Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 24, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
utt-rt J in Oregon Oityj98tofllceai2nd-ciaMraattor
PA la riviinnA-nar vear X 60
months ' '5
rtirce raonthe'trlal 26
rH-The date opposite your address on the
paper denotes the time to which you have paid.
If this notice U marked jour subscription la due.
With Weekly Oregon ian $2 00
" Trl Weekly N. Y. World 1 85
" National Watchman.. 175
" Aortal to Kens m 1
Weekly Kxamlner 2 25
" Hryan s Commoner i
Standing business advertUemcnto: Per month
rofeHsioual cards,!! $'.), pei year): 1 to 10 inches
sue per inch, vi lncnes for s, 2U lucnos teoiumni
fll, 8U inches (;i pane) u.
Legal advertisements: Per Inoh (minion) 12.50,
divorse summons 7tu. Aiuaaviis or publica
tion will not be furnished until publication fees
are paid.
Local notices; Five cents per line per week
Per month 20c. Obiluar ee, cards or tbanks,
church and lodge notices where admlsHion fee
is cuarned or oolleoted half price or 2 cents
per line.
OREGON OITY, JAN. 24, 1902.
The allied printers of Germany have
in bank $948,124.
Tne tenement house population of
New York counts 1,550,000, about 300,;
000 being packed on a pqiiare mile of
Tub commerce of the Dutch island of
Java amounts to $200,000,000 per an
num. But the Dutch don't graft the
"Homb Imlusti y" io well enough, pro
vided it is used as secondary to 'Union
Industry." ''Home Industry" too fre
quently means the industry of the sweatshop.
ne thousand hands
liinning mill of 10,'
In Japnn urn
re employed in
000 spindles, wIici. mp in America about
200 are i-n flii-ien t, in a factory of a simi'
lar capacity.
Tub ocean used to be considered about
sb deep at its deepest as the highest
mountains are high. It has now been
proved to be half as deep again that
is, 40,230 feet.
Tub "crime of dying rich," as Carne
gie puts H, is, the crime of living to ac
cumulate riches. It cannot be atoned
tor by giving in alms to one that which
las been taken in greed from another.
Tub cities of Seattle and Tacoma,
Waali., will souu be supplied with 20,
400 electrical horse power from the Sno
qualmie Falls. One hundred and twen
t) -live tons of aluminum wire are being
made for it.
Tun unprecedented crop failure in
Iowa has materially raised the price of
products ot the farm. Iu Iowa City
eholled corn brings 00 cents per bushel,
flour $2.35 to $2.75 per 100 pounds, and
hay $12 to $14 per ton.
Tub experience ot insurance companies
in Erie county, N. Y., is that when a
firmer is dirt poor, he is also dishonest:
if ho c:vn securo a risk on his old barn,
ho will soon invest in a can of kerosene,
Poverty is tha back-door that leads to
The next issue of the Courier-Herald
will prove that county is nearly $200,
000 in debt. Also that the county ran
behind nearly $10,000 last year and how
an ante-election promise caused the
The rumor that Judge Kyan would
run independent, if not nominated
by the republican convention is prob
ably without foundation. Mr. Ryan has
made a very good judge and if he wishes
the Domination for second term he can
get it, though it was reported he did not
wish another term as he could hardly
afford to take it at the reduced salary,
and G. B. Dimick was mentioned as the
candidate of the machine. Mr. Ryan Is
mentioned as candidate for judge on the
proposed independent ticket and mieht
be acceptable to that element, but it
would not do for the republican? to turn
him down. There is not much doubt
but that the next legislature will restore
the judge to power and do away with
the third commissioner which office has
not proven satisfactory nor economical
for the people.
The Controlling Spirit.
large audience with his calculations of
the probable total amount of gravita
tional matter in the visible universe.
He showed that if, 25,000,000 years ago,
1,000,000,000 masses, each equal to our
sun, had been distributed through a
sphere about 18,000,000,000,000 ,000 miles
in radius, they would now have ac
quired velocities about equal to those
known to be poesessecUhy the stars visi
ble to us. Therefore it is probable that
the total amount of gravitational matter
in the visible universe does not differ
much from that of 1,000,0000,000 euns.
Tub New York Central llnilroad docs
considerable advertising for Oregon and
tha Northwest in tho magazine pub
lished by its passenger department. In
the January number of this m iuziuo,
which is called the "Four Track News,"
appear two articles describing the re
sources of Oregon and the coming Lewis
& Clark cxpositio i.
