OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 1902 J. H Vick, of Molalla, wai in Oregon City ilonday. - , i Mr. and Mrs. J. Koowland visited Sa lem yesterday. -. . , j , , I I ?rne?' was a visitor in Ba J lem Wednesday. Ludwig Hartke made a visit to Wool burn Wednesday. Ed Hahn, of, New Era precinct, was ' m the city yesterday. ' Charles G. Miller, who has been se riously ill, is improving. ' ' : Mrs. B. E. Allen, of Monmouth, is visiting relatives in the city. , ; j John Burgoyne,' of New Era precinct, was in Oregon City Monday. A, F. Kniaht, of Canby, was & visitor in the city during the" first of the week, Mrs. E. D. Kelly, who was jaeriously , 9 w" uouevBii n oe on me roaa to recovery k Miss Esther Williams; who has been f visiting' relatives in Salem, returned (. home Wednesday. t J. W Clement, who formerly lived at Wilhoit Borings, was mairied at Cot-. ; tage Grove this week. J. W. Draper, who recently purchased ( . ttmiuoi a looiuoiujHi property- ax toi- ; ton, is fitting up the same for occupancy -. by himself and family.' . . , : t ; TR,. E. Norris, representing the JJn i. versity of Oregon Giee Club, was in Cor 1 valln Friday, arranging for the appear t.ance of that organization in this city ' February 11th. Utirvallis Gazette. r?$- 9lm well-known resident of : Wliott rtairie, was in the city Wednes- 1 liav Ma tldd Viann nPE.! t I - - -- ' UUIIDItlOID' oly with rheumat am. and expects to ..' leave soon for .Eastern 'Oregon, ' for a ' change of climate. , s v , , , , , , . ,s , ; A. G. Banhomew,' county judge of Morrow cointy, was in the city Thurs day, accompanied by one of the county -commissioners. It is the intention, to build a new court house at Heppner, nd these officials were investigating the make-up of the Oregon1 City court bouse. , ... , . J. H.McKibben, editor of the Sena tor, the Knights !; bf-f. Pythiai paper,' in Portland, also A. M. F,ry F. 0. Beaton, . Wk7g,(H'ur8t,'t Albtrt Smith, L. I. Snyder. , of r , Hermes lodge at Aurdra.U'visited1 Cataract Lodge, Knight's of Pythias, Wednesday night, v There was 1 wck Jn all three tanks, and a banquet followed. H. H. Johnson returned from Salmon river Monday, where he made a survey of the proposed purchase for a site for a flew hatchery . 'About. 19 "acres ' were - surveyed, taking in iherivef (of tbout half mile. Mr; Johnson nade the sur vey under the ;direction of the state fish commission, and it h understood that the owner of the property, Jwhn Buchi pjd, is willing to Bell the' property at, a reasonable figure.,; It; i expected that the board will complete the purchase at the next meeting, prepatory 16 erect ing a hatchery building.. Superintend ent Tom Brown accompanied ! H. H. Johnson in. and sav Hi at. Ai 862,000 young fry, growing nicely. ,, Congregational Church. The theme for next Sunday will be ''The Value of Lives" in the morning and "Some Things Needed to Get Along in Life" in the evening. The next supper oil the ''Men's Con gregational 'Olub" 'will be given next Wednesday evening. Dr. Stephen S. Wise will be the speaker ou tke occasion. The t-eme selected is "Israel's Gifts to the World.'' The management ot the Club has decided to give an opp rtunity to hear this talented Rabbi of the North west. . The address will be given in the auditorium o the church at 8:30. Price of admission will be 25 cents. After the grip you muBt have Special This Week something throw off to o that m i s e r a b e cough. Many a one has given way to Dr. Baker's Rock, Rye and Tolu. yours will do the same if you get the genuine at Huntley's. 50c and $1.00. 2 Before taking stock (Feb. 1st) we want to close Y out all our present line of rubber goods. To do this X we are making such a cut in prices that we believe the l6 uuuiiuio go. l nis is just me season tor hot T water bottles. Get one now when you can buy a $1.00 Y one for 59 rent. . one for 59 cents. Regular Price Marvel Whirling Spray .... $3.30 . Ladies' Dauche Safety Goodyear Cro m Bulb ..... C I . Scarlet Globe " Everett " Crown Comb. 2 quarts " " 3 " Barnes " 3 " Ruby Fountain 2 " Challenge " 2 ' Cordincelle " 2 " Hot Water Bottles Cardinal " Congress Auto'mt. Yosemite 0 This is only a partial list, but the cut prices include all our atomizers, hot water bottles, Bulb and fountain syringes. Everything is in the window. C. G, HUNTLEY. O Oregon City, Ore. ;j LOCAL NEWS ITEMS j Eggs are quoted at 25 cents per dozen in the local market. Grind Patriarch Thomas F. llyan will institute )i new Odd-Fellows jlodge at Oanby Saturday night. ' ' ' : Alfred Weed was . operated upon for