Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 17, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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AVegelablePrcparationfor As
similating ihefoodandBegula
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digcstion.Chect ful
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphtne nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Scape etOldOSmVlZPmMa
Pumphn SttZ
JlcAtUe S0U1 -slnist
fi'ppfrmiiit -
flimSud -fMrified
Anprferf Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions.revensiv
aess andLoss OFSLEER
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
the 1
ml Use
' In the Circuit Court, of the State Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Theresa Grapengelter,
Peter Orapengtlter,
To Peter Grapengelter, DefenCant.
Ia the name of the State of Oregon) You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
nn or h..fnrn .lunnarv 27tll. 1902. and if VOI1 fail to
answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the said court for the relief demanded ln said
complaint, to-wit: a decree anulling and dis
solving the marriage between said parties.
This summons is published pursuant to an or
der of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, county Judge of
said county, said order bearing date Deoember
7th, 1901, and the first publication beingofdate
December 13th, 1901.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Dated December 18th, 1901.
For Over
Thirty Years
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County.;
In the matter of the estate and guardianship of
Emma Vieselmeyer. Mary Vieselmeyer, Willie
Vieselmeyer. (ieorge Vieselmeyer, Henry Viesel
meyer, Tied Vieselmoyer and August Viesel
meyer, minors.
It appearing from the petition of Maria Vlesol
mever, Hie guardian of the persons and estate of
Kmrna Vteslmever, Mary Vieselmeyer, Willie
Vieselmeyer, George Vi, selmeyer, Henry Viesel
meyer, Fred Vieselmeyerand August Vieselmeyer,
Minora, that it is necessary and would be bene-
liclui to tne wua uu uw ''s ,r .
real estate of SHld minors should he sold, to-wit:
then1 .(thene'4 of secti n 2 in township 5s,
of range le. W. II. .oolitalnl'ig eighty aeros more
oi less and situated in the County of Clackamas
and Stale of Oregon.
It is therefore ordered oy me iuun mm
next of kin to the said ward to-wit: John Vies
mover, their brother, and all persons interested
in said slate, appear before this court on Mon
day the 3rd of February, 1902, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., to show cause if any they can,
why such sale should not be ordered.
It is further ordered that a copy of this order
el,.,., . .hull he nubl.shed three consecu
tive weeks in the Oregon City Courier-Herald, a
weekly newspaper published in Oregon City in
euid county, and of general circulation in said
counly, which is most likely to give notice to the
purlieu Intereited, tho first publication to be in
the issue of Friday, December 27th, 1901.
County Judge.
Tate 1 this 21: t day of December, UWl.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas Counly.
In the matter of lire estate of Marth K. Partlow .
To the following named heirs at law of Martha
F. Partow, deceased, and to all others unknown:
Kvalin Johns, Nellie S. Johns, Susan Johns,
Amelia Johns, Chailes Johns, William Miller, Ed
win J Brier, Helen Khepard, Eliza J. Fowler and
Charles Hacker.
In the name of the State of Oregon, ym and
each of you are hereby cited and required o ap
pear at tne court room of the county court of the
slate of Oregon for Clackamas county at the hour
of 10 o'clock a m., of Monday, the 3rd day of
February, 1902, to show cause if any there be why
an order should not be made by said court direct
ing the administrator of said estate tosell at pri
vate sale the following described property of said
deceased, to-wit:
Commencing at a stake south II degrees SO min
utes east 8.51 ehaius from the southwest corner of
he D. U C. of Win. Holm js and wife in township
8 south, range 2 east of the W. M. in Claokamas
county and state of Oregon, and running thence
east 4.38 chains to a stake, thence south ll1 de
grees east 2.29 chains, thence west 4 38 chains to a
stake: thence nerth 11 degrees west 29 chains to
the place of beginning, containing one acre of
land more or less.
Done by order of Thomas P. Ryan, Judge of
said court, dated tho 27th day of December 1901.
Witness my hand and seal of this court the 27th.
day ot December, 1901.
Clerk of County Court. .
Tuesday, Januaiy 14.
