Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and l'erniantnt
Cure In All Cases
- -. '!
lUyular January Term of the
Counti Board.
J. R. Morton, John Lewellen and
T. B. Killin, County Commieaionerg
(Continued from last week )
Bii.lb January Tirm,1802.
E MHtthies, witness circuit court$ 2 20
John R Humplirys, insurance on
Vol a 11a bridge 150 00
E I) Olds, road ami bridge 100 00
Lillin Horn, tax, clerk 23 50
C J Myers " " 28 00
Tom P Randall, recorder 24 00
W A Holmes, r and b No 11.... 3 24
4 J Vuiiuhan, commissioners. ... 2 50
B A Heaiie, pauper 3 00
ErneHt Rands, road survey 12 00
5 J VauiihRn " " 3 60
F.,1 Cooke, boarding prisonera. . 41 43
M 0 Strickland, inqueBtof E VV
Pi-ck, coroner 32 20
F 0 Perry, juror 1 40
F II lunj!an. ,
1 10
I A Ivolililt
Frank Adams
) I liilsoll
folol W I.O.llT . ,
Ut-rt I'crrv, witness
1 40
1 40
1 40
6 (10
1 90
t).-e Wright . . 1 90
V W Cheney, printing
10 95
Will R iddall, road and bridge..
Allien Mc.Cormac.it, r and b.,..
Oil Kidur, roail mid bridge ...
Pacifi ' State Tel & Tel Co, ct h
Peter Neliren, ct h
Huntley Bros, stationery .. ..
W II Bnnney, road and bridge..
6 00
6 0J
9 00
9 25
3 65
9 55
49 7S
John Puge 5 00
John Hatton. 3 75
R E Sprague 4 12
W E Mumpower 4 50
I Tllation 4 12
f V Watts 12 30
J F Hatton 12 00
John Hatton 13 50
VI N Bacon, tax clerk 47 50
Inn M Chase 40 00
Mrx I) Green 40 00
Mrs Bertha Brown 37 50
.VI C Mrickland, post mortem ex-
aiuinaiion of J N Miller 10 20
J (! Zinser, superintendent lfi 67
Siate vtHtreg jrv,J PDistN'o 4
J VV McAnuliy, J P 2 95
II S Moody, constable 15 00
State vs Wicks, J P Dist No 4
J W MoAmilty, J P.... 6 15
11 S Vloody, constable 6 30
C K Boras, iiiiuxg 1 70
Ed shmv, witness . ... 1 70
8t.ilt vh Cleuieuls,,IPI)istNo4
J VV McAiiulty. .IP
11 M lody, constahle
Mrn VV J I'.mbron. witness
7 00
37 20
7 50
VV .J Kaiihmn 7 50
Cbarlea Men id 4 rn I
James (iill
II VV Long
J VV Shattuck
State vK'iowl,unl,J PlHa No4
II S Moody
St.i'e vs VV'alihriii,JPl)tstNo4
4 50
4 50
1 50
13 90
J VV McAnuliy 5 65
I S Mood), constable 4 70
C E Burns witness 1 70
E I Snaw 1 70
Oreg .nCi'y Enterprise, station-
, 181 70
Oregon City Eenierprise, county
priming . . . 150 00
Oregon City Enterprise, couuty
pruning 150 00
Uregou Uity Enterprise, county
priming ,
Frank liusch, mad nnk bridge
171 75
14 00
3 00
2 00
J W McAuulty.jury list, J P Dist
No 4
Sam Jones, jury list, J P Dist
No 4
T W rarrisii, jury list. J P Dist
. No 4 ? Oil
Mure A Haley, pauper 7 20
J J Cooke sheriff 5 00
J .1 Cooke 5 70
A D Burnett, insane 4 85
T II U'ri,,l,f If ' il:
VV ROarrett, sheriff 3 00
Ina M Chase 8 00 1
J E Jack, sheriff 2 00 1
A Lacev,road and bridge 29 65 i
Frank Iiagby, road and bridge. . 4 42 1
Frank Bagby, road and bridge... 2 40
fell VV iiliann, assessor 103 00
J U Porter, assessor 78 00
V li Hyde " 75 00
Fred (ireenman " 75 (Xt
L K Williams
Lulu Hankins, tax clerk. .
