6 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 1902 FT ED DINGS. I A. wander when the brain is tired. Overwork, nervous irritation, worry and mental strain exhaust the brain forces and diminish their thought power. Feed the brain, strengthen the nerves and build up new vigor, vi tality and mental power. The greatest of all brain foods and nerve tonics is Dr. Miles' Nervine. "I have used Dr. Miles' Nervina at various times for years. I have found it a perfec t remedy in cases of nervous ness and insomnia, caused by pro tracted mental strain and overwork Have also used it in my f ami. y and I know it is a true brain and nerve food. R. II. MARTIN, Charleston, W.Va. 1 iitf'ilirT 1"""" JUT. IYJ.11C3 r e?vme feeds and nourishes the brain and nerves, over comes irritation, and brings sweet, refreshing sleep. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. For Piiuuinoiila. Dr. C. J. Binliop, Atinew, Mich., say's: "I have used Foley's fiorixv and Tar in thra very severe c bps of pneumonia with giod results In every case." Be ware of suhsti utes. (Jliarmau & Co. Look Carefully To Yocr Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have 110 equal. 10, 25, 50 Cents iot Sold and Guaranteed by C. G. HUNTLEY, -Prescription Druggist, Oregon City Oregon Don t Force Your. Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE. 1 Edgars Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel .regulator, and liver vitamer known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. JO, 25, 50 cents. Sold and Guaranteed by C. G. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist, Oregon City Oregon H A m o m e rs g Foe 0 Q Pyspopsia is linnvogniml in P hull tlto cafes. It deceives the St ualuiouing KtilK rer. Its many J variations work along tlto weakest linos of the stoin. To battle ( diinst only one of them w vain, z (lur booklet explains itx symp torn. Our lvsmisin Tablots giva (T. CI I m (-oni)ieie uuu iaMiii; reuei. l l i . .i: 1. GILES' Dyspepsia Tablet: 10c, ?5C. .T)9 AND 6UC. Sold and Guaranteed by C. Q. HUNTLEY, Mi Prescr.ptlon Druggist, tji'egon City Oreson SOCIAL EVEN1S. Several Interesting Functions Dur ing the Week. The Relief Corps and Picket Post at Hubbard held their annual installation in Woodmen hall. Post Commander Ingram, of Oregon City, was presentf and installed J B. Dimick, sergeant of the picket. Mrs. Sara Hinkle installed the officers of the Relief Corps Ad dresses were made by Commander In uram and Sergeant Dimick. Wood burn Independent. SUCCESSFUL CLUB DANCING PARTY. The Sans Souci Club, a new social or ganization, gave its first social dance at the armory iaat Friday night. The best people in the city participated in the function, ami th initial ball was a grat ifying success. About 70 people were in attfndance, several of them being from Portland. Turney's orchestra fur nished excellent music for the 15 danc ing numbers presented. BOYLAN SURPRISE PARTY. 'MinsVada Boylan was the recipient of a very pleasant surprise patty at the home of her parents on lower Seventh street last Saturday evening. GameB and refreshments were features of the function. Those present were: Misses Eilie Knowland, Bessie Doll, Oley Mor rison, Veta Bacon, Irma Young, Lula Young, Maud Ford, Mabel Stitigley, Ida Williams, Nona Chapell, Grace Van, Vara Boylan; Metiers. Ola and Ora Bovlan, Lawrence Ruconich, Ed d e VVillpv ' !it in- t'fvft Willie Rnco- nich, Johnnie Richards, Raleigh CVoSS, Leo Cannon, Ward Baxter, Dudley Woodward, Carl Nrhren, Clarence Green, Dan Sears, Frank Morrison. SHAMROCK BKBEKAH DEGREE INSTAL. The new officers of Shamrock Re bekah Lodge, of ClackamaB, installed the following new nflii'fira In at utr,la night. The following new officers were instated ny uistnct Deputy Mrs. M.J; Lutz. Following are the new officers: Noble grand, Mrs. Cora Cramer; vice grand, Hattie Webster; recording sec retary, Mrs. Otto Gengelbach; financial secretary, Mm. Webster; treasurer, Jo Bie, Johnson; warden, Bertha Talbert; conductor, Jessie Talbert; .inside guar dian, Myrtle Ryckman; outside guar dian, Willia Johnson; chaplain, May Johnon. A correct list of the other of ficers were not received A hannuat was sered. Those present from Oregon City were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. How ell, 8. S. Walker, J. J. Conke, Charles Miuiam, uertruue fairclough, Lulu HanliinH. Ada KedwplL M Lutz; Mr. Orumbley. Mr S. S. Walker, as past, guardian, installed the i.ffir-ura nf Kil 1iiv.ln Tuesday evening. The Woodman Band mini neci excellent music. There was a UOod lit tHllltunCO unit a anlun.li.t lni.nl, was served. The local MftHOnin Irultm ctnxra a vmnar.