Loi;i Roiikhts made a little speech to
Boldiers leaving Loudon for the Trans
vaal, in which lie cautiuikd them not to
swear; but ho did not even allude to the
fact, as he well might, that the British
soldiers now at tho seat cf war are
c urged with having raped two-thirds of
tho Boer women over 14 years of age. It
would not be nice to allude, to such
things in public.
Cwn. Kuodks, the author o. the South
African war, Maxim, the world-famous
gumuaker, V. T, Stead, tho London
journalist, and Carnegie, the canny
Scotchman, who, under form of law,
stole the millions from his workingmeu
which ho is now giving away for libra
ries, o'c, all ogroo that it is best for
Ureal Britain and her colonies to join
tho L'nited States.
Tub degree of perfection attained in
the economical and profitable use of
electricity at long distances from the
point of its generation is startling. Red
wood, Oil., is supplied with the elec
tric current by ft 15,000 horsepower
plant on tho North Yuba river, through
a stretch of wire having a length of 214
miles, which spans Carquinoz Hay
some thousands of foot in width, by an
aerial cable suspended from a tower on
each shore.
At the Glasgow meeting of the British
Ablation Lord Kelvin interostod a
Koweyt, at the head of the Persian
Gulf, is the terminus of the proposed
German reilway which the Sultan of
Turkey has authorized. This Una is to
run from tho Bosporus opposite Con
stantinople, through Ismid, Iskischer,
Aflunkara-Hissar, Konir, Karaman.Ere-
gli, Adana, Tell-IIabe.ch, Mosul and
Bagdad, to Koweyt, with branches to
Aleppo and Chauekin. The route is
verw crooked, taps many rich trading
points and is more than 1500 miles long
Meanwhile Russia plana a line of 1)00
miles from tho north to the same point
across the wastes of Central Persia;
Britain is coucerned about the ap
proaches to India, and France for trade
reasons is urging on Russia.
lures entering the United States from
f1 ranee, and a concession of the mini
mum rates of France to most of the ar-
! tii lea entering that country from the
United States. Besides these there are
treaties unratified with Nicaragua, Ecua
dor, the Danish West Indies and the
Dominican Republic, from which the in
junction of -ecreey has not been re
moved. The pending agreemente have
been "held up" id the senate because
they are not satisfactory to some of the
millionaire protected interests that
would be affected by them. The pros
pect for their ratification ;is not believed
to be favorable.
In a lecture on international law de
livered by Trof. Jellinck at the Heidel
berg University, he said: "The Span
ish American war was of Immense im
portance in tho future development of
international law. America, whose
policy previously had been 'to abstain, in
accordance with the principles of the
Monroe doctrine, from the affairs of
European governments, now abandoned
that position and became sue of tho pow
ers. 1 he people are divided into sup
porters and opponents of the present
policy, and if the former, wha.ha-a ben
called imptrialists, succeed the organi-
zation of the government will ine.-itably
become similar to that of European coun
tries; individual liberty the ritrhts nf
each particular man will be sacrificed
in securing a strong central direction."
As the shifting policy of the republi
can party with regard to pending recip
rocity treaties is a matter of concern to
every one taking an interest in public
auairs, it Is at lemt worthwhile to as
certain where, iu respect to this policy,
the government stands. The ponding
treaties, from which the injunction of
secrecy has boon removed, provide: For
reduction of the duty on sugar, molasses
and asphalt from the British West In
dies and Guiana, and removal or reduc
tion of the duty on a long list of agricul
tural products and manufactures enter
ing those colonies from the United
States. For a reduction of 20 percent
ot tuo duty on sugar, hides and eerlain
grades of wood entering the United
States from Argentina, and a reduction
in the duty on a long list of food s hi lis
and manufactures enrering Argentina
from tho United States. For a reduction
of 20 to o0 per cent on certain manufac-
Editor Courier-Herald: Your corres
pondent begs leave to offer a few re
marks relative to our forthcoming elec
tion As my name seldom, if ever, ap
pears iu print, I do this through purely
patriotic motives, not being a candi
date lor any office in the gift of the peo
dle of Clackamas county. It is well
sometimes, if not always, to consider the
advice of our elders. In this line I will
say that my father told me never to en
ter the political arena, and it can readily
be seen or imagined what were his reasons-
not that I was too dull to hold my
own with the fattest and best of them,
but the ideal of the modorn politician is
lacking in common honesty or moral
nrinrtinlft. Ilmlorutun.l Hiot T a,.,
casting personal reflections on anybody.
xuu inuoi aumu mis iaei. wtiat then
is the result, and what must be the con
clusion? A host of old party hacks and
men of second-rale caliber jostling and
crowding to ll-fi frnnt . Inr nnlitlnol
ferment.simply for the loaves and fishes.
