Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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f - Notice Is hereby iriven that the
'j has been duly appointed by the County Court of
V- Clackamas County and State of Oregon as the
Administrator of the estate of B. F. Baker, deoeas-
ed, a d thHt all persons having claims ai ainst
the said estate must present Ihem to the under
signed, wtih proper vouchers, at the law office of
C. I). Latourelte in Oregon City, Oregon, wilhin
list months from the date thereof. Dated Jail
Administrator of the estate of B. F. Baker, deceased.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County.
In the matter of the estate of Martha E. Partlow.
deceased .
To the following named heirs at law of Martha
E. Partow, deceased, and to all others unknown:
Kvalin Johns, Nellie S. Johns, Susan Johns.
Amelia Johns, Charles Johns, William Miller, Ed
win J Brier, Helen bhepard, Elina J. Fowler and
Charles Hacker.
I lire name of the Stale of Oregon, yon and
each of you are hereby cited and required o ap
pear at Ihe court room of the oou my court of ihe
state of Oregon for Clackamas county at the hour
Of 10 o'clock a nr., of Monday, the 3rd day of
February, 1 f'02, to show cause If any there be why
an order should not be made by said conn direct
ing Ihe adinirristratorof said- estate to sell at pri
vate sale the following described proper ty of said
deceased, to-wit:
Commencing at a slake south 11 degrees 30 min
ates tast 8.51 chains from the soulhwest comer of
he D. L. C.'of Wra. Holme and wife in township
S south, range 2 east of tlreW. M In Claokamts
county and state of Oregon, and running thence
east 4.38 chains to a stske, thence south 11V de
grees east 2.2'J chains, thence west 4 38 chains to a
slake: thenoe m rth llj degrees west 20 chains lo
the plnoeof beginning, Containing oue acre of
land more or less
Done by order of Thomas F. Kyan, Judge of
aid court, dated the 27th day of December Will.
Witness my hand and seal of this oourt the 27th.
day of December, lliOl.
Clerk of County Court
Notice is hereby given that by order of the
counly court of the slale of Oregon for Clacka
mas county. In Ihe matter of the estate of J mes
A. Bur-bur, deceased, the undersigned will sell at
public sale to lire hWhest bidder, at tire front door
of the com! house itt Oregon City, State of Ore.
gon, on talurdny, the Stir day of February, 11)02, at
tire hour of 10 o'clock, a. m,, of said day, tire fol
lowing described properly being in Clackamas
county and state of Oregon, towit :
IVe scjiof the sej of section 2 of township
8 sourh, range 2 east of the Willamette
Terms of sale cash at time of sale. Sale to be
made subject to the order of the suid court.
Administrator of the Estate of
James A. Barbur, Deetased.
Dated, January 3rd, 1902,
111 -lffBIBSi I '
us j
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court of
Clackamas county, Oregon, executrix of the last
will and .estament of Morris Cadanau. deceased,
late of said county. All persons having olaims
against said estate are hereby requested to pre
sent the same lo my attorney, 0, H. Dye. EBq.,
Cor. 6th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice,
inch claims to be duly verified according to law.
Executrix as Aforesaid.
Dalid at Oregon City, Oregon, January 3, 1002.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the assignment ofE. M Atkin
Bon, an insolvent debtor.
Notice is hereby given that under and pursuant
to an order of the above entitled court duly niide
and entered In the above entitled matter on lire
12th day of November, Will; requiring and com
manding nre, as assignee of the above named iu
lolvent debtor to 8.-11 the following desoribe d
reel property, to-wit: A tract of land containing
for ty-eight (4R) acres.more or less, situated in sec
tion's thirtv-two (32) and thirty-three (33) in
township two (2) south, range two (2) east, Wil
lamette Meridian ill Clackamas county, state of
Osegon, for a full descriplion of which reference
is hereby made to the partition deed made and de
livered to E. M. Atkinson by the heirs of G. H, At
kinson, deceased and recorded in the records of
deeds of said county and state In book 57 at page
456 thereof, excepting therefrom a parcel of land
containing one and eighty-five hundreths (1.85)
teres heretofore conveyed by said K. M. Atkinson
to George Stock by deed duly recorded in boek
80 of the records of deeds of said county and state
at page 419 thereof, and also excepting a piece or
parcel of land containing seventy-live hundreths
(76) of an acre, heretofore conveyed by said E.M.