25 00
Ketta Pierce, tax clerk 23 00
J ury List J P Dist No 13
Louis Funk 3 00
August Funk 2 00
James Fullam 2 00
Lindsley & Hon, r and b Dist No
15- 1 46
O N Oreeuman, court Louse.... 50
W ' Y
. f ft. A
(CourteBy 0. R. & N Co.)
State vs A Dixon, J P Dist No
T G Jonsrud 7 25
Bert Jonsrud... 14 55
John H Revenue, witness 2 10
John Irvin, .' 1 90
F McGuire 1 2 90
Charles Bailey 2 90
M V Thomas 1 50
J M Thomas 1 50
Asa Thomas 1 60
Wm F Harris, rand b 140 00
UA Reid, r and b 10 00
Bancroft Whitnev Oo, stationery 3 75
Jury List J P Diet No 2
J C Haines 3 00
John Guignard 2 00
J 0 Haines, Jr 2 00
Jury List J P Dist No 8
F H Dungan 3 00
Wm Perhart 2 00
VV H Engle 2 00
J R Morton, r and b 6 00
John Lewellen, r and b 24 00
T B Killin.rand b 10 50
Jury List J P Dist No 13-
TG Jonsrud 3 00
Bert Jonsrud ; 2 00
L G Carlson 2 (10
T B Killin, commissioner 28 20
J R Morton " 24 00
John Lewellen " 24 00
Jurors circuit court
Ralph I) Miller 4 20
Caleb Cross 4 20
Isaac Farr 4 20
O I) Siory 8 21
D 13 Martin 4 (50
J A Confer . . . .' 4 20
H Blankenship 4 (to
Elmer Larking 4 40
D Q Frost 8 40
F A Ely 4 40
J M Giltett 8 40
James Fullam 6 00
George Lazelle 4 40
B Potts pauper 4 50
Charles E Runyan, circuit court
reporter 10 00
Thomag M Miller, bail iff 18 00
T W Fouts, bailiff .. 18 00
lohn Lewellen, pauDer 5 75
ID McNish, panper 19 60
A Visit to California.
Editor Oourier-Herald : For the bene
fit of those residents of Oregon, and es
pecially of Clackamas county, who may
imve been overtaken by the "moving
fever and California hysterics," allow
me enough space in your instructive pa
per to say : That a poor man will not
belter his condition by moving to Cali
fornia. There are greater opportunities
offered to the average man in Oregon
than tiero. I will give a few figures to
show that it is true what I say. Tnere
are many men out of employment here
now none are out of work in Oregon.
An acre of orchard will cost from $500 to
llOOil A year's crop will not equal that
amomit then the expenses of irrigation
are enormous. The man who pumps
the water into the trenches and ditc lies
of the orchard getH $3 a day when he i
at work, and nothing when he is idle.
Fruit brings smaller returns here than
in Oregon California cannot comp t"
with Oregon in raising apples and
strawberries as well as son.e other
An acre of land at $100 in Oregon
p'anted to potatoes, will yield $100 worth
of potatoes in the first voar with no ex
peuse of irrigation. The heavens are
very generous to Oregon in that respects.
They refresh all creatures ami replenish
the fo 111 tains of the hillsides and valleys
with crystal "nectar."
Prices of farm lands here are from five
to ten times as much as they are in Ore
gon, bene" the difficulty for a man of
moderate means to get a foothold. There
are more farms lost to their owners here
because ot inability to raise the mort
gage, than there are in Oregon. Yet
there are people who will find it neces
sary to move to this state because of ill
health, following the advice of their doe
tors. Such c uitlitions altur situations,
and people will move. But, a man in
ordinary circumstances in Oregon should
not move to California hoping to better
his condition. There are exceptions
here also to this rule, but the exceptions
are few.
We have cold nights here, just as col.t
as we had in Oregou up to the date of
our departure, January 8th. The davs
are pleasant, sunny and bright. The
soil is very dry and the streets dusty.
