Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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''innillliiHiiiaimiri h....jih,,a, mil m'J-
100,000 Rolls of Wall Pa- I
'i Per at 5c per double roll at I
4 W.L. Block, The Home-I
turnisher, opposite P. O. I
" 'W Itmnf i.Hliiiilpi.ni.i.;ii iii-iiiiMiii J
B W. King, of Portland, was in the
city Saturday.
Miss Laura Mohr, of Needy, has been
visiting friends at Hubbard.
" George Ogle, ol MolalU, returned
uuiu a visi t,n Mcviionvilie Monday.
Miss Ola Rindall, of Newport, is v;s.
iting her sister, Mies Louva Randall.
Circuit Judge T. A. M,;!5ride is at his
bome on upper Seventh street for a few
Kev. W. S. Grim and fimily removed
to their new home at Willamette Fallj
J. K. Graha'n came up from Portland
yesterday, and went ojit to Carus to take
a look at his farm.
VV. A. Hnntlev has recovered fnm
his recent illness, and is again behiud
the counter in the store.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. McOutchan, of
btDrkion, Oilif.. are visising her par
euts, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. O'Neill.
JMw Olaussen, of Canby, recently un
derwent a surgical .operation in Port
land, and is now on the road to recov
ery. Willh.m Morey was up from Port
land Tuesdaj to visit Mr. Mulvy, who
is confined to his borne with a cancer
ous affection.
Colonel Robert A. Miller is at Van
couver, Wash., this week, whert he is
busy with an important contest before
the United States land office.
VVillard Austin, who has been teach
ing school at Hamilton, Grant county,
for tome time past, arrived in the city
yesterday, and will visit for a few days
in the county.
E. P. Dedman, of Clackamas, was in
town yesterday. He is confident of
winning ont in his candidacy for the
nomination of county recorder on the
republican ticket.
County Treasurer A. Luelling visited
his son, S. P. Luelling and family at
Redland last Sunday. He was accom
panied home by Mrs. Luelling, who bad
teen visiting there for a week.
Mies Myrtle Williams will go to Ore
gon City this morning, where she hat
been summoned to the bedside of her
aider, Ui Esther Williams, who is se
rious, y in, suffering with dropsy .--Salem
Mrs. Fred Parmer, formerly a well
known resident of Oregon City, is now
making her home at South Freeman,
Maes. She left here a few weeks ago
with the body of her late husband, in
tending to bury it at his old home.
Judge Ryan, Mrs. Parmer's agent, re
ceives letters from her every week.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon
Oity, Ore., on January 30th, 1902:
Women's Lint Mrs. D. Meyer, Mrs.
Victorine Hatton, Mrs Souel.
Men's List W. Berdine, Olarence
Green, Hugh Hawkins. A. D. Hill,
Jack H. McLaughlin, Joe Mennen 2,
J. Morows, Arthur Pressey, W.L. Sni
dow, J. J Simtnens, Joseph Traxtel,
A. J. Wisdom, H. B. Walker.
Estray Notice.
One six or seven year old milk cow,
dark red, small, white star in forehead,
white spot under body and one on hind
leg; also on one shoulder; horns of me
dium size, with shell of left horn broke
off. Reward given. Communicate to
Chris Tkllefson,
Parkplace, Ore.
Dr. Baker's
Rock, Rye and
Tolu does not
disturb the
stomach as
most cough
remedies d o .
Some people
think the for
mula too simple
to cure a cough
but cuHtomers
who have tried
It think differ
ent. People are beelnninr to
weekly sales mean a big saving to them; a discount of 0
20 to 60 per cent is worth looking after, particularly
when our sale always consists of something for every
day use. House Thermometers are right in line this
cold weather and every family should have a fever
Get one now for 63 cents.
Our new fever ther
mometer made especial
ly for us. Every- one
corrected, tested and
registered. $i.oo, $1.25
and $1.50 for 63c, 83c,
99c and $.22.
All our 75c $i, $1.25
thermometers at 50 per
cent discount.
Oregon City, Ore. Cut-Price Druggist.
