Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 24, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Regular January Term of the
County Board.
I. R. Morton, John Lewellen nd
T. B. Killin, County Commietioners.
(Continued from last week.)
Thursday, Jan. 2nd, 1902. .
In the matter of application for fur
ther aid ot John and Margaret Mahan.
allowed f 16 per montli from December
1st, 1901.
In the matter of improvement of the
Lacey road in road district No. 33. Al
owed 270 000 feet of road lumber to be
aid for when road is graded and plank
laid, and received by supervisor.
In the matter of petition of J. F.
tost, et al, for vacation of Kocher road
In the matter of quit claim deed given
ra double assessments, etc. Ordered
hat recorder record such deeds without
iharge .
In the matter of road warrants Nos.
17,692,17,693, 17,691 and 17,695 drawn
it the December term. Ordered that
utid warrants be cancelled ; said work
4eing for poll taxes.
in the matter of application or David
Penman for aid of Charles McGuire.
Mowed $10 per month from Dec. 1st,
1901, drawn to David Penman.
In the matter of report of viewers on
lurvey of H. Blatikeriship road. Read
ind laid over until tomorrow.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of X. O. Ridings road. Read and
laid o er until tomorrow.
In the matter of application of John
lowland for lease of Clackamas river'
January 3rd, 1902.
In the matter of petition of Anton
Habelt f r a county raad. Granted,aiid
William Snider, William Tucker and
fames Shibloy appoiuled as viewers,
date of survey Jan. 9th, 1902.
In the matter of petition to incorpor
ite Milwaukle. Liid over until Feb.
7th, 1902,at 10 o'clock.
In the matter of petition to vacate cer
tain streets in Oak Grove. Laid over
until Feb. 7th, 1902, at 11 o'clock.
In the matter of petition of H. Vetch,
et al, for a county road. Laid oyer un
til Feb. 6th, 1902, at 2 o'clock.
In the matter of petition to relocate
part of the Young road in Oanyon Creek
precinct. Laid over.
In the matter of petition ofL. Q ir
linger for rebate of of money paid for
ax certificates amounting to $91.10.
In the matter of petition of John
Bany to cancel record of tax sale of 1891,
in ej of neJi of section 27, township 1
(outh, range 4 east. Said taxes having
been paid. Granted.
In the matter of report of viewers on
survey of II. Blankenship road. Road
ordered established and expense account
In the matter of report of viewers on
report of T. O. Ridings road. Road or
dered established and expense account
In the matter of road district No. 36.
Ordered established and Unci Thump
iun app lin'od Biipatvisor.
Clearance Sale
Is now in full swing. Come and see styles and values in every sense not obtainable
elsewhere. This wek offers an unusual opporrunity for securing whatever you need
at radical price reductions. ONE DOLLAR BUYS NOW WHAT TWO OR
THREE WILL LATER. You should not fail to be numbered among the lucky
purchasers at this great sale this week. Crowds flocked here last week, who, won
dering, bought, and you may depend on our having many pleasant surprises for you
this week. Every article reduced many rctardless of cost. See gorgeous display in
windows at sale prices.
Ladies' Rainy-Day Skirts
IWade of good heavy black pebble
cheviot, nicely tailored, worth $9.50,'
to go for, while they last, $6.85
Another fino lot, in all wanted colors,
worth $11.50, to no fir, $3.35
Capes at Half
A line lot of drummer's sample capes,
both ladies' and children's, to go for
just hulf-piico.
Ladies Skirts
Marked for quick selling, different
colors, good lining and nicely tailored
H!l $M5 instead of $3.75
Silk Waists "
Mado of good taffeta Bilk, richly
tucked and up 10 date, in all wanted
colors and sizes.
Values to $3.50 for $1.98
Values to $4.50 for $2.49
Ladies' Short Jackets
In heavy kersey or cheviots, good
lining and well tailored,
$1.75 instead of $6.50
$1.95 instead of $7.00
Wrappers for Half
Made ol dark or light calico, properly
made and carefully sewed,
39c instead of 75c
Another lot, of good material, with
deep (l'Minceand nicelv trimmed with
braid, worth $l.2i to $1. fx), for
89c apiece
Best Silk Petticoats
Made of best taffeta silk, with deep
accordeon -pleated flounce and dust
rufllo. On'.v a few left, so don't .delay.
