storied Society. City HaH City C Oregon ourier COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INCEFEHDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1902 19th YEAR, NO. 38 JJANK OF OREGON CITY 0LD1ST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CIT CAPITAL SUEPLUS IM.iKfl IK) (20,850.00 Chas H. Cautield, President Geo. a. Harding, vice-President K t. AH FIELD, Cashier General banking business transacted Deposits received subject to ehi ck Approved bills and notes discounted County and city warrants bought Loans made on available security Exchange bought and sold Collections made promptly Drafts Bold available in any part of the world Telegraphic excha ge sold on Fortlanu, San Francisco, Chioago and New York Interest paid on time deposits D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Keal Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY capital $100,000 " Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts Mlis buys and sell b domestic and foreign exchonKf, and receives deposits subject to ohnck. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. D. C. Latottbfttb, President T. J. MBTa Cashi N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 186?) Prompt delivery to all pans of the city OREGON CITY OREGON 0. W. Eastham G. B. Pimick J)IMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Rpecia ties, Abstract of Title made, Money leaned. Reference, Bank of Oregon City ORKGON CITY OREGON DR L. L. PICKENS DENTIST PriceB Moderate . All Operations Guaranteed. Barclay Buildup; Oregon City Empress, who took the hand of each of them. They wer next presented to the emperor, who also shook hands with them. The guists then retired to an antp-room. The Dowager Empress, entering the room, grasped Mrs. Con ger's hand, which she held for some minutes, trembling, weening and sob bing loudly and exclaiming in broken sentences that the attack on the "lega tions was a terrible mistake, and that she repented it bitterly. In reply. Mrs. ; Conger assured her that the past would j be forgotten. Bracelets and rings of i great value were then placed on Mr. ' Conger's wrists and Sneers. Other la dies of the diplomatic come were then presented and warmly greeted. Fol lowing the reception a banquet was wd. The Dowager Empress talked: animatedly. Bhe said that tlhina would abandon her policy of isolation and adopt the best featnres of Western life and would send many students Kg abroad. Afterward the Dowager Em- Wjj press and the Empress mingled with their guests, and her majesty conversed with every one, and particularly noticed the children. The emperor "was ad dressed through an interpreter, aud bowed without speaking. There is a lively row at the Cheney, Wash., normal school, between the president and two trustees. Continued on page 7. r HOB ATE COURT. Or- J)R. GEO. IIOEYE , DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Cruwn and Bridge work a Bpooialty C'aufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST traduate of Northweeleru Culvaraity Dental School, alio of American Collega ! DenUl Surgaty. Chicago Willamette Bloak OREGON CITY OREGON Friday, January 31. Oregon A dispatch from Wash Rangers ington states that the Ore Best, gon senators and represen tatives have united in signing a letter, which they will lay be fore the secretary of the interior, with 'he appeal of Governor Geer, the chief justice, and two associate justices of the state, besides other officials and promi nent citizens of Oregon, vigorously pro testing against the displacement of Ore gon men, who have shown by their work thev are efficient as forest rangers, and further protesting against the dis placement of Oregon men as forestry of ficers in the reserves of that state, and the substitution of Eastern men in their stead. We are of the opinion," says the delegation, "that there are many men residing in Oregon, who, by both education and long experience of forest life, are as fully capab e of filling these positions as are 'men from the East, who are mere theoribts, and who have never j had any experience in connection with this important subject. We trust, in the selection of foresters in the future, these statements will have careful con sideration " Norfolk, Va., had a half-million dol lar fire The new charter commission of Port land votes to pay ronncilmen $5 for each meeting attended A dispatch from Spokane states that the Northern Pacific's timber lands in Eastern Washington are rapidly passing to new owners. The sale of 8,000 acres near Milan, Wash., to the Sawmill Phoenix, is announced today. W. C, Edwards, of the Elk mills, has also pur chased 9000 acres. Sales aggregating about 60 square miles to mill-owners have been announced this week. The Northern Pacific has two or three hun dred thousand actes of timber land in Westtrn Oregon. Saturday, February 1. Wade Jack Wade and William And H. Dalton, who murdered Dalton James B. Morrow in Port Hung, land, about two months previous, were hanged in the court hsuse square in Portland at 7 :30 yesterday morning. Wade walked to the gallows in a state of indifference, and advised his audience to avoid ''the tracks of Jack." Dalton said : "Thoueh I received salvation behind tiia bars. 1 1 fmptessed with his high class intellect glorify the name of the Heavenly mil oratory, and were visibly