Atkinson to Henry M Stock by a deed duly re
corded in the records of deeds of said county and
state in book 69 at yage347 thereof, 'therefore
I will on Tuesday, the 4th day of March, 1002. at
th hour of 1! o'clock a m., of suid day at the
door of the county court house of Clackamas
ounty, state of Oregon, in Oregon City, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder all of the
above described real property.
Assignee of E M. Atkinson,Insolvent Debtor.
Xirw'inN MnCnv. Attornev for ABSienee.
Dated at Oregon City, Or.,this8th day of Jan.1902.
Nottce Is hereby given that all those having
claim against the estate of E.W. Peck.deceased,
Will present the same to F. C. Perry, at Molalla ,
Oregon, wilhin ,00 days fnm date.
Dated, Molalla, Or., Jan 9ih,19u2.
Notice is hereby given that I have been duly
appointed by lha couuty court of the state of
Orejion f,.r Clackamas county, as the executor of
the will of Leonard Heinz, deceased, and thajrall
persons having claims against the said esute,
must present Ihem lo me wi th proper vouchers at
th- law ofhVt of C. D. & D. C. Latourelte, Oregon
Cily, Oregon, within six months from this date.
Executor of tire V ill of
Leonard Heinz, Deceased .
Fated, Jan. 9th, 1902.
AVegefablePreparationfor As
similating theloodandKegula
ling the S toraachs andBoweis of
Promotes Digcslion,ChecTful
tiess andResLContains neither
Opium.Morptune nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
htape otOldBrSmJELPiKBER
Ptunpkm SesU'
JtoMh SJlt -Anise
Seed -Jlppema'nt
ffamSeed -CffiifxJ
Juyor .
nmltiyreut FtareK
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
uess andLoss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature o?
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
1 Bears the t
jjj Signatur
L $ In
11 For Over
I Thirty Years
Monday, January 27.
' Filipino The New York Herald to
Treachery, day prints two pugea from
Bonsai, a correspondent
who has spent three months in the
Philippines, giving a review of comli
tioni in the islands. He takes a pessi
mistic view of the sittta'ion, savs that
Governor Taft is honestly mistaken in
Th ways nd means comtnitte will
fiarae a bih for the reduction of the war
revenue tax in congress.
It is Ftirnored that M'n Stone and
Mine Tsilka were liberated this morn
ing on Turkish lerr'tory.
Editor Courier-Herald : In a recent is
sue you state that it will take a good
man to defeat Mr. Brovwiell, as he will
claim that hi- has kept ali promises lie
believing the eud of the insttyrection is i made the people. This nv-y all be, but
near, and regards the natives as irrecon-, the taxes are increasing at an alarming
citable and better orgaaized than belore
the capture of Aguitmlpo. He claims
the army it being demoralized and the
inBorgents are growing in Heterniina
tion ; also that the civil and military
authorities of the United States are not
in accord. The native constabulatory,
organized with great care, is not .loyal,
he sayB, and a great darger exbti in it,
with the possibility of an uprising like
the famous Sepoy plot Bonsai says
that Taft has not had the opportunity to
ascertain the fects, while his informa
tion has been gathered from officers,
soldiers and natives.
The Manila chamber of commerce
aBks that Chinese be admitted to the is
lands. W. G. Nevin, manager of the Santa Fe
western railroad lines, is dead
Tuesday, Jauuary 28.
There is a delay in reporting the ca
nal bill to congress, but the Nicaragua
route appears to be the most favoied.
A- temonstrance from Oregon against
the removal of the forentrv officials of
this slate, was received by Presi
dent Roosevelt today
A tlispatoh from Roumania ssates that
the release of Miss Stone and Mme.
Tsilka is expected hour y. At the re
quest of the American negotiators, the
tiovernment has granted the former en
tire freedom to cross and recross the
frontier, so as to facilitate the release of
the captives.
William Farre, of Canyon City, was
nominated a register of the Burns laud
office by request of Representative
Emperor Wiiliam, of Germany, cele
brate! his 43rd birthday.
Younger, the victim of the hypnotic
pell at Spokane, awakes insane, and
ia committed to the asylum.
Many swine have died in the Pendle
ton district, apparently from hog chol
era. Oil has been struck in two wells in
Malheur county.