The K. of L. of S. will give a social en
tertainment at Willamette hall next
Good music and a good time at the
concert on Thursday evening, February 1
fith nt WilLmitf. 3
The eight-months child of Richard .
Tobin died TueBday The funeral oc-'
currea on tne following day-
The following divorce suits were filed
in the circuft court this week: Anna vs
UiarenceT. Darling, M. E. vs J. J.
Evans, Albert vs Alva T. Stith.
Rev. Bollinger will speak on "Social
ism of the Old T stament" be ore the
Maple Lane Social st Club at the Mi-
Ple Late schoolhou-e next Tuesday
The New Era flouring mill has beeuu
operation, and rs now ready to grind the
farmers' wheat. Flour and feed ex
changed for wheat. Satisfaction guar
anteed. New Era millers.
Unitarian S srvic's It v. W G. El
liot, Jr., will preach Sunday evening,
Feb 2, at 7:30 o'clock at Willamette
hall Subjuctof sermon: "Unitarians
and the Bible." All elcom).
"The "little woman's pl y" by the
Falls View Ideal Glut will be a pare of
the program of thd Knight au 1 Lvtiea
Security emertaiumsnt at illa.u-jtte
nail on (riday evening, Feb. 7.
You will mske no mistake in buying a
United States cream separator of tlietT.
8. Townsend Creamery Company at 44
Second Street, Portland. They give
easy terms, and will take cream in ex
W. H. Stonehacker returned recently
from his prairie claim 35 miles south of
Sbaniko. He is located near Young
Brothers' store. The extension of the
railroad to Prineville will run through
his land.
The late freeze and Bnow storm will
kill the worms and hilars that work on
the crops, and afforded several days
good sleighing. The cold weather was
not severe, and the thawing has com
menced. Two cents per copy for first-class
sheet music is certainly a rare bargain.
The reason for it is the closing out of the
sheet music department at Huntley's
bookstore. Sale commences Saturday,
Feb. 1st. See their window display.
The Rev. P K. Hammond, rector of
St. Paul's chuich, wil! deliver next
Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock ser
vice, the second of the series of sermons
on "Christian Doctrine," and at the
5 o'clock service the second sermon in
the aiiea on "The Bible."
Everybody cordially invited to the
concert ob Thursday evening, February
6th at Willamette hall.
Bessie Hubbard, guardian of the mi
nor heirs of Mabel Hubbard, deceased
has granted an order by the probate
court to rent the home farm to William
Jones for one year for the consideration
of $75. In the matter of the Lorena
Robs estate, a distribution was ordered.
The pastor of the Congregational
church will speak on "The Unreason
ableness oi our Prejudice Against the
Jew," next Sunday evening. This
topic is especially appropriate after the
address given by Raobi Wise to the
Mens' Congregational Club on Wednes
day evening.
W.F.Snodgrass has leased the Cheney
Art Gallery of J . F. Rait and will take
charge February 1st. Mr Snodgrass
ran a gallery in Astoria for nix years
and has recently returned from a stay
in the blast. He has had 15 years'experi
ence in the oicture business and will
keep the gallery up to its present high
standard besides introducing new fea
tures. According to the Aurora Borealis,
Fred Hurst has made a proposition to
that city to the effect, that if the mu
nicipality will put in a system of water
works, he will furnish the power and
keep the sama in repair, provided that
the city agrees to take electric lights to
the amount of $20 per month for a per
iod of three years.
At the meeting of the taxpayers and
voters, of the Oregon City school
Palo Alto
Condition Pow
ders contains
Lobelia a u d
Blood root for
cnuuh, Ging r,
Capsicum and
Iron for tonic,
apd Sulphur
and Cream Tar
ter for the blood
Why phould
they not be the
bent condition
powders on the
market ?
understand that our soer.tal
House thermometers,
tin, good quality, regu
lar 20 cents, special 1 ic.
Fancy wood case regu
lar 25 cents," special (4
Floating Rath Ther
mometers, regular 25c,
special 15c.