$8.50 instead of $14.75
In the matter of change In Marquam
road, district No. 27. It it ordered that
such part of Marquam voting precinct as
was annexed to Needy voting precinct
at the November term, be made a part of
road district No. 24 .
In the matter of change in Canyon
Creek road district, No. 21. It is or
dered that such jpart of Canyon Creek
voting precinct as was annexed to Mo
lalla voting precinct at the November
term.be made a part of road district
No. 22.
In the matter of change in Sof'a
Springs road district No .28. It is or
dered that such part of Soda Springs
voting precinct as was annexed toMolalla
voting precinct at the November term,
be made a part of road district No. 22.
In the matter of White, a county
charge. Ordered that Mrs. Shoemaker
be a1 lowed $20 per month for his sup
port from December 1st, 1901.
January ;4th, 1902.
In the matter of the petition of De
Shazerto vacate Maple Avenue in Clack
amas Riverside. Dismissed on motion
of petitioner.
In the matter of swj of nw of sec
tion 4, township 2 south, range 5 east,
for 1898 and 1899, assessed to Grovanni
Tavelli. Clerk ordered to cancel same.
January 6th, 6th, 1902.
In the matter of petition of water com
mittee of city of i'ortland for cancella
tion of taxes on certain land owned by
city. Granted.
In the matter of Wilson, a county
charge. Transferred to Marv A. Haley
for $13 per month from January 1st,
In the matter of appointment of Elmer
Dixon, deputy county clerk, for register
ing voters. Confirmed.
In the matter of report of D. C. Li
touretle of work done on Jones Mill
road . Awproved and bill of $o0 for pow
der furnished by Latourette allowed.
January 7th, 1902.
In the matter of nursa for Eliabeth
Wilhoit, a county charge. Ordered that
Jettie Mazingo be allowed $6 for such
In the matter of report of J. J. Cooke
on collection of taxes. Approved. Re
port shows as follows :
Am't tax ch'g'd to sh'r'ff's ac$147,103.93
Sh'r'ff's assessment, real prop
erty 1,543.51
Sh'r'ff's assessment, personal 229.31
Sheriff's assessraent.polls.... 1230.00
Total $150,176.80
By amount collected before
sale not including costs. .,$144,914 57
Cash received from sale.... 732 53
Am't bid in by county.... 2,240 38
Am'tluncollecied onpersonal
property 313 46
Am't of errors and doublo
asseasments 1,975 86
Total $150,176 80
By costs collected not in- .
eluded in above.... $200 02
Costs collected on date of sale not
included in above 295 50
Premiums collected included in
above 8 96
Total $504 48
January 8th, 1902.
In the matter, of bill No. 44 of A La
cey. Ordered that clerk draw a warrant
in favor of A. Lno ey for
Ladies' Dressing acq tcs
and Kimonas
Made of eiderdown, in all wanted col
ors; values to $1.63, to go for
Children's Dresses
A fine line of samples, made of good
calico and percese, nicely trimmed
with braid and embroidery ; values
worth to $1.50, for 35c apiece
Another lot in sines toll years, worth
10 2 50 "r 69c apiece
Infants' Long Coats
39c instead of $1
Made of good tennis tlunnel, lined
and trimmed with angora.
Outing Flannels
7'2z instead of 10c
A choice of light or dark colars.
3fc instead of
See them in windows. All good colors
and designs. Choice of light or dark.
Mill Ends, Prints
In all warned coloia in fancy or Per
sian dwngns. The regular eelling
price is 7,S. While thev last they go
'2jc a yard
Toweling Chance
A good heavy, larw'e size Turkish
towel ; a good 15c quality, for 9-
And a fine bleached crash toweling
4c instead of 6c
9-4 Sheeting, 13c
A sheeting chance, a good 0-4 nn
bleachek sheeting to go this week for
l.'ic a yard. But you'll have to hurry
$59.65 and one for $10 favor J. A.
tteid to be worked out on road where
In the matter of indigent soldier and
contingent funds. Ordered that treas
urer transfer $100 from general funJ into
In the matter of scalp statement. Ap
proved. In the matter of reports of officers.