Wednesday, February 29.
The Boers have made peace proposals
through Holland.
Admiral Schlev appeals to President
Roi sevelt for just ce, and asks for a
writ, of review.
The Columbia river above the mouth
of the Willamette, is blocked with ice.
Portland has dispatched 21 -foreign
cargoes since January 1st.
The fortland chamber of commerce
has been advised of tie bad condition of
the Columbia river bar pilotage.
ThurMay, January 30.
The Oregon volunteers in the Spanish
war will each get $15 extra pay from the
rate, and Mr. Brownell has had com
plete swav for some lime. His election
means more officials and higher taxes.
The benefits that would wme through
his election are like the profits made by
Horceo Greelv in farming, especially in
the hog business. It was said that Mr
Greely paid $1 50 for the original pig
and that after feeding it $40 worth ol
corn he Bold the hog for $10. He said
that he made a few dollars on the hog
but lost on the corn
Now, I am a democrat, but I think
local and business affairs should be the
only questions at is-ue in the coming
election. There are plenty of people
uow living in the county who can re
member when a 15 or 16 mill tax was
sufficient for all our needs. We had
t e same rivers and streams to bridge
and a much smaller population and much
less taxable property from which to col
lect. Taxes now ought to be less than
they were years ago as there is so much
mote property, but the tact is that they
are bo high that all who can, caver up
their personal property, but real estate
cannoi be hid, and the farmer "gels it
in the neck." How would it do to limit
the lew to 16 mills by lesihlntive etmcl-
ment? I' might be claimed by some
that the assessor would value ptoperty
higher in order to get more taxes, but
the argument would not be good be
cause no ctiical who wouin do so cotihi
ever be elected again. Ahout the fiist
question a new comer of means asks, is
wtmt ar- vour taxes t It it was known
abroad that our taxes in Oregon were
1 tutted by law to a reasonable amount,
capital would come in rapidly.and in a
short time we would be ollecting more
from a 16 mill tax than we are now from
33 mills. .
I think that in our late elections free
silver, expansion, tariff, etc have
caused ns to lose sight of what is going
on in our state and county. Reform is
all right, but reform, like charily,should
commence at home.
J. W. Covey.
Barlow, Jan 20,1901.
We have still a few
Tine Cassimm $
Remnants at Cost a
of manufacture
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a.
sediment or set
tling indicates ats .
unhealthy condi- -tion
of the kid
neys; If It stains
your Jlnen it i .
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to -pass
it or pain in.
the back is also..
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad- -der
are out of order.
What to Bo.
There is comfort in the knowledge sa
Often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing ;
it, or bad effects following use of liquor, ,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant .
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times :,
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon; ;
realized. It stands the highest for its won- '
derful cures of the most distressing cases. .
If you need a medicine you should have th
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes- -You
may have a sample bottle of this ,
wonderful discovery
en1 o Knlr tu.,. Arr
. r.'tt
more about it, both sent mp
absolutely tree by mall,
address Dr. Kilmer & nome or Swamp-noot
Co., Bingliamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
Many seem to lose sight of the fact
that there are other men in Clrckamas
county besides Mr. Brownell, and they
are the ones that are spending the com -ty's
money. As long as the county of
ficials can keep the people -fighting
Brownell they can have unmolested con
trol of the finances and spend as they
see fit. What we went lo do is to reduce
tuxes. Brownell or no Brownidl. Brow
ne'! is a long way from perfction, but
there are others,, and the ot tiers need
looking after too,
The women of St Paul's Guild will
give a concert on Thursday evening Fell
(ith, at Willamette hall
MAlilili T UEPOlt TS.
Portland Maiket.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Beet. $2 7 3 30; T.ham
Wheat Walla WTalla 0163'- vi'Vy
01c02; bltiestem 62c.
Oats White, 115; gray, l!l .10.
Barley Feed $18; brewing $20 nor t.
Millstuffs Bran $18; middlings $20;
fihorts $20; chop $17.
Hav Timothv $1112; clover, $78;'
Oregon wild $0.
Butter b iin'iy creanwy 2o anil 30c; .
store, 12 and 25.
Eggs 23 cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.503.75;
hens $3.504; springs $33 50 ; geese. .
$07; ducks $56 ; live turkeys 11
12c; dressed, 15(ai7c.
