Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The first snow of the reason fell on
'riilay, January 24. There it) now
bout five inches. '
SurpUe parties seem to be the order
f the week.
A surprise was given' the Dix boys
itt Monday evening An enjoyable
eeniiiu was epent in names and music,
'hose present were Mr. and Mrs. Dix,
ir. and Mr. P. K. Bonney, Mrs. Delia
la.rs, of Sprinuwatcr : MeBsrs, Jesse,
(fill, Jehu and Oscar Dix, Walter Gor
ett, Jene and Kelly James, Lewie Hub
ard, Johnny ai.d Oleve Laferty, Oscar
Jarlson, Mr. JtuuiHn ; Misses Gorbett,
ihristina CarUon, Amy Honney, Emma
ail Sadie Freeman, Bessie, Meadie,
lella, Jossie and Alma Hubbard, Edith
iucknt r; (Jliarlie and Dulph Freeman.
A pleaHant surprise party was ven
he Misses Hubbard on Wednesday eve
dng. GameB were enjoyed until a late
lOur, when all returned home. Those
resent wee Mr and Mrs P E Bonney,
Ira Delia Marrs; Messrs Roman, Use,
Vill, Ji'tia and Oscar Dix, Jesse and
Ceily James, O-icar Carlson, Charlie
arrett, Waller Gorbett, Johnny and
Jleve Laferty, Lewie Hubbard and
lisses Edith Jackson, Lula and Bala
arrett, Grace Gorbett, Edith Buckner,
my Butiney, Katie Liiferty, Christina
nd Clara Carlson, Bessie, Meadie,8tella
OBsie and Alma Hu hard,
Mr Roman gave a spelling school last
veiling. Don't jou know who proved
0 he the best wpelier?
Emery Gottberg is on the sick list.
The Hubbard children expect to leave
W on soon as hev are going to rent
heir place for an indefinite time.
Winter is here at last. Old Mother
ICarth has on her fur coat this morning.
Surpri e parties seem to be the order
if the (is y A crowd of young people
;ave the Dix brothers a pleasant sur
rise l;i?t Monday niht, and on Wed
tesday night the Misbes Hubbard were
ileasantly surprised, but on account of
i-oom they went to the C 0 hall, where
ames were indulged in until the wee
mall hours. All report having had a
sood time.
There was a spelling-bee at the C 0
Uall lust night which ended in a party.
W S Gorbett tied bis horses to the
ence last Wednesday and took his gun
i) see what some hounds were after, and
earn his got frightened and ran away
What is the matter with our mail?
"Sometimes our capers come on Saturday
md other times not till Wednesday.
Cliero must be something wrong with
air mail carriers or postofflces. There
oust he a screw Iooho some place.
W E Bonney and wife, formerly of
his place, were visiting with their
I mi?liter, Mrs. Ellen Csuntryman, last
ireek ami returned to Sherwood, Or.,
aat Monday.
Emery Gottberg, who has beon on
he Bii'k list, the past week, Is able to be
iron nd again.
Misa Emma Freeman has been visiting
er grandparents, Mr aud Mrs S H Dix.
D x Hns. have their new skid road
milt, which is a great help to their log
ging Sauh Khaut.
Mountain riew.
Who says there is no cold weather in
The thermometer registers 12 decrees.
Meases are in this burg again. .lelen
Sly has them.
Miss O la Rtndall, of Newport, Lin
:oln county, is visiting relatives and
friends here,
Miss Hat ie llingo lia. been quite sick
ith typhoid malaria
Does your horse "feci his
oats"? What a difference be
tween tho grain-fed and the
jrass-fed horse I The first
.itronj and full of ginger, the
second flabby, weak and tired
)ut before he begins. The
'ceding, makes the difference.
Children are not alike cither.
One is rosy, bright-cyed, full
jf life and laughter, another is
nale, weak and dull. The feed'
aig ,t;;;im i. responsible.
Sickly children need special
"ecd ir.g. They don't "feci their
xtts". S'.'ott's K:uilsieii adds
"ust the right richness to their
Ikt. It is like grain to the
iorse. The child gets new
appetite and strong digestion.