January 9th, 1902.
In the matter of tax levy for 1901. Or
dered that levy be made as follows:
County r.- 012
State 007
Sehcol ...005
Road ..008
Total. 032
In the matter of petition of Ira Jones
for funeral expenses of Martin . De
nied. In the matter of contract for indexing
assessment roll. Awarded to M. Dollie
Cross for $110.
January 10, 1902.
In the matter of petition of O. & O.
R. R. Co. for return of school money il
legally assessed. Granted.
In the matter of amount paid for sup
port of Charles Cutting, deceased, at one
time a county charge. Ordered that
clerk present bill for such sum against
estate of said deceased.
In the matter of maps now being
made by assessor. Clerk ordered to
have same bound.
In the matter of county printing.
Clerk ordered to furnish condensed copy
for printer.
In the matter of organizing justi es'
district No. 15. Ordered that Killin
and Needy precincts be organized into
justice's district No. 15.
"Some time ago my daughter caught
a severe cold. She complained of pains
in ner chest ana had a bad cough. 1
gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
according to directions and in two days
she was well and able to go to school. I
have used this remedy in my family for
the past seven years and have never
known it to fail," says James Prender
gast, merchant, Anuato Bay, Jamaica,
West India Islands. The pains in the
chest indicated an approaching attack
of ipneumonia, which in this instance
was undoubtedly warded off by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold toward
pneumonia. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
For Sale.
$450 Four lots with four room house
and basement ; good barn, on Uest Side.
Inquire of C. H. Dye.
A Good Kecommenda tlon
"I have noticed that the sale of Cham
berlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets is al
most invariably to those who have once
used them,'' says Mr. J. H. Weber, a
prominent druggist of Cascade, Iowa.
What better recommendation could any
medicine have than for people to call for
it when again in need of such a remedy?
Try them when you feel dull after eat
ing, when you have a bad taste in your
mouth, feel bilious, have no appetite
or when trounled with constipation, and
you are certain to be delighted with the
prompt relief which they afford. For
aide by G. A. Harding
Princess Bedspreads
A fine Marseilles patterns, full 11-4
Biz- 98cinstedof $1 .25
Women's Knit Underwear
Everything is marked for quick sell
ing. Theso are marked for double
quick. Made in fine ribbed white, all
wool union suits, well finished and
nicely trimmed; our beat $2.00 grade.
Clearance side price, 9&C Suit
Persian Flannelettes
Choice of light or dark colors; marked
for to go at once.
7jc instead of 10c and 2z
Snowflakc Comforters
Made of superior cotton, specially pre
pared to produce the effect of fine
down, and covered with good 8 teen
covering, which makes it the most de
sirable comfort made;
$1.75 quality for $1.50
$3.00 quality for $2.70
Black Crcpons
A tine lot of rich black crepons, worth
to $2 a yard, to go for a yd
Colored Dress Goods
A fine lot in alt wanted colors; 42
inches wide. They'll go quick at this
rrice- 19c yard
Satin Finish Waistings
In latest colorings, with pin dots and
stripes, to go for c yarc
We could occupy four times thespaca
we now own if we attempted to tell
you halt the great money-savers we
have waiting for you. Don't fail to
come and get yi ur share, as clearance
sale prices only last this month.