Expedition The Lewis and ( l.irk
Organizes. Centennial, American
, pacific Exposition and
Oriental Fair Corporation wasorganizud
yesterday afternoon by adoption of by
laws and election of the following 15 di
rectors: H.W.Oorbett, H. W. Seoit,
Adolpe Wolfe, Paul WessingT, A.M.
Devers, Rufua Mallorv, John V. O't-hra,
Leo Fried, Charles E.' Ladd, W. D. Ken
ton, A. L. Mills, Q. W. BateR. I. N
Fleichner. V. D. Wheelwright,' F
Dresser. T incorporators appointed
Tuesday, January 21 -t, as the time fur
the first meeting.
All four members of the Oregon dele
Noticels hereby given that the und,-rsigned,
administratrix of the estate of James McKomie
deceased, lia s filed in tho county court of Clack
amaB county, state of Oregon, her final account as
such administiatrix of said estate, and that Mon
day, the 'ird day of February, 1902, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. ni., of said day, has been fUeil by
said court as the time for hearing of objection of
said report and the settlement thereof.
dminlBtratrix of the Estate of
JaiiKB McKonzie, Decoased
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maae by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
L and bladder remedy.
it is the great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; .. dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
Ration were summoned to the lute lame DacK, Kidney, Diaaaer, uric acid trou
house today to talk over Oregon patron- bles andBright's Disease, which Is the worst
age, the Philippine questiou and other form of kidney trouble.
Pacific coast matters with President Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
Rooseyelt. Senator Mitchell and Kep- ommendedforeverythingbutifyouhavekld
resentative Tongue and Moody called at ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
10:30, and Senator Simon at noon. With Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
the three members the President dis In so many ways, In hospital work, in private
cussed the appointment of George W. ; practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
Bibee as receiver of the t 'regon City , chase relief and has proved so successful In
land office. He said the case had been ' every case that a special arrangement has
luddupon request of Senator Simon, . been made by which all readers of this paper
who preferred charges of incompetency, '. who have not already tried it, may have a
but that the senator's ohaiges had not sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
been sustained. Fuithermore, he hitl : telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
learned from onpside sources that Bi- : find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble,
bee was a suitable man for the position, j When writingmeniion reading this generous
and he would therefore make nisi tip-: offer in this paper and l'1U---,
pointmentat once. He thought, how send your address to
ever, some recognition should bo ex- i Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Btng-swj!.r'.
tended to Senator Simon, and asked hamton, N. Y. The -SaJfeEiSfife
what places they could suggest. ! regular fifty cent and ' Homeof s.vump-itoot.
Prince HeDrv will leave Prussia Feb- I dollar sizes are sold by all good di uggisls.
ruary 12th, for his visit to the United I
Notice i hereby given thnt by order of the
county court of the state of Oregon for Clacka
mas cotintv, in the matter of the estatef J. mes
A. Barlmr, deceased, the undersigned will sell at
public sale to the hiahest bidder, at the front door
of the court house in Orogon City, State of Ore
gon, on Saturday, the 8th day of February, 1)02, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m of said day, the fol
lowing described properly being in Clackamas
county ana state oiureno",
i;.e m-lA of the se!4 of section 2 of township
8 seuih, range 2 east of the Willamette
Meridian. . . , t ,
Terms of sale cash at time of sale. Sale to be
made sulkct to the order of the said court.
Administrator of the Estate of
James A. Bai bur, Deceased.
Dated, January 8rd, 1902,
In the Comity Court of the. State of Orogon,
for the Couuly of Clackam is.
In the matter of the Estate 'of Jjhn R. Trom.
bath, Jr., deceased. 1
Notice is herebv uiven thnt II. V. Trembath.
the administrator of Baid estate, has filed in the
above entitled court his ileal account of his ad-
ministration of said estate: that Monday, tne 17ta
day of February. 1902, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the
court room of said court, in Oregon City, in said
County and State, has been duly appointed by
the ' aid court for the settlement of said aeoount,
at which time and place any oerson interested in
laid estate may appear anl file exceptions to the
said account. H. W. TREMBATH,
Administrator of the Estate of John It. Trent-
bath, Jr., deceased.