Scott's I'mulsion is more
;han food. It is a strong
medicine. It rouses up dull
children, puts new flesh on thin
ones and red blood into pale
ones. It makes children grow.
Scott's Emulsion makes ordi-
Inary food uo Us
This picture represents
the Trade M.iik ot Scott's
EniuHon and ia on tho
w rapper of every bottle.
! fcnd for f.-cs nmplc
409 Tearl St., New York.
$oc end ft. all dru&.-ti.
Miss Rosa Molvan came into town
Monday to bring her brother, John, who
has gone east of the mountains fo visit
his brother, Bam Mulvahy, and family.
Improvement are still going on.
Charlie Gale is building e fine residence
on his property in the suburbs of Moun
tain View. Mr Seelev has nurchased
four lots of Mr Moran and intends to
build, a lionpo there Boon.
The water pipes are nearly all fro zen
and bursting and some pumps frozen,
thus making water scarce.
Onr Sunday school and congregation
last Sunday afternoon were poorly at
tended. Preaching again jn two weeks.
Sunday school i heir' every Sunday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock with J L Swafford
as superintendent. Salina.
Louis Toedtermier is improving
farm with a barb wire fence.
Ike Recket fell in the lower pond Sat
urday and the boys pulled him out .
G. Loony has returned from Lower
Mr. Beaman has lost one of his horees.
Sc'iauber Bros, have their talking ma
chine at the upper camp.
Snow Flake.
WilsonvMe .
About four inches of snow fell at Wil
sonvilleon Jan. 26, which still covers
the ground, and sleigh bells are heard at
late hours.
Some of the most popular young peo
pie ot Froi? Pond were nut for a sleigh
ride Monday evening and made a call to
this town.
Jake Peters, our local merchant, made
a business trip to Jemrson, Marion
county, last Friday evening and reports
the fall grain looking well, and not a
flake of snow had fallen there
George Aden has been a salesman at
the W C . store the past week.
The A. O U. W. and Degree of Honor
Lodges of Wilsnnville are going to build
a two-f-tory hall. Tho dimensions will
be 30x81) feet,
The committee appointed j
was C. I . Tooze, M. C. Youne and E
Coniatock. Building will commence at
an early date.
Peters Bros, have sold their team of
mules to William Murray.
H. D. Harmes, of this place, went to
Portland last Friday to get a load of
drugs for Dr. Osborn, the druggist, after
starting for home be entered the store of
Roggie & Storp and his team getting
frightened and ran away. They ran
about two miles out of town before being
caught. They went at the rate of about
13 miles an hour. The entire load was
demolished Blitz.
Beaver Lake.
Hello, Mr. Editor! Woke up this
morning to find two and one-half inches
of snow on the ground.
Health generally good with the ex
ception of a few bad colds.
Range cattle are looking well for this
time of the year.
G. W. Wylund and sons are making
the brush fly.
Cyrus Jones, of Scotts Mills, was seen
passing through this burg one day last
Ralph Slaughter and his brother-in-law
were doing some work iu this sec
tion a few days ago.
C. G. Vorhles returned home from
Mill City Friday last, where he has been
visiting Mian Koenke. He reported hav
ing hail a pleasant trip
The dance given by thePaquette Bros
at A. Pluard's Friday last was a grand
success. The light fantastic toe was i
tripped until 12 o'clock when a delicious
lunch was served. After lunch was
served dancing was continued until 7
o'clock a. m. The most notable feature
of the event was a jig by Frank Haun
.n,i .Ti.n pio ' ntu ii,,.trf ii
dancers, before a delighted audience '
. " . .
Among those present were G Wyland,
O G Yorhies. Bert Wade. Miss Clara
Paquette, Francis Haun, Misses Rosa . ry lnahue, Una f uriui. Uliy Lado
and Adeline Paquette, Mr and Mrs D M nRU.' Zflla A Dibble Delia
Groshong, Mr and Mrs John Pluard. j dt Mt9A lAlice Henderson: Messrs.
