Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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palor, fainting, smothering or
sinking spells all point in the
same direction an impaired
heart action. A heart that is
weak or diseased cannot do full
duty and the circulation of the
blood is interfered with. There
is a medicine that gives new
strength to the heart, new
power to the pul?e and puts
new color into cheek and lip.
"My pulse would jump and boat
at a fearful rata and then drop
almost to a Flopping point. I
could nob i"-!-, at night., feet
swelled and had scvore" pains in
chest,. Took Dr. Miles' Heart
Cur-; six weeks arid was cured."
'i.1. U. Jojti:s, I'iitsburg, Texas,
heart's action,
while it stimulates the digestive
organs to make new, rich, red
blood which gives strength to
the whole body. Sold by drug
gists on a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
For I'limuiionla.
Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich , says :
"I have used Foley's Unf v and Tar in
three very BovwrH o Bfi of pneumonia
with g v)d remilta In every case." Be
ware of Huhuti utes. (JhariUcin & Co.
Look Carefully
To Tom Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
They build up the shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as no
known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
they have no equal.
10, 25, 50 Cents us
Sold and Guaranteed by
Prescription Druggist,
Oregon City Oregon
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-elfects
on the entire system, and where
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
And bowels.
The ground is covered with snow, the
first time for eev ral years, and all are
complaining of cold weather.
The coyotes are eettine to be onite
numerous in this section. J. 0. Dickey
caught three coyotes in four nights.
About 20 have been killed within the
boundary of the club since it was organ
ized. Jim Dickey has caught about one
baif of them.
Some of our Molalla boys started to
the mountains since the snow came in
order to try their luck bunting and trap
ping coyotes, wild cats, cougar, etc.
They will be all 0 K when they get
there but will certainly encounter deep
enow en route.
Perry Kayler and mother have re
lumed from Philomath, where they
have been vUiting relatives. They left
Uei rge Scott in a serious condition suf
lering from blood poisoning. He will
lose, some of bis lingerc.
A special bcIiooI meeting was held at
the Bchuolhoiise yesterday for the pur
pose of Totmg a tax to paint the school
bouse. The tix was voted ho the bouse
will be painted some time this summer.
Charles H. Diizer was tiere a few days
ago to bid his many Molalla friends good
bye, lie is going to some joint in
VVaKhiny'on to accent a no-ition as Diesi-
dent and foreman of one of the largest
cliingle mills on the coast. Chuilie says
that lie has been searching for years to
know jiiHi what lie was suited and con
stituted lor in life ar.d at ast lie has
found it. After a few weeks' work last
weapon at making shingles lie completely
mattered ttie intricate art so those need
ing a first-class shingle bhouldgive him
a call.
VVhoever it was that held up Carl Ca
liff one night recently Ht the muzzle of a
six-shooter evidently made mistake. All
that he will have to do is to try it again.
He will shortly strike the right man, and
we will then all know who the Molalla
highwayman is. He had no mask on,
but it was so dark that Oarl could not
recognize him.
O. W. Bobbins and Frank Adams are
building a new water wheel for Mr.
Lehn.an on the A. .1. Haw tell place.
0. Ike Gipson is doing some carpenter
worn tor Katpu Sawtell.
There is some talk of a grange being
organized at Molalla. If it succeeds a
tine ball will he bui t.
There is some indication that an ad
ministrator will be appointed tc take
charge ol (jeorge Uannon's eotate. tie
is not dead though but liis dog is.
Mr. Caution authorized L.W. Bobbins
to look after his property here, but it
now seems that the famous cpeckled
rooster that furnished the town with
eggs is being claimed by one W. H. H.
Rain i ccoiding to a notice that was re
cently posted at the store, therefore, see
ing that a portion of said estate is being
claimed Mr Robbins declines the re
sponsibility of managing the property.
A grand ball will be given hereon the
night ol February 14 h. Tickets $1 in
eluding supper, at J. F. Adams.'
X. Y. Z.
Otto Vorphal, a prominent young
man of Clackamas county, son of Wil
liam Vorphal, ot Uanny, was married in
Salem, Wednesday, January 15th, to
Christina Mum, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mum. The ceremony took
place at the home of the bride's parents
in the presence of a few relatives. Rev.