impressed Father, forever and forever," he con- wfth new thoughts, after hearing some eluded after his farewell address. He historical facts presented in a new light, also said, "I do not know ifmv friends The speaker proved by Holy Writ and will do as I do, but I do know that the 1 concurrent history that Isiael laid the' Saviour who shed his precious blood for Inundation ol all that is best and mor- nie will bring me into the house of life." i any superior in me ona. iiie jews Wade was apparently tearful, and some . furnished the principles of law, govern- people in the crowd seemed to think it mens all from tbe Mosaic law. Ihe all justa little amusing "Temptation i Jews iurnisneu uie oiuie oiu ami new. s the ruin of many a man it." JJalton unrisi was a jew, me son oi a jewisn went on. "I prav for you my dear boys, moilier. ine .lews had given tne world and it' there is an fnfidel in thia crowd I a religion. Christ had been crucified I'll give my life for his saving. I'll do it I I'll do it, and I praise the Lord for giving me strength to say so." Wsde had a bravado air, and said but little Plows Harrows Drills N OW is the time that the WIDE AWAKE FARMER is looking where he can buy the best goods for the least money, and he always decides on the Canton P & 0. Plows and Harrows because they run easier and do better work than any other. .upenor n 'ii 101 un s ana aeea ty.gRai.i.'q. Judge Ryan Made Several den During the Week. In the matter of the estate of James N. Miller, deceased, Mrs. Miller was appointed administratrix. Fred Williams, Patrick Harris and A. J. Owonby were appointed appraiser of the estate. An order of final settlement was made in the matter of the estate James McKenzie, deceased, Jennie McKenzie, administratrix, final distribution was ordered. An order was made granting T. P. Randall, administrator of the estate of John Green, deceased, a new bond. authority to file 110 W SOME THINGS LOOK TO A MAN UP A TREE. PERSONS who heard Rabbi Wise's lecture on "Israel's Gifts to the World," before the Mens' Club at tne Congrega tional chcrch last week, were favorably Are the Standard of the World. They work in all soils and are a' positive Force Feed, and will sow alt kinds grain without cracking the seed. If you contemplate buy ing a Drill or Seeder investigate the Superior. Now is the time to Pull the Stumps out of your field. We have the machinethe Steel Clad Grubber It will pull half an acre while while you set some other machines. Come -and investigate this before buying a Stump Puller. You will also find a full and complete line of Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Garden Tools, Pumps, Wind Mills, &c. iORTHWEST IMPLEMENT IiOMPMIY, ?00 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. W. W. OHRISTI1, D. o. J)RS. CHRISTIE OSTEOPATHIC C. D. LOTS, D. O. & LOVE PHYSICIANS (Sraduales of American Schol of Osteopathy. BucoesBfully treat all chionic disease! by mechanical manipulation. Examination and consultation free. Office hours: 8 to 12 and 1 to 4, except Bundar. Rooms 8 and 4, Stevens Building QEEGON CITY OBEGOK I. BIAS DEAL IB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CAN BY OREGON 0. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bunk ( Oregon City nilROON CITY OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front, Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OBEGOS CITY OREGON 0. Schuebel W. S. U'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW i JDtutf (Set EbDoIal Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on Srst mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGOX CITY OBKQON ROBERT A. MILLER CARL HABERLACB Deutscher Advokat ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice In all Coirts of the State Welnhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON The drop of the rope killed Dalton in two minutes, but Wade breathed about 12 minutes. About 400 people were present at the hanging, having ac cepted invitations to be present. Dal ton' spiritual advisors, the Marshals, were with him to the last. After the autopsy, the bodies were turned over to tbe coroner for burial. Oregon's coyote scaip bounty laws will cost about $250,000. The Biddies, the Pittsburg murderers, who escaped from the ptnitentiary and were killed, the effects of shots fired by their captors. Mrs. Soffel, the warden's wife, who assisted in tleir escape, at tempted suicide, but will recover. England replies to the Dutch note on pence in South Africa. The city of Medford is restrained from removing the wires of the Oregon Tele phone and lelegnph Company. The second district congressional re rubiican central committee will meet in Portland February 8th. TrarapB bind and gag 10 Chinese gar deners near Seattle, iind rob them. The Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany is putting up large tanks at Ash land and points eouth, preparatory lo burning oil for fuel. Rt'V. II. Gould, a prominent Metho difit Episcopal minister, was todav noui inated at Newberg as the Prohibition candidate for congress from the lirst cnngreesional district. The delegates met in Newberg to complete their ticket. Uonsiderable enthusiasm was manifested Rev. A.J Hunsaker, the nominee of the nominee of the party for governor, addressed a mass meeting in the evening. Sunday Morning, February 