appendicitis in a Portland hospital last Monday by Dr Sommer, and is pro gressing favorably .t f :';'- ' Charles H. Caufield, George A. Hard ing and T. Leonard Charmau were re elected directors of the Bank of Oregon City at the meeting held Monday night. George A. McOord, !of Moiint Pleas ant, filed a petition in' bankruptcy in the United States court Tuesday. His assets amount to nothing, and the lia bilities are $2914. ; Sheriff Cooke's annual report printed un the eighth page of this paper in the commissioners' proceedings, makes an excellent showing. . He has been a close collector for the county. ' . Miss Mamie Mosier, who committed; suicide by taking carbolic acid, .was buried froui the home of Silas MoBhsr in this ' city yesterday afternoon. The! members of Myrtle Lodue, Degree of i Honor, attended the funeral in a body, Ex-County Clerk Elmer Dixon is still busy registering, about 250 citizens having already qualified in this respect. Several justices of he WItc.e; ftso-ftre registering voters in different tectitna ot the county. ne following new suits have been wen in me circuit court, tn rpoAver money.' Alkaline kStricklia vs Charles oardinell, et alj the same vs John Ery, etal; G. Schmiuhke, et al, vs George ft.eny ; nornsuun tiros vs J. K. Fisher. The above suits are to recover money. i Two small boys were noticed slowly sauntering up Main street Sunday, when the attention of one of the two was, attracted to a sliowr window where was displayed a tub-full of roasted pea nuts. As his eye caught the price card,(he cslled to his companion, "Geel Kid, Peanuts only five cents a quart.' , valentine, Boh!nder, of Beaver Creek, is at the home of his sister, Mrs. Law rence B-ucoriich, in this city, nursing a broken arm. The, accident occurred last Saturday, when' 'he was driving to town writb a load of. wood. The wagon upietj And in' the J fall Mr. Bohlander sustained a fracture of (he , right, writ.; Quit paying rent, and don't pay ini leresi. uwu your own home. The Or-1 egon Home. Mutual . Society will' bdy your home and pay off your mortgage,1 and give you 16 years and eight months to pay for It.' Only $5 35 per month for a l,00a Lome. H. M.!Ha,rnden, Ore gon City, agent.! :-j j ; j ( yMrS. LaBelle died at the home bf Councilman 11. O. Gilmore at Canbv last Monday. She was 54 years old, and a widow. Mrs. LaBelle had been 'twice married, but left no relatives. b tie had been a resident of Clackamas county for severul years, but for the past few months had lived with the family of H, O.,' Gilmore. She died of dropsy trouble. The sheriff's office received a message from a Portland detective yesterday af ternoon,, stating that Bennett Thomp- Kon naa UBt coniessea to holding up the Willamette Falls elect ric car in Decem ber. .The detective claims the $100 re ward offered by Clackamas county, for worming this confession ou of Thomp son. In bis first confession, Thompson depied holding up the Willamette Falls car. Mrs. L. Harrington, an earlv Clack amas county pioneer, died at the home of her son, J. N. Harrington at Ely last Saturday mornincr. She was Rfi veara old, her hushand having died many vears aao. The funnral took nta-o at the family home Sunday morning, Rov. J. H. Beaven conducting the services. The interment was in the Highland Every horse (good or bad) is entitled to a package or two of Condition Powders during t h e year as much as you ate entitled to ft blood remedy or a cough cure. Get our Palo Alto and ou can juat see your horse im prove. o Special . !F2.98 . 98 . 98 . 49 79 49 33 1-33 144 . 1,29 . 98 49 1.29 .. 69 . 85 59 . 1. 12 . 93 I 50 I.50 8? - 1-25 75 So 2.00 2.25 2.00 1.50 75 2 25 1. 00 1-25 1. 00 200 1.50 2 qt " " " " 3 " Cut-Price Druggist. c metery.. Ed Harrington,, of High land, was a son of the deceased. Mrs. HarrinKton was highly respected, and left a wide circle of friends and riumerJ .:ous.telatai.U '.