A. A. Engelbart, pastor of the First
Evangelical church in Oregon City, was
the officiating clergyman The Mum
dwelling was prettily decorated for the
event. An excellent, wedding luncheon
was served. After spending their hon
eymoon in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Vor
phal took up their residence at the Vor
phal farm home, near Canby. The
groom is a most worthy young man,
and recently graduated from a Portland
business colleue. However he pre
ferred conducting the home farm to ac
cepting a poffeied posiiion in Portland.
The bride was an estimable Salem
young woman.
Miss Elsie Gibbs, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, George v. Gihbs, was married to
John Uaifhey ai the residence of tin
bride's parents in Maple Lane precinct
at high noon. Wednesday Justice of
the Peace K. M. Cooper, of Carus, per
formed the ceremony in the presence of
nlatives and Beveral invited guests.
I he bridesmaid was Miss Anna Short
lidge end the best man was 0. 0. Gibhs,
both of Maple Lane. The house was
prettily dcortted for the event. The
bride wore white silk and carried a bod
quet of carnations. After the inter
esting ceremony, an elaborate wedding
dinner was teived. Mr. and Mrs. Gaff
ney left in the evening for The Dalles,
where they will visit fir a few days. On
their return they will reside at Maple
Lane. The bride is a well known
school teacher, and the groom was an
efficient deputy in the county assessor's
o dice for several months past. He is a
son of John Galtuey, sr.
Hon. T. Jay Buford, who has made
his home in Oregon City since the gov
ernment no louger required an agent at
the 8iletz Indian reservation, was mar
ried to Miss Laurine Layne at the
manse of the First Presbyterian chuich
in Portland last Thursnay evening.
Dr. Edgar P. Hill, the pastor, performed
the ceremony. The bride was attired in
a costume of fawn-colored corduroy. Mr.
and Mrs. Buford left on the evening
train for Baker City, where they will
Bean the y Ih8 Kind You Have Always BongM
Perhaps You Wonder
rmontir g cold that made last win
long misery A ill be is bad ttiis
if the'i
ter one
year. Certainly not, if you take Aden's
Lung Balsam when tickling and rawness
in the throat announce the presence of
the old enemy . D i not expect the cold
to wear itself out. Take the right remedy
in time. Allen's Lung Balsam is free
from opium.
Are often engaged in doing the work of
a home under the most trying condi
tions. Nature cries out against the
stooping and lifting, the running up and
own stairs m nines
when labor should
be as light as possi- 1
ble. It is owing to ;
overstrain or self
neglect under these .
conditions that the '
foundation is laid
for serious woman- i
ly disease. Irregu- ;
larity is the first j
step to impaired
womanly health, j
Perfect regularity
may be established
by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It
will heal inflamma
tion and ulceration
and cure female
weakness. It
makes weak wom
en strong and sick
women well.
"It gives me much
pleasure." writes miss
Klla Sapp, of James-
ttionV n.- pii-tve fnr the creat e-ood
received from the use of his ' Favont Prescrip
tion' and 'Goklcu Medical Discovery.' I had
suffered for three vears or more at monthly pe
riods. It seemed' as though I wouIU die with
pains in my hack and stomach. I could not
stand at all without fainting. Had given up all
hope of ever being cured; when one of my
friends insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. Wkh but littU faith I
tried it, and before I had taken half a bottle I
felt better. Nour I have takem two bottles of
' Favorite Prescription ' d oe of ' Golden
Medical Discovery,' and I am entirely cured, and
In two months' time when all other medicines
had failed."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, sent free on re
ceipt of 21 one-cent stamps, to pay ex
pense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Newly Furnished and Refitted
This Restaurant has no Superior in the City
Opposite Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OREGON
! Bread Is the Staff of Life
t The better the flour, the better the bread;
The better the bread, the stronger the staff.
'i ... Patent Flour ...
Makes the Whitest, Lightest Bread. It is kept
n. c,
for sale by all dealers.
Made bv.