- tion to Grand Master W. E. Grace, of Bilker Oit.V. VRBtprrlim nsninii Ho had been visiting his brother, G. W. Grace, and will an tn Tha Dulioa ni on an official visit to the lodge there. Tha Baptist young people gave an en joyable basket social in the church base- uiem rriuay evening, some 01 the bas kets brought fancy puces. The initial rinnrta uivan Kir H.o rr;,.l. Sclli" I Club at Willuinnttn hull ! iHtiii. lay night, was a rery aucoeeBftil uil.ur R.il "n Hood Onnrt. Forested nf Anici.ci, will have a smoker on Friday evening, me 31M. MARKET REPORTS. Portland Market. (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Best 9.70ra3.Hn oral..,.. $2.50. Wheat Walla Walla fil rtrfiMr.. ll,, (ilc2; bluestem ft'c. Oats White, 1.15; gray, 11.10. Barley Feed $18; brewing $L'0 per t. Millstuffs Bran 18: middlimro 'n- shorts t'.'O; chop $17. ' Hav Timotbv tll(ai2- pin, 7(. Oregon wild $0. B itter Imiicv creamerv 2") n.l .!ftn store, 12 and 25. Kggs 23 cents per doz. Poultry Mixed chickens $3.503.75; urns S;l.5l)(4: snrinus :tftf3 fill ; wwbu if7; ducks $5 ; live turkeys 11 12c; dressed, f)fail7c. Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers and ewes, sheared, $3 25; dressed, 5 and 6 cents per pound. Hogs choice heavy, $5 75 and $G 00; light, $5; dressed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per pound. Veal Large, 8 and 91-2 cents per pound. lloef Grows, top steerst $3 50 and $4, dressed beef, "3 and 7 cent's per pound. Che-se Kjill cream llc per pound Young America 12c. Potatoes !01. 10 per hundred. Vegetables beets UOc; turnips 6oc per sack ; garlic 7c per lb ; cabbage $1.25 (i)1.50 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75c per dozen; parsnips 85c per sack; celery 70(it75c per dozen; asparagus 7Sc; pens 2i$3i! per pound. Dried fruit Apples evapora'ed 78 ; sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; peare sun and evaporated 8(i?i)c; pitleas plume (i(iio;7 Italian prunes 34c; extra silver choice b7. Hot bo l.i at the Kozy ICatidy Kitchen YOUR. FAITH willbeas strong as ours if you try- Shiloh's Consumption 4 4 4 d ""'l ,,rs stronft we jllI Ifunroiitcencurcorrffuiid tnoney, mul n-e seiul you tree trial bottle it vou write for it. fcllll.OH'S costs 25 ctnts and will cure Con sumption, Pneumonia, Hioiu-liitis and alt I,ii(f Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a duv, nnd ttius prevent sei ious results. It has beendoini; tliesr things for SO years. S. O. Wuu.9 S: Co., I,e Rov, N. Y. VltMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. N'otic I herein Riven Hint tlio nlorii;ned tins been duly Hppmuted by the County Court of Cbu'knuiiiw tmniv mid 8Ule of Oregon as the Ailminlsirator of the estate of It. F. linker, deoens eit, n:id thst nil v'rons Inwlna: clntnis a?.ninst tlie sat.t estnte lnut present them to the uiuter. signed, wtih in'otu'r v.mehers, at the law ollleo of C. I1. l,Mtnmv:ie in Oi'o-.roa v'ity, Orejj'ni, vviitdu six uiouttiS from 'tie dute tli.Tuf. P;ito-1 J.-tn. iiul.lXiO. H.Mi..SKINllll, .Admiiilvlt'Ator of f'.o - i ie ot H. f. It,i';t r. dc-eciiseU. HUMPHBYS-POWELL. A pretty home wedding took place at the home of Dr. an J Mrs. J. W. Powell at the corner of Center and 1 bird streets, 8:30 p. m. Wednesday evening, the contracting partiei nemg their daughter, Alice Gertrude to Lieutenant Fred W. Humphry's. Rev. W. S. Grim was the officiating clergyman. The wedding was private, only immediate relatives of the two families being present. After the wedding luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Humphrys took posssession of their home, the new Meyer cottage on Third and Washington streets, which bad been prepared for their reception . The palors and dining room