Multon Gross, best sheep, weathers
and ewes, sheared, ... $3 25; dressed, 5
and 6 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 75 and $6 00
light, $5; dressed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per
Veal Large, 8 anil !) 1-2 cents per
pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $3 50 and $4
dressed beef, 3 and 7 cents per pound.
Obe se Full cream lljc per pound .
Young America 12c.
Potatoes 01. 10 per hundred.
Vegetables Beets 90c; turnips (ioc;
per sack ; garlic 7c per lbj eablmge$1.25
1.50 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75c.
per dozen; parsnips 85c per sack ; celery
7llrf7ir Yur rlnwiin oanul-uintn
J peas 23c per pound.
- .ft hAYttr uk- r "hixtrrriiwiiiiiW"i.--i-', i-'iw r r
Mail Orders
Filled at
Sale Pi ices
The People's
"Something New Under tie Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRH by the usa of powders, acid
gases inhalers i nd drugs in paste form.
In the Countv Court of the State of Orogon,
for the County of Claeknnma.
Irr tire mutter of the Estate of John R, Tram
bath, Jr.. deceased. ,
Kolice U Iwri'by given that II. W. Trembnth,
th administrator of said estate, hns filed in the
E. rr U- above entitled court ms near aocnum ui ui.'
I ? mintMrritioir of faid estate; that Monday, the 17th
1 I vjr day of February. 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m at the
tJf" courtroom of said court, in Oregon City, in said
County and State, has been duly appointed by
the ' aid court for the settlement of said account,
at which time and place any nerson interested in
faid tstate mav appear and file exceptions to the
said account.' H. W. TKK.MBATH,
' Administrator of the Estate of John It. Trem-
btitlr, Jr., deceased.
Attorneys for Administrator,
DYES do not stain the hands
or spot the kettle. Sold by C
G. Huntley. .
A Five-Room Cottage for Sale
In tire Circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county
Mabel Moelle", plaintiff, vs. Charles Moeller, de
fendant. To Charles Moeller, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer the
corrrpiairrt filed Hgainsf yon in the above suit by
lull! day of March, l'.K)2, folljwlnc six consecutive
weeks puoiicaiurn oi inrs nonce, ana 11 you mn (1rv ., lhH mllf.,imlfl mRm-
to so appear an 1 answer, lor want nrereor, tne t'v""v , r , ,
plaintift will take a decree auainst you as piayed j branes Causing them to Crack open and
for in the complaint, towit: 1st, a decree dissolv bleecK The powerful acids Used in the
ing the bonds of matrimony existing between i,.ui' - hnwif entirclv pntpn awav the
plaintiff and defondant; 2d that plnimrff have all , lnnalers nave entirely eaien away me
her eosts and disbursements in this suit: that 1 same membranes that their makers nave
plaintiff prays such other arrd further relief as Ihe ' ajme( to cure, while pastes and oint-
!r1It8Zeequ?,3!;iSUire a"d M 'he CUrt nts ennot reach the. disease. An old
This summon is served by publication by vir- and experienced practitioner who nas
tue of an order made by the Hon. T. A. Mcllride, ! for ninny years made a close study and
judge of the above entitled court, made and en- j r,ji,,, n,0i,0,tmnntnf CATARRH
tered on the L'Uth day of January, 1SI02, sl 1 order ; specially Of the treatment 01 1, A 1 AltK.ll,
rrrovidinn that nublicalion be made iir Ibe Corrr-1 has at last uerfettt'd a treatment Willi h
ior Herald, arid that the first publication be made wlien faithfully used, not only relieves
on tire ;ilst day of January, HKW. . hut nermanontlv cures CA-
MoMAHON, Att'y for ITU. Rt once, hut permanently cures kja
jTAKKU, by removina ttie cause, stop-
' j ping the discharges, and cunt g all in-
SD.V1MONS. flammation. It is the only remedy
. ., . 1 known to science that actually reaches
,,,?l"rc"L?2ur, M ,ne'WM"" ""won." the aillicted parts. Tics wonderful
Albert (. fetitit, plain iff. vs. Aha T. suth, de. I remedy is known as
To Alva T. Stllb, the above named defendant;
In the nam! of the state tf Oregon, you are here
by required to appear and answer ihe complaint
tiled against yuii, in the above entitled unit and
court, by March 10, 1102, and if ymi fail to answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply for thj
relief prayed for in his complaint filed herein,
namely, a decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony existing between plain till' and defendant
Thus summons is published by order of the Hon.