Dairy Thermometers
regular 25c special 15c
district held Tuesday night, a bix mill
tax was .voted. As usual there was
ouly a small representation of taxpayers
present. There is a deficiency in the
expense account, and it is recommended
that $5,000 in bondi be issued to take
up the accrued and floating indebted
ness. A meeting wid be held on the
first Monday in March to further con
sider this matter. It is claimed that ad-
5-T- .
room is needed in the school
Mi?a Burse Reddick left nn Thursday
of this week for Salem to visit Iriends.
Concert on Thursday
6lh,at Willamette hall.
evening Feb.
Will trade a first-class milk cow, fresh
in March, for a good buggy. Inquire
For Sale Ten acres in Mount Pleas
ant, 2 miles from the court house ; 8
acres in cultivation; 600 hearing fruit
trees; two weds; good bonne, near
school Terms easy. Inquire at Courier-Herald
If you love good music remember the
concert on Thursday evening. Feb. 6th,
at Willamette hall. -
To Voters.
Arrangements have been made for a
meiting of democrats, populists and in
dependent voters to be held about two
weeas from Saturday to discuss the
county political situa.ion and the advis
ability of a county ticket pie g id to re
form in county offices. Particulars will
be given in next week issue.
County Not
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Clara Mae, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Hughes, to Mr.
Lawrence Charles Hnrnschuch. They
will be at home alter March 1st, at Se
attle, Wash. Oregon lan 19th. Mr.
Hornschuch is a former Albany clerk
The fact is, Mr. Hornschuch was
quietly married at Vancouver, Wash.,
about the holidays, and accompanied
by his bride, visited his parents, near
Beaver Creek Boon after the New Year
holiday. Mr. Hornscbuch was em
ployed as clerk for two or three stores in
this city for a couple of years. There ia
a tinge of romance connected with his
marriage to Miss Hughes, as told by
those presumed to be familiar with the
facts. For Borne time past, Mr. Horns
chuch was employed in a San Francisco
wholesale establishment. Mr. Hughes
is reputed to be a wealthy oil operator.
Mrs. Hughes, who was in precarious
health, removed from Ban Francisco to
Portland to try a change of climate.
She was accompanied by her daughter.
At first Mrs. Hughes's health appar
ently grew worse. The engagement be
tween the young people had received
the earnest approval of the parents.
Mrs. Hughes' malady became serious,
and she feared that she wonld die. She
was anxious to see her daughter mar
ried before she passed away. As a re
sult the yonng people went to Vancou
ver, and were quietly married. Mrs.
Hughes -has materially improved in
health, and Mr. Hornschuch and his
bride are hustling along the road to
A young woman school teacher, of
Portland, was married to a young man
from the same locality a few days ago.
The wedding was strictly private. The
information Btates that the bride is a
teacher in the public schools, and
would forfeit her position, were it
known that she is a married woman.
The husband has gone to Honolulu to
accept a lucrative position. It is stated
that the wedding will be announced next
June, after the close of the Portland
schools, when the couple wil! have their
honeymoon in Honolulu. They were
married in Oregon City.
Mrs. Laura Z. Pincus has begun ac
tion in the superior court to set aside a
decree of divorce recently secured by
A. P. Pincus. She alleges that her hus
band resorted to various fraudulent
methods to secure ihe Bame. It is al
leges that Pincus married a young
woman two. days later and hail left for
parts unknown Vancouver Register -Democrat.
Pincus was recently mar
ried here to Miss Maud Keeney. The
Pincuses were prominent people "of Van
couver. .
New Odd-Fellows Lodge at Canby.
A large delegation of rdd Fellows
from Oregon City, Clackamas and other
localities went to Canby Saturday night
to assist Grand Patriarch Ryan insti
tute a new lodge. The lullowiug lodges
from this end of the county were repre
sented by the following persons:
Oswego C harles Risley, H. U. Staik
weather Clackamas S. T. Garrison, H. Naap,
H. A Webster, John Robinson, L. J.
Keebe, Willis linel, Isaac Johnson, J. A.
Talbert, K. P. De'lmau, K. C. Chap
man, M. Ryckman, Krank Talbert Milo
Thomson and probably others, whose
name were not learned.