of the Powell residence were prettily decorated for the event. The bride is an estimable youn.' woman, and the groom is a BaleBman in Huntley's bookstore, a Spanish war vet eran, and second lieutenant in Com pany B., 0. N. G. Miss Mary E. Gill, daughter of ,T. S. Gill, of Logan, wag married to E. N. Barrett, of Portland, the ceremony tak ing place at the home of the brides par ents at Logan, Wednesday, January 15th. Rev. J. W. Exon, of Viola, was the officiating clergyman. Alter the ceremony and attendant festivities, Mr. and Mrs. Birrett left for Portland, where he is a foreman for Smyth & Howard. Both are popular young peo ple. Marriage licenses were issued to Edith Hinz and Henry Schink on the 21st, Kathryn Coe atid L, Hoyt on the NEW SA W MIL Li RUNNING. Tfie New Era Furniture Factory MM Started Up. A D. Monroe, lumber superintend ent of the Eoernbecher Manufacturing Company, of Portland, was in the city Wednesday evening, and stated the company's new sawmi 1 at New Era; bad started up thatNmorning. The mill will be kept steadily running on maple and ash, to lupply their furniture fac tory in Portland. The mill is equipped with a lightnig running band saw, and has a capacity of 25,000 feet per day. Mr. Molloy ij foreman of the mill, which will keep 10 or 12 men busily em ployed. Mr. Monroe Bays that they have two ouena camnn nnnrnlino on tha r!,u one at the mouth of the Santiam, and the other just below Oorvallis, and that he will start another camp soon, above Corvallis. He will also start tip the company's mill at Albany, which has uooii uiuobu oown mr a time, ine nara wnod Iocs ara ruflnrl to tl, milla .u. they are cut into suitable dimensions to ue inuue lino uimuer. Mr. Monroe ham ltppn annortnlpn.1. ent of the lumber businets of fhii com pany tor me past five years. Thia mill will he a crreat indnstrm! ontamrieo tnr Clackamas county, and will make a uihtkhi mi ine mapie ana asn along tne streams. - County Expense Account. The folio ., intf ftanroa nnvar tha ram,.t of the county clerk made to the secre tary of st ite i. the year 1901 : Co. conn and commis $ 3,308 SO Circuit court 1 10,8 ra Justice c ourt 1,205 68 Sheriff's office 2.955 86 l lerk's office 2.448 75 Recorder's office 2,488 70 Treasurer's office 1,262 80 Coroner's office , . 494 85 School supt. office 1,300 81 Aisessor's office 6,375 02 Assessing and col. taxes 1.543 an Tax rebate 397 03 Current expenses , .1,631 80 Courthouse ex. and jjil ... 1,910 51 Care of poor 5,526 64 Indigent soldieri 608 75 Insane llfi 05 Reform school commit 143 50 Bridyps Q' SQI an n ...... .. .. ........ , i Scalp bounty , 612 00 nuiory.iein, , io UU Total $69,535 55 Money paid out of the treneral fund for road expenses is included in the bridge account. The county judge's ex peneea of $1200 are included under the head of county court and commission ers. Warrant! drawn on the road fund', not included in the above, amount to about if 24 000. This would make the total expenditures of the county foot ud something over $100,000. Letter Lin:,. The following is the Hat of letters re maining in the postodice at Oreuon City, Ore., on January 23rd, 1902: Wonieni' Lilt Mrs. Minnie Waaner. Mrs. Mary Norton. Hilda Olston. Mrs. Mary Smith, lnina Williams. Mens' LiBt Charlie Adams. T. L. Ball, John Bailey . W. H. Blood, Les lieC. Clement, James Clark, Will D. Fish, John N. Howlett. R. A. Murrav. James Miller, A. H. Mulkey, Millard Miller, Geo. 11. Miller, Tat Mulligan, iui wnrptiy, lan JMctarland, Dave No lan, M. Nox, Henry Olsen. Pat O'Connor, Bill O'Connor, Albeit Price, Jim Tilley, J. W. Walker. GEORGE F. HORTON, P. M. liinlis. Bom, to the wife of S. P. LuoHing, near Redlaml, Sunday, January It); Ii. Weight, 12 pounds. Mother and child doing well. THE CUICKERIXG PIANO. A Popular Favorite With Ticket Voters. Following is the vote in the Checkering piano contest: W. O. W 052,200 K. O. T M 394,427 The latest count places the Woodmen of the World 257,797 ahead. The poll box will close at 7 p. in. Saturday. The Redmen won the Irving piano over the schools, the vote standing 709, 5S3 and 4SS.SS5. For Rent. A 10 aero tr ict in C.ineiuah 20 min utes walk from Woolen mill. Good