When such a state of affairs prevail, is it
any wonder why this county is $200,000
m in-m mm una a lax levy 01 10 40
mills nil th rlnllnr? Tf in t1.t ..
I 1 I I . io emit uini CVCIJf-
body s business is nobody's business;
but fellow-laborers and farmers you will
think it your business about next May
when the taxes are due. Let us make
If Dill hllei'nnau nn tl.u fl..ol- Ttr., J.. .. !
.v .voo u. v..u Altai. luuuuay 111
JlinetnnlflpA mn nf fi,r), ilull,.,.nl
- - ....... v. (.L. MUVLIWttltll
and moral endowments in positions of
iruui anu responsibility. Tins done and
Wft Hllftll witA nnr Ull J anonmnna
j,v VuH viiwmuuu i a A.
levy in a few years. Come forth and
hihiuii yuurseivej iiKe men. vve, the
farmera. D-nino-pra anil lutw-irara If :
our hands to right matters. A long pull,
a 8tiongpull and a pull altogether and
uir uny IB uuru.
Yours for retrenchment and honest
N. F. Nelson.
Clear Creek.Clackamas Co.,Jan., 19,1902.
lOO Reward $100!
The readers of thiR nannr nill Uu
pleased to learn that thprn ia nf l.,ici
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stanes, and that is
v atarrti. nail s Catarrh Cure is toe
onlv positive currt knnn tn ho mr i;.
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a consti
tutional disease, reqdires a constitutional
treatment, llall s Catarrh (Jure is taken
internally, arling directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destrov
of the disease, and giving the patie- t
s.rengtn oy ouiidiiig up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
us curative powers, tliat they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cu e. Send for list of tpstimn.
Address. F. J. 'Chenev .t- fn To.
ledo. O.
T"Sold by Druggists, 75c.
nans family nils are the best.
Quite a large number of prominent
democrats of Clackamas county have ex
pressed themselves as being favorable to
a straight democratic ticket In prefer
ence to an independent ticket.and argue
with a good deal of truth that many of
those favoring an independent move
ment are after office "pie". They alto
say truly that the democratic party is
the only reform party that can expect to
to get its principles adopted by the peo
ple and eventually inculcated into the
laws of the country. These are facts,
but still many who have been voting
with us object to the name and hence
will not vote such a ticket. While we
believe the laborer is worthy of his hire
we till think that such a ticket pledged
io a radical reform in county affairs.such
as the reduction of the salaries one-half
would be a winner. A prominent ab
stracter guarantees to assess the
county for $2500 per year in as good
shape as at present. It now costs over
$9000. The writer is satisfied he could
make money by taking a contract to fill
all the offices of Clackamas comity tor
less than ball the present salaries.
According to reports Henry E. Stevens
and J) . t,. Sleight will be the nominees
for recorder and clerk on the republi
ticket, although Justice McAnulty stands
a good show for clerk.
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Honrs Opon Day and Night
frieea Reasonable
Only First Class tfesiaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORB.
Most Peopl
-ike a Grocery House A place! where they they I
an get what they want and feel sure that the T
I Phone 393
price will be right. They want to feel confident $
in tbeir Grocer. Now, you who are looking for I
such a house, we most ordially invite you. to try T
I ta ani Center Sts.
Muir Bros. !
Harl Engle, of Molalla, has been men
tioned in connection with the democratic
nomination for sheriff, and if he should
consent to run he would make the best
run of any we know.
The opinion of most of the Deonle is
that George W. Grace ia the man that
will make the best run far senator
against Brownell. He is not a politician
and would only accept if his nomination
were unanimous. C. D. Latourette could
have secured the nomination if he had
taken a prominent part as joint chair
man two years ago. Dr. Beattie. of Ore
gon City, seems to be the choice of the
Molallaites for senator. He is a fighter
when it comes to politics.
Aa Inrsnloiia Treatment hr uhlrh
Drnnkarda are Being; Cured Ua'ly
in Kplte of Themaelvea,
No MexlonaDosea, No Wenkenlnir ofthe
Neryei. A Flraaant and l'!tlve Cure
for the Liquor Habit.
