OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 IMS Oregon City Courier-Herald By A. W. CHENEY X t UUUJVTI JJnJJJT JS EARL Y $200,000. li re i ill Oregon City ptofflce 2nd-cla8raaUr SUBSCRIPTION BATES. ''aid in advance. var rear 1 50 month! 76 Piree monlhu'lrial 25 V'rhe date opposite your address on the aner denotes I he time to which yon hate paid tf this notice is marked your subscription is dye. CLIBIIIKQ RA.TK9. With Wei'ldy Orogonian ' $2 00 " Tri Wwkly N. Y. World 1 Wi ' National Win dim an 1 75 " appeal to Kern n 1 IH) ." Weekly Hxuuiner 2 26 ' Bryan's Commoner . 1 75 AnVERTlSlX'l RATES Standing business ti'lviirtiiemfiilir, Per month prof !) .al nanKfl , V'i yar): 1 to 10 inches 50c pur incli, 12 inches for $5, 211 inches (column) $8, 3ti inclici (',4 pane) $12. lycual itivertisements: Per inch (minion) $2.60, tlivor-.e Kiinimiuis tl 50. AHidavils if puMica ti'in will not he furnjul.etl until publication fees are paid. Loiral notices; Five cents per line per Veek Per month 20c Ohidlar es', curds of thanks, church iwnl loile notices wln re aiimission fee is chiii'ijcd or collected Imlf price or 2Jj cents per line.- P4TRONIZH HOMB INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, JAN. 31, 1902. Gisoitdis P. lowisLi, (4 Co , of New York, estimate that 400,000 advertising firms, in llie country expend nnually over $3,000,000,000 in advertising. Fob r.early nine montliH 2400 San Fraiiciscu uiachinints and engiueem have been on a strike for a nine-hour work inn day. The labor unions support t! it m . It is certain that the county debt is getting very close to the $200,000 mark, and if expenses continue at the same rate as at present the debt will soon be over that amount. The county has ruu behind over $8000 during the past ye?r, but this deficit would not have occurred had the people elected Levi Stehman commissioner instead of T. B. Killin. During the campiign the people of the siuthern pirt of the ounty wanted a new bridge acrons the Molalia river between Canby and Harlow, and wanted Levi Stehman, the citizen's candidate, to pledge the same, but be would not make any ante-election promise, preferring rather to be de feated than make his way into office by promises.. Killin pledged himself for the bridge and waB elected The first cost of the bridge, over $9000, about represents the deficit of the county for 1001. We do not winh it understood that we are not in favor of improving the roads and bridges of the county, but we do not believe in running behind and piling up expenses to do so. We actually believe if Judge Ryan had not been shorn of his power by S-nator Porter because Porter wanted the county printing, the debt of Clackamas count, would have been $50,000 less than it is now under the three-comniiseioner-board. We suppose very tew people'know that the taxpiyersof Oregon pay tixe in proportion to what they spend and-not according to the amount of taxable property, as under the old law.'which was repealed by the last legislature. That is, the taxpayers rf Clackamas county pay tuxes for the current five yearn on the ratio of expenses f ir the past five years, and for the next five years according to the expense of the current five years. In other words if our assessment was higher we would pay the Barae amount of although the rate would be lower. Clackamas county is the "banner county" of Oiegon for high taxes in proportion to inhabitants and bag the highest tax rate, 32 mills, of any county. No one knows what the rate will be in the future if a halt is not called soon. The expenses and receipts for the year -1901, are bb follows : Tim difference between the good and the bad politician U merely the differ ence .between the politician on the pla'form and tha polit cian in office. In this, as in most other matters, oppor tunity is the I'm tl test. San Francisco b i a murder every wetk and a hull- every day. The city physician stal- s imu 195 cases of lep rosy have been ir ceil to the smoking of cigars or cigarettes made by Chinese. Mayor Sehmiu hai a tougn town on hit hands. Tiuc selectmen of the town of Shirley, 'Me , tis guaidiaim of the $10,000 willed to it by a rich lumberman, who drank rye whiskey liberally for 5J years, have sowed his grave with a thick seeding of rye (not "old rve"), which, by the terms of the will, they must do every year, lor Jitl time. The oOOi) I'oer prisoner on the island of Ceylon, the m ij t i ly of them over 50 years of ago, are really enjoying life in their pen formed by a double barbed wire fence 10 feet high, thanks to the l.tinuuie li r i ! it-1 1 governor. Rev. Kd Mard K. Hale, of Huston, in lugging clothes for 5000 rugged, half-naked Hoer jpriBtmers in Bermuda. By the order of Mayor Tom L. John Son, of Cleveland, O., a bill is being drawn to autlwn i.o the city ol Cleveland to