?r - -v; ,v.(7:;i . :.;;.:;";?;::: OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY. JANUARY 24 1902 SUMMONS. In Hie Circuit Court, of the State Oregon, for the County of Clai-kamae. Theree Grapengelter, Pmiuuff, vs. Pettr OrapenRtltcr, ' Defendant, To Peter Grupengelter, Defendant. In the numo of the StHte of Orison) You are heii by rrqutn d to cppeitr end answer (he com plaint fllnil flrainit you in the above entitled suit on or before January 27tb, IK and if you fail to anewer, for wmt tlureof, the plaintiff will apply to the suid court for tlie relief demanded in said complaint, to-wlt: a decree anulllng and dis solving the marriage between said parties. This summons is published pursuant to au or der of Hon. Thomna 10 By an, oonnty Judge of said county, said order hearing date December 7th, I'M, and the flint publication beingofdate IUcember 13th, 11)01. V. D. & D. C. LA'i OFBETTE, AMomeB for Plaintiff. Baled Decimbtr 13th, 1101. 5NNV -.-. 2tf NEWS 0? THE WEEK. 3; ftrenlctniE John, hew It Gutly. tire tilings going at CITATION. In the Oounly Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the eBtate of Mart'.u E. Partlow. deceased To the following nttmcd heirs at law of Martha F. Partow, deceased, and to all others unknown: EvhHi) Jnhns, Nellie 8. Johns. Suian Johns, Amelia Johns, Chailes Johns, William Miller, Ed win J Brier, Helen thepard, Eliza J. Fowler and Charles Hacker. Ii the name of the Stale of Oregon, you and each of ynu are hereby cited and required o ap pearat the court room of the county court of the gtnte of Oregon for Clackamas county at the hour oflOo'eli ck a m., of Monday, the 3rd day of February, lt02, to show cause if any there bti why an OFdcr'shculii not be made by said court direct ing the nilministratorof snid estate tosell at pri vate sale the following described property of said deeeast l, tn-wit: ConinienpinB at a slake south 11 degrees 30 min utes fast 8..M chains from the southwest corner of he D. L. C. of Win. Huliics and wife in township 8 south, range 2 east of the W. M. In Claokuraai county and slnie of Oregon, and running thence east 4.118 chains to a stake, thence iouth UJ de crees cast 2.) chains, thence west 4 iS8 chains to a stake: thence in rth llj degrees west 20 chains to the pli.ee of begiuuii.g, containing one aero of lund more or less Dune by order of Thomas F. Ryan, judge of said rami, dated the 27th day ol December 11)01. Witnefs my hand anil heal of this court the 27th day of De ember. 11)01. K. H. COOPER, Clerk of County Coutt NOTICE 'OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given lhat by order of the county court of the state of Oregon for Clacka mas county, in the matter of the estate of J mes A. Urn bur, deceased, the undersigned will sell at public sale to the highest bidder, at the front door of the court house in Oregon City, State of Ore. gon, on I atnrday, the 8th day of February, 1002, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m of said day, the fol lowing described properly being in Clackamas county and state of Oregon, to-wii: r. e si !4 of the seji of section 2of township 8 eunh. range 2 tat of llit Wiluunutte Meridian. Teims of sale cash at time of sale. Sale to be made tul lect to the order of the said court. A.B LINN. Administrator of Ihe Estate of Jaines A.Iiaibur, Dectused, Dated, January 3rd, l'JO'i, EXECLTRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duty hi pointed by the entity court of Clackamas county, Oregon, (wnirix of the last will and testament of Morris Caiiunau. deceased, laic of said county. All persons having claims egninstsaid estate are hereby requested to pre sent the same to my attorney, C. 11. Dy, Hsq., Cer. Pth and Main Stnels, Oregon (tly. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, such claims to be duly verified according to luw. MARTHA CADA NAIT, liecuirii as Aforesaid. Eattd ut Oregon City, Oregou, January 3, 1002. NOTICE OF SALE. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the falate of Oregon -for the County uf C lackamas. In the matter of theassignuuut o(E. M. Atkin son, an insolvent debtor. Notice is hereby given tbatunder and pursuant to n order of the above entitled court duly ninde and entered in (he above entitled matter on the 12th dav of November, 19el, requiring and com manding me, as assignee of the above namod In solvent debtor to avll the following describe d real property, to-wlt: A tract of land containing foi ty-e Ight (48) acres. more or lew . eituated in sec tions thirtv-two (32) and thirty-three (33) in township two (2) south, range two (2) east, Wil lamette Meridian in Clackamas county, state of Osegon, for a full deicripii m of Which reference is herehv made to the partition deed made and de livend to K. M Alkiuaon by the heirs of O. H. At-kint-on. ik ceased and recorded in the records of deeds of said county and state in book 57 at page 465 thereof, excepting therefrom a pnrcel of laud v containing one und eighty-live hnndretlis (1.H5) aereB heretofore conveyed by said E. M. Atkinson to (icorge Stock by deed duly rccnrd.d In hi k 80 of the records ol deeds of said county and state at page 410 theieol, and also excepting a piece or parcel of land containing seventy-five hundretlis ( 76) of an aire, heretofore conveyed by said E.M. Atkinson to Henry M Mock byadetd duly re nin rii-ri In the records of d( eds of Bald county and state In hook 69 at yage 347 thereof. Therefore 1 w ill on Tuesday, the 4th day of March, 11)02. at th hour of llo'cloika m., of said any at the door ol the colony court house of Clackamas conntv, stale of Oregon, in Oregon City, .11 at public auction to the highest bidder allot the . above dear-nut d real propeiiy t. G.CAfeFII LD, As-lgnic of F M. Alkli.son.il solvent Debtor. hiwmK McCoy. Attorney for Assignee, Datid at Cri-Hon Ci'y, Or.,tl.isth daj of Jall.1802. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, iu use for over 30 years, has home the signature of aud has hcen made under his per jfii'L' sonal supervision since its infancy. Wi&rTY, J-tUCAV, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut Expei imcnts that trifle with and endanger the" health of Luiiuils and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstor;a, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It cojifcaisifj iieiilier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic MiUslAnt'e. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Bed. nllfys Fevcrislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Golfs. Ii relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ad Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea-Tho Mother's Friend. CENSINU: CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 Tlie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. the centaur oommnv, tt Murray street hew vork citv. HUBS gPi .eco PANTS ""PATTERN REMNANTS 6 o ? I to At y 1 .EACil. We have si ill a few Tine Casslmere Remnants at Cost of manufacture OREGON CITY WOULEN MILIS X i1. ' xxuvi ' " jTutHTA. trim iwgwc m.ihui t. ' ct"r i ill ! Koiii e Is hi rel'V civen that rll tliuse havinK claim frainat Die emaieif K .V. 1'eek.iVn i,;ed, will pri si nt tlie winietol.L. 1'eny, at Heiil.a, Oieyi u, Viilliin CU cieys in m date. ' ' F. C. I'EBKY, Di.ted.Molalla, Or., Jan. Dth.lWU. ADMIXISTRATOR'S SOriCE M I 1 Kdllce in here! y Riven Ihnt I have been duly flppeiuted by the eeunty court of thii state uf Oii'Knn fur Cleckiinias county, as the executor of the will ft I.eounrd Heiun, deeeiimd, and Hint all persons lmvinK clnims aiiBinst Hie said ele, niut jiresent tin m to mew. Ih jm per vi.uilu-u at the lew i fflee id l! H. i l. C. I.iitiinrette. Ornm Ci y urenun, i bin six nunths from tlii date. WII.UaM HEINZ, Fiei iimr ol the W ill of Leonard Heinz, Deceased . Isted, Jen, 9ih, l!V,!. KOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMK.NT In the Tonnty Court of the St-ite of Oroson, fi r Die' (Uinyof Cl.rfcamua. In Hie mutter of the, K.tle of J hn K Irem- t''N!',ttVisthm-lVsiven that H. W. Trernhnth, theadniinistr.tur of nd esiat-, hes hied in the above ei tilleil ( i)lirt Ids Hi nl account of Ins ed mlnl' tr. ti( n of .! met.; lhat .ionday, the lip dny of Kehruarv. V-'bi, at 1U o'clix k a. m., at the court room of said court, in Oregon City, m (aid Ceuiitt- and elate, has been duly spuoiiited by the aid court for the settlement of haul account, at which time at d place any oerKm interested in Mid . state may at.penr ni tile "-P,',n sid accouni. H. W IRhMBAII , AiinilniKiratorof the Kstate of John lt.lrem l,l.,Jr.,de,easedHEi)GEsAGRiFmHi Attomeya for Adn.timtrati r. Tifty Cents m Year-IJ Thin Tenny Number. THE SOUTH' LITERARY WEEKLY Published at Atlanta, Ga.