HKUUliS K liiurrrru,
Attorneys for Administrator,
For Sale My improved farm of 115
acreB, 3 1-2 miles south of Oregon City,i
and 1-2 mile north of New Era. On the
place are 1500 bearing jruue trei, nine
years old, also a latest-imprortd drier.
Wood buildings. Price, $4') pr acre.
Apply to Matt Clemens, New Era.
Chapped hands, cracked lips and
ioughneis of the skin cured quickly by
Banner Salve, the moat, healing oint
ment in the world. Charman & Co.
We have still a few
Tine Cassimen
Ttmnants at Cost
of manufacture
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
u ,,i a ., nlnrj.il hv the cuiintv court OI
CUckamas couiit . Oregon, executrix of the lust
will and testam-nt of Morris Cadanau, deceased,
late o( said county. All persons having claims
against 'said' estate are hereby requested to pre
sent the same to my attorney, C. H. Dye. Esq.,
Cor Oih ami Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon,
within sixmuiths from the date of this notice,
such claims to be duly vended according to law.
1 xecuirix as Aforesaid.
Datel at On gon City, Orogon, January 8, 1902.
The 'Best Preso-lptlon for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
'Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no pay. Price 50c.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
DYES do not stain the hands
or spot the kettle. Sold by C.
G. Huntley.
Blown to Atoms.
The old idea that tne body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless
gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex
nl niarinnns matter, cleatise the sys
tem and absolutely cure Constipation
and S:ck Headache. Only 25c at beo
A. Harding.s drug store.
Individuals' Money to Loin at 6 per
cent and 7 per cent. "
Call on or write,
Johk W. Loder,
Attorney at Law,
Stevens Bl'd'g. Oregon City, Orta
A Five-Room Cottage for Sale
city water, sewer,
etc. Inquire at
this office.
Situated one mile south of Needy.containlng 83
.iih ,n,l bnlliliims. prune orchard and
?.. ....,.rj .a nnH,.r enoil slate of cultivation.
ii. "i, icr.d oboiitl miles east of Soda
Knrinirs. consisting of 212 acres, with fairly good
buildings, is an excellent stock ranch.
'i h.se places will be sold cheap. For partleu
ars inquire or wnBWI A(,m,nlPtnitor,
Hubbard, Ore.
Bears tie J m m' onus's
A Cure for Lumbago
W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va.,
says: "For more than a year I suffered
from lumbago. I finally tried Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and it cave me en
tire relief, which all other remedies had
failed to do. Sold by 0. A. Harding.
r-f r-, ,
I i r
At sol drug tore.
25 Vtma 25. J
Boars tie ""16 Kind You Have Always Bouglrl
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absonltely the beat for all
diseases of the throat ana lungs, deal
ers are authorized to g"aranterj it to
give satisfaction. Chaiman&Co,
$100 Kcward J 100!
The readers of tli is paper will be
nleased to learn that there is at lwtit one
dreaded disease the.t science has been
able to cure in all its siages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
onlv positive cure known to the medi
cal 'fraternity. Catarrh being a consti
tutional dieeaso, reqdires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, ariing directly upon the
blood and mucous surlacesot the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building np the constitution
and asssisting nature in uoing n worn.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fai'stocu e. Send for libtof testimo
nials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, O.
7"Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the assignmsnt of E. M . Atkin
son, an insolvent debtor.
Notice is hereby divert thatnnder and pursuant
to an order of the aaove entitled court duly made
and entered in the above entitled niatteron the
12th da' of November, 1901, requiring and com-
Ai.na awi,.nei. of the above named m-
UI.I1U1U6 m Jnnn-lld I
solvent OeDtor to S.Ml uie iuuyiu .
real property, to-wit: A tract of land containing
forty-tight (48) acrcs.more or Whs, situated In see
lion's thirtv-tfo (32) and thirty-three CIS) n
..Li-. io n,,nth rune-A two (21 east. Wil
lamette Meridian ill Clackamas county, state of
n - f.,r . (nil dpecrinti in of which refereac.e
is hereby made to the partition deed made and der
bv the heirs of O. H. At-
k in yon. deceased and recorded in the records of
deeds of said county and state in book 57 at page
455 thereof, excepting therefrom a parcel of land
containing one arm eiK".-'"" ""'";v'",, ) '
acres hen tofore conveyed by said E. M. Atkinson
, n. si,17 tiv deed dulv recorded in bowk
v,, ,i, r.,,,r,i nt deeds of said eouutv and state
at page 419 thereof, and also excepting a piece or
parcel of land containing seventy-live hundredths
I 76) of an acre, heretofore conveyed by said E.M.