house and out bui din s. Two good cows for sale. For information call at house, or address U. W. Porter, P. O. Bjx 00, Oregon City, Or. THktRAOE Does not depend on the start but on the finish. It's staying power which carries many a runner to victory. It's like that in business. Many a man starts off in the race for business success with a burst of speed which seems to assure victory. Presently be begins to falter and at last he falls and fails. The cause ? Generally "stomach trouble." No man is stronger than his stomach. Business haste leads to careless and irregular eat ing. The stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition become diseased. The body is inadequately nourished and so grows weak. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It strengthens the stomach and so strength ens the whole body which depends on the stomach for the nourishment from which strength is made. There is no alcohol in " Golden'Medical Discovery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. Accept no substitute for the " Discov ery." There is no medicine "just as good" for diseases of the stomach and b.'.'ief organs. Your5olneri Medjod pi;v(fry 1 has per formed a wonderful curt," writes Mr, M. House., of Ci?'ieiioa, Frtaklin Co., Ark. "I had the wornt cau of dyspepsia, the doctors say, that they ever saw. After trying seveu doctors and everythlus- I could hear of, with no benefit, I tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery and now I am cured." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose luniis are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It is the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The firt dose biings relief. Astounding cures resnlt from persistent nse. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's. Price 50c and $1, Every bottle guaranteed. Chapped hands, cracked lips and roughneis df the skin cured ouickly by Banner Salve, the most healing oint ment in the world. Cbarman & Co. A Deep Mystery It is a mystery whv women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when tiiouBandsi have proved tiiat Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for vears with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson. Ia., "and a lame back pidned ni" so I could not dress myself, but Elec.r c Bitters wholly cured me, and, allium uh 73 years old, I now am able to d ull my housework ' It overcomes Constipation.improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at Geo. A. Harding's diug store. OASTOIIIA. Bean tha Signature of jM ma miiu i nave Always oougm TU l:J U... ii it n Yon should know that. Foley's Honey and Tar is absoultely the best for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Deal ers are authorized lo g-arantee it to give satisfaction. Chaiman&Co, A Cure for Lumbago W.,0. William-on, of Amherst, Va says: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. I finally tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm and it gave me en tire relief, which all other remedieB had failed to do. Sold by G. A. Harding. Individuals' Money to Loan at 6 per cent and 7 per cent, v Call on or write, Jons W. LoDEIi, Attorney at Law, Stevens Bl'd'g. Oregon City, Oreg OASTOIIIA, Hears the f miiu nam Always The Kind Vou Have Always Bough! TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to curer K W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. J It Msans Sure Death Jd the Little Rascals t Causing all the Trouble t Prier's Ar Food cont iins a - grede f which the parasite J X nsi"1 iJandrnff cannot live. J I es destroying the dandruff X J iHsite "The Hair Food" is also J X tonic and food for the hair, J i mulating the hair follicles and pplying the roots with energy X d nourishment. Makes the hair ow when all else fails. X'J For S.de by all druggist. Stylish Spring Jacket To any one who will mention Coil"-iour-Herald and send us 25 cents we will forward immediately the pattern of an advance t'aris style for a Spring Jacket. AuV.ress The Morsc-Boughton Co. Publisher of I.'Art da la Mode, 3 East 19th Street, New York. Single copy of L'Art ds la Mode 00c. It GEORGE BROS. RESTAU RANT Newly Furnished and