(. .YAUnr-r ,q Here we are, all the little peopTeTroin Brownie Island.,, Uome .and see ujs on Saturday,' Jan. 25.,uv' ' j ,; Will trade a flr6t-claB milk cow, freeh in March, for, a. good,;, b,uggy,1 , inquire CotiiiiEB-HKUApb office. , , i, , (,.;,, The Great1 Success ! , Brownie, Life in Brownie Land will be-'seen' at Shivqly's opera house Jan.!25i'- ;! "H Dr. Stephen S. Wise will lecWre at the Congregational church, Wednescjay, January 29, at 8 :30 p. m , on "srar8 Gifts to the Worlds." Tickets can be necnred at 'tl e Golden Kute caaar. Admission 25c.' The ReV. P . KJ Haintaoiid Will Wefein a seriesof sermons next, Sun day. morn ing on '"Christian Doctrine,,'' and jn, the evenlnsf 'oh ; "The Bible." ' Services j at 11 and 5 o'clock; ' Everyone made'wel- come.;.i,j j ),! t dii'-l i ni J The Talk of the Town-Kiiig Colossus decrees, c j . i ' : i " ' ( Ji .' I Shall hencefortjh ,be; with rue in power ; And the clever Subjects with one voice ''' agree,' ',"-,! ' ," ,'' " The Brownies are the topic of the libur. ' Rev.'Ci Ni Crospisto'r M. E.,'churcii, will preacft : ad the ' U. ' B.: Chufch the third, Sunday ift 'February," Alj i 3 o'clock. , , .,.., f , W, 1 Mf,,.,! j For 8ale-J-Ten. aefes in1 Mount Pleas ant, 2 miles from the court house i acres In cultivation ; 600 bearing fr,uit jtreeB; two wells i ' good house, near SCHOOL ciuiueaoy. inquire at wu- lisR-Herald offlcfl. , Come to see our" Little Brownie9at, sing and; dance : In the ' Golden tifahl Cave, at Shi.vely's opera house Jani'25. . The Retail : Merchants'! Asseciation held , their regular monthly , meeting Monday night, and elected, the follow ing officers: President; Frank' T. Bar low vice-president, Duane O. Elyj sec retary,, iJhria, ,Schnebel!j; : treasurer, Frank Busch, Ifhe, twp latler were,r blected ' The directors elected are Messrs.1 Barlow,1 Elyf( Bunch, Charles Albright,.' M. Michael, George T.: How ard,. W- A-! Hun'ley,! A. RobertsonLi Adams. It was decided to offer the Standard Oil Company special induce ments to put in a station tank here. The pulse, I also will sounded on universal early closing among all the merchants, ! -i-l 1 . Estray Notice. " '6neisii or seven year old milk cow, dark red, small, white star in forehead, white spot under body and one on hind leg ; also on one shoulder ; horns of me dium size, with shell of left horn broke off. Reward given. Communicate to Chris Tellbfsoh, Parkplace, Ore. Here is a Bargain. I have one foreclosure place left and unsold; 66 acres level, good soil;. 16 acres nice cultivation ; balance light brush; new house, six large rooms, not finished inside, but cost $300' as it stands. Two great springs; 11 miles from Oregon City; one-half mile from plank road; worth $1350; will take $750;, longtime; easy terms. H. E. Cross, ' Oregon City. leachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Clackamas county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state and county papers at Oregon City, as follows : i FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 12th, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, Feb. 15:h, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelliug, algebra, reading, school law; Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. . Saturday Botany, plane geometiy, general history, Englibh literature, psy chology. FOR COUNTV PAPERS, Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 12th, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, Feb. 14lh, at 4 o'clock p. m. FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD GRADE CERTIFI CATES. Wednesday Penmanship,hiatory, or thography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Fridaj Geography, mcutal arithme tic, physiology, civil government. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, orthog raphy, r ading, arithmetic. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. J. O. Zinskr, Superintendent of Schoo s. Oregon City. Jan. 21, 1902. In Memoriam The committee appointed to prepare a tribute of respect to our late Comrade G. W. Shank respectfully submit the following: Comrade (i. vv . btiank was born in Ohio in 1838, died at his residence near Canby on January 14th, 1902. He bore an honorable part during the late War for the Union. He enlisted in Company B, 10th Ohio Volunteers,, and was in all engagements participated in by his regimentup to the Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., where he was seriously wounded and taken prisoner. After his release he returned to active service, and served continuously until honorably discharged on account of close of the war. He was an honored member of Meade Post No. 2, Department of Oregon, which he joined by mueter October 1HSH. Comrade Shank was widely known in Clackamas and adjoining counties as an exemply man in every particular. As a f-oldier Meade Post No 2, Department of Oregon, (i. A. R., deeply mourn his lots and extend to 1 1 i b family and many friends its heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. O w. C. . A. Williams. A. Hahmnci, H. Dacchey, Cou.niittee. 