Music was furnished by Frank Haun ster Cadonau.Vert Surfu , Mo, on
and A Pluard George Groshong andAG ?.Bft,?Ier1anId, Floyd Dibble, John
Wyland were floor managers and James
1 ,ara (1 ...unairora .n,l Jan,
Paquette was master of ceremonies.
C G Vorhies is making several trips
across Butte Creek of late.
What seems to be the attraction,Jim.
I Slim Jim.
Sh ubel.
Oh, what a change in the weather!
Three inches of snow.and the thermome
ter at 20 degrees.
A large crowd of young folks and a
number of old ones had a good time
sleighing last night on the hills above
Mr. Ilornshuh's place. A number re
ceived more or less injury, none serious.
Quite a number of farmers w ho had
sleds took time mid gave their families
out for a ride, among them being John
Wolf. J. UroHstnueilvr, William Martin
and G. A, Schubel.
Mr. Cumins has rented bis sawmill to
J. W. Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hornshuh returned
to Portland today.
T. V. Duffy is able to around again
after a fevete attack of rheumatism,
Mr. Sluedeman is out looking for a
span of hiMses, his team being too old,
one of his horses being over 30 years old.
We are informed over that our road
supervisor made a rule that a man w ho
pays no poll tux will not get a j b on the
roi'd. Well, jnell, he pays no poll tax
himself, auif yet be woiks wbin he
pleases. Isn't it funny ,n poor rule that
don't work both ways.
A number ot the boys were out coon
hutiling, but we have not heard of any
being killed.
E. W. Ilornsliuh is building a half
mile ol wiie (erne.
I IttNDKltllA.NNliS.
How does this weather strike yon,
brother laimers? It eeems like it was
cold enough to kill some of the pests
that are here? It keeps the hayseeds
busy now feeding and caring for their
Frank Case returned home Sunday
for a short visit with his parents. He
is in the employ of the O. It. & N. as
nail clerk.
E. Austin, our sawmill "man, is going
so r.iie his thm.tf higher, and be in-
j tends to put in a circular saw. He can-
not supply his patrons with the present
Horses are in good demand, and are
changing hands lively in this section
at good prices.
Joe Meldrum and H. WoodB, of Ore
gon Citv, left here this morning. Mr.
Woods is canvassing the county with a
new map.
How is it that men are coming from
Oregon City to buy chicken feed from
the farmers and paying 60 cents a
Get your mayors "and police ready in
our country towns for the politicians
will soon be' here to corrupt the people
and again chew the Bame old rag.
Mr. Editor, if you were only here to
take a sleigh ride you would enjoy it.
When the sleighs start they sound like
a thousand head of cattle on the dead
run with bells from the finest to the
coarsest. Some of which, I think came
across the plains.. Dogs barking and
chickens crowing, they think their time
has come and the world is to an end, but
the oung folks are full of glee and they
enjoy it.
Good boy, Johnnie, and that is right,
take the children to school in the sleigh
for it is not often they get to see snow
and a good ride.
The first snow storm seems to have
brought everybody bad colds.
Johnnie Darnall, who has been work
ing in Portland for the paBt three
months, has returned borne, where be
will remain until the recovery or his
brother, w ho is very sick.
May Davis was a visitor in Oregon
City last week.
Mrs. Bogue has been eick again.
Ward Walters has been visiting his
aunt, Mrs. Bugue, the past two weeks.
A farewell party was given at the
home of jlra. Felger last Wednesday
evening. A good time was enjoyed by
all Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Woodside. H. H. Perrv anil family.
Bayne Howard.Clyde and Verna Smith,
Alva, Albert and Elmer Erickeon, Mrs.
Daniels and daughters. Ella and Katie.
Agnes Wallace, Fred Force and Eruest
Mrs. Force has been on the sick list.
Mrs. Carlisle and daughters, Beatrice
and Ethel, were visitors here last week.
Fred Wallace and Jot Mallatt "vere
visiting H. Seltzer last week.
From out of the dimly floating mists
Mt. Hood looks down and far away
Where faintly in the distance shines
The sunlit waters the bay.
Notwithstanding all the storms of years,
Unmoved she looks on all below.
And folds acroae her burning heart
A mantel of eternal snow.
El wood.
