re. V ' Oregon Git C ourier COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1902 19th YEAR, NO. 36 JJANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN 1HE CUT CAPITAL SURPLUS I5O.OC0.00 (20,850.00 Chas. H. Cauiield, Preddent Geo. A. Harding, Vice-President B, 0. CATJIIKID, Cashier General banking business transacted Deposits received subject to clieolc Approved bills and notes dls:ouuted County and city warrants bought Loans made on available security Exchange bought aud sold Collections made promptly Drafts sold available In any part of the -world Telegtaphlo excha ge sold on Portlanu, Ban Francisco, Chioago and New York Interest paid on time deposits c. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE -ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Heal Estate and Probate law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ' OKEG0H COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bll is buys and sells domestic and foreign exchnrge, and receives deposits subject to ehe ck. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. I, J. MEYsa Cashi , C. Laiottef.ttr. President Q N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 18C5) Prompt delivery to all parts of the oily OREGON CITY ' OREGON G. B. Dimick EASTHAM NEWSOF 9. W. Eastham J)IMICK & ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Beal Estate and Probate Law Specla ties, Abstract of Title made, Money Loaned. Reference, Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREOOH J)R. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Prices Moderate. All Operations Guaranteed. Barclay Building Oregon City J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a spooialty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American Collect '.ot Lental Surgeiy, Chicago Willamette Blook OREGON CITY OREGON W. W. OIIRISTIE, D. O. J)RS. CHRISTIE OSTEOPATHIC C. D. LOVE, D, O. & LOVE PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy. Successfully treat all chionic diseases by mechanical manipulation. Examination and consultation free. Office hours: 8 to 12 and lto4, except Sunday. Rooms 8 and 4, Stevens Building OREGON CITY OREGON J)f I. BIAS DEALEB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON 0. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank OREGON CITY Oregon City OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front, Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON Friday, January 17. Talk A dispatch from London Of states a Btrong belief pre Peace. vailed in financial circles here today that negotiations for peace had been reopened between the leading Boers and the British gov ernment. South African stocks rose in sympathy with the reports. The ex act nature of what was going on is not known, but a representative of the As sociated Press learned that leading Boers had indirectly approached . the government, protesting against the ap propriation of farms in the Transvaal or Orange river colonies by British settlers, which system is now rapidly being pushed, and that strong influence had been brought to bear on Boer leaders to save at least a vestige of the property for their followers. Whether what is passing today between the Boers and the British goveonment can be termed peace negotiations or what will be their result can only remain- speculation for the present. The stock exchange -evidently takes a hopeful view of the out come. It also is re'ported that other nations aie taking a hand in a peace settlement Judge J. B. Condon, a prominent pi. oneer and lawyer of The Dalles, is dead. He was a brother of Professor Thomas Condon, the noted geologist at tho state university. Governor Geer will extend no clem ency to Murderers Wade and Dalton. Three men overpower watchman in warehause at Seattle, and blow open safe. A dispatch from Seattle states that in an initiation of candidates last evening, one of the neophytes was severely in jured. He was being hauled around the place blindfolded in a little wagon, when the wagon was tipped over. He was dumped against the side of the al tar, and his side was crushed. He bled profusely, and it was fiist thought that he was dead. Since then he has been cared for by members oi the order in the lodge building. The members are tak ing extraordinary care to conceal his name, and it cannot be learned. He is said to be a clothing merchant. Saturday, January 18. Traitor1 There passe Degraded. Portland yesterday a for ruer private of the United States army, who was publicly dei graded before the post guard at Fort Can by a few hours before, aud was about to depart for Alcatraz Island, the bleak military prison of the Federal gov ernment, where he will serve a 10-year sentence for publicly -declaring his in tention to assassinate President Roose velt when his term of enlistment ex pired, and for indorsing the crime of Czolgosz. He was closely guarded by a detail of his former comrades, and in their stern faces was no sympathy for the fellow, who was no longer a soldier, who had been conrt-tuartialed and dis missed from the seryice in dishonor and disgrace. Frank Rakowski is his name, and he is a native of Poland. He was a member o( the artillery company sta tioned at Fort Stevens, commanded by Captain Harold Cloke. Some time be fore Christmas he was ordered to Fort Cylnmbia, Wash., on detached duty. A few days before the holiday, Rrkowski was in Chinaok, and was under the in fluence of liquor. The assassination of President McKinley was spoken of in a saloon, and Rakawski was present. He was in the uniform as a soldier of the army of the United States, which ac counted in a measure for its startling ef fect