8 acres on east edje of city limits for sale at jourown price. Impute at Courier- Utrald office. Have you seen Co1ofub, the Great Btowuie K:i,g? He will l at ttie Optra hi use on Jan. 25, looking for you. ED UCA T ION AL MA TTEBS. Intetrmtlna Teacher' ingat I A UrtliWNilM4 'IhW Shi During the past week County School Superintendent J. O. Zinser visited the schools at Barton, Eagle Creek, George, Dover, Firwood, Tracey's,. Springwater, Dodge and Currinsville, binding up , the week with a profitable meeting of teach ers, patrons and rchool officers at Cur rineville on Saturday; ?,-; . . ,T;,v ; . The importance ,tst regu lar ." attend ance at school was one of the subjects' oiscussea. me teaciiers' part was ably( handled by Mr. Surface?'--The 'parent's part was discussed earnestly and (orcii bly by J. K. Ely, 'an- ex-teacher and now clerk of district No. 7,', Currins ville. Mr. Miller spoke pf . the. good re sults of regular attendance. F M. Gill read a good paper ibn. f'How1, to Make the School a Sucojess.'' Miss ' Jiicciri- bothem, in discussing the subject of id-r vanced reading, made an earnest plea for the school horary, as ',d' means for creating a taste for good reading. 1 Miss Haenel led the discussion ' of primary reading. The patrons of Currinsville turned out en masse. Everybody voted the meeting a decided success.; '.The fol lowing teachers were notjeed in attend ance! E. F. Surface, Emma Klein smith, Martin Masiingur, D. A. Mil,h?r, F. M, Gill, Nora Hale, LelphemyHaenal, Aha t. Hiceinboihem; also the follow, ing school officers: Julius Paulsen,' L. Hale. J. K, E'?- F. J. HarVenrider, J. J. Davis, J. E. Crawford, i ' ,! ' An elaborate program bas been lire- pared for the regular monthly meeting of the Clackamas County Teachers' As- soidation to be held at Milwaukie Sat-U-iday. A number of prominent eduoa-.' tors will be in attendance, and the Mil' waukie will extend a cordial welcome to the vis ting teachers. An county superintendent will hold an examination for county and state pa pers at the county court house begin ning February 12th. The detail notice will be found in another column. A. 0. Stansbrough, who was princi pal of the Aurora school for several years, also of the Woodbnrn school, be gan a term of school in Kocher district, Mark'sPrairie, last Monday. Oonnty Superintendent Zinser has is sued another interesting number of his monthly educational magazine for teach ers and school officers. - In addition to numerous valuable articles 4t eontains an index of the valuable school library, the property of the Teasers' -Library Association. The books are in the cus tody of the county superintendent. -r PROBATE COURT. Judge Ryan -Mad4 Several . Or der During the Week. ' - -' v-. v - . . . In the matter of ihft estate of John -IV, Trembath, jr., deceased, H. W. - Trem bath, administrator, February 17th was set as the date for hearing objections to the final settlement of th trust, i Margaret Wolf, executor of the last will and testament of Puilip Wolf, de ceased, was ordered discharged from her trust, having settled up the estate iu a, satisfactory way. ' - ' ' ' ; ''' Un the matter of the estate of Cyrus Jones; deceased, Caroline Jones, admin istratrix, was granted an order to sell the personal property of ' the estate, a showing having been mule that there was a sufficiency of these chattels to pay off the indebtedness. ' : i -'i , ' In the matter of the. estate of H. A. Straight, deceast d, H. E. Stevens, ad: minintrator, his reiort showed receipts $7127; disbursements,; $5568 85. The inilebtedness of the late Hiram Straight to the estate was made an offset ti his share. The remainder of. the cast) on hand; $1858 25 was ordered distributed equally among the five heirs Julia Frost, Jane Bingman, C. B. Straight and Mary Lucas. It was further : or dered that upon the filing of receipts from said parties that the said adminis trator, H. E. . Stevens be discharged from his trust and that the real estate be turned over to iis legal heirs.; i A Citation was served on Joseph Green to appear January '27th, in the matter ot the estate of John S. Green, deceased, wherein Dan J. Moore moves tosetaside the letters of adininintra tion granted to C. D. Lutotirette. ' THE POTATO IS KINO. The Tubers Bringing Many Dol lars Int6 Clackamas County. The potato , is ; king in : Clackamas county th;s year. About $150,01)0 will be realized from the potato acreage, and yet a shortage iu yield wai predicted early in the sea son. ; I . The Clackamas count) potatoes never fail to yield, and this year's product is good as gold coin in Sn Francisco, Texas or any other place. : Farmers are receiving checks in big figures for their spuds that too in the poverty-stricken season of the year, i Til