Notwithstanding all this, there is beamy
surrounding us here on all sides arti
ficial beauty. Miles of orchards, forests
of fruit trees, networks of highways and
highways for the fruit wagons, streets as
level as pavement and hard as cement
or mecadam, youths as hardy as Tro
jans and maidens as healthy and beau
tiful, yet the gonesiers of Oregon's fir
clad hillsides, the buncbgrassy meadows
kH i 'i-'r:'
1 -:.t't r-iC
,v if J
and fern-garnished canyons are unno
ticed here and their cheerful warbling
is unheard Nor gives the he-frog life
to nature by his croaking as in Oregon's
rocky ponds and rivulets by our door
sides croaking to his speechless and
Toiceless mate, the she-frog and queen,
who has nothing to say in her kingdom.
Natural beauty excels in Oregon. What
a battle man must wage here against
the pests that infest his orchard. The
ery roots of the trees and vines have
their enemies. Men dig about the trees,
wash the trunk to the very roots with
solutions to destroy the pests; while the
enemy of the vine cannot be reached.
The vineyard is gone, it is doomed it has
reached the end of its duration in the
Santa Clara county J the roots are dug
up, dried, br jnght into the market and
sold for fuel. Reader, are you not grate
ful that yon can burn the'everlasting fir
with abundant pitch to kindle vour fires
with, instead of being obliged to buy
graperoot "by the pound" to warm your
nngers and cook your noodles?
California still has its advantages.
The people are kind, hospitable, cjnsid
erate, good-natured and charge good
prices for everything. Some people en
joy this. The schools are good, an 1
churches of all denominations, except
the Mormon, liojirish The p lni tree,
bjautirieii bv art, adorns the dooryards,
streets and parks of the city. Whoever
is dissatisfied with Oregon and its op
portunities it offers will bo disappointed
with California.
Incidentally,! will say that the steam
ship Columbia on which we came to
San Francisco, picked up one of the life
rafts lost from the steamship Walla Wal
la. This raft contained three life pre
servers, two o-irs, Btool, pillow, sailor's
coat and a handkerchief -Jiute evidences
and silent witnesses of a tragedy of the
We will start on our homeward journey
the first week in February, and we ex
pect to be convinced that Oregcn offers
Us citizens n any comforts. X.
$100 Reward $1001
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its staves, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure knotvn to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a consti
tutional disease, reqdires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, aciing directly upon the
blood anil mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, a,.d giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and asssisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
it.i curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for itny case that it
fails to cue. Send for list of testimo
nials. Address, F. J. jChenev & Co., To-led.-.,
""-old bv Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Piils are the best.
Women and Jewells
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that great
est of all jewels, healih, is often ruined
in the strenuous efforts to make or save
the money to purchase theni If a wo
man will risk lier life to get a coveted
gem, then let her fortify herself against
the insiduous consequeuces of cough",
colds and bronchial affections by the
regular use of Dr. Bosi bee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arreBt con
sumption in its early stages and hoal tl ?
at'ected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread disease from the system.
It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G Gr.en'g
reliable remedies at Georgo A. Hard
inj's. Get Green's Special Almanac,
If Ton Were scarrd
easily you might suppose that the pain
iii the lower , Art of your back meaiit
kidney trouble. But being a person of
sense you know it is only muscular stiff
ness, from cold, and that prompt treat
ment with Perry Dav)s' Painkiller will
prevent it from growing into lumbago.
Act accordingly and and you will be
glad you saw this. There is but one
Painkiller, Perry Davis.
Tit 12 OOLl.
Laxative Eromo-Qoinine Tab'ets cure
a cold in one day. No Cure no pay
Prico 2o cents.
'm - YEARS
'Wabash Niagara
mm ' V "
mmSA v j
4 Through Trains Daily f i cm Chitago ) TH D 1 1 CCA I D
4 Through Trains Daily from St. I ouis ' I U UU II HLU
4 Trains Daily from Kansas City And Points Beyond.
pT TTPT7rTHT''rt Reclining Chair arsCre"' p"i!nntn Palace Sleepers
""Vc ""-'IN Dining and Cafe Cars on all t.a.ns. Polite train
men. Perfect roadbed, shortest bed and quickest time. Tourist cars Mondays
and Thursdays; 29 hours Chicago to Boston.
