Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 07, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Lewis S j i(ile and Fred Stewe returned
4ome Irorn Oregon City last Thursday
htre they have een working in the
Mr. and Mrs. W.Noblitt, of Hubbard,
vere visiting et Mrs. Moreland's Sun
lay. Prof Crittenden went to LaFayette
Friday to vinit Ids' family.
Mrs. Charles Molon and daughter,
day, .accompanied by Miss Lona Mohr,
'ieited Portland last week.
We are informed that Sam Hess baa
ented his place here to thre- bachelors,
iow, girls, don't serve them like Heury.
Miss Jeieie and Alexander Taylor
tame up from Oregon City Haturday eve
ling tit attend the dance hee.
Hattie panle is visiting Hubbard
mends. ,
The dance was a fizzle Saturday night
It seems a shame that Needy can't have
my more dancei without the boys get-
ung boozy.
Another pioneer gone. Mr. John Al
bright, of Springwater, died February
1. 1902. The funeral services were held
m Sminirwater church on February 3,
md were conducted by Rev. Exon, of
he M. E. church, assisted by Rev.
Mr. Albright was born July ' 3, 1834,
md in 1853 be crossed the plains from
Iowa J ulSiioMr. Albright was mar
ied to Mary Jane Murry, who with 11
ibildrcn fin vive him.
V voir.ejs heard in Sprirgwaier weeping
The Iuj-s of one they love,
But he lias gmie where the redeemed
are keeping
A h'Hlival above.
He has g.uie to the undiscovered shore,
Where youth a d ae come never more.
'Tis tlie land of delight, 'tis the home of
Where rivers of pleasure increasingly
nil A.M. S.
Falls View.
Falls View is alive and still on top.
The latest social event of our burg was
candy party given at the home of Mr.
tnd Mrs. Roberts. Games and dancing
were the features of the evening. The
oung ladies attending wore pretty
aright-colored aprons. There were
ibout 16couples present. Several kinds
f homemade candy were served. A
. inmher of couples.old and young,danced
he cake walk very gracefully.
Mr- and Mrs. Febler have moved
from Po tiand to this place .
Herman Stoughtinger.of Spokane, was
visitinu his cousins, Mr. and Mis. iiar
vey Cl.trk.
Ghkes Horn.
Miss INina Richards is home from
Portland for a few days.
Henry XU'&i was ft visitor Sunday laBt
to Hubbard,
Henry Rocho was in Portland Satur
laj and Sunday on buHiness.
"Pap" Berry returned from Portland
iund.iy, whore he was on a pleasure
Alec Schwabaner and AriBta Nendel
were in Portland Sunday.
The snow came, and here In our burg
and north of us, it is still on the ground,
but everybody seems to enjoy the cli
mate. Miss Bessie Hubbard, of Colton,
paBind through here last Thursday on
her way to Handy.
ilECl k
Kick a dog and he bites you.
He bites you and you kick him.
The more you kick the more
lie bites and the more he bites
the more you kick. Each
makes the other worse.
A thin body makes thin
blood. Thin blood makes a
thin body. Each makes the
other worse. If there is going
to be a change the help must
come from outside.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
help. It breaks up such a
combination. First it sets the
stomach ritrht. Then it cn-
riches the blood,
strengthens the body
nnrl ir
Q .
begins to grow new flesh.
A strong body makes rich
blood and rich blood makes a
strong body. Each makes the
other better. This is the way
Scott's Emulsion puts the thin
body on its feet. Now it can
get along by itself. No need
of medicine.
This picture represents
the Trade Muik of Scott's
IjnuUon and U on the
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for free sample-
ftflliT joo Teail St.. Now York.
' ' .... ' . .
50c. ami fi. au uruggisis.
ri r- - - -
Eli LA
Jesse Nye, of Clem. Eastern Oregon.
stopped here last Tuesday on his way
back borne.. He has been spending the
winter here in the valley, and says this
is a mild winter as to what they have in
his part of the country.
Well, the s ..ow is a thing of the past
now, hut the young folks enjoyed the
sleighing and snowballing while it
Miss Lilly Hayward, of Oregon City,
spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs.
0 E. Spence.
Fred Spangler wag seen out riding
with his best girl Sunday.
Miss Rachel Lewis is very sick with
typhoid fever.