2, Chinese At Pekin yesterday, the Empress Dowager Empress and Em Repents, peror received the ladies and children of the diplomatic corpi in the palace. The audience was the most revolutionary event since the retiun of the court to Pekin. . The ex clusiveness of Chinese royalty and the prejudices against the meeting of the sexes was waived and the function was less formal than is usual in the Euro- Dean courts. The Dowager Empress occupied the throne, w:th a brilliant as semblage of princesses and court ladies about her. The emperor wag seated on a small platform in the center of the room The visitors, upon entering, bowed twice to the emperor, and several of them ascended to the throne und bowed to the Dowager Empress. Mn. Conger, wife of United States Minister Conger, as doveness of the diplomatic corps, read a speech, which was trans lated by Secretary Williams. The Dow ager Empresses' reply was exceedingly friendly in tone, it was in part as Jul lows: "Laat ear tbe dissension" in the palace caused a revolution which compelled our hasty departure, but it is a great gratification to us that our re turn to tbe capital has caused such re joicing io China and abroad." Baron Zzinkaun, the Austrian minister, and doyen, of th diplomatic corps, pre sented all the ladies to the Dowager for the world, and the Jews were still being crucified. They had been perse cuted, suffered death, because they were Jews all for their religion. Even now there being peisecuted in Roumania, Russia and Germany. In pointing a fin ger of scorn at the Jews they say that Judas was a Jew, but they forget that Christ was a Jew, It was the Romans, not the Jews that crucified Christ. The Jews from the beginning, have ever been earnest pleaders of liberty. It is a fact, however, not touched upon iu Rabbi Wise's lecture, the Jews of America, E. gland and France are the financiers, the politicians, statesman and merchants of these countries. Not only this, but they are distinguishing themselves in the professions, journal ism, the Btage, and are prominent ev ery where. rPANK BUSCH SOME county papers are printing lists of the heavy taxpayers. As the present assessment law does not pro vide for deduction of indebtedness, the amount of tax some individuals pav, is no indication of their wealth. A per son may be mortgaged for more than he isworth, and have his name on many security bonds, yet if his debts were paid, he would not own a spot to lay hit head. In the old days w hen the asses eor deducted indebtedness it was possi ble to know who were the owners of wealth. The Housefumisher IT is a noteworthy fact that the busi ness of Oregon City had increased to ap preciable proportions during the past! yeur. There wera an increased num ber of mercantile houses, and it took a small army of clerks in the ag gregate to wait on the numerous cus tomers at certain seaBOiin of the yeur. Of course, there is a reason for this im proved condition of affairs. The princi pal cause was the improvement of sev eral county roads leading to the city. President Cross and other members of the board having labored diligently to this end. Good roads leading from cer tain sections enabled the people to drive to tbe county seat with comfort. The establishment of a commission house also materially aided in making Oregon City a better market town. All these things encouraged the merchants to keep better and larger stocks. The banks claim that the deposits have ap preciably increased from the sections tapped by improved roads during the past year. Oregon City needs more of these roads to connect other sections of the county. A NUMBER of Clackamas county farn crs raised dollar wheat during the past season. However, ft was marketed in the form of hog flesh. Thousands of hogs in the aggregrate, were butchered by Clackamas county farmers, and but very little wheat was sold in the raw state. - 4 1 I 4 It s 71 (figure for yourself! & : LL &Z9 ou can can eas''y see hw soon small savings will amount to a ' j-M considerable sum. We watch out fcr your daily savings, and want IftwLlJ you to keep track of llicm, seeing how soon your savings will come 22ir" to a dollar, and then how the dollars multiply. r ' I J Mi If you buy things for your table dishes and the like you ought to see that they are of good quality. 6 handled cups and saucers for 50c. Your room has limitations, The right paper will improve it, the wrong paper will mar it. The color and figure are both important. Our variety is great enough to enable us to jrst suit you and your room. Prices will astonish you, 5c per double roll. IT looks as though Receiver Gallo way might hold down his place in the local land office for some time to come. Simon is evidently getting in some tell ing work in holding np Bi bee's appoint ment. It bas been hinted that Simon wants George A. Steel appointed regis ter of tbe Oregon City land office, and might consent to a compromise on this proposition. ;, ,h , A, A MATTRESS MAKING Isn't a monoply. It isn't reasonable for any maker lo claim to make the best. Here are mattresses that are the equals of any mattresses you can buy, and prices are lower than you'd pay elsewhete for the same goods. All Wool Mattren $1.65 Cotton Felt Mattress $15.00 Combination " 350 Laminated " 10,00 Hair Mattress from $7.00 to $16.00 Moas " $5.00 i it i If