Tucker on the Molalla, near Mackehurg, sild his entire raop last week for $1 30 per sack. They were of extraordinary quality and rained on sandy bottom land. Postmaster G. W. Scramhn, or MacUsuurg, was ottered $1 10 per sack for his stock on hand last Saturday. He estimates that two-thirds of the potato crop is now out of the bands of the hands ot ttie producers. George II. Brown, of New Era, is buy ing and shipping thousands of bushels of potatoes, and has paid as high as $1 15 for a choice lot. Hie average quality bring about $1 per sack. Mr. Brown was the first Clackamas county grower to adopt the plan of grading po tatoes for the market. This plan gave the local product a good name in the San Francisco market. Several growers are shipping potatoes to Kan Francisco on their own acconnt. An opinion prevails to a certain ex tent, that potatoes will yet reach a higher fiKUre. However, taking chances on the market is something like stock gambling. V. Kocher, of Mark s Prairie, was once offered $1 per sack in the fall, and before winter was over, sold the entire lot for 40 cents. Potatoes will bring more money into Clackamas county than any one prod uct, and yet the business is only in its infancy in this section. The soil is ' adapted to the'r growth, ani the t i'ie ' ! can be grown at a coBt of not over 40 cents per suck . i j Be sure you are present at Slii vely's op era house on Jan. 25, to see the promiL insr y u"c actor, Mr. 0car Witthoft, in "TheBehs" insiE ONLY 10 DAYS MORE GREAT-n CLEARANCE SALfe - to doolden mm "Emar Creion City's Big Cash Store Greater Bargains Than Ever J .V-: . . I 250 sheet pencil tabletwith ' ' Women's Vict Kid Lace & 1 fl I hriuht rover 'i C Shoes, hand sewed, turn and . n 11 CDrignt cover y , ;we,,ole- Regular 2.50.... X , I S lQood Heavy Comfortables XQ' Flannelette Wrappers, neat tf rnj xcotton filled 07C;: te,,"'" q V;5u I Men's Heavy Wool Socks 1 Men's Wool Hats, new AC I c Regular 25c, now DC5 5 styles...... ; IDC? ? ; tlmbrellas Steel Rods Q S Johnson Bros'. KnRllsh semi- ) jugular 60 and ulSH!!H!j I! Extr Goo Suspenders fttber Dusters ZOC; ;, "President" style' ZOC 1 1 Fancy Dishes, odd lots ot plates, Q i' i Best Outing Flannel o J muKS, cups and saucers and cream Of; '! Second Grade o rf pitchers wwi i Third ' 5o . WV, Lartje stock of Vfilentlnes-Latest Novelties. 1 I f 7 Spring Poetry. A local contributor, struck by the muses, begins with the following: ) tl about the weather y., - Your'e prone tp complain, iAnd especially despondent . I 'At the beautiful rain; When those dark, lowering clouds y.i Cause you- agony and pain, : Yeu ought to go to Kansas "V iAnd meet a jimmy iane. "Which would whistle tl rough yoar whisker, '. ; y - As the bristles on a sinner When your hair assumes the shape Of an angry porcupine; . While old Jack Frost Plays a joke upon your nose And you don't know a thing, Till your nsal organs freeze. Amateur Base Ball. There being only about two months until the baseball season will open, it is well , to call the attention of the public to wnai is Deing uone in ttie way o am ateur bane ball for the coming season of 1902. Last year being the first time tor seyernl years that base ball has had anything of a: boom, there was a chance to bring out several new players as well as some of the old players,, who had played in the local teams in the past. Amateur base ball could hardly be called a financial success last year, how ever, it is hoped that .nothing but good clean sport will be put up during the approaching season and the public see ing the effort made by the boyS in prac tice will at least patronize tne games and thus make this season a success. Oregon City has the piospects of hav ing plenty of good ball this season as every effort is being made to organize the best team ever organized in Clacka mas county. The best players of last year will be retained while the addition of several outside players will tend to Strengthen the team, i . ; ' 1 The prospects of an Amateur League with four or five of the best teams i n tered are good. ' The league will proba bly consist of teams from Portland, Hills boro, Vancouver, Gervais and Oregon City. The Oregon City team will only be satisfied with first place. Mr. Keat ing, who has charge of the ball park at Willamette, is making arrangements to put the grounds in good oondition, also to erect a grandstand so the patrons will be able to witness the games in comfort this year. Arrangements will ulso be made with the Portland General Elec tric Company to supply cars enough to take the public to and