-Circulation Over 50,000. PUTNAM FADELNSS DYES do net stain the hands cr spot the kettle. Sold by C G, Huntley. C SUNNY SOUTH Is tha Groat Literary W.eK'y of the South. It Is devoted to Lttiraturr, Rnraance, F ct and F'ctt-n, and gives the best of all that Is cut rent In I's fled. Am no Its contrlbu' rs 'h3 m-st n ted southern writers appear-JoelChandlor Harris, H:rrysUI wn'.l ' dwards aitd others of urowlno fama. Serial stories from Anthwy Hepe, Maurico ltiomp;on, Sidney R. Crocket, Mrs. Ge roe C irbe tinl Arthur W. Marchmont lir.ve appear ed, and others are in waiting from the pen of nuthors of national noto. A short Story con'.cst brought out net It fiv huadred pS"ndic! rhcrt stories, all worthy a place In Vha SUNNY SOUTH'S readable col umns. Other contests are contemplated that will su cessfuiiy exploit the ripening field of talent that only needs such fostering to Illustrate the wealth that Is shy to assert itself. C SUNNY SOUTH teems with tha life of the greatsouth. The den ial sunshine warms everything int activity and the season is ncvor eoldencuuh to check the hand of Industry. Tho eaper com s fragrant with the breath of the magnolia and pine, and gives out u very air of thee w:ge, pa m and bay. The beauty and pathos, the romance and mystery of the land whera the corn stores ui the golden sunshine anl the cotton whitens In the moonlight, wll; be given : 'i well-filled columns olthis fascinating weekly. 1 i crlptlon price Is Only FJfty Cents a year, alike toalpe. sons, agents, .. . s.japers, postmasters and eve y one else, clubs of five, accompan.eJ by tho fu l 12.50, enti'.le the club rtiier to the paper one year grat.s. fend on a Postal Card tho names of six of your neiahbors who would appreciate the opportunity to read a copy of The sunny South, and one sample will bo mailed free. You can get your club ol five out of these very pe jple. C SUNNY SOUTH sitters over 50,000 Amer.'cin homes now; f.nd durlnj 190J Is sure to tt welcomed in fully as many more homes, as th greit weekly feast of good things, the Sou'.hern LI erary Weekly, whose columns for 1902 will be the most readable of all the papers th it come to you. i JtddrrMM AU Communications tt XShQ SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga. Tuesday, January 21. Hot A diapatcb irom Colon, Co Naval lombia,' says that a naval Baitle. liaitle beijan at 6 o'clock thi9 mornit g in the harbor of Parnmn. General Cauloa Alum, governor of Panama, was billed during the huhtini:, wbicli continued lor aunie lime The government bo.it Lautaro was fired bv her crew and Bunk. The revolutionary fleet consisted of the Fteaaiers radilla, Darien and Uatien. They are trying to force a landing off Siiona. The government slnpa were tne Chilean line steamer Lautaro, the Pa- ific Steam Navigation Com puny s Hteamer Chicuito and the Panama Ca nal Company's steamer Boyaoa. Tlie first nimieu steamer was seized by (gen eral Alban, and the other two have been chartered by the Colombian govern ment. The government forces are throwing retrenchments The United States cruiser Philadelphia is close to the scene of the fighting. Portland exported one-fifth of entire amount of wheat shipped from United Stales in Di cember. M. C. Iianfield elected president of the Portland, vice Hughes resigned Night street car employes on the Oily & Suburban lines iu Portland, hivt) asked for an incite in pay. Potatoes are bringing a huh price in the tnaiket, and are worth gold and checks. George H. Brown is buying and shipping hum'r da of but-hiK Wednesday, January 22. Simon men get tlie majority oi the judgeo and clerks of election appoint! nv the Multnomah county court, me Mitchell faction only secured a minoiity representation." The Uniii-d Stales senate has adopted Miichell's resolu ion calling for ii.for ination respecting the transport service The object is to ascertain whether, tht rit his been (incrimination, and if money can be saved. Governor-General Taft, who arrived in San