Atkinson to Henry M. Stock by a deed duly re
corded ill the records of deeds of said county and
state in book Wat yage 347 thereof. Therefore
1 will on Tuesday, the 4th day of March, NUM. at
th hourof 11 o'clock a. m., of said day at the
door ot the county court house of Clackamas
...,... .,.,i. ,.mi,rmi. in Orerron Citv. sell at
public 'auction to the highest bidder ell of the
above described real property G CADnFT,r,,'
Assignee of E.M. Atkinson.Iusolvent Debtor.
Is ew ioN McCoy, Attorney for Assignee,
Dakd at Oregon City, Or., this 8lh day of Jan.l!'02.
A Deep Mystery
It is a mysterv why women endure
the county court of Backache, Headache, Nervousness
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, tainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have
proved tiiat Electric Bitters will quickly
cure sucli troubles. l Bunereu ior
rears with kidney tr uble," writes Mrs.
Phebe Cherley, of I t terson, la. , "and a
ame back pained ii'sol could not
dress mvself. but Elu .r;c Bitters whollv
cured me, and, althou gh 73 years old, I
now am able to do all my housework.'
It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health. Only 50o
at Geo. A. Harding's diug store.
Miss Portia Knight, formerly of Sa
lem, has comnroniist'd her breach-. d-
promise suit against the Duke of Man-' ijup
Chester, reneivinsr 1000 ponnds sterling, I m, u-
and the costs oi proceedings. j
Wednesday, January 15.
Arthur Pue Gorman was elected
United States Senator yetterday by the
d. mocratic legislature of Maryland, In
Ohio United States Senator Joseph B.
Foraker was re-elected over Charles vV .
Baker, the democratic nominee, James
B. McCreary was formally elected Uni
ted States Senator in Kentucky yester
day. The press of the country is credited
with changing the attitude of Congress
on the Bhilippine tariff. The house dis
cussed the proposal to admit ex-Confederates
to national soldiers' homes,
Thursday, Jatiuary 1G,
The Portland postoflioe bill passes the
senate. It annroprsatea $250,000,030.
and will probably getthroneh the house
late in (be session
Prince Henry will arrive for a tour of
America February 22nd.
C. H. Baker, of Seattle, has applied
for an electric .light and powor fran
chise in Portland .
Politics are livening up in Marion
county, and it is reported that Governor
Geer and Senator Simon are lining np
against the Mitchell forces.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
3-Ar3 tlia i 11,8 Yol) nn"9
On Satui.lay, January .";li, will be
tho niht when vpr" '" will go and see
the Little Brownieb u. th"r great play,
'Brownie Life in Ilrownib i-and.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if It fails
to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
Thonsands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and
racked with coughs are urged to go to
another climate. But this is costly and
not always sure. Don't be an exile
when Dr. King s New Discovery for
Consumption will cure you at home. It
is the most infallible medicine for
Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung
diseases on earth. The firbt dose brings
relief. Astounding cures result from
persistent use. Trial bottles free at
Geo. A. Harding's. Price 50c and
Every bottle guaranteed.
Taken up at my farm 5 miles south of
Meadowbrook, on December 20th, one
cream-colored mare pony with sucking
colt about six months old. Owner can
have same by proving property, ana
paying for feed and advortsnement.
Budd Smith, MeauowurooK,
Have you Been the Brow lies? If not,
you'd better be up at the opera house
on Saturday, January 25th.
N Jackson. Danville. 111., writes
"Mvdaughte bad a severe attack of la
priDne and a terrible cough settled on
her lungs. We tried a great many reme
dies without giving relief, bhe tried Fo
ley's Honey and Tar which cured her.