Oregon City Jharles E. and W. L.
Midlam, J. K. Morris, II. S. Gibon,
L H. Feaster, W. M. Shank, E. W.
!-cott, C. B. Lampnian, J. J. Cooke,
E. II. Cooper, J. VV. Jones, John A.
Olds, J, W. Jones, E. A. Leiubton,
T. P. Randall, George T Howard,
H. W. Trembath, C. H. Dye, Grant
Olds, F. II Welfh, J. E. Jack, S. s.
Walker and possibly ethers.
Delegations, also were present from
Silver'ou, Woodbuin, Aurora and other
lodge points.
The lodge was ins'ituted with 23
charter members, with a promising out
loo, for the future. The women of
Canby served a banquet at midnight to
the visitors. The ceremonies lasted all
night. The following ollicers. were in
stalled :
Noble g'nnd, Weldon M. Shank ; vice
grand, Elmer Veteto; secretary, ilee
nan S. Gibson ; treasuit-r. B. II Carl
ton; ward 'ii. Dr. ll. A. Deilman; con
ductor, Olto Evans; ngnt supporter
noble grand, O. L I'a'.c s; left mppor
ttr noble grand, C. W. Armstrong ; right
supporter vice-grand, A. Kocher; left
supporter vice-grand, A. 11. Knight;
iiinule sentinel, Adam Knight; outside
sentinel, W. 11. Bair.
For Sale My improved farm of 115
acres, 'A 1 2 miles south of Oregon City,
and 1-2 mile north of New Era. On the
place are loUO bearing pune trees, nine
years eld, also a Utst-i:iipr jved drier.
Good buildings. Price, $4) per acre,
' Apply to Ma't Clemens, New Era.
Several Interesting Functions Dur
my tlie Week.
The event of the week was the Mens'
Club supper held Wednesday evening
in the parlors of the Congregational
church. After the supper festivities, ;
Robbi Stephen S. Wise gave a lecture in '
in the pulpit of the auditorium. Hon.
C. B. Moores presided at the excellent '
upper, and short after dinner speeches i
were made by ex-Mayor Latourette, j
Mayor Dimick, MeBcrs. Dresser, Cross, i
Dye, Ryan, Rabbi Wise and Evi Emery
Dye. Id the church auditorium there'
was a short musical program, consist-1
ing of a quartet selection by MesdameB
Caufield, Ganong, Porter and Miller,!
and a solo by Mrs. C. W. Pope. MisB
Mattie Draper was the accompanist.'
The subject oi Dr. Wise's lecture was '
'Judea's Gift to the World." It was
eloquent and intellectual, and by far j
the ablest lecture ever given before the ,
club. Ho showed what Christ and the ,
Jews had done for the world in spite of I
continued, cruel persecu'ion
The male guests at Mrs. W. H. H.
Samson's boarding house, gave a sleigh
ing party to a number of their yonng 1
women friends Tuesday evening. After
driving over the city tor a couple of
hours, refreshments were served. The
members of the party were Misessj
Cheney, Dalton, Chase, McMillan,:
Cnsuey, Gabbert, Samson, Taylor;
Messrs, Adams, Schwab, Stfpp, Soules, i
Rapp, Damico, '1 aylor, Rait; Mrs. Di-j
vine, Miss Cnpter, Mr. and Mrs. Samson, '
Geiser, fcheriff and Mrs. Cooke.
Dislrict Grand Master Jennie E.'
Rowen. of this city, was the guest of
honor at a Special session of the United
Artisans in Tacoma a few days ago. At
the initiation ceremonies Miss Rowen 1
presided, and W H. Manika, on behalf
of the assembly, presented her with a
bouquet of carnations, after which she
was conducted to the banqnet hall. The
principal feature of the banquet was a
large cake adorned with Miss Rowen's
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. O'Neill enter
tained a number of frienhs at their
home on lower Sixth street last Satur
day evening in honor of their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
McCutchan, of Stockton, Calif.