Francitco from Manilt lant night, says that the war in the Philippine Is lands is almost stamped out The land question is the one great difficulty. C. A Johns, of Baker City, is a can didate fr the tepublican nomination ol governor. All the convicts who escaped from the federal penitenMaey on McNeill's Is land, hare been recaptured. , H. W. Corbett is elected president of Lewis Clark expositi n, and H. W. Scott is ranted for vice-psesident. The Albina Water Company accepts $200,000 from th P rtland water com mission for its franchie and plant. Bennett Thompson now in the Port land city jail, confesses to the numer ous hold ups on the White house and Slaven toads and near Oswego Also confesses holding up tlie Electric cur between Oregon City and Willam ette Kails, eaily in December. Charles vVriuht. his accomplice, only recently j'dned him. Beth are youna men, atid werf 'formerly in the reform school. Henriett is tall, six feet and two iiuties, bile V right is short and heavy-set. Thursday, January 23. A dispatch from McMinnville states that two young women, Miss Nannie Ungerman and Mrs. Ollie Gaunt, are dead at the home of the laitcr, from ar senic poisoning administered probably bv their own hands with suicidal iu- tent. Mis Ungerman wa emploped at the central li lephone office last night, and her friend, Mrn Gaunt was stating with her. About :M o'clock Miss un gertnau telephoned to a physician, that Mrs Uaunt was sick, ami wneu iun doctor came they admitted having la- ken poison. Restoratives were admin istered, but it ws too late. Miss Un german died at 2 o'clock today, and Gaunt at 5. Both women had good homes and their fnmilies are prominent. Disaypointments in love and dspon- tency are said to bo the cause. Mrs. Gaunt had bren separated from her husbai d iortcv.-ial montns Bennett Thompson and Churles Wright, the Portland highwaymen, were seiiltt ced to Ihu penitentiary for 20 and 10 ye r- respectively. I'crlnips Tou Wonder if the'ermentinj! cold that madolai-t win ter in. e long nuseiv fill be is bad tins . . . . . .i , vear. l.ertainlv not, it you laae .ien b l.unur Bnl sum when tickling and tawness in the throat announce the pretence of the old enemy I) m t expect the cold to wearitsell out. Take the right rcine- y in lime. Allen's Lung Balsam is fri e from opium. too Well home-7" "Why, sir. the magpie's dead." "Poor JacU! What tool; him off?' "We think, sir. It was eating much hoist- meat." 'How's thni V Where did he get the horse mentV" "I nm sorry to tell you, sir. that both the CUtTiatre lioi s "The horses th'ilti: Wii.il ailed tlicm?" "It must have been overwork draw In? vt iiter to the tire." "Fire! Wlmt.iirer" "Why. sir. the hiill wits Lu-tjed. to ti'.c Efouiid." "(Jreat heavens! How did thut hap pen?" "It ciiutfht tire from the funeral torch es, sir." "Whose funeral?" "Your mother's, sir." "My poor moUicr dead! How; long was she ill?. What wits the mutter 7" "Well. stv. she never h: ld up her head after your father's death." "My father too! Toll me tho cause. Speak, man!" "lie took to his bed nfl soon ns he heard the had news, sir." "Had news! What t o you mem? "That the vessel that held his whole fortune hud been lost at soa." Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Til t'lMUMlOll t'llOi'll. .lames Iltickhiun, one of our minor poets, put Into beautiful verse tut inel eVnt which occurred durlntr the civil wnr. lie calls It "The Common Chord." Tho incUlct't was this: Two grout nr mies, one wetiriiiit the blue and one the Ki'it.v. were drawn up in prepant tlon for battle. As the evening fell the bands began to play. "Dixie" by tlie southerners was followed by "Yankee Doodle" by the northerners, and "Ma ryhind. My Maryland." drew out "Hall Columbia." "Itoiiuliful Girl of the South" was answered by "Just Before the Battle, Mother." Each side mock eil mid jeered the other's music and cheered their own until the stars came out nnd silence fell. Then, sweet nnd low, a band far up the line began to play "Home, Sweet Home." Another nnd another joined until nil the bunds oti both sides were playing In unison, and. stronger and more beautiful still, the men ou both sides were singing the words. The common chord had been struck, and the thousands of combatants were nt one with the sentiment, "There's no place like home." Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerlulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of tha kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- fCy rent and nnft rin liar ft IfTfLC-i sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of swump-Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be suro and mention this paper. W ai ted to boirow $'0; ou real estate e tititv, pivate fsriy. 8 percent on e. - "loan. Addre's, B .x J. ""bb;id, 'in. You vi ill nmke no mist. ke in ) n ing a United S-fltes cj ' i' m sepai iH"r ot the T. -i T wnsi mitre, tipry I'mni-..n ! 44 Si cond Strei-t, l' tlinn'i They give easy terms, and will take crtam in ex change. Plenty of privale money lo loan at 6 and 7 per cent. 0. II The. The New Era flouring mill has begun operation, and is now ready to giind the farmers' wheat. Flour nnd feed ex changed for wheat, SutUfuitiou guer antetd. New Era millers. I.oM A young dog, medium HZvhtrt hair, hrindle color with liny hi e stripe on head Finder ill please couininni catewi'h JhcoI) Hueck, 'arlow, and re ceive suitable rewnid on returning saute. It Girdles the Clohe. The fame of Bucklen'a Arnici Salve, as the beet in the o:!d. exfet ds r und the earth. It's the one perfect healer r.f Cuts, Corns, Bums, liruie-e, Sores, Scalds BoiU, Ulcers, Frlons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Ernpiions. Only in fallible Pile cure. 25.: a box at Geo. A . Harding's. Have you seen the Brow lies? If not, you'd better be up at the opera house on Saturday, January 25th. Blown to Atoms. The old idea that trie body sometimes need' a D iWerfnl. drastic, purgative pill hax been exploded ; for Dr. King's New Life PiiN, which are perfectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels toe- Dfl Loii)on matter, cleane the By tern and absolutely cure Constipation and S'ck Headache. Only 2)catbeo A. Harding, drug store. 500 tracts of land for sale. Inquire 0. A. Cheney, Oregon City, Or. The Hinmple of Pnnnnlnl. A story Is told of how Pagiinlnl once cniiie Into the concert room, took the violin find touched the strings. First one string broke, nnd a smile went round the room: then another string broke, nnd there was more audible ex pi'CKsion of mockery. When n third string broke, many people laughed out rizht at his discomfiture. But Pngti nl'tl stood forth with his violin as though nothing had happened and played on the one string, and the peo pie ceased to smile, but listened spell bound. Some of those who had deritl. ed him began to weep, and some even prayed. Many a man hart fallen helpless by the wayside when some great catas trophe turned the current of his life nride. The brave man pushes forward with one remaining talent and plucks victory from defeat. A WORTHY SUVCESbO.n. A Deiiiiernlo Chance. A Russian exile relates how he once saved himself by a desperate artllice. A police official seurched his house for compromising papers. There was In his possession a document the discov ery of which meant serious danger to himself and his friends. Wherever he might hlda-lt. It seemed certain that It would be found. He coolly handed the document to the official, who scarcely glanced at It nud handed It back. After the most careful search the of facial, his nose blackened with soot nnd his hnlr decorated with feathers, for. he had even examined the stovepipes and tho bedding, departed empty hand ed. Hot soda at ilin K zy Kandy Kite! en. On Jellies preserves and pick led, spread a thlii cuutlug of PUBE REFIHED PARAFFIHE Will keep thpm ntmoiutclx molnture and eld in'oof. i'uretellncd Farulline ialno Uhi-I'iii In a (lo.';u othiT wayH Hbout the ituuHU. Tull UlriictloiiH in eucb puckfeK). bold everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. How the Section Ear It. The woman from New England buys a "table spread," wlille her sister from the south buys a "tablecloth." The wo man from Nova Scotia orders tho serv ant to "lay the table," while with most I of ns natives of the United States the command is to "set the table." In the country the hostess K)iysto her guests. r "- i i ' "i-Ki- --. Kir' WANI'tn-THUSTW'H'I.AY MI'N