There peems to be an attraction for a
certain young man of Rural Dell down
here. Probably he is just selling shears.
Mr. Gregory celebrated 'his 60th birth
day last Tuesday. A very enjoyable
tiine was enjoyed by those present, after
which an excellent lunch was served.
Mrs Charlie Spangler has lost her
best friend. You have our deepest
sympathy, Ethel.
Mrs. B. Faust has returned from Ore
gon City.
Will Jones is hauling teasels to town
for Mr. Gregory.
Mrs. Guyer is visiting Mrs. J. Gra
ham in Portland.
Ground-hog day was pleasant and the
sun shone clear. Hold up now for six
weeks before thinking of spring work
Winter is but half gone.
Supervisor Aden lias been doing pre
liminary viewing between Polifka'sand
Shauber's with the intention of having
a new road run through there. He
found a very good lay for a road on a
direct route. It has been lees than three
years since the road was changed from
Polifka's to the Cedar bridge at an ex
pense of several hundred dollars for
which rich taxpayers had to dig up. Now
to abandon that lay, with it? improve
ments, seems a shame, especially as it is
the most scenic highway on the west
side of the Willamette river in Clacka
mas county. Our snow-capped moun
tain, Hood, also Adams and St. Helens,
the beautiful valley of the Tualatin and
the Hazelia hills, Morey's Heights and
the location of the first railroad in the
state of Oregon are but a few of the
pleasing scenes laid before travelers
as they ride over this eight per cent
grade. Let us not abandon this beauti
ful piece of thoroughfare, but, instead,
rock it and cover the rock with cinders,
then we can sav with pride, "a thing of
'beauty and a joy forever."
Eighth grade examinations commence
today. Director Suhatz will have super
vision over examinations in district No.
The late cold snap caught some spuds
that were not well protected.
Johu Schatz has gone to Portland to
Henry Schatz is tearing down an old
log barn on his farm. The barn is a
landmark of pioneer days built on the
Robert Bird donation land claim 50
years ago. The roof of the main part
was of four foot (fir) shakes, and has
done service these many years without
the assistance of repairs. The logs are
solid and hard. This old barn has for
years been the oldest of pioneer build
ing9 to stand with modern improvements
a memento to the .days of long ago.
Frog Fond.
The Grangers' goat, which has been
for sale for some time is withdrawn
from the market and is tied up to fatten
for the 14 applications which were sent
in at the last meeting.
James Turner has been hauling rock
the past week for his new barn, which
he will erect in the near future.
O. P. Sharp is ou the sick list.
J. G. Aden and T. L. Turner were
looking up a new road from Stafford to
Oregon City last Monday. They report
having found a suitable route.
Three hundred sacks of potatoes were
in the farmers watehojjse at Baldens
Landing during the recent cold snap.
About oue-fourth of them are frozen.
The entire potato crop of H. T. Traby
was frcztn, which was about 600 sacks
The protactod meetings, that are be
ing largely attended at Hood View, will
be continaed for two more weeks.
The M. B. A. lodge will give a dance
and supper att Wibonville on Feb. 22.
Music will be 'furnished by Graham's
Gforge Brown, of New Era, is in our
community buying'.Bpuds.
Jliss Kate Weed, who has been visit
ing her sitter, Mis. B. F. Weddol, for
few months, returned to her home at
Jefferson last Friday accompanied by
Hon. Jake Peters.
Mrs. Aden and daughters, Ellen and
Myrtle, are visiting fiiendsin Portland;
tills week.
Chunky Fm.i.ow.
The p ist cold weather and mow has
been a picnic for the young folks at
tending paities and sleighing.
Some dead horses this coUl weather,
one at Mr. repples'andone at A. Funk's
place. Chariee llicinbothi m has one
very fiek, but it ia improving.
Our literary socitty is still flourishing.
Jacob llarrv and pons are doing some
el.itdiiiH: for W. 11. Bonney.
Kev Dvtrdap, of Canby, ia aeeihtiiu
Rev. Kxon at the meetings at the M. K.
Miss llaltio jtiat-krll intends to go
back tol'ortland soon
A. M . iKoichem left this week on a
survey it apect ion trip with Mr. Kin
nuird. Jiune B. Dew intends having a pub
lic sale Feb. 19, mid will aell all ol his
cattle, sheep and household effects, as
he leaves for Idaho about March 1.