C. e. CKAN E, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
ROS& L. CLINE, P. C. P. A.. Los Angeles.
When Will Democracy Diet!!
When the lion eats grass like an ox,
And the fish-worm swallows the whale.
When the robins knit woolen socks,
And the hare is outrun by the snail, ,
When serpents walk upright like men,
And doo'dle bugs travel like frogs,
When the grasshoppers feed on the ben
And feathers are found on the bogs,
When Thomas cats swim in the air,
And elephants roost on trees,
When insects in summer are rare,
And snuff never makes people sneeze,
When fish creep over dry land,
And mules on velocipedes ride,
When foxes lay eggs in the sand,
And women in dress take no pride.
When Dutchmen no longer drink beer,
And the girls get to preaching on time,
When billy uoats butt from the rear,
And treason no longer is crime,
When humming birds brav like an isf,
And limberuer smells like cologne,
When plowshares ate made of glass,
And the hearts of true Texans of -tone,
When ideas grow in fool's beads,
And wool on the hydraulic ram,
Then the democrat party wdl be dead,
And this country won't be worth a dam.
Minden (Neb.) Courier.
Snow Lines.
The muses have struck the local
spring poet with a snowball, and he
perpe'ruted the following. It is mixed
measures, and has a variety of blank
style :
One morning late January lOuOand tw,
The enowflakes superceded the gentle
sparkling dew.
When down on slippery Seventh street
A number of boys ran
With sleds and long toboggans,
- The fun at once began.
There were boys of various sizes,
But littie Gleiiny Grout
Collided with a hydrant,
Which campletely knocked him out.
The start was made from Hayes's
And they went like hades and blazes.
Tbo8a jolly little fellows .
Lying prone upon their bellies,
While their feet pointed upward to the
With a glad merry shout
Warning footmen to look out,
Just look at us how is this for high?
Oh 1 the many, many joys
Of those darling little boys,
We older ones never more can know,
.So let them have their fun,
K're the warm rays of the sun
Shall melt away the ice and the snow.
Coming down the street was Mother
She hati both snow and ice upon her
Her progress was disturbed by a bar.
rel on the curb,
T'was by changing her position I be
lieve, It was a nice little tied witli runners
painted red,
Hardly large enough for comfort, I
should say,
And the weigl t upon its back and
the smoothness of the track
Caused the frisky little thing to run
Mother Eve wasn't hurt
By her speedy little spurt,
But being rather late in the day,
She gathered up her sled,
And with cheeks rosy red,
She silently and eoltly strode away.
Italian Bees For Sale. i
In new patent hives with super $1 each .
For information inouire of Frank Busch ,
Oregon City, or see' proprietor, H. Heit
kemper, Oak Grove, ou electric car line
Must make room for s p!ngg d b
and offer all millinery goodsrieowcostos
Miss Goldsmith.
If Banner Salvo
doesn't cure your piles, your money will
be returned. It is the most healing
medicine. Charman & Co.
To Loan.
$500 f GOO- $700 $800 $900 and
$1000 at 6 per cent ,one to three years
on farm property.
Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers.
Oregon City.
There is nothing 1 1 tnl rralei
It tarings ItiNfM'l ri'H t, ft r n J v , 1 1 rt :
currs w hen nil f'lKe fjiils.
ilis lii-v. O. K. WI.LLS, of Villa Jildge, III., snjs:
' Your trial beitletif AMhmnlene receiveil in good
condition I cannot tfll you bin thankful I feel for
tlie good derived from It. I wrn h slave, chained witb
putrid sore throat ami Asthma for ten years. 1 de
spain d of ever being enreo. I i-aw vour ftdreitfs
nient for the i ure of tlna dreadful and tormenting
disi aae, Asthma, and 1I1011, tit jou hud overspoken
yourselves, bin resolved to give it a trial. To mj
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send mr
a full size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
ltabhi of the u tig. Huai Israel.