Mrs. Ed Sheahan entertained a num
ber of friends at her home on Monroe
street last Thursday evening with a de
lightful whist party. Light refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. A. N. Munsey entertained a
number of friends last Saturdav even
ing with a card party. Mrs. Hall and
T. M. Miller further entertained the
guests with (uitar selections. Refresh
ment! were served.
Mrs. Will Alldredge gave 4 pleasant
afternoon tea Wednesilav in honor of
Miss Oda Randall, of Newport.
Miss Florence Grace entertained a
party of 10 little girls last Saturday in
honor of her ninth. btrthday. Games
were played during the afternoon ,
and refreshments were served.
Italian Bees For Sale.
In new patent hives with super M each.
For information inquire of Frank Buch ,
Oregon City, or see proprietor, II. Heit
kemper, Oak Grove, on electric car line
Mint tmks raon ftr s ping d b
and offer all millinery goodsrleowcostoa
Miss Goldsmith.
W. L. Yancy, Pai'urah, Ky., writes:
"1 had a severe case of kidney disease
and three of the best physicians in
Southern Kentucky treated me without
succer.s I was induced to try Foley's
Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave im
mediate relief and three bottles cured
me permnently. I gladly recommend
thiL wonderful remedy." Take no sub
stitute. Charman & Co.
Quit paying rent, and don't pay in
terest. Own your own home. The Or
egon Home Mutual Society will buy
yonr Borne and pay off your mortgage,
and give ou 1 years and eight months
to par for It. Only $5 35 per month for
a $f,000 home. H. M. llarnden, Ore
gon City, agent.
N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes:
"My daiiLdite. had a severe attack of la
grippe and a terrible cough settled on
her lungs. We tried a great many reme
dies without giving relief She tried Fo
ley's Honey and Tar which cured her.
She has never been troubled with
cough since. Charman &Co.
For Rent.
A 10 acre tract in Canemah 20 min
utes walk from Woolen mill. Good
house and out bui din s. Two good
rows for sale. For information call at
house, or address R. W. Porter, P. O.
Box GO, Oregon City, Or.
Teople Believe In It
It has been cynically said that any
thing can be sold by advertising now-a-days.
This is not so. Many liniments
have been adveriiaed but only one
Perry Davis' : Painkiller has stood the
test of fixty years' use. Today its popu
larity is greater than ever and is based
not. upon what anybody s says but upon
what the remedy does. There is but
one Painkiller, Perry Davis'.
Blown to Atoms.
The old idea that trie body sometimes
needs a powerful, drantic, purgative pill
has been exploded; for Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless
gently stimulate liver and bowel to ex
pel poisonous matter, cleane the sys
tem and absolutely cure Constipation
and S:ck Headache. Only 25c at Geo.
A. Harding.H drug store.
' 500 tracts of land for nale. Inquire of
O. A. Cheney, Oregon City, Or.
County I rett sunt ' Xlire.
I now r.ave rnoney to pay road war
lails endorsed prior to April Int. 1901.
In'.erest will ceasi on tli warrants e:r.
bracid i.i this call on the tlate hereof.
A. Lukli.isu, 1 re'asurer,
Clackamas Conntv, Or.
Oregon City, Jan 3)th, 19j2. '
(Oolden EHule Bazaar
0rtCD City's Big Cash Store
Greater Bargains . Than Ever
II1 250 Bheet pencil tahletwith C
i bright cover.. ..
ll Good Heavy Comfortables
leachers' Examination,
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Clackamas county will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for state and county papers at
Oregon City, as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. Uth,
at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until
Saturday, Feb. 15th, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book-keeping,
phveics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Botany, plane geometiy,
general history, English literature, psy
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 12th,
at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until
Friday, Feb. Hth, at 4 o'clock p. m.
CATES. Wednesday Penmanship, history, or
thography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Fridaj Geography, mental arithme
tic, physiology, civil government.
Wedneflday Penmanship,
raphy, r ading, arithmetic.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods, physiology.
J. 0. Zinskk,
Superintendent of Schools.
Oregon City. Jan. 21, 1902.
Born, in Oregon City, Tliursdsy night,
January 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. D. F.