Demand "Patent" Flour.
EBB 'IH'ffi'jiyjijjjlff JjgS
Good Literature
Hot soda at the Kozy Knndy Kitchen.
If Banner Salvo
doesn't cure your piles, your money will
be returned. It is the moat healing
medicine. Cliaruian it Co.
iqav s
To Loan.
$500 $i'00 $700 $800 $901) and
$1000 at 0 per cent ,one to three ytars
on farm property.
Dimick & Eastiiam, Lawyers
Oregon City.
Hot so la at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
The only harmless, vegetable,
'bov.-cl regulator, and liver iUicer
A3 pleasant to the taste as
candy, and as positive as the harsh
est mineral. No gripe or pain.
8a JO, 25, 50 cents.
Sold and Guaranteed by
Inscription Druggist,
Oregon City Oregon
ours if you tryrr :
g 4-v ours is ao strong we
1 .11 1 Ea run teen cure or refund
1 money, niul we send you
free trial bottte it you write for it.
HHllOH'S costs XV) cents und will cure Con
sumption, Pneumonia, ltrouchitts and all
I,img Troubles. Will eui e a oouh or cold
in a dav, and thus prevent serious results.
It has been doing tiiese things fcr 50 years,
8. C. WBM.S & Co., I.e Roy, N, Y.
Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects the Stomach
Miss Edith Hinz, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Hinz, waa married to
Heary Scbinlt at the home of the bride's
parents lust Thursday afternoon. Rev.
Ernest Mack was the officiating clergy
man. About 40 friends and relatives
were present, gneBts at the impressive
ceremony. 1 lie briuesmaij a as Miss
Emma ltothe, and th best man whs
Fred Schiuk. After the impressive and
interesting ceremony, an excellent din
ner was served in the dining room. On
the same evening Mr. and Mrs. Schink
took possession of their new home, the
Patterson new cottage on the corner of
Ninth and Washington streets, wliicli
had been mjide ready for their occu
pancy. Those present at the ceremony
were: Mr. mid Mrs. Christ Blulim,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hartke, Rev and Mrs
Ernest Mack, ol Oregon City ; Mr. and
Mrs. Joe N'ible, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Abut, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ueuirich,
Charles Ilinkston, Chris Hemrich,
Charles Schink. of Portland; Mrs.
Thomas Warner and daughter, Miss
Clara, Mrs. C. Hchink and daughter,
Sophia, MrB. L. I'anli, Mr. and Mrs.
William Hinz and other member! of the
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace at
Highland at 3 p. m., Wednesday, Jan
uary 22nd, the event being the marriage
of their youngest daughter, Mios Annie,
to Fred Hettman, also of Highland.
Hev butts, of Shubel, was the oliiciat
ing minister. The bridal march was led
by little Blanche Anderson, of Portland,
followed by the bridesmaid, Mies Nora
Kernes, niece of the bride, and Henry
Hettman, brother of the groom After
congratulations there were several mu
sical iiuinbfrs by Miss Simmons, of
Portland ; Mii-8 KerneB, of Oregon City,
El. J. Anderson, of Cardston, Canad t.
Following this part of the program, an
elegant wedding dinner waa served.
The bride looked charming in biaek-
bri cad' d saiin with pink Bilk waist.
She wore a wreath of myrtle, and car
ried a bonnet of carnations. Alter a so
cial evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hettman
took their departure amidt-t a shower of
rice. They received many valuable
presents. Tho guests present were:
Mr. sud M s. U. WalUcs, Mr. and, Mrs.
O. lletuimn, Kev. Butts, John Post,
Elder Jumes Anderson, Mr. and Mrs F.
Moehnke, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moehnke,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hluhin, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. O. An
derson, Mm. P Davidson, Mi s. J. Ley,
Misses Louise and Ida , Simmons, Nora
Kernel', Blanche Anderson, Liz.ie B h
lander, Mamie Ward, Ruth li ly, Liz
zie Wallace, John, Joseph and George
Wallace, Christ Moehnke, Fred Steiner,
.Alfred l.arsin, Fred Ma lis in, Harry
j Hettman. 0.