AKD WO mi.ii U trnvi-1 anil n f1wTti" tor lfl cfllnMlihi'd hunw f unllil aeiucml ntn1irK. t-iar.v $7WI year and exnenH, nil k at-i in eafh. No '-an-aK'Oi! renuircd. riive n ft;rt'ncen nd encltwe ell-a l lr eiea mumpe'i ,iivliipo. Addrrt.fi Mao nr. l)i 'i xtiii) Bid . Ohlcatro. HEADACHE two. At aS aruf 2. Pom 25- "Sit by." when it town It Is "I'ii'ti i' city among swi'i's liivllation than ih the servant Mobile (Ala th.if is time to (til: In s,l down." In the il.ci'c is no f iit't hi r c ailnoilllrcllii'lll nt ill'iiii'l' Is siTved." -- "Sonitfhinfl New Under tho Sun." All Poctotr have died to cure CA TARRH bv the use of lu.wdi ra, acid gases inhalers i nd drugs in paste foi ru. The powders dry up tlie niuct.ous mem- iraneB cans'iig ihcin io era k open i.nn bletd, The powerful acids mud in , the inhalers have entirely eaten sway the same mtmbrares ilixt their makers have aimed lo cure, vhile pastes niid oint- menls cannot reach the diseat-e. An old and experienced ptaclilioner who ha for many years made a close study and specially of the treat merit of CATA RRH , has at hu-t perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, nor only reiieveB at once, but permanently cures ua- TAltlt H. bv r moving the caui-e, slop ping the discharges, andcurir g all in- llammation. it is rne oniy remeoj known to science that actually reaches the afllicted parts This wonderful remedy is known as "SN UF1 LES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, eai h package containing in ternal and exlernal uiedicn e stitncieni for a lull month's treatment and every thing necessary to its perfect use. SN U F l-.cS" is the only perrect UA- TARRH CURE ever made and Is now recognized as the only safe and positive ore lor trial annoying miu uiegummn disease. It cures all Intliiiniuiuioii quieklV and permanenlly and. is also derluily quica to relieve u a i r VEK oi COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTl()N-"SNUF-FLES" will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany esch pack age. Don't delay but eend for it at once and writ" full pMr'ienls's a to vour con dition, and v m will receive si ecial a ! vice troin tiie discoverer of this wonder ful remedy regal ding your case without cost to von hi", ond Hie regular price of "SNUFFLES" the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE." S'nt piepaid to any address Hi th United Sti.tcs orCatiad i on receipt One Dollar. Addrei-B Dent. K CIM, K ol WIN B. Uil-ES & COMPANY. 23.JJ T :!;2 Market Sued. ITuUdolp'tia. a ( Ii i or lll'SI Orlglualls ii i" In this eon parents, rl r . Spanish cican-. i the word is rest of Spani-ih and l ' born lu 'die "in 1 and Spanish l.iuna. Cold "Thnt r"-- ' ' f would trust with ii million doll'irs." "So wool! I." :i: . -.vi red Senator Sor ghum. "A iiMU eoliid get elioilgll colli- 1 Inn' 1 1 lanifli ' the t present to those l. who are vvi-ic French ji.ciliy l,ou Tlie.: Heat I'riniviptioii for Jlilliirln ChillH and Fever is a bottle of Orovo's Tai-t"leis U'i'l Tot;ic. It is simply iron and qnimiio in a la"telena form, Ne cure no pay. Price 50c. I: miHsions oa oi iin.i..,.ii lars to keep liltn sal'1' Hbout $10.UO0 or !p-,. ton Slur. In, n, Dll dol ed. litit how . V Wnslilng- I a le, Jdamroa (nt the brer.!; fart fable) You always ought to use yotir napkin, (Jeorgie. Georgle I am usln' It, mannna. I've got tho dog tlud to the leg of the table with lt.-Motherhood. When a man borrows a saddle, be al ways changes the stirrups. Ever know a man to put them back? Atchison Globe. Mr. Max Ilerny, the popular come dian, will give you tome of his best comic sketches on Jan. -5, at the opera house. 1 1 lie Kind You Have Always w ia.-. t',0 A m MI'U 1M nam Mi I On Saturday, January 2oth, will be the night when people will go and ceo the l.iitle Hrownies in their gre.nl play, "Drowrue Lite in lirownie Laud." A Five-Room Cottage for S ile city water, sever, Inquire at ik etc. tli is office. .1 N. Jackson, Danville, Id., wri'ei: , "My ilaughtu had a severe Hltm k of la grippe and a ternble eoiuh Be lled oa her lungs. We tried s ir-iit niar.y reme die w'nliout givii g reli f. She tr!d Fo ley's Honey and Tar which cured bar. She has never been troubled with ...h.siuca. Chirm i k Oo.