W. P. Kercliem.of Stone, has inter
ested some of the people on the ridge in
the creamery, as thev intend to estab
lish a ereuni route. Those taking part
are Messrs. Allen, Smith, llieinbothem,
James Fullam, and uthers may fall in
line. Some, of the;Yiola people are tak
ing hold.
Maude Stone has the promise of the
SUicklin school.
A. I. llieinbutheiu has the promise of
the Garfield school (for the spring term.
Andrew Dengler is confined to his bed
with illness.
Mrs. Fogle8oug,lately from Oklahoma,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Bee
son. They had not seen each other for
B, Cumins is going to werk In a saw
mill at Portland.
Miss Lulu Traylor and brother. Will,
are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Beeson.
Fred Heft and 0. Moehnke, Jr., have
bought machinery and are putting a
shingle mill in F. Moehnke's sawmill.
Howard Brownell will take part in
the school exercises on Washington's
Rev. T. R. Hornshuh and family of
Sweet Home, are visiting at 0. Horn
shuh' for a few days.
E. W. Hornshuh went to Canby on
business one day this week.
Mr. Bluhni tcok some choice beef cat
tle to town this week.
Some of the young men are finding
fault with a certain young man for going
oxer in their neighborhood to see the
young ladies. That's all right, Kilian,
"faint heart never won fair lady."
Mountain View.
Still very unsettled weather. Ac
cording to Eastern tradition we look for
six weeks of cold weather yet. On the
2nd of February the woodchuck or
ground hog came out and saw his shadow
which meant to him six weeks more
winter. '
Ernest Meyers, of Chshalis, Wash.,
was visiting with his sister, Mrs. Fran
cis, lust week.
Frank Everhart drove out to Molalla
Saturday and returned Sunday bringing
home his mother, who had Bpent a
week visiting her boii, Will, and wife.
Mrs. Nelson went to Portland last
week Thursday and Friday and had an
operation performed on her ere
i.ne measles are spreading some in
in this burg. Frankie Curran has them
this week.
Harold Swafford is on the sick list
with a hard cold.
The attendance at our Sunday school
is decreasing latelv. Unless more at
tend it will be discontinued, sine die.
Born, Feb. 3d, to the wife) of Frank
Bullard, a daughter, weight 8 1
Miss Eletha Cummins, of Shubel, was
visiting Miss Myrtle Curnn lan week
She then went to Portland to visit rela
tives. Sauna
Winter h8 begun.
The free mail delivery will be in opet
auon not later man April 1st, c
rouie e.tet and one route west.
II. L. Mills spent spent several days
last week with liis son, Forest, of Wood
The Southern Pacific Company is mak
ing soma fine improvements in the way
o; a plattorm. .
Rev. Welts has withdrawn his appoint
ment at Hopewnll.
It Beeras as if everybody wants to
carry the mail.
Fry is going around with his piece of
paper for a 50 job. That'a right, Frank,
we are alwavs willing to help him who
helps himstlf.
John Crocker, of Needy, was in tow n
Monday .
Dell Chapman, our Marion county po
tato buyer, does not seem to be rushing
buBinena very much lately.
Bonney brothers spent Sunday with
their parents.
Eosb Bud.
Canby. '
Mr. Deyoe, of Wisconsin, is making
his brother, J. F. Deyoe a visit.
Frel Hurst, of Aurora, came down
Tuesday to wane a contract with our
city dads to light our city with elec
tricity. At the regular eouncil meeting la?t
Monday evening a property room was
ordered built for the accommodation of
the new I. O. O. F. lodge in the new city
Mr. Vinyard and Mr. Eohersnn made
a business trip to Oregon City hut Tues
day. A little daughter came to the home of
J. J. Schmidt last Sunday morning.
Mother and daughter are doing well.
Ed II itehinson returned from Spring
field last Saturday, where he has been
looking alter the interests of the
S. B. R. R. Co.
The smallpox patientsabout four miles
from Canby are getting along nicely. If
it is the smallpox it is in a very light
form, and as the neighborhood is well
quarantined there will be no danger of
its spreading.
Willard Knight left on Tuesday's eve
ning train for Vancouver, Waeh , where
he lias a position on the ne v railroad.
We are having another show er of Ore
gon mist after aojut 10 days of cold
w eather and snow. We hear all around
us of people having their potatoes frozen.