The first snow in this season fell Jan u
ary 24th to the depth of 2 inches.
Mis Emily Freeman has been visit
in2 her trrandnarents. Mr. and Mrs.
Dix, of Coiton.
Henry Turner has moved out onto his
father's farm.
A, 8. Henderson and Mr .Wilson have
the school grounds cleared and fenced.
Mrs. Turner and daughter, Maggie,
are visiting relatives and friends at Portland-Miss
Ora Surfus, who had the misfor
tune to sptain her ankle last Sunday,
was improving rapidly until until Thurs
day evening, but owing to her trip to
Delia's party, where she overtaxed her
strength in her efforts to be sociable she
is somewhat worse.
Morto i Park, Esq , of Oregon City, is
visiting relatives in our burg.
The young people of this locality
spent a very pleasant evening at a party
Riven by Delia Henderson Thursday.
I Tlie f,ore. Part of the evening was spent
m nluuinit iramoa afror1 nrltifth thaw
' inosepreseni were misses
ii 1 .irr.. mi. l if:
"U "'" 1 HI mery UU r.UUIB UOU-
berg, Willie Donahue and Emile Bitt-
Willis Cox and sister, Montie, are vis
iting relatives at Mehama, Or.
Miss Zella Park is suffering from neu
ralgia of the face,
Mr. Wilson, after returning from
prayer- meeting Wednesday evening,
played the violin for a few guests, who
spout the evening in dancing.
Lali.a Kooi.h.
liural lhll.
We are haying weather in Oriental
style snow, ice au l all kinds of cold
Mr Kilo had the misfortune to cut his
foot quite seriously last week. Dr
L"avitt is attending him.
Mrs llardesty, who lias beeu on the
eick list, is getting better.
T B Donaldson's brother, who his
been sick -for some time in Portland,
died recently.
L Cochran has been grubbing up his
A party nlll be given at Mr. Eymim's
home this evening.
Megaphones seem to ba the latest fad.
Chailes Heede has been milking one.
There was a dance given at the home
of Mr ami Mrs Beck Friday evening.
Those present report having had an en
joyable time.
Albert Eyman intends to goto Port
land to work awhile.
Joseph Johnston has sold his potatoes
for 50 cents per bushel.
Morris Myers sold his potatoes for the
consideration of $1.10 per cwt.
George Bede is expected home soon.
Lulu and Fannie Eyman are going to
Portland Thursday.
We have had three days of real winter
weather ..bout three Inches of snow
and steady c ild. Il'sgre it fun for the
Heal.h is e icrally good.
The Norwegian Lutheran "linister,
Rev 0 Hagoes, preached a sermon last
evening in the M K church to a fair
pin-d con.'rei'itioi. He will nreach
here again Febiuiry 17th in English.
We are glad to note so many socialist
clubs being organized throughout this
George W Ferris, of St Cloud, Minn.,
organizer, for the Order of Pendo, a fra
ternt.l insurance society, organized a
lodge here last Friday evening.
Suppose everybody write a letter to
Senator Mitchell urging him to woi k for
a parcel poBt law. Don't be afrai il of it
fellow republicans. Aek Senator Brow
nell, he will tell you.
Hon George Brownell came last f hurs
day evening gs per advertisement, and
delivered one of hiacalm, dispassionate
talks in Columbia hall to a good-sized
arjd appreciative audience. He told so
many truths that members of otlnjr par
ties were so amazed and pleased that
they were satisfied to let the speech stand
unquestioned, while what few republi
cans that were there looked puzzled to
think that George told so much. Per
sonally, we give Mr Brownell credit for
being several years ahead of his party.
We also give him cred.t for recognizing
the fact that there is such an organiza
tion as the socialist party, and his com
mon sense is too good to allude to us as
"anarchist," in fact, he said we were
good fellows, etc., but lawyers
don't always tell the truth. For in
stance, he alluded to George Ogle two or
three times as the man that was elected
to the legislature but refused to qualify
and assist in organizing the legislature,
as though Mr Ogle was the only ce who
failed to qualify. Why didn't the re
publicans go ahead and organize? I am
told that they were in a largu m ijodiy.