issue bonds to build or purchase a street railway system. The measure al lows the city to initio bonds for not to ex ceed $50,00(1 for each niilu of single track constructed. As drawn the bill con templates a referendum and a majority woto of the people before the bonds are issued. Tun 02,000,000 pounds of shoddy con sumed by our woolen mills last year represented or displaced the wool of 25, 000,000 sheep. Thin adulterant has eo HHtiously injured tho wool business that the 200,000 pure-bred Merino sheep at one tone in the country huv Jheett re duced to 10,000. Il takes 5 3 5 pounds ufsiMured wool to nuke 4 pounds if cloth, enough for a man's euij of clothes. - i Ax ell'oit. u being put forth to have Crater l.akeset aside as a National l'aik, Willi Unit end in view, lion. Thomas II. Tongue lias introduced a bill in con gress, and it remains f ir the citizens of Oregon to support him and our delega tion in congress, by demanding such net ion. All persons interested in this matter, who are willing to ciiculute pe titions, will he supplied with tho neces sary printed matter, by addressing Will Ci. Steel, Portland. i Civic duty stands for above party con siderations. Only the citizen who is profoundly impressed by it, deeming Ilia obligations to the state to be para mount lo those to liiii party, which are often only sentimental, is tho true pa triot. The county i -lection in June will offer an opportunity t ithe republican v?oter to show whether or not he has a I, Uglier regard for the welfare of the t.ix tjibywsol Clackamas county th tu he has for the perpetuation of the republican ma chine, which has saddled on us a heavy county debt and an excessive rate of taxation, are inimical to our in reaise in wealtti and population, and de 7TwciatO the value of real estate. Re .ilactiou of county debt and of taxes do suaud the vory best officials in the court Emu so. ' EXPENSES. County court and coinraisiion'er Circuit court Justice court Sheriff's office Clerk'i office Recorder's office.. Treasurer's office. ;. Coroner's office. School superintendent's office Assessor's office ". Asipssment and collection of taxes. Tax rebate Current expenses Courthouse and jail Care of poor. ... Indigent soldiers Insane , . . Reform school commit Bridges and roads Scalp bounty Armory rent 3,308 50 2498 50 1 205 6a 2,955 86 2,448 75 2,488 70 1,262 80 494 85 1,390 81 8,376 02 1,543 60 397 03 1,631 80 1,910 51 5, 26 54 608 75 116 05 143 50 82 831 30 612 00 175 eo Total, general fund $68 535 55 Road fund 24,559 85 Total expenses $94,095 40 Paid state, month collected 2 0 17 Total... $94,295 57 RECEIPTS. Coutity tax for 1900, including state polls $54,1C8 17 Liquor license -. 300 00 Mii-ccllaneons , on Koad fund (11100) and road polls 23.098 71 Subscripti inn to road fund 1)405 00 For rock crushed fo city 6 It) 50 live per cent of statu land sales.. 213 65 l ee collected Py officers 5,-,5fi so Total receipts (. xnept delinquent taxes) $86 102 54 liesi lea above receipts there was $7109.08 taken in on delinquent tax sales that would not properly belong to receipts when computing costs and expenses for a current year. The most of this delinquent tax money came from the "junk sale" of back taxes for five or six years which had always been figured as assets, when making financial st itemenf, at about five timos the amount realized from the sale. In looking over the expenses of the county just stop for a moment and compare the cost of running two offices, under republican assessor and re corder, and democratic sheriff and clerk, and sue the difforei.ee, taking in consideration the amount of wrrk done yearly : DEFICIT FOR YEAR. Disbursements $94,295 57 1'oceipts 86,102 55 Deficit for year $8,103 03 Following is a statement of the county debt as it appears on the rec ords in the county court house: DEBT. Outstanding warrants, Sept. 30. '01 $144.818 15 Accrued interest , clerk's estimated, Sept. 30, '01 13,007 11 Warrant issued since to Jan. 1, '02 (gen eral) )) 28'7"3 33 j , '' " , " " (road) 5,'718 66 Interest for three months to Jan. 1, '02 2 500 00 Warrants redeemed to Jan. 1 $194,767 15 "02 10,863 32 TotaI ,k'bt $183,903 83 As resources wo might allow $;M0J for delinquent taxes for the past livo years which have, not been collected, the amount on the books being over $12,000. This is a very eotisei vative estimate of amount the county will get and, we think, oli'setn the (igares for accrued interest, which are very low. Hence, as near as we can honestly figure, the debt of the county was $181,000 on January 1st, 1002. The debt of the county is now, January 31, 1902, over $192,000, allowing $900 per mouth for interest and $5883.19 for warrants issued for the month, which is a lower ratio than for the past throe months, when over $31,000 worth of warrants was issued. Before