Miss Huldah A. Lundbtrg, of Clacka
mas county, and F. E. VVardrum, of
Multnomah county, were married at the
Thonsands Sent Ints Exile.
Every year a large number of- poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and
racked with coughs are urged to go to
another climate. But this is costly and
not always sure. Oon't rin an exile
when Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption will cure you at home. It
is the most infallible medicine for
Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lnnis
diseases on earth. The firrt dose brings
relief. Astounding cures result from
persistent nse. '''rial bottles free at
Geo. A. Hsrding's. Price 50c and $1.
Every buttle guaranteed.
The Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
v li- pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc.. are
IT xVlIIlOol' taBtefullv gotten up and are valuable for
what tliev contmn. Here is a partial net
of what MK. CHAS. S. FEE, eneral Passenger
Agent, St. Paul, Ninn., will send out, carefully
mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi
nation can he made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will he
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain ijood descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland 1901 ,
An trirmal publication, beautifully Illustrated In color and
half tone. This number trent particularly ot the hlftnry ot
Hie Northern Pacifio'i Trdemrk, the cister Battlefield in
Montana, and the Yellowitom Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and dalntr publication containing a complet. hlstorr
of the Northrn Padtio Trademark. The artillic oovera of
the Wonderland, 1901 are used iu miniature.
Wl!d Flowers from Yellowstone-
Six Cents
F.ar Cats
A Deep Mystsry
It is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have
proved tiiat Electric Bitters will quickly
cure such troubles. "I suffered for
vears with kidney trouble," writes Mrs.
Phebe Cberley, of Peterson, la , "and a.
lame back pained me so I could not
dress mvself. butElec.rc Bitters whollv
cured me, and, althou gh 73 years old, I
now am able to do nil my housework j
It overcomes Coiistipaiion.impnivf s Ap ir
A ook of preiwed wild floweri from Yellnwitone P"-k,
Fhowlng the real flowers in their natural r-ntor. A da':- 'v Send
and beautiful duuTentr ten peolmetis o( flower! and tix Fifty Ceata
full pne illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 case book In itrontr. flexible ootpti. eood naner.
plain type, illustrated, pocket Rir.e, a compendium and Twenty-fly.
ufBcnpiivc ih Liiu nuiiti a rroiiuerianu. i.ais
Climbing Mount Rainier
An Illustrated pocket-size hook. 72 panes. In stronir. flexible 5ed
covers, printed on hparv paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenty-five
me mgnesi peat, in cue united sutes outBide or Alaska ol a uents.
glacial nature.
eoee9o09e9Ooott(iw9sMtt &
petite, gives perfect bea h. Only
at Geo A. Harding's ding store.
Bean tl f 9 Kind You Have Always Bought
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absoultely the best for all
diseases of the throat and lungs. Deal
ers are authorized to g"arantee it to
give satisfaction. Chaiman&Co.
A Cure for Lumbago
W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va..
Bays: "For more than a year I suffered
from lumbago. 1 finally tried Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and it g;ive me en
tire relief, which all other remedies had
failed to do. Sold by G. A. Harding.
6 per
Individuals' Money to Loan at
cent and 7 per cent.
Call on or write,
John VV. Lodeh,
Attorney at Law,
Stevens Bl'd'g. Oregon City, Oreg
Annual Safe
At The
Everything Reduced
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to purer E VV. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
(TMiE-jHrniiiinp iourt ,0)1je tIammrv o4tl, County
IIFNVER" JSr ! J,,lle lty'n 0(1,1 i,tin
U'Io T5,'frnlJ (tM ' A marriage license was issued on the
it Means dure ueam
to tb Little Rascals
f- . .11 .1 . T 1-1-
causing au me i rourjie
Prier'a H;i. Food cintains an
irredient in which the p trnsite
using D.tndriitf cannot live.
Besides destroying the dandrotf
parasite ''Ttie Hair rood" is also
a tonio and food for the hair,
htiniu ating the It tir follicles and
supplying the roits with energy
and no irishtnent. Makes the hair
grow when all else fails.
For S.iiu by all druggists.