The Place
. Money
Asthmajene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure In All Cases
Wabash Niagara
4 Through Trains Daily fiom Chicago
4 Through Trains Daily from St. Louis
4 Trains Daily from Kansas City
"CfW TTPlWrpM'T' Reclining Chair Cars (fr Tollman Talace Sleepers
I-iVUli lVlJZilN 1 Dining and Cafe Cars on all tia.nH. Polite train
men. Perfect roadbed, shortest bed and quickest time. Tourist cars Mondays
and Thursdays ; 29 hours Chicago to Boston .
t C. c. CRAN E, G." P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
ROS& C CLINE, P. C. P. A., Los Angeles.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
! R J Beutel to J VV Church, 8 as
in Aoernethy claim 800
A AUnsswell to M Ormswell, lot 4,
sec 22, vfi of e1 in sec 22-,w of
in secZ7, ana 174 as in elm
42 in s, 1 w
W A Crisswell to A A Crisswell,
same land asaoove Valuable
A Green to G A Weed, nw of se
of sec 16, 4, 3 e 150
W S Chapman et al to E S R R Oo.
right of way Valuable
F W Lehman to F Lehman, lot 3,
sec 8, 3, 3 e l
0 & C R R Co to J Carlson, se of
nw of sec 21, 4, 2 e
0 I & S Oo to R Shepherd. 6 a in
James Moore cim, 2, 1 e 149
J J Sparr to J Bany, 2 as in sec 3,3,
1 e
G Spidell to A J Marrs, 40 as in
Milton Brown elm, 1 e
A J Marrs to J Guttrldge, 98.30 as
in unase cim, 4, 4 e
E G Caulield assignee to E M
Howell, lot A.Buena Vista.
L M Shank to E H Carlton, sw of
sw of sec 21, 3, 1 e
' A W Cheney to J B Finley, 100 as
in sec 29 3, 2 e
Wm Ryan to P C & 6 R R Co.'right
of way
i J S Davis to J Baker, 22 as in east
I part of ne of nw of sec 24, 3, 2 e
! J Baker to J S Pavis.lot 16, blk 13,
1 Pleasant Hill Add
, C Siderberg to I & R Jacobs. Dart
I Milwaukie Heights 190
fc tfevens to I Wickhan, nw of nw
of sec 30, 5 h
A Wright to L Funk, 70 as in A
Wright claim, correction
JH Miller to G A Arndt, 110 as
in bw of sw and wj of nw of sec
6, 4, 1 e, correc ion
W H Kandle to P Howell, 73 as in
Chase elm, 4. 4 e
G F Bonney to H E Xoble, sZ of
se and s ot sw of sec 8, 7, 3 e. 100 0
H L Stratton to 1 C Lawrence, lot
, blk 8, Falls View 25
A'0 Spexarth et al to C A Fors-
berg, nw of sw of ne of sec 17. 2.
4 e
II O Peck to J Beckman, 5 as in
Gnrrett claim, 1, 2 e
J F Dwyer to C G Foster, se of sec
2,8, 3e
A BMulloy to II F Greehe.l as.se of
sec 3, 8, 1 e
J W Roots to M I Foster, lots 7, 8,
9, 10 and 11 in blk 10, Boots Add
A L Mattoon to J Robb, lot 4, blk
148, O C -.
H Hansee to B M Doolittle, 30 as in
Caulield elm, 3, 2 e
O I & H Co toOSS Hunt, 10 as in
Ather elm, 2, 1 e.
E M Richardson to J B Dew, 160
as in M Richardson elm, correc
Italian Uees For Sale.
In new patent hives with super $1 each.
For information inquire of Frank Busch,
Oregon City, or see proprietor, II. Heit
kemper, Oak Grove, on electric car line
If Manner Salvo
doesn't cure your piles, your money will
be returned. It is the most healing
medicine. Charman it Co.
To Loan.
$500- $600 $700 -$$00 $900 and
$1000 at 6 per cent ,one to three years
on farm property.
Dimick & Eastuam, Lawyers.
Oregon City.
srors the oorun anowokksoff
lilt COLD.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cure no pay
Price 25 cents.
For Rent.
A 10-acre tract in Caneraah 20 min
utes walk from Woolen mill. Good
house aud out buildim-a. Two good
cows for sale. For information call-at
home, or address R. W.Porter, P.O.
Box 00, Oregon City, Or.
There is nothing like Asthm alee
It brings instant relief, even In the worB t cms.
cures when all else f nils.
.The Kev. O. P. WKLL8, of VM Ridge, 111., lajs:
Your trial bottle of ARtlrmalene received in good
condition . 1 cannot teil yon how thankful I feei for
the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten yi-ars. 1 de
spaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertise,
ment for the care of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my
astoniahment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me
a full size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Kubbi of the Cong. Boat Israel.