If that is true, it looks like a weak ar
gument now to sav that George Ogle
held up a republican legislature. If th at
is true, Mr Ogle is a bigger man than I
took him to he. He was also very sorry
that his friend, Gilbert Hedges, voted
again t the eight hour bill, but he con
veniently forgot to say that Gilbert
Hedges was the only member ,rom Clack
amas county that voied for the reduction,
of railroad fares from four to three cents
per milo. However, if we must Intve a
republican senator from this countv we
would prefer Mr Brownell, for the sim
ple reason that there is no moss on his
back. He is capable and progressive,
and when other epaakers Come here we
hope the republicans will turnout as well
as the other parties did to hear Mr.
Brownell. We don't want to forget to
say that Mr Brownell gave us some good
points on the question of "the iniative
and referendum," and every man who
considers himself capable of self govern
ment will' vote for it, and if he isn't fit
he shouldn't vote at all. Socialism will
give us the "initiative and referendum"
because its the very first principle of so
cialism, and that is just whose the shoe
pinches the mossbacks.
Maple Lane.
Maple Lane is one of those places that
yau read about, where farms are chang
ing hands daily and new buildings are
going up on all sides.
Mr. Shortlidge sold his farm the other
day, and a family will move out in a
month or two.
Mr. Swallow has been very low with
pneumonia but is improved at this writ
ing. Mr. Gale is building on his property
here, wuioh will be a great improvement
tJ this "neck of the woods."
J. S. Shilling has just completed the
construction ot a new smoke house.
Bailey brothers have added, greatly
to the convonienee of their barn by put
ting a shed on the north end.
A. Banmann has been making various
improvements on hu dwelling by the
addition of a new kitchen and the re
covering of the main part.
Mrs. Jackson visited her sister, Mrs.
Spangler, of Oarus, Sunday.
John Gaffney visited relatives at
Clackamas Tuesday and Wednesday.
Jan. 22. Pansy Elosjom.
Replying to Mrs. C. "home as we make
it 1 say, no, not always It is the
surroundings and influence of others
that breaks up many a home. I be
lieve that ev ry person has a calling of
character-entirely individual. and that if
each could orwould devalop along the line
ot tins calling there would be happiness
and pertect harmony in individual and
and social life instsad of this balng djne
the teudenc. of this raee seems to be to
pattern after others. We want to move,
speak and dress as others do. There is
a great deal more study put into the dis
covering of the secret key of individual
success and joy. A day has in it just
so many hours for each of ut, yet how
differently are onr (biys spent all over
the world, borne people, who should
be sitting quietly to think a little are
rushing hiilirrand thither in search of
novelty and excitement. Otlieis, who
should be taking u part in thij world's
worK are lazilv sitting at ease to dream.
JNu one can lav down a rule for out
ward conduct, but there is a rule pro
ceeding trom within to guide all. At
each moment there is a right thing to
be doing How little are we governed
by that thought, yet it is the true key
to happiness. Many you say have no
real home. That is true. 1 say a happy
home has uplifting influences. Home
means iudviduality. A happy home
means love, untrameled growth upward
along nouie lines. How many homes
have heen torn asunder by some old
diunken beast called a man. aud inlbi'
ences outside of your home, to meddle
w ith one nf the most sacred oaths that
can be taken by two persons. A man
and his wife start in life as one, build up
a homo and then it is torn asunder by
ttie meddlings of others. And then you
say uy make tlieir home as it is.
Winter has set in.
Grandp Noblitt visited Oregon City
t naay.
Rngsby & 'Pixou lost one of their fine
horses last week.
Mrs. Gib Perdue, who has been visit
ing her mother, is expected home Tues
Prof. Crittenden went to Milwauk ie to
attend the teachers' institute.
Nute Sarrells was greeting his old
friends here in Needy last wek.
Mrs. Eugene Mitts is visiting her son
rranK Mitts, in S 10.
S. O. Donielson is oa the sick list.
John Crook' r is hauling his potatoes
to uu hoard.