upon his auditors when he declared : "President McKinley got what he de served. My time of enlistment in the army will sonn expire. When it does I'll see that President RooBevelt gets the same dose Czolgosz gave McKinley. It was a marvel that Rakowski was not lynched on the spot. His snarchistic utterances were heard by several per sons in the saloon, aud when they com prehended the treasanabte threat made in direct and unmistakable language they rushed for him, aud bore him to fhe floor. But for the intcivcrtion of, officers of the peace he would have likely bet n beaten to death. His bb sailanls had to be torn from him. Ore gonian. Three hundred people were killed by the eatrhquake at Chilpanzingo in Mex ico. It is known that the state capitol and parish church suflereJ considerable damage. Earthquake shocks wera felt in many other cities and towns. In the City of Mexico the earthquake occuired at 5:17 o'clock yesterday alternoou, and was of such violence as to shake the most substantial buildings. Washington Board of Pilots will lend substantia1, aid to movement to improve serviae at the mouth of the Columbia. Sunday Morning, January 19. become a medium of communication be- 1 t.wppn thn innnl rmriahpn And thfit r.p.nt.ral ' government. They hold larae tracts of land, amounting to 400,000 acres at the time of American occupation. The peo ple rent the lauds, and thus a landlord and tenant system is now in operation. This eauses intense hatred, aud Mr. Root said the feeling of the tenant I classes is not equaled in bitterness by j J anything in Ireland. Aguinaldo had 1 taken advantage of this intense feeling 151 of the tenants against the frisr land- fl Northwest Implement Co. lords. Governor Geer does not consider the confession of Wade anything in Dalton favor . Mrs. George T. Myers, a promfnent society woman of Portland, is dead. It is reported that a diamond field has been discovered in Idaho. Rev. Dr. H. K. Hinos, the veeran Methodist Episcopal minister and wri ter, died in Portland this morning. Monday, January 20. A woman insurgent leader was cap tured in Laguna proviuce. Eleven men of the Second Infantry are missing. Peace negotiations between Boers and British are under way at Brussels Eleven prisoners escape from the Fed eral prison on McNeil's Island, Wash. Mother Joseph, of the House of Prov idence, at Vancouver, died yesterday. Boer Commandant Scheepere will be shot next Saturday. Murderers Wade and Dalton claim Edward N. King, who is contesting for the $500 reward with Mrs. Whitlock, ought to be arrested. Continued on page 7. Agricultural Implements and Vehicles Telephone Ore. South 2231, Columbia 578. 205 Front Street, Portland, Or. Genuine Racine Fish, Farm and Spring Wagons. Canton Clipper Plows and Harrows. i Voters Again Mast Register, The revised election laws of Oregon provide, among other things for the registration of all voters before they shall be qualified to vote at the coming county and state elections to beheld on June 2, 1 Qfl9 Tlio rti-inn! rial BUitinna rt Via lanr on this point follow: . IM "SectionB. It shall be the duty of! 25 every elector in the state of Ongonbe- tween the first Monday in January, 1900, i !t and 5 o'clock p. m. of the 15th day of : vM May, 1900, and between the same dates i JW! and hours biennially thereafter, to regis- ifS ter with some notary Dublic or instice of i KVl the peace, or with the county clerk of the county in which the elector resides. through U" accordance with this act." mi 1 ,1 ; , . nrf lue law luriuer pioviues: 11 me clerk refuses to enter the name of any qualified elector, such elector may pro ceed by mandamus to compel him to do bo '. Also that every elector may be registered without charge by personally appearing in the office of the county clerk and after being sworn properly, stating the facts as to his name, age and occupation, state or county of his birth, aad whether naturalized, and if so, the place or court and papers relat ing thereto also the exact place of present residence, giving section, township and range, or by specifying the name of town, with street and location of dwelling or board ing house, also his ability to write his name or mark his ballot If an elector is unable to register in the office of the county clerk "he may register without charge before the notary public or a jus tice of the peace in the county in which he resides by using one of the blanks designated blank "A" in section 3, of this act, filling out the blank in such a way as to afford all the information which he ought otherwise give to the clerk." It should be remembered that all voters must register if they wish to vote, whether they have registered at previous election or not. Former registrations are now void by limitation. Dear Sir, if you are in need of anything in the Implement or Vehicle line call at the store of the Northwestern I nplement Co. There you will find a full and complete line of Farm Machinery, Stump Pullers, Harvesting Machinery, Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Tedders. A full line of Garden Tools, Pumps and Wind Mills, Oils and Machine Supplies of all kinds. We are agents for the "Original and Genuine Fish Wagon made at Ra ine Wis." These wagons have thoroughly a;r seasoned White Oak Wheels which are soaked in Oil before being painted, the Axles are White Hickory, which is split and not sawed from thel og as some are. The Fish Spring and Delivery wagons stand at the head of the list and are known all over the country. The Harrington Buggies, Surries and Road wagons are made in all grades and will please you both in quality and price. The Canton Clipper Plows, Disk