T. A. Meliiide, jndye of thf above entitled court.
duly made and tiied Janutry Ihe date
o the tirst public-itlm of this summons being
January PI, HU2, and the date of the hist publica.
tion hewof March 7, li)2.
MoMAIION, Att'y for Pl'ff.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Elizabeth Zimmerman, administratrix of the es
late of Adam Zimmerman, decea-ed, has filed her
find account as Bueh administratrix in the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and that said
court has appointed Monday, March 3, 1W2, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the rooms of naid court iu the
conuty court house in wild county and state, the
time and place forbearing objections to such final
account and settling the umn.
Administratrix of thy estate ct Adam Zimmer
man, decea ed.
Jjated Oregon City, Oregon, January 24, 1002.
city water, sever,
etc. Inquire at
this office.
t lha Kind You Hata Always Bong!
It Girdles the Clabe.
The fame of Bucklen'g Arnica Salve,
as the best in the orld, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer r,f
Cuts, Corns, Burns, BruiBea, Mores,
Scalds Boild, Ulcers, Felons, Aches,
Pa ns and all Skin Eruptions. Only in
fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at Geo. A .
and is sold at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
"SNUFFIivS" is the only perfect CA
TARRH CURE ever made and is now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for that annoying and disgusting
disease. It cures all influmniatioa
quickly and permanently and is nlso
rietiu'.Iy quick to relieve HAY FE
VER 01 COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save you if you use it at
once. It is no ordinary remedy, hut a
complete treatment which is positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if used according to the
directions which accompany each pack
age. Don't delay but send for it at once
and write full particulars as to your con
dition, and y u will receive special ad
vice from the discoverer of this wonder
ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to you beyond the regular price ol
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dent. E 694, ED
332 Market Street, Philadelphia.
We need hardly tell you that prices will be rock-bottom here this week. You expect it of
; us. You have a right to expect it, and we'll take good care riot to disappoint.
real Jan oarv 0!i mm Bale
This is your month. Will you act? All the store's profit this month is yours. This
is what we told you Jan. I. You believed us. You came, bought freely, and acknowl
edged by that buying that what we said was true. These are busy, active days here. It
seems to us that everyone in Portland knows of and has been attracted to the store during
these great sale days. This week the greatest price-concessions you ever read.
Nothing for Dealers, But Everything for Customers.
Chapped hands, cracked lip? and
roughnef 8 of the skin cured quickly by
Banner Salve, the most healing oint
ment in the world. Charman & Co.
Tail Know What Toil Are Taking
When yon take Grove's Tantele.M Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is limply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
form. Ko Cure, No pay. 50c.
Clearance Sale
on All Dress Goods and Silks
Nn such bariinlns ever tri-fore olTiiiwl. Tire
droKs goods department will bo a Bcene of
Brent aotivltr thUwcek unless we nreentirely
mistaken. Wlrun 70c goods no for 2!)o and Mo
goods go for lo. It means this Is the time
arrd plane to buy.
At 29c a yard
Fancy 42-inch Jacquard dress goods In any
wanted colors and dosifrns. It would bo Im
possible to Irujirftfa you too klrongly with Oils
.vhIiih, well worlh 7fn?
At 42c a yard
41- lnoh all wool Veno'larn and Ziballnes, In
all good late shade. Inquire elsowbero. Bee
If you can nr itch It for twice the price. '
At J2jC a yard
School plaliln In all the hrfeht and newest
shades. Just the thing for children's wear.
At 70c a yard
42- Inch all wool ntln solclls, sponged and
shrunk lrr all good lata colors. Jufet the thing
for rainy days.
At 89c a yard
Halting. In all the m;T grays, brown anil blue
cloths-. 52 inches wiuu; jul lire thing for
rainy-rlaln skirting.
A $i.35 a yard
mud back (.rulings, ira menus wine, ana an
good colors ; woitli $2.(0 a yard.
At 1 9c a yard
Jncquards, bUci cashmere, fancy plerolaa,
etc.; values worth to !io a yard; clearance
price, I9c.