Mackshurg ia having a general boom
of prosperity. The new tolephone line
is complete to Canby, and the boys can
now talk to their best girls over the
Mr. Miudock is improving his place
by putting in several blind ditches.
Mr Wallace is doing considerable
blasting o i his place this winter. We
also hear considerable blasting in the
goutheut end of our district.
Mr Weismandel, one of our most en
thusiastic and wide-awnke farmers, went
to Portland to purchase, an tngine of
about 40-horae capacity, He will at
once begin preparations for building a
large creamery and grist mill. Mr.
Weismandel is an experienced creamery
man, and w ill doubtless make a grand
success of the business.
Mr K'elie's new barn is about com
plete and adds greatly to the appearance
ot our little bu g.
Mr. Walch has just opened his new
blacksmith sh..p. Parties who need any
work done in his line will do well to
give him a call.
Wmdv Nortz, of the southeast end of
The Kind You Ilave Always
in use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger he health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bsars the
nd You Have Always Bought
in Use For
our burg, was in this place oce day last
week and stated that he had offertd the
caih for so ; e grubbing, but he couldn't
get men to do the work.
A party was given at the home of Mr.
and Mra. George Scheer on Tuesday
evening, Feb. 4, the occasion being the
53rd birthday of Mr. Scheer. All those
present report having had a most enjoy
able time.
Millie has a nu bean.
Wonder how the climate is up in Cuba
by this time?
Say not tomorrow, todny but your own
To parcel as you will,
For who can tell that when the day has
He shall be living still.
Oh, bleat is he whose daily balance
Brings perfect work to view,
Whose closing day leaveB no tatk in
complete, For other hands to do.
Tomorrow's but jack-o-lantern sprite,
That flees the I. ggard's clasp,
Today's the pow r whose hand of gra
cious might,
Holds fortune in its gr sp.
Continued on page 8.
School Report.
There are 46 pupils enrolled in district
No. 97. and notwithstanding the incle
ment weather there has been 93 per cent
of attendance. There were 12 pupils
who were absent only a day or a halt
day each, but the following were present
every day; Kobert Armstrong, rred
Armstrong, Ora Bratton, Fred Covey,
Charle9 Covey, Hattie Coleman, Ger
trude and Alta Evans, Winnefred Free
man, Hazel Hilton, Hattie Irvin, Ar
thur May, Nettie Peterson, Mary and
Clara Siegrift, Katie Watkins, Lyman,
Virgil and Albert Skinner, Leroy and
Leonard Parmenter, Valeria and Win
field Sanford, Weston Howard, Vera and
Basil Williams.
Mary s. Barlow, Teacher.
Vlackamas County Mail Contractu
On all mail contracts beginning July
1st, 1902, the mail will be delivered free
along the various to all persons erecting
boxes along the roadway. Below are
given new contracts let.
Tho following contracts oumail routes
connecting Clackamas county postollkes,
have been let: Bullrun to Marmot,
seven miles, six times a week, A. Lar
kins, $270.
Clarkea, by Colton. Elwood and
Springwiiter, to Dodge. '-'0 miles, twice a
week.O. W.Keller, $34.
Ourrmsville to Uarhehi, six nines, six
times a week, W. 11. Young, $373.
Eagle Creek, by Ge irge, to Bissell, 12
miles, twice a week, A. Widdenhold,
Oregon City, by Ely, Beaver Creek,
Shubel, Clarkes, Meadowbrook and Un
ion Mills, to Mulino, 24 miles, three
imes a week, A. Mosier, $545.
Oregon City, by Ely, Carus, Mnlino
and Liberal, to Molalla, 15 miles, six
times a week, S. J. Vaughan, $447
Oreaon City, by Willamette, Stafford
and Wilsonville, to Graeme. 10 miles,
six times a week, W. H. Young, $740.
Oregon City, by Stone and Logan to
Viola, Bix times a week, 30 miies, W.
Mosier, $t80
Sandy, by Firwood, to Salmon, 14
miles, three times a week, C. D. Chase,
Sandy to Dover, six miles, twice a
week, A. J. Kitzrailler, $110
Orient to Kelso, four miles, six times
a week, E. Jack, $200.