Whiteman, a girl
The Woodmen Win fit ie Contest,
Following is the vol's in the dickering
piano contest:
W. O. W 1,030,471
K. O. T M 390,030
Last Saturday night closed the mem
orable contest, and the Woodmen were
awarded the piano.
A Baseball Meeting.
All persons interested In baseball are
invited to a Hem I a meeting to be held
at the armory Saturday night, to ascer
tain what encouragement will be given
baseball, during the coming season.
This paper had a long" article on the sub
ject last week.
The Kent Presoiltlon for Malaria
Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tameless form. No
cure no pay. Price 60c.
U ( Cotton tilled
Men's Heavy Wool Socks 1
C Kegular 25c, now DC j
! I Umbrellas Steel Rods ,AQ-', Johnaon Bros'. FnRllslmnmt- 1C
Regular 60 and 75c, now . . I C ; . JSTsei'" p".fnid s,mctr8 7 C j
No. 14 large size Turkey '! Extra Good Snspendeis
Feather Dusters ZOCji "President" otyle..! ZOC
B J Fancy Dishes, odd lots of plates, Q i! BestOntlDf Flnanel Q J
9 mugs, cups and lancers and cream fjP.', fteond Grade n Of)
g Spltchers ' Third ' 6o WWS
I Larfle stock of Valentines-Latest Novelties.
For 45 AYS
Desiring to close
out my stock of
Boy's and Men's Clothing
I have decided to
sell the entire lot
m AT S S T x
To make room for new goods will also make a
Reduction of 10 - per Cent
on Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Etc
General Merchandise Store
women Viel Kid I.ace 4 r
Shoss, hind sewed, turn and 11 L
welt sole. Regular 12.80 ...
C Flannelette Wrappers, net rh 4 r-ri
?2.00. Sale price Y'-'U)
Men's Wool Hats, new AEl-
styles 40C
Notice of School Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given to te legal
voters of Scheol District No. 02 of Clack
amas county, state of Ore on that a
school meeting for said district will be
held at the county court room in the
court house at Oregon City, to begin at
Ihe hour of 7 :30 o'clock p m., on Tuee
dav, the J8th day of January, 1902.
This meeting is railed for the pnrpoM
of levying a tax on all the assessable
property within the district for general
school purposes, for the ensuining year.
O.O. Albright, Chairman.
Attest, C. O. T. Williams, Clerk.
Dated this 15th day of January ,1902.
Frank Treadwell, Bennett, la., wa
troubled with kidney disease for twr
years. He writes: "I had taken several
kinds of kidney remedies, but with lit
tle benefit. Finally I tried Foley's Kid
ney Cure and a one dollar bottle cured
me. Charman & Co.
There Are Simple Remedies'
indispensable in any family. Among
these, the experience of years assures
us, should be recorded Painkiller. For
both internal and external application
we have found it of great value; especi
ally ran we recommend it for colds,
rheumatism, or fresh wounds imd
bruises. Christian Era Avoid sub ti
tutes, there Is but one Painkiller, Peiry
Davis.' Price 25! and 50c.
P. C C O. Ry, Co,
25c is the -regular Sunday
round trip rate between Orem
City and Portland. Get "your tickets a'
Harding's drug store "
For ver 8lxty jear
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hat
been used for over fifty years by millioni
of mothers for their children whilt
teething, with perfect sucrens. I'
soothes the child, softens the gume
allays all pain, enres wind colic, and it
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Ii
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggist
in every part of the World. Twenty-
ftvrA pantu a hntfln Tin vulim tntnnnlmi-
luhla RpnnrAnnrl nuti fur Mi-m. Winn.
low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other
Here is a Bargain.
I have one foreclosure place left and
unso'.d; 60 acres level, good soil; 1(1
acres nice cultivation; balance light
brush; new house, fix large rooms, not
finished inside, but roHt $300 as i'
stands. Two groat spring; 11 milef
from Orpgon Citv; one-half mile from
plank road; worth j 1 330 ; will take $750;
longtime; easy terms.
II. K Ciiohh,
Oregon I ity.
8 acres on east edge of city limits for
pale at your own price. Inquire at Courier-Herald