Refitted HEALS AT ALL HOURS , ' ; i rrjiuta rttHSUiiABLt j v j : ; i This Restaurant has no Superior in the, City Opposite Electric Hotel i , f W 5 "1' , Bread Is the ' Xhe better the,, flpur, jthe better the bread; S ,,t -,,vrThe'bette;Hhb bread, 'the stronger, the staff. , Makes the , Whitest,, TJghtestBread j ; It is kept ' ' for sale by all dealers. ,' Demand-"Patent" Flour.: Made by. ' .. -v-m : " - ' ' , PORTLAND FLOURING MILIi CO,! mmamaaam Good Literature advertlBlng matter. ' -Its 1-7 Cml A lfio4- PamPh'ets, folders, booklets, etc., are J Xa.llllUi3l tastefully gotten op and are valuable for what thev contain. Here is a pa XTrx-f l-i i n rr ' of what MR- CHA'S. S. FEE, eneral Pa. 11 U illllll Agent, St, Paul, Ninn.,; will "end out; c mailed', upori receipt of prices given. An nation can be made, arid motiev or accepted. .This is a fine opportunity to obtain (rood descriptive reading matter for little or nothing, ;! ! j(j. ,;.! f - ; ' , Wonderland ipoi-: ;;;,;.:;;;, ,j , , ( ,, ,;i v, .. . . . M;'t . V i . An nnual publication, beantltiilly UluRtrated in color aad , j halftone. This number treats particularly of the history of 5nd , ,, , the Northern PacHo-t Trademark, the ouster Battlefield In Six Oenti " " 1 ' Montana, aud tbe yellowson Pirk. , ,..,. n , ) Miniature Wonderland- A neat and dainty pdblliiatlon or to sorthern Paeirlo Trademark. Th artUilc ooTera of 5nd ui the Wonderland,, 1901 are used Wild Flowers from Yeliowstone-4 A book of pressed wild fliwen from YMotonV Park, " "" i, n -i r "howlng tho real fl-wiirB in their natural colors.. A -'ulnty Send " l i t 2n,d beu,jful souvenir ten (ipeelmens of floweri t $ix : Fifty Ceta ' I -i'1 'full naira H h.tv.llnn. nf D..I. .n..Hn.. i 1 Yellowstone National Park- i 'A u A new 113 page book in strong ; flexible covem, good paper, t i plain type, lllnsu-'ited.-pocket Rie, a . compendiam , and TweatvllT , Climbing Mount Rainier-' .'J',, , j ',('', Vi . ',10 'An Illustrated pocket-size bojk, 72 pnees, In utrong, fleilble 5end . r covers, printed on hears- paper, descriptive of an' aacent of TwentT.flre fhn lilaKnat no.k 1 ()m n,, Ot.inn A,.ti.. , . ' M I,' irmrtml natnre. . , t i ''.' ... .,: ,1 i 2nd Afincial Sale At Everything Reduced ...We Can Do Better., , " : ' : .-'' By you this year thanever before and would,1 be pleased to have you give us a trial order. We do not run a department store or a black-. smith shop, but we do conduct a GROCERY STORE And sell GROCERIES A. ROBERTSON THE 7TH STREET GROCER lidok at Thec Price Jumbo Mush, 24 lbs. in package, 2 packages for,..-... 15c Salmon, 3 cans. 25c Arm & Hammer Soda, 8 lbs. for .25c Good Syrup, per can ........ 25c Roast Coffee, from 10c Green Coffee, per lb. 10c Sardines, 6 cans; . . ... ...... 25c 3-lb. can Baked Beans 20c Washing Powder, per lb 5c Ackerman Coffee Extract, 8' packages 25c Lemon and Vanilla Extracts, per oz. , 5c Bird Seed, with bone and grav el, per package 7c Blueing, per bottle. , 5c Matches, per bunch. . . . '.',' . ic GLASS SETS, consisting of SUGAR BOWL, BUTTER DISH, SPOON HOLDER and CREAMER, from 35c per set. We carry the CELEBRATED CAT TARAUGUS CUTLERY COS RA ZORS and POCKET CUTLERY, and guarantee same. ' RED FRONT TRADING CO. COURT HOUSE BLOCK OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 4 !!!,'?.' 1 1 OREGON CITY, OREGON f ! -I 1 V : ;j I Staff of Life (it Ttie Nortliern Pacific is not ed among railways for itB what they epntam. Here is a partial list , Passenger carefully : einress orders, silver or itmini will ha A .'I containing a compleU history 7 'i' it1 hi miniature Fear Ct ;:-j - ','-o) I f " ' ' ;-ir) i . .( if n !s1i'.7 ... ... .. . .- at The :. ;;t;. t ;i V-i OREGON CITY Sewing Machine Oil, per bot tle 5c Regular r 5c Shoe Dressing. . . 10c Lemonade Sets, from l $1 White Metal Teaspoons, per set............ ..15c Curling Irons, each '. . 4c Fancy Toilet Soap, per box! ."ic Lead Pencils, per dozen 10c Table Oil Cloth, per yard . . ; . 8c Toilet Soap, long bar 4c Men's Working Gloves, from., .25c Men's Black and White Striped Working Shirts 43c Men's Suspenders 15c Men's and Boys' Hats at fac tory prices. Men's and Boys' Leggons 40c OREGON CITY, ORE.