tho time for beginning tax collection, say April 1st, the debt of the county will he $.'05,000, a very low estimate. Of course, we now ex pect republicans to say that we should give the county credit for 1901 taxes, which, by tho way, will not be collected for nearly a year yet. This would reduce debt to about $140,000, not-counting the expenses which are all the time accruing. Supposing a business man would say that he was out of debt when be had a bill of $5000 to pay and had accounts, the face value of which were $5000. You would sty that he w crazy. Ha has to collect the money before paying it out. It's the same way with the county: while the taxes are be in 4 collected the expenses aro keeping op a close sec.md. To show tho business-like managem-nt prevailing in s.'im t counties take, for instance, out neighboring county, Marion. It is but $10,000 be hind and uncollected taxes are not counted as assets, either. There the the tax rate is but about two-thirds as large as ours, and if we are correctly informed, the expenses of running a county with a population larger than lll!J dl-ri ViTV llllli'll l.iSd W 11 1 I ., I, .,.-.,..... : I.. I '. ..... t .....i... ...u.i ,, , nuiai , i:ii-uuiiug an expensive city government, makes a levy of but 23 mills including city. In Clackamas county meaning vnegon v. ity tax, i tie levy amounts to 46 mills. The county levy for Marion is 22 mills. POLITICAL NOTES. S. B. Johnson, of Damascus, is spoken of as candidate for v heriff on the demo cratic ticket. Mr. Johnson is a good man for the place and would make a first class run. k Lacey, of Springwater, Charles N. Wait, of Canby, Judge W. W. Jesse, of Barlow. A. C. Sharp, of Tualatin, and the editor of this paper have been men tioned in connection with the legislative part of the democratic or independent ticket. All of the first four would be acceptable candidates to a large number and are men that stand well and are honest and conscientious. A legislative ticket could be selected from the numUr that would give satisfaction. In regard to the writer we would ay that while he appreciates the mention of his name in this connection, an editor makes too many enemies to run well, in other words, he talks too much ia black and white, which cannot be erated or taken bae'e as an adriot politician or voit getter can. Editor J. R. Whitney, of Albany, a life-long newspaper man, is a very ttc tive candidate for state printer on the republican ticket and will give 'Brother Porter a close lubforthe place. The Geer agitation practically takei the wind out of the sails of Clarke, of Qorrais, for print , and Willis Duniwiy's mix-up with Simon in Portland hurts hit candi dacy, while Editor E. E. Young, of Ba ker City, was never seriously taken by the leaders. W. H. Counsel!, of Mil waukie, is an active candidate for county commie tiocer out he republican tickat and see mi to have the Lest show of any yat mentioned. A. S. Dresser is ipokea of at an avail able candidate for attorney general on the g. 0. p. ticket. He it in every way qualified for the potition, ThB Coast. Seaman 't Journal of San Francisco afert that the wreck of the steamship Walla Walla, y collision with the French vessel. Max, which caused the lost of 40 lives, wat mainly due to undermanning, a condition which exists on mot vessels in the Pacific coast trade. The morning , wat dark though clear, but it seema that, at the time of the fatal mishap, a little after 4 a. m., the "gravy eye," the few men on deck were tired out from over-work, the "look-out, "a mere boy of 19, especially. The greed of capitalists makes light of human Hvps. For the first time tber is given to the public in an article by Mr. George Ken nan which appears in Tne Outlook of February 1, an ex tc.t statement of the vatiuus plans proposed for enlarging the White House. Mr. Kennan has been aided in the preparation of thit article ny Colonel Bingham, the superinten dent of public buildings and grounds, and the deBigm of the architect, Mr. F. D. Owen, have been placed at his dis posal. The illustration of the article IncludeB not only pictures of the White House as it will appear if the proposed change" are carried out, butalito viewt of the White House and from the White House as it is, from pbotogrrphs taken expressly for this article. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkard are Helng Cured J'ly lu Spile of Themselves. Mo Moxlous Dosea. No Weakening of the Tferves. A Pleasant aud lenitive Cure for the Liquor Habit. Brunswick House and Restaurant NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Meals at All Hoars Opon Day and NIqM jr-riccs Reasonable Only First Class riaurant in the City CHAS. CATTA, Prop. Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORB. Most People Phore 393 Like a Grocery House A place where they they can get what they want and feel sure that the price will be right. They want, to, fee! confident in their Grocer. Now, you who 'are lookina for such a house, we most eerdially invite you to try tm &U Center Sts. Muir Bros, i POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOB Hardware, Stores, Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray . Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Oor. Fourth and Uain Sts. OREGON CITY i Zmtttttt.iM.Maaa.t.tttttHUi.,..,, fmwtWMMOMIWWWMMMtMIWM YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT Bat tht Best Stock of Firnt-Cltsi Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices -In Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY CITY MARKET fStw. Opposite Huntley's First-Class fylcats of 11 irjds SafMatticii 0c2raFfpp3 (Sive yirg a (all arjd be Treated Ritt $975.00 Locomobile Given J way X With every ijocts. invested with A. ft. Wright, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you get a ticket on the $975.00 Locomobile to be given" Xo Sonic Lucky One MAS goods now every day. New and fresh from the factor Quality always the best. Prices correct. 10WJ1 36W6L6H NEW SHOP GOOD MEAT 1NTEKKST $10,000 A YEAR. I Ohiekam.18 county pava n arly $10,000 a year for interest on its out- standing warrants. If tha expenses of the county gnvrtvutmt did not amount to more than the receipts the county would still be running $10,- I ou oeeoer in uvot every year. hat we want is a board that will live within its income, even if some of tho unneoess iry clorka have tihe let It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capabl" neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxi cants. Sufferers may now cure them selves at home w ithout publicity or loss of time fmm business by thia wonderful "HOME GOLDCUKE" which has been perfected after many years of clnse study and treatment of inebriates. The faiih f ul use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transforma tion of thousands of Drunkards into so ber, industrious and upright men WIVES CUKE YOUR HUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN (JURE YOUR FATH ERS 1 1 This remedy is no sense a nos. trum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully devised and pre pared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured ana made temperate men bv having the "CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not he 'deluded by apparent and misleading ("improvement." Drive out the disease I at once and for all time. The "Home i HOLD CUKE" is sold at the extremely j low price of One Dollar, thus placing in I reach of everybody a treatment more ef fectual than others costing $ J5 to $30. I Full directions accompany each package. ! Special advice by skilled physicians j when requested without ext charge, ; Sent prepaid to anv part of h world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept E ."!U, EDWIN 15. U1LES&CO.MPANY LM:0 and Market Street, I'lid vlel : phia. All correspondence strictly conti 1 ( ential. TRY MEATS FROM Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co. l'ETZOLD & BETHKE, Props. New Stratton Building, Oregon City EVERYTHING NEAT CLEANEST SHOP W e carry the largest stock of Caskets Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas county. We are the only underiakers in the county owning a hearse, which we fur nish for less than can be had elseuhere. vVe are under small expense and do not ask large profits. GU pri'inotly attend id ni,'ht or day R. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court House. Brown & Welch Proprietors of the Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON 0 MUKHnnnRCSTnatns; ia So? ft tionoi a lamovw- renca nrwian.will quickly cure f V..U8 or il! i.-u-.'s 1 ( iu,: b, ai-rative .n.-:.iia, siicii ni . . .;! Insiim-iia, l';r ii-!n the iSomiK.-il i-:,ivi,.M 1 t, ult - r.iiiiiti.um; iininia, vanrwoie anq V - Cenilijati..n. 11 a,l l.v-sc hviiav or iiwht Pnwtn qulr. Birss l.senarr. w;.ioa if iiui ctierk1 lom to siprnnatorrha-a and 'CUFlDEKS V.talifirtibeprescrljF cure cm 01 an nor prions DcbUitv, 8EFOH6 ao A FT " a t";!;; out 4 Don't pas ns by call in an l getour pi kes. Red Front Trading Company. I'tene? V 11 ftMF oltiuisvs UieLver. Uia l-'i.iurv nrtrmi c.l ail imi-uriiiftii. 1 lm r'-ason Mi--rs aro not mrfil oy 1 ..-oi is bi-cuuse ntn(ty per ent are trrniblM wtfli f'TOMalHl. Crri tl-'.X K is tlii' only feti,vn rt-ni, i!y tn cure vlllioul u;i or-ration. ..ilPKtimonfc ais. A wntti'o irn-irant.' civn anl money return? u if s!x bnxps dors not eil'eci a umuiiuieut eurtt f 1.0Oa box. six for f i.Oi:, by ir.:.il. 8,miU f.r FUKKcrrcularaiid tt'stiuioiiiata. Adrtresa PlVok MCBICIJil! COr.O. ITO. Ssn Prancbco, Cnl. Ibr&titt? G. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City Oregoa V X