RPKCUL NOTICE, Wo want yon to under
stand that during this great sale will bo found
grat saving opportunities. It is our inten
tion In the next few days Ui close our im
mense lot of drean goods; hence these notable
Brisk UMBRELLA Selling
Tho almanac tells us unt we've mire than
goodstorekeeping demands. Ho w tain alow
at what's left. Vine ateel rods jiaragwu frames
and good gloria silk tops, well worth CAa
VI .00; while they last, attach
I ; hi Mr en.' Umbrellas, to go while they QCn
last ior li
Lean than balf price.
Great Clearing Sale
in Suit Room
All (tood thlnna wait for those who come.
From this riPiinrtment you have come to look
for bnriiKfim rt'ularly; but w v,nn hnsiiiv you
that bo Kuch ohVnriKs bh tlicxo hi given hnvu
wvor been in ado In our 'ail vert isoinent bi'ttu
At $1.75 instead of $2.25
Another lot w(?ll-nmle .faoiiets all htost nn1
bwtt Hhttrlos, We cannot say how long they
will IanI but until they are till gone you can
have Ihem.
The Jackets arc on Sale
At about half; women are coming from far
and near to buy them. In all wanted shade
and fttylcs ef tiite Mellon and Kersey Clolh.s.
In double-breasted box or tijnt fitting; all
nicely tailored and NfiMn lined, welt QQ
worth 7,fl0, $4 60 and $10 0i, f()r,.....V'wO
AHjmirjMUt among theirt.
$20.00 Raglans, $12.50
Fiill-lciigth coals, nicely tailored and all
lined; comes In b ack and mode.
Mill-Ends, Prlrita, worlh to Vf,, for, 2)ao
Silk Moreens, worth 75c, for 803
Hlll-Enis, Ginghams, worth 7'c, for Ic
80 Inch Bleached Muslin, worth 7c. for,.. 80
9-4 Bleached Mutllti, worth 19c, for yard ..ISo
Unbleached, yard Vie
Prints, all colors, worth (SHir., for yard. 3?4o
Persian Flanucletles, worlh 10 and I'A'jC,
for yard 7a
Ladles' Dlack Ifose, Pine Hcam!ess Illack
II. iBf, r iiBt Dyes, Well Nhaped, at jj for
Z-'ic. Instead of 15c, each.
Fine lace-atripe ones, worth 25c, f ir., loc
Onelta Union Bulls, In wool, whIK n o ly
made and trimmed, worlh 12 10, for
C suit
Pebble Cheviot Skirts
Choice of brown or black, with circular
flounce, nicely made, worth $'J.bi), lor
Chalkllne alrlpe or plain gray, with flonn.re
and nicely stitched, worth t'l.o'J, for . . oj "j j
Unusual Sale of
Rainy Day Skirts
Without reserve; all to go at about half. It
will need no hint of ours to bring you to ttila
batgiiin feast, except he prices.
Heavy Cloth Skirts
Irr gray or hlaek, all wool, latest stylo $-3 or
and finish; worth fll.60, for p J. J J
Ladies' Home Skirts
Marked for quick selling! diffo ent colors,
good lining, well made, ami all wool, d; f en
for less than eot of goodi,; worth 8,'U7 "P 3
R.&G. .Corset
Straight (front, 11.25 quality, for OSo
Glove-Fitting Corset
tl.OO quality, for
True Fit Corset
7)C. quality 4;j
A special lot In all wanted colors and designs,
Regular 75e. to 1, and weIQ-
wou'i stop to assort them. At ?,piOCC
Silk and Wool Waists
A fine lot, well made and neat patterns. o
worth $1 .76, for. . ,.70C
In all-wool neat walsls and all good Q
colors and sizes, worlh (fl.SO, for 0C
Auction Prices on
all Ladies' Waists
If you ever bought waists for less you boHKht
for less than retailers paid for them. The sale
lasts as long as the walsta do.
WI.K WAIrtTH, rnade of good taircta silk,
n-ceiy made and up to dale.
Values to $X m for' j. 1 1
Values to H.50 for
Best Silk Petticoats
ade of best tatleta fllk, whir deep accordion,
alied flounce (last rullle. Tho pritw. at
piaHeu uouiice ai a nasi mine, tub pni
uioro uiiiTcMriMir trian anytning a,ay wti
$8.50 instead of