and Drag Harrows are as good as anything on the mar ket and are sold as low as a first-class article can be sold. The Superior Drills and Seeders we sell are the standard of the World and are giving the best of satisfaction in all kinds of soil. Our salesmen are always ready to show you our line and quote you prices, and if it is not "convenient for you to come and inspect our slock , person ally, write us and we will be only too glad to quote you prices on anything you may need. Trusting that we may have the pleasure of meeting you in our store and forming your acquaintance we beg to remain Very Truly Yours Northwest Implement Co Manager. J C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to CaUrrh and Chronie Diseases Office Uoure: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OEEGOS CITY 0BKG0H C. BcHCEBEt, W. S. U'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW ,s JDeutfdbet Hbtolat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of li.lo UnA von money and lend your money on flrtt mortgage. OStce in Enterprise building. OREGON CITI OBSOON CARL HABERLACH Seutscber Advokat JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice In all Conita ol the State Weinhard Building. Opposite Court House ORKGOS CITY, OREGON The At Washington yesterday Friar Secretary Root was heard Question, on the question of the friar lands in the Philippines be fore the house committee on insular af fairs. He said that these land holdings constituted one of the chief causes of discontent anions the prople; they were the hotbeds of insurrection and bad fur nished Aguinaldo nis chief appeal to the popular prejudice. The secretary said that the religious orders so fully recog nized the bad condition of affairs that they were dishosed to sell out, and lie urged that the government take aduan tagt of the opportunity to remove the chief causes of discontent in the islands, lie did not believe that condemnation proceedings wonld be necessary, as there were indications that a fair price could be agreed upon, A rough esti mate of the value of the lands, he said, was from $j,0()0,000 to $7,000,000, Amer ican money. Secretary Root began his statement by explaining the enormous power which ttie religious oiderj have long exercieul in the Philippines. They are represented at Modrid, and the arch bishop is quite at powerful ai the governor-general of the islands. The or deis have largely supplanted the native priests. As a result of the great politi cal paar of the ordr, tUa friars have The Grand Canon oftlte Arkansas. Easiest of access among all the canons of Colorado, beitig Bituated on the main line of the Denver &Rio Grande between Canon Cit and Salida in the front range of the Rockies, it is the most spectacu lar, awe-inspiring and magnificent. Down this i ighty cleft in the heart of granite rock-barrier rush the raging waters of the Arkansas river, lashed into foaming fury and dashed into spum ing Bpray by it a swift desce it through the tortuous defile. So narrow is the passage at one point that there was no room tor both road and river, and there fore a curiously constructed bridge of steel had to be thrown lengthwise of the stream, suspended from Iroi sup ports mortised into the canon walls on each side to the right and lelt. All right here can be seen the climax of all the canon's grandeur, that which has been aptly called "The Royal Gorge." For 2000 feet the stolid munolithi soar up wardfive times as lofty as the Wash ington monument, the highest perma nent structure reared by the hand of man. No words can adequately desciibe the magnificence of the scene. Only those w ho have beheld ifs glories can appreciate them. This is but one of the many wonders of nature revealed to the traveler on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad,; "The Scenic Line of the World." For detailed information about this most delightful trip to the East, address J. D. Mansfield, Gu'l. Agt., Rio Grande System, Portland, Oregon. TOANK BU5CH The Housefumisher Jl I FIGURE FOR YOURSELF M L : 1 aZJ. d w 0U can can easi'y see hvv soon small savings will amount to a J '-Viw considerable sum. We watch out fcr your daily savings, and want you to keep track of them, seeing how soon your savings will come JJp( to a dollar, and then how the dollars multiply . Women and Jewells Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that great est of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purcbise them. If a wo man will risk her life to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and Ibronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee'e German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in iU early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at George A. Hard ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac. mm If you buy things for your table dishes and the like you ought to see that they are of good quality. 6 handled cups and saucers for 50c. MfMm iff Your room has limitations. The right paper will improve it, the wrong paper will mar it. The color and figure are both important. Our variety is great enough to enable U3 to just suit you and your room. Prices will astonish you, 5c per double roll. SM I MATTRESS MAKING WtrS r Isn't a moroply, It isn't reasonable for any maker to vw'-fAj y claim to make the best. Here arc mattressi- that are the 'fyr -'fAtAa equals of any mattresse you can buy, aud prices are lower V V I A?r an you' Pay elsewhere for the same goods. i All Wool Mattress $.65 1 Cotton Ft-It Mattress $15.00 - Z$-jL Combination " 3 50 Laminated " 10.00 ' fPinrif) P'O Iair Maltre?s from $7.(0 ti $16.00 'CI 1 ryQU" Moas " $5.o3