New York, Jan. 3, 11101,
DKS.TjIFT liRl K ' MKMt'lr x o.
it-ill It men Your Asiliiiiiilene is an t'Xcellent rem
edy fur Asihma and Hay 1-ever. and its composition
allveiHtt-s nil troiihlos w hieli con-hine with Asthma
Its sucei-ss is asloiiifhiug himI wonderful After liav
ing iicarerullv analvzed we can state that Asthma
lene eorlHins no piuin. morphine, chlnform nor
t-tlier. ery truly yours,
Trial bottle sent absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT.Biu .' MEL)
ICINE CO., ;9East (3' th St. New
York City
Falls Short Lme
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
thf Stands rd Family Pill-
Small doses cure
All druggist"
w...,t v., in- in,
, Iih or bemd a baautuui
brown tir 1 u n
'I hen use
BUGKIftGnAXi S U It, Whiskers
O" fl P H.Ll CO N'- tj,-.
"Some time ago my daughter caught
a severe cold. She complained of pains
in her chest and had a bad cough. I
gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
according to directions and in two days
she was well and able to go to school. I
have u.ed this remedy in my family for
the past seven years nd have never
known it to fail," says James Prendor
gast, merchant, AiiLato Bay, Jamaica,
West India Islands. The pains in the
chest indicated an approaching attack
of pneumonia, which in this instance
was undoubtedly warded off by Cham-be-'ain's
Cough Remedy. It counter
acts any tendency of a, cold toward
pneumonia. Sold by Geo. A, Harding.
New is your time to buy a hat cbeap at
a great clearance sale at Miss Gold
mith's. v
This Climate U Good
enough for anybody with weak lungs.
The patient need not travel. He can
get well here with the help of Allen's
Lung Balsam, taken frequently when
coughing and shortness of breath after
exercises pulmonary trouble is not far
away. Allen's Lung Balsam is free
from any form of opium.
A Oootl Recommendation
"I have noticed thatthe sale of Cham
berlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets is al
most invariably to those who have once
used them," says Mr. J. H. Weber, a
prominent druggist of Cascade, Iowa.
What better recommendation could any
medicine have than for people to call for
it when again in need of such a remedv?
Try them when you feel dull after eat
i ti if , wIihii j uu have a had taste in your
mouth fed bilious, have no appetite
or hen troubled witb constipation, and
y 'ii a-e certain to be delighted with the
prompt relief which they afford. For
sule by G. A. Harding
right's Dissse.
The largest, sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Ban-
cisco, Au. 30.1901. The transfer in
volved 111 coin and stock $1 12,500.00 and
was paitl by a party of business men for
a specific for Blight's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the series investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
wed or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen pT cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports ot the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal Ct arman & Co. are our
sole agents in Oregon City.
Oregon City
Seeond-IIand & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Goldslone, Sagarman & Co.
StiOIT urn
and union Pacific
T ) A Jrm
"She 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
9:00 a, m.
9:00 p. in.
6:10 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For fnll information call on or addres nearest
0. It. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
Portland, 0r6gon
Dally Round Trips, except Sunday
Leaxe Portland 7 A, H
Leave Astoria ;. .7 P. M
Between Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points
Lesve Portland, Mon., Wid. and Frl 7 A. M.
Arrive The Dalles, kiiuv day 5 P.M.
Leave " Tiles , Thnrs. and gat 7 A. M
Arrive Portland, same day 4 P. 11
fV Tills Ronle has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on l-'arlli
Landing and office, Fort Alder Street
J. C. WYATT, Afit.. Vancouver
WOLFORO &. WYERS. Agts.,Whiie Salmon
PRATHER & HEMMAN, Agts .Hood River
JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. TAYLOR, Agt, Astoria
E. YV. CRICHT0N. Ayt., Portland
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at wav points on both sides of tt -Columbia
Both of tl e above su-amt rs have been re nl
and are Intjcellent nhape for the season of 1 00
The KetulHtnr Line will endeavor toglveitp
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Koonomy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7a m.an
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrlveat destin&tioninamp
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Offlee
Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet.
General t ;3
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of ct4
Will give you a
Bargain h Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and In
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Livery & Feed Stable
Finest Turnouts in City
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspension bridge
First-Class Rigs of All Kinds