Portland, by Station A, Woodstock,
Tremont, Lents, Payn, Sunnyside, Da
mascus, Barton, Eagle Cieek, Currins
ville and Sprinew ater. to Highland, 44
miles, six times a week, W. H. Crousel,
Aurora, by Needy, to Macksburg, 12
miles, six times a week, Frank Ferdi
nand, $325.
Woodburn, by Handy, Monitor, Mar
qnam and Scott'a Mills, to Wilhoit, 2i
miles, ix times a week, J. Connor, $090.
Bought, and which has been,
has borne the signatnre of
and has been made under his per-fl-,
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
Som tM.iy That Will Do You
We know of no way in which we c an
be of more service to our readers than
to tell them of something that will be of
real good to them. For this reason we
want to acquaint them ' with what they
consider one of the very beat remedies
on the marketfor couk'hs, colds, and that
alarmingcomplaint, croup. We referto
Ctnunbe.i'Uiii's Cough Remedy. We
have used it with urch good results in
our family so Ling that it has become a
household m cesaity. By its prompt use
we haven't any doubt but that it has
time and aain prevented croup. The
testimony is given up m our own experi
ence, and suggest that our readers,
especially !hoe who have small child
ren, alwavs keep it in their homes a? a
safeguard against croup. -Camden(S. C.)
Messenger. For sale by Q. A. Hard
ing. ,
For Sale Ten acres in Mount Pleas
ant, 24 miles from the court house : 8 'A
acres in cultivation ; 600 bearing fruit
trees: two wells; good house, near
school, 'ermseaay. Inquire at Couh-
ibr-Hkrai.d omce.
Mr. Wheeler Gat Rid of His Rheumatotm.
"During the winter of 1898 I was so
lame in my joints, in fact all over my
body, that I could hardl hobble around
when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. From the hrst application
I began to tret well, and was cured and
have worked steadily all the year. R.
Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. For sale
by (i. A. Harding.
Thers's Many a Slip
on the ice or wet ground at this time of
year, and many a sore spot in conse
quence. No amount of caution will
guarantee you against accident. That
is why we keep Perry Davis' Painkiller
on hand to relieve the ache of bruised
flesh, and sore, throbbing muscle. It
has given relief to two generations.
There is but one P inkiller, Perry Da
Socialist Lectures.
Comrade J. D. Stevens will lecture on
"Socialbm" on the following dates at
the places specified :
Damascus Monday, Feb. 3.
Eagle Creek Tuesday, Feb.
Sandy Wednesday, Feb, 5.
Currinaville Thursday, Feb. 6
Springwater Friday, Feb, 7.
Logan Saturday, Feb. 8.
rhis signature is on every box ot the genuine
Laxative bromo-ymnine Tablets
the remedy that rurea a cold Id ana das
Cere ad
A perfect cereal coffee
cf delicate flavor and
fragrant oromo.
The blending of California figs
and prunes with well ripened
grain mahes a fruit and grain
coffee fj.r superior to any other
cereal bevertj;s.
By our process all the delight
ful flavor of the fruit and healthful
strength of the grain is retained.
Tastes like coffee looks like
coffee. Haaltb.rul nutritious.
Boil from 5 to lO minutes only
J LA I v-s-'
30 Days
Great reductions on
all leather goods.
Harness, Saddles, Brushes,
Curry Combs, Sweat Pads, Etc.
Hand and Machine Made
Harness a Specialty.
! Fotosrafs.... !
Drop in and see what
we have in the latest
photographs. We can
please all.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
lo have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Wall Pkper
Now is the time to buy your,
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
rkf Mm HcsEt-ttRiI fcs
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop '
a Specialty
Opposite Caufleld Block OEFGOX CITY
Has no superior if you want a
lar,'e butter yield. No machine
runs so easy or skims so clean.
It is perfect in mechanical con
stat' tion and finish. Write for
catalogue and prices to
Needy, Oregon
Situated onemile tnnth of Noeilv.containlng SS
cres, with Rood buildings, prune orchard and
well watered and under good state of cultivation.
Also ranch located about 4 miles east of Soda
Sprinea. consisting of 212 aei-M, with fairly good
buildings, Is an excellent stock ranch.
'Ihise plocM wili be Bold cheap. For partlcu
ars inquire or address
A T. COCHBAN, Administrator,
Hubbard, Ore.
. JW Xj
Hot soda at the Kozy KauJy Kitchen.
in tfrug atocra. 25 Don 25fc