She has never been troubled with a
cough since. Charman & Co.
finest boil bon h;xes iu town at
Tiie 1 i'" t ' i c.li ii'nlate of all kinds at
the li'iz v iC in ly Kit i hen,
Kozy Kn'idv Kitchen, np f' rifle on
houitt-tti n!e candies.
A few w itehus for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
$23 to f 100 to lo in O'l uita t i or par
sonal securiiy.
Dimick A Eabtham, Agts.
Land titles examined, abstracts made
and money 1 mned at lowest rates.
Dimick & Easlh.im, Lawyers, Oregon
City. .
Ltnubrr Leave orders at this office
for firnt-claBS lumber of all kinds, or ad
dresB W. F. ,iatiH. Beaver Creek,
Dis. R. B I A, L. Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard b i. i ng. '
The Wei kiv ir.tgoi i in gives all the
national in vs and the l ourier-llerald
gives all local and county newe. Both
one year fi r Two Dollur'.
Tarties having a farm to tent will do
well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es
tate and insurance agent, ut Oregon
City, who lias applicants.
Key fitting, lock work and saw filing
ut Jijinson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op
posite Electric hotel, Satisfaction guar
At G. W. Grace's store on Seventh
and Cepter stiet ts, fi r tl e ntxt (10 days,
dry goods, boots and tho; t will' be sold
at 10 per cent, reduction. Suits for men
and boys will go at cost.
A Bargain A tract of 8 acreB on Mo
lalla road; three-'uu ths mile from Ely,
2 acres cleaied. Must be
sold at once. Price $75 per acre. For
particulars inquire at Courier-Herald of
fice. When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They su ve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a goes!
iquare meal, 15c.
The New Era flouring mill has begun
operation, and is now ready to grind the
farmers' wheat. 1' lour and leea ex
changed for wheat. Satisfaction guar
anteed. New Era millers.
Lost A voting dog, medium size.fhort
hair, Irindle color with tiny while strij e
on head limler will please commum
catewilh Jacob ltueek, LSarlow, and re
ceive suitable reward on returning same.
Nottce is hereby given that, all those having
i;. ,.in ilio male of E.W. 1'eek.doeeased,
will present the Bame to F. C. l'eny, at Molnlia ,
Orogon, within .Wl days irum date.
Dated, Molalla, Or., Jan D.h.ttoJ.
ADviwisriiATOR'.s soncii
Notice is hcrel.v given th it I have been duly
unpointed by Hie couuty court of tho state of
Oregon for Clackamas county, as the executor of
the will of Leonard Holm, deceased, and that -all
m.pHona havinir claims against Ihe said esta.e,
murt present them lo mewi th proper vouchers at
Ihe law office of C U. .V l. C. Lutourette, Oregon
Ci y Oregon, wiihiu six months from this date,
Executor of the V ill of
Leonard Hciuz, lieoeaseii .
Tated, Jan. 9th, 1902.
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice ;n all Courts of the State
Weinhard Building. Opposite Court Hocte
It Girdles the Clobe.
The fame of Bucklen'e Arnica Salve,
oq thn hnt in the v orld. extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer of
Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores.
Scalds BoiU, Ulcers, Felons, Aches,
Tains and all Skin Eruptions. Oo.y in
fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at Geo. A.
ei&ts the damp, M W
a nl break. V ' S V
Rain and sweat
have no ctlect on
harness treated
with Eureka Har
ness Oil. It re
do not break,
No rough sur
face to chafe
and cut. Tr
harnewi not
only keep
locking like
new, but
weart twice
as ionbythe
use of Eureka
Harness Oil.
in cans
all sizes.
Made by
Standard Oil
I Company
Iffv x
Portland Market.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.703.30; graham
Wheat AValla Walla Gl02c; valley
Glc02j bluestem 62c.
Oats White, 1.15; gray, . ll,10.
Barley Feed $18; brewing $20 per t.
Millstuffs Bran $18; middlings $20;
shorts $20; chop $17.
Hay Timothy $1112; clover, $78;
Oregon wild $(1.
Butter t ancy creamery 2 ) and 30c ;
store, 12 and 25.
Eggs 25 cents por doss.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.503,75;
hens $:?.504; springB $3tW3 50; geese.
