cany on business at Seventh and Railroad streets, and Kelly & JJob liit were granted a ticense renewal. Councilman t rai cis reported that a lot 25x50 feet could be purchased from Mr. Ely for an engine house on Molalla avenue for $40. And further, if more ground was needed, it could be pur chased at the same rate. The matter of the new engine house at Ely was then referred to the committee on ' fire and water. The street committee was authorized to secure the county rock crusher and grind up a lot of rock for future use. O 1 motion of Sheaian the matter of electing a band stand in the public square on the hill was considered, and was referred to the stre"et committo for a report. The chief of police was ordered to. no tify Mrs. Newton to connect with the sewer on her property in sewer distr'ct No. 2; also notify J. T. Apperson and Mrs. Barlow, owners of the Phoenix building in district No. 1, that the penalty would be enforced unless sewer connections were made. There was no report on the condition of the imaginary rock pile, although several vagrants had been sentenced to work ou the streets. The mayor announced the following citnmittee appointments: Fire and Water Francif, Koemer and Huntley. Cemetery Story, Kelly and Albright. Health and Police Powell, Albright and Koerner. No change as yet has been announced in tbe street committee. Sl'OPS THE rOIKill AND WOItKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure no pay Price 25 cents. OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH ADAMS BROS. Rule our New Centre Aile Sales Counters at Greatly Reduced Prices. Saturday and Monday an Exceptional TTt rC J9C BOYS' UNDERWEAR, - 22c Best Fleece; has to be teen to be appreciated. All Sizes ar d All Kinds, 1 The most reliable preparation for kid ney troubles on the market is Foley's Kidney Cure Charman & Co. Estrag Notice. One six or seven year old milk cow, dark red, small, white star in forehead, white spot under body and one on hind leg; also on one shoulder; horns of me dium size, with shell of left horn broke off. Reward given. Communicate to Chris Tellkfsok, Parkplace, Ore. A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of Are at night is the 'brassy cough of croup, which .Anjni:uikn 1. : 1 i i 1 . . . 1. 1 11 and it means death unless somethin is dona nnicltlv. Fnloo' Hnno .nH T...!1."0'"'' never fails to give instant relief and quickly cures the worst forms of crouo. Mrs. P. L. Cordier, of Manuington, Ky., writes! "M? three year old girl hada severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live. I got a bottle of Foley's I first, second and third grade certifi Honey and Tar, the first dose gave quick , cates. relief and sated her life" Refuse sub- r.j.j i ... stitutes. -Charman & Co. ' Wednesday-Penmanship.hiBtory, or- OABTOniA. Bean tli 4 Tho Kind You Have Always BomcM fflgaatut of Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen OABTOniA. Bean th 9 m MM Have Always Signature of Foley's Honey and Tar cures the cough caused by attack of la grippe. It heals the lungs. Charman & Co. Mothers can safelv give Foley's Honey and Tar to their children for coughs and colds, for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Charman & Co. Tu Know What Yon Are Taking; When you take Grove's Tasteless Oh ill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it i simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. 50c. Here is a Bargain. I have one foreclosure place left and unsold; 60 acres level, good soil; 16 acres nice cultivation ; balance light brtiBh; new house, six large rooms, not finished inside, but coHt $300 as it stands. Two great springs; 11 miles from Oregon City; one-half mile from plank road; worth $1330; will take $750; longtime; easy terms. II. E. Chons, Oregon City. The Heat PreKClptloti fur Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iroi and quinine in a tantelees form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. For.ONIiY S AYS Desiring to"closc out my stock of Boy's and Men's Clothing I have decided to sell the entire lot AT COST- To make room for new goods will also make a Reduction of 10 per Cent on Dry Goodsr Boots and Shoes, Etc OW. GRACE'S General Merchandise Store SEVENTH AND CENTER STS. STORE AGENTS Thomcson's Glove F ting C rsets. Bazaar 1 5 5 cent to $2.50 leachers' xaminntlon. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Clackamas county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state and county papers at Oregon City, as follows: OB STATE PAPERS, Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 12th, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, Feb. 15th, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keoping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men talArithmetic, composition, physical geography. baturday Botany, plane geometiy. ?enerl history, English literature, psy- FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 12th, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, Feb. 14th, at 4 o'clock p. m. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Fridaj Geography, mental arithme tic, physiology, civil government. PBIMAKY CERTIFICATES. Wedne8day Penmanship, raphy, r adiug, arithmetic. orthog- Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, .methods, physiology. J. O. ZlNBER, Superintendent of Schoo.s. Oregon City. Jan. 21, 1902. The New Era flouring mill has begun operation, and is now ready to grind the farmers wheat. Flour and feed ex changed for wheat. Satisfaction guar anteed. New Era millers. (Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored hv those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. 1 Millions are always at work, night and day, Coring Indigestion. Bil iousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at George A. Harding'B drug store, You will nuke no mistake in huvincr a Unite! States cream separator of theT. S. Townsend Creamery Company at 44- Sicond Street, Portland. They give easy terms, and will take cream In ex change. For vcr Sixty 3 ear Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over six y years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remeuy lor Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, SoUl t,y Driuigi sts in every part of the World. Twen ty five cents a bottle. Its value is Incal cu- lable. Besnre and ask for Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. 1 Jl