I A Cough J
'I have made a most thorough
trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to s:'.y that for all dis
eases of the lunjjs it never disap
points." j. Early Finley, Ironton, O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
won't cure rheumatism;
We never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia:
ini; d it. But
coughs and
kinds. We
t'Xty years
ccn saying it
!. A!l drujiltll.
Consult your iir?
thn do as !e smn.
to teke ii, then '.!.. n't
Leare it ulth him. V
1; in? sys tRko it,
ir 1m tell you not
l:t:.u it. He knows.
ar:' wiMlnfir..
U CO., Lowell, Mtiii.
George Hostetter, who has been quite
sick, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Bremer, of New Era,
were visiting Mrs. Bremer's parents.Mr.
and Mrs. Schneider, over Sunday.
Julius and Kaiin Spaele were visiting
at Nora Fish's home Sunday.
The young ladies of Needv p-uve Henrv
Osterholz a surprise party Wednesday
evening. Those presi-nt were Lona
Mohr, Tena Stnwe, Katie and Flora
Sf.agle, Nora and Zoa Fish, Mae Pi ice.
It is rumored that Needv is to to have
another school.
Mrs. 1 ul'cll was laid to rest nt, Srnvr-
na Wednesday.
Elsie Bell.
Falls View.
Hurrah, for the snow ! Evervbndv an d
and his brother are coasting.
About 40 of the Falls Viewites
down on the plank road the other day
bent on having a good time by coasting
on bobsleds. No serious accidents.
J. L. Evans has purchased nronertv
on falls View and ;has moved into his
new hoafie.
Mr. and Mrs J. II. Turner.of Elwood.
spent a couple of days visiting the latter's
Harvey Clark received a letter from
is mother stating that it had not been
very cold in Iowa until January 19th,
wnen snow leu heavily.
Good sleighing continues and the
young folks are happy.
Gold Bug.
Continued on page 6.
Socialist Lectures.
Comrade J. D. Stevens will lecture on
Sociah m" on the following dates at
the places specified :
Damascus Monday, Feb. 3.
Eagle Creek Tuesday, Feb. 4.
Sandy Wednesday, Feb. 5.
Currinsville Thursday, Feb. 6.
Springwater Friday, Feb. 7.
Logan Saturday, Feb. 8.
fhis gignature is on every box of the genuine
I a; n - " .
La&ailVC DrUiaU-yUlOIue Tablets
the remedy that eiirm a cold In ann da)
The most wholesome and
nutritious substitute for cofc
fee and tea.
Made from the choicest
California figs, prunes and
selected grains.
A delicious, strengthening
beverage holds its delicate
flavor to the bottom of the
Physicians recommend
All grocers sell it.
Stevens Block
Dalles Hard Wheat Flour.
Bbl. Union Gilt Edge Flour.
ioo Bars Dimond C Soap
15 cents
Pound Best Costa Richa Coffee
30 Cents
Pound Mocha and Java Coffee
5 Cents
Pound Good Rice
Produce Taken
a '
we never ci
! it will cor
colds o? ;
first sviu t
a' ago; .v:'ve
1 evef since.
B Three size-:
K i.i
30 Days
Great reductions on
all leather goods
Harness, Saddles, Brushes,
Curry Combs, Sweat Pads, Etc.
Hand and Machine Made
Harness a Specialty.
Fotografs.... I
Drop in aid tee what
we have in the latest
photographs. We can
pleaie all.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparat us.
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
wort is aone Dy
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buv vour
wall paper and Murrow. the oaoer
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
nan you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the nostoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Now Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposit" Caufle.d Block OB EG ON CITY
Has no superior if you want a
large butter yield. No machine
runs so easy or skims so clean.
It is perfect in' mechanical con
stru'tion and finish. Write for
catalogue and prices to
Needy, Oregon
Situated one mile south of Needy.contftlnlng 83
teres, with good buildings, prune orchard and
well wfttfTtni and under good state of cultivation.
Also ranch located about 4 miles east of Soda
Springs, consisting of 212 acres, with fairly good
building, i an excellent stock rtuicli.
Thise plieea will be SoW cheap. For partlcu
ars Inquire or address
A. T. COCHBAX, Administrator,
Hubbard, Ore.
Ai au tut sona-
2S Cuu 2S-.