$()7; ducks fci i live turkeys 11(3
12c ; dressed, iri(ai7c.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers
and ewes, sheared, $3 25; dressed, 5
and 6 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 75 and $0 00;
light, $5; dref sed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per
Veal Large, 8 and 91-2 cents per
Beef Gross, top steers, $3 50 and $4,
dressed beef, J and 7 cents tier pound.
Che-ee lull cream llc per pound
Young America 12c. .
Potatoes i)0L10 per hundred.
Vegetables Beets DOc; turnips 05c
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.25
l.oU per iuu pounds ; cauniiowcr 7oc
per dozen ; parsnips 85c per sack ; celery
7075c per dozen: asparagus flgbc;
peas 23c per pound.
Dried iruit Apples evapora eu 7gs;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears
sun and evaporated 89,c; pitless plums
6c;7 Italian prunes 34c; extra
silver choice 57.
men to travel and advertise for old established
bouse of solid financial tundirig. Salary $7)Q a
year and exiiense, all payable iu cash. r.'o ran
aslnir required. (Jive references and enel'MC
elf-adlr essed stamped envelope. Address Man
er, Ji5 C axtuu Illd j., Chlcagt. . .
The greatest ambition of Amer
ican men and! women is to have
homes blessed with children. The
woman afflicted with female dis
ease is constantly menaced with
becoming a childless wife. No
medicine can rcstoro dead or-
gans, but Wine of Cardui does
rcgulalo derangements that pre
vent conception ; docs prevent
I miscarriage ; does rcstoro weak
functions and shattered nerves
and docs bring babies to homes
barren and desolato for vcars,
Wine of Cardui gives women the
1 health and strength to hear heal
thy children. You can got a
dollar bottle of Wino of Cardui
' from your dealer.
H3 Market fctrcet,
.Memphis, Tenn., April If, 1901.
In Fcbruarv. lwl. I took one bottle of
Wine of Cardui and on nackntre of
I Thedford'a Hlaek-Draught. I had been
married fifteen years and had rever
I given birth to a child until I took Wine
of Cardui. No I ammotherof a fine
I baby irirl which was born March 31,1901.
feel at well as any person could feel.
Now my home Is happy and I never will
do wnuuur. nine or uarnui in my bouse
again. Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH.
For advice and literature, address, sarins'
symptoms, "'il. Ladles' A'lvltory Leimiu
nieni", ine tlialtanooja Medicine Company,
Wk ..VU , .b.-lte
"Something Neiv Under tho Sun."
All Doctors have tried to oui CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gases inhalers nnd drugs in panto form.
The powders dry up the mucinms mem-
brant B cann'nj tlipm to era'' cp ina
bleed, The powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
samo membraneB that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the diseabo. An old
and experienced practitioner who has
for many years made a clohe study and
specially of the treatment of V ATA 11 Rll,
has at liiHt perfected a treatment which
when faithfully used, not only relieves
at once, but permanently t ines CA
TARRH, by removing the catit-e, plop
ping the discharges, and curing till in
flammation. It is the onlv remedy
kr.own lo science that actually reaches
the Hfllleted parts.. This wonderful
remedy is known as "SNUFFLKs the
and is sold at the extremely lu.v piieeuf
One Dollar, eat h package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
"SNUFKI.f.S" is the only perfect CA
TARRH CUKE ever made iimi is now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cute for that annoying and disgusting
dihease. It cutcs all iiifloinnatiou
quickly and permanently invl ih lso
dei fully quick to relieve HAY FE
VI'.Roi COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLKS" will rave you if yon use it at
once. It iu no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatment which in positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
Lrm or mage if used according: to the
diiectioiiH which accompany each pack
age. Don't delay I ut eeud for it ut once
and writ" full parlicularg as to your con
dit on, and y u w ill receive s; ctial ad
v'c ' from Ihe discoverer of fids wundei
lui remedy regarding you "isb withoat
cost to VOtl ber ond the n , ' r prii e Of
Si nt prepaid to any address in the
Uni ed States or Canad't on receipt of
Or e Dollar. Address Dott ;rp
21 Market Street, Philadelphia.