from the grounds in better shape than was done last year. The public should bear in mind that in playing amateur base ball the players do not receive salaries and must depend entirely upon the patronage of the pub lic for the expenses of the team (which are no small item ) Therefore, lot's make up our minds to do all we can to encourage the local manager, so he will be able to keep a good team in the field. and one of the best way to do this is to come out and patronize your home team and show them first, last and all the time. The public will he kept posted as to what is being done from time to time through the local press. School Report. Following is the report for school dis trict No. 8, lor month ending January 20 th : Number days' attendance, fiSOJj. , Number days' a' sence, S'Jj. Number days taught, 20. Number times 'ardy, 8. Average daily attendance, 34. Number enrolled, 42. The following pupils were neither ab sent nor taray for month : Roy Spragtie, Harry Sprugue, Harry Babler, Elma Babler, Erma Babler, Edie Kirchem, Bessie King, Bertha King.Kva Newkitk, Bird Newkirk, Hull I'axton, Sammle Ohlmstead. Visitors are invited to bring a chair with them when they come as all the seats are occupied. Roiikiit P.AKKit, Teacher. For SJe My improved farm of 115 acrrs, ''i 1 2 mil- i south of Oregon City, and 1-2 mile north of New Era. On the place are 1500 hearing irune trees, nine years 6ld, also a latest-iinprortd drier. Good buildingl. Price, $40 ptr sere. Apply to ilittt Clemens, liu Eta. I Notice of School Sleeting. Notice is hereby given (o the legal voters of Scheol District No. 62 of Clack amas county,' state1 of Oregon, that school meeting for said district will be held at' the county court room in the court house at Oregon City, to begin at the hour of 7 :30 o'clock p m., on Tues day, the 28th day of January, 1902. This meeting is called for the purpose of leyying a tax on all the assessable property within the district for general school purposes, for the ensuining year. ' , , 0. O. Albright, Chairman. Attest, O. O. T. Williams, Clerk. Dated this 15th day of January ,1902. . Frank Treadwell, Bennett, la., wa troubled with' kidney disease for two years. He writes: "I had taken several kinds of kidney remedies, but with lit tle benefit. Finally I tried Foley's Kid ney Cure and a one dollar bottle cured me, Oharman & Co. . There Are Simple Rameclles ! indispensable, in any family. ' Among these, the experience- of years assures : us, should be recorded Pafukiller. For both internal and external applications we have found it of great value; especi ally can we recommend it for colds, rheumatism,' or - fresh wounds and ' bruises. Christian Era. Avoid substi- ' tutes, there is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis.' Prjce 25o and 50o. . KEHARKAULK CUB1! OF CltOUP. . A Little lioj's Life Saved ., ' , (. I have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I cannot praije It enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. 15. Steere of Good win, 8. D., and when I got home with it the poor babv could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" ana then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long s rings. I am positive that if I had not got that bot'le of cough medicine, mjr boy would not be on earth today. Joel Demon t, Inwood, Jowa. For sale by G. A. Harding, .-:! Yeu Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that ft is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. 50c. W.L. Yancy, lVu:ah. Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the host physicians iu Southern Kentucky tteated me without success. I was induced to try F'oley'a Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave im mediate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend tint wonderful remedy." lake no sub stiltre. Oharman & Co, P.C C O. Ry. Co. H25c is the regular Sunday round trip rate between Oregon City and Portland. Get your tickets at Harding's drug store." For ever Slxtjr Jears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value Is incalcu lable, BeBure and ask for Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Don't you miss to see the poptilat comedian, Mr. Barney Deering, as King Colossus, with the Brownies, on Satur day, January 25th, at Shively's opers house. Here we are, with our great company of children actors, in our groat pl.iy "Brownie Lifo in Brownie I. and," at the opera house on January 25th. This signature ti on every tioi of the gonulat Laxative Urono'Qa'nine TaMct. . '1e remedy that t-ureo n told Iu m da)