...We Can Do Better...
By you this year than ever before and would
be pleased to have you give us a trial order.
We do not run a department store or a black
smith shop, but we do corduct a
And sell
Look sit Tis Pricc
umbo Mush, 2 lbs. in package, 1 Sewing Machine Oil, per bot
PvspcpM;! is uimvogni.eil in
liu'.i t.ic i';isvn. .It tUvrives the
uiiKtiow inj; HiilTi'i'iT. Its runny
varkuiims work rdonj? the wi'itkest
lines of the m'sUmu. To Imtllo
ti.:in.st only one. of them U vain.
():ir Imoklt texplitinsits mnp
tonw. Oiir lKspoiwiiiT'.ililetsgive
complete tin. 1 ladling relief.
, i Dyspepsia Tablets
10c, ?5C.
:r, and 60c.
Kold and Guaranteed by
Preacr.ptlon Druggist,
Cregon City Oregon
'inly trsnscontineiral lino
pasxinn diieetly thrntiKh
A Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splondidlv pnnippod tr:iitis
daily to all points Kast.
I'lirough Sileepitn: and Pining C.ira
atul Free Keeluitii); Chair Cirs.
The most imit'iiitieeiit scenery in
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
Fur i-tii-n p.-si r; s n i l l- Tipti Icraluro
2Stli to Hertha Thonias and Brenton
j Wider on the iiS'h A. E Thomas was
I the witness. The parties teside n-a
j Seutt's Mills, over the Clackamas
; county line.
A marriage license was issued to
' Paisy Anderson antl Wi'ltatu O. Ew
1 man on the L'Sih. Mabel O. Anderson
I was witness.
nltMi (o trnvi'1 ami mlvertitk' for oUl rdirtblished
tiouso ef iotui fluttncirti stBiiiiirvr. r!rtry a.M
yeiir ami (xiienrs, all r' 1'1' cash. Nu -an-1
kmIiiii iniutrtd. t;tvo roferoiiofs hh.1 tucUe
ell-a-I'lr onsen !HnijtHt euvcloeo. Adau-is Mhu
or, i ti xton Ukl';., Oliii'so.
2 packages tor 1 5c
Salmon, 3 cans 25c
Arm & Hammer Soda, 8 lbs. j
for 25c
Good Syrup, per can 25c
Roast Coffee, from 10c
Green Coffee, per lb 10c
Sardines, 6 cans 25c
3-IL1. can Baked Beans ... 20c
Washing Powder, per lb 5c
Ackerman Coffee Extract, 8
packages 25c
Lemon and Vanilla Extracts,
per oz . . 5c
Bird Seed, with bone and grav
el, per package 7c
Blueing, per bottle 5c
Matches, per bunch . ic
Regular 15c Shoe Dressing. . . 10c
Lemonade Sets, from $ t
White Metal Teaspoons, per
set 15c
Curling Irons, each 4c
Fancy Toilet Soap, per box . . ic
Lead Tencils, per dozen 10c
Table Oil Cloth, per yard , . . . 1 8c
Toilet Soap, long bar 4c
Men's Working Gloves, from.. .25c
Men's Black and White Striped
Working Shirts 43c
Men's Suspenders 15c
Men's and Boys' Hats at fac
tory prices.
Men's and Boys' Leggons 40c
You enn mnke your hll
llfsa US Bolt IIS H gU'V3
and as tnuth us wirtt by
uaiiiB Kl U Eli A I r-
& vl leuthoii lis lifr ma it
ICTV -J 1,st twire a long 1.1 it
B,'i'J orUinurily would.
o Third ;
D. n.N5Fll:Ll),
Oi'iU'i iil Ago lit,
eel, Torth'tul, Oregon
5 M?l
2& Dom 2Sc
l make a poorlooklnii bar-
iifM ik'W. Mavis cf
pure, neuvy noiiteu on, f- ;'i,4
Pold everywhere
Maie bj STAHDAR3 CiL CO.
GLASS SETS, consisting of SUGAR
; HOLDER and CREAMER, from 35c per set.
j We carry the CELEBRATED CAT
guarantee same.