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drill and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
Uor. Fourth and Main Sts.
Bat the Best Stock of First-Clasi
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices In Oregon City is at
Opposite Huntley's
fipst-eiass pleats of All irjds
Satistaction Gnaramct a
give ffin? a gall arjd be Treated ?ijgfct
$975.00 Locomobile Given Jlmy
It in nnW irpnprallv Vnnnrn anA 11
r- j ukwiiu uuu UI1UC1
stood that Drunkenness is a difiease and
not weakness. A body filled with poi
son, and nerves completely shattered by
periodical or constant use of intoxicating
liquors, requires an antidote capabWnf
neutralizing and nrudinatinir tliia nnio.
h ,la jpuiouu,
ana drntrovino- llm prin.i Inr
cants. Sufferers may now cure them
selves at home without publicity or loss
ot time from business by this wonderful
"HOME GOLD CURE" which has been
perfected after many years of close study
and treatment of inebriates. The faith
ful use according to directions of this
wonderful discovery is positively guar
anteed to cure the most obstinate case,
no matter how hard a drinker. Our
records show the marvelous tran8forma
tion of thousands of Drunkards into so
ber, industrious and nprijhtmen
ERS I I This remedy is no sense a nos.
trnm but is a specific for this disease
only, and is so skillmlly devised and pre
pared that it is thoroughly soluble and
pleasant to the taste, so that it can be
given in a cup of tea or coffee without
the knowledge of the person taking it.
Thousands of Drunkards have cured
themselves with this priceless remedy,
and as many more have been cored and
made temperate men by having the
"CURE" administered by loving friends
and relatives without their knowledge
in coffee or tea, and believe today that
they discontinued drinking of their own
free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be
deluded by apparent and misleading
"improvement." Drive out the disease
at once and for all time. The "Home
HOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely
low price of One Dollar, thus placing in
reach of everybody a treatment more ef
fectual than others costing $J5 to $50.
Full directions accompany each package,
Special advice by skilled physicians
when requested without extia charge.
Sent prepaid to any part of h world
on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dent
E oil t, E I) W IN B. GILES & COMPA N Y
2330 and :'3o2 .Market Street, Philadel
phia. All correspondence strictly confidential.
Don't pass us by call in and getour
prices. Red Front Trading Company.
With every jocts. invested with A. N. Wright, the Iowa
Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you get
a ticket on the $975.00 Locomobile to be given
..to Some Eucky One
MAS goods now every day. New and fresh from the factor
quality always the best. Prices correct.
Ji. n. wktwz,
Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co.
New Stratton Building, Oregon City
We carry the larirest stock of Caskets
Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas
county. .
We are the only undertakers in the
county owning a hearse, which we fur
nish for less than can be had elsewhere
we are under small expense and do
not ask large profits.
C ills promptly attended night or day
R. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker
Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court House.
A -
Brown & Welch
Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
1,'?.0h1"11ou" 1 7T.rh f"'-vs'. " HI quickly cure vou of all
5011a or diwm o the generanye i,rem,. aul-h s ln,t Ma, h
iiiaimiua.il. 119 ut tne i4jn-K.bcii.HMU ilwbdi.m. Xerv.Kis 1.; ,,Vv
-I'ii-inl.i, Vr.a;n to Jlarrr. Kihmi.iin.. i,ri ... i-L"',""ltyl
M . - -'"s""1J''-p- 1 1 slop a.l luseen by ut or nihu ,iai.i2
l - V- Bsc.d-!H-liarSo,wl,i,-h if notched lo.-.,!S tXsvemtut, ' and
E l BEFORE mo AFTSB hurror joi Impotency. I Pint: r. cleameb Uw liver. Uia
Li . Ki-l-iersa'iiltlii'iirinai-ToriraniiotaUimpariUea.
M rr PI DEEntrengthOTs and restores small weak nmarm.
The reason suflVrers are not cured by I',ietori li beennse nlrtefr per cent are trenMefl wtrti
Proaiafllla. Ct'l'I HEX K Is the only known rem.nly tr, enre .nhout L orrauon! S!?., MlnlonC
!. A written iniiirant.-e given and monev returned if ;i bolel does not ellaul a tw.iuVji .TT.VIi
L0Oa box, six tor V0O, by mail Send (or bkih circular and 1 tesUmSiials? pernmueiitcur
Ad.lrca PAVUI. HKII.K COn P. O. Bax 2076. San Francisco. Cal. IbrSaleln
G. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City T Oregon