New York, Jan. 3. 1901.
Drs.Taft Bbos.' Meihcine Co..
Gentlemen: Your AKtliulene Ib an excellent rem
edy for Asthma and liny Fever, and itR composition
allvciates all troubles whiph combine with Asthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hav
ing it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma
Jena cor tuins no opium, morphine, ohloform nor
ether. Very trulv yours,
Trial bottle se nt absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED
ICINE CO., 79 East 1 30 th St. New
York City.
Falls Short Line
And PdiKS Beyund.
Dizzy ?
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill
Small doses cure. AmfSnM.
Want vour nniust:n-li or bem cl
, beautiful
Viniwn or rich M;u'k V lhon u
for the
MUM Ma Al 5 UIC Whiskers
P. h.i.i cn..NSHH, W.H.
Chickering Piano
VALUE $650.00
The enterprising citizens of Oregon
City have purchased a $650 Chickvrlng
I'lano and will on Januarys, lSWZ, give
it to the organization or person receiv
ing the greatest number of votes. Th
instrument and ballot box are on exhi
bition at Burmeister & Andresen's jew
elry store, where the ballots are counted
every Wednesday evening and the result
ispublhed in the Courier-Herald. The
official ballots are WHITE and are
printed by the Courier-Herald and is
sued FREE by the following merchants
with every 10-cent purchase :
R. Freytag, groceries
V. Harris, groceries
Schrewe & Vernum, meats
Brunswick Restaurant
Burmeister . Andresen, jewelry
unarman & uo., drugs
Courier-rJerald, printing
M cure's Pharmacy
Welsh's Candy Store ,
lied Front, general merchandise
I. Selling, ' "
F. T. Barlow, groceries
J M. Price, clothing
P. O. Cigar Store
Pope & Co., hardware
A. Robertson, groceries
Ely Bros., general merchandise
G. A . Harding, drugs
J. W Bianpv, roeatx
G. Rosenstein, cloifiing
W L. Block, housefurnisher
Kozy Kandy Kitchen
P. G. Shark, barber, confectinery
H. Scbrader, bakery
Mrs. Deute, ladies' fur.iishing goods.
right's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, Au. 30,1901. The transfer in
volved in coin ami stock $112,500.00 and
was pan! by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto inenrabie diseases.
lliey commenced the series investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15. 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and-watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
wed or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the (est cases were
published aud will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St.. San
Francisco, Cal. Cl-arman & Co. are our
sole agents in Oregon City.
Oregon City
Secoml-Haml & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and. Sold
Goldstone, Sagiiraan & Co.
aho union Pacific
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
15 ASM
two VIA
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
9:00 a. m.
8:00 p. m.
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia Kiver l'oints.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For fnll information call on or address nearest
0. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CRAIG, G, r. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Dally Bound Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. Jl
Leave Astoria 7 P. M
Between Portland, The Dalles and
Wa Points
Leave Portland, Mon., Wrd. and Frl. 7 A. M.
Arrlv The Dalles, same dny B P. M.
Leave " Tnes , Thurs. fliid Sat . . . .7 A. It
Arrive Portland, same day i P. U .
CSnnday Trips a LeadhiK Feature
tflf-llils Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on Earth
Landing and office, Foot Alder Street
J. C. WYATT, Agt., Vancouver
W0LF0R0 & WYERS, Agts., White Salmon
PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River
JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles
A, J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria
E. W. CRICHTON.Ayt., Portland
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co's
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at way points on both Bides of tha
Columbia river.
Both of tie above steamers have been re ul
aud are in excellent shape for the season ofl 00
The Krgulator Line will endeavor to giveila
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
The abov steamers leave Portland 7a m.an
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destinationin amp
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Offloe
OaiSt.Pock. Courtstreet.
General Vr-
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of fft
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Livery & Feed Stable
Finest Turnouts in City
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspenfbn bridg-3
First-CIass Rigs of All Kinds