JL w i. - . ? o ouriern COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 NCEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1BSB OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1902 19th YEAR, NO. 3 City C 'f : - erad Oregon r NEWS OF THE WEEK. Friday, January 10. Delegation A dispatch from Wasb Cannot ington to the Oregoniun Agree. states that the terms oi a number oi Federal offi cers in Oregon are about to expire, and a few such have already run beyond their four-year limit, but there is little promise of new appointments in the near future. Tomorrow the terms of United States Marshal Zoeth Houser, John Hall, U. 8. Attorney j and 0. Sum mers, appraiser of merchandise, at Port land will expire, as will the terms of Register Charles 8. Moores, at Oregon Oity, and Register E. W. liartlett at Latirande. The delegation, however, is not ready to fill any of these places. Shortly the terms of Collector of Cus toms I. L, Pattersou at Portland, and John Fox, Astoria; Postmaster A. B. Croasman and Revenue Collector Dunne at Portland, and almost all land officers will also expire. Most of the present officers were appointed on rec ommendation of McBride, when he was the sole senator, and are, therefore un satisfactory to Senator Simon. He, however, will not take up these cases . until the President "gets the two Ore gon senators together," as he has re peatedly assured Mr. Simon he would do. The nomination of Ueorge W. Bi bee as receiver of the Oregon City land office, is likely to come to the senate any day, hut early confirmation is no. looked for, as Senator Simon is not t.t isfied with the appointment. The term of Postmaster Potter at Baker City is about to expire, and both senators have expressed a willingness to defer to Ren- resentative Moody in this appointment and early action is expected. The ap pointment of the register at the Burns land office, to succeed Hayes, removed, threatens to be hung up for some time, as Senator Simon is waiting on the pres ident in this case. Among other things, Senator Mitchell is reported to have said : "So far as I am concerned, I fa vor the postponement until after the June election of the consideration of the important offices in Oregon, as to whether any or U of the present in cumbents shall ''H retained or wnether any or all shall t out and new men be put in." Brigadier-General Funston has ar rived at San Francisco from the Philip pines on sick leave. He will undergo another operation for appendicitis, and may not return to Manila. The Hepburn Nicaragua canal bill ' passed the House at Washington by a vote of 308 to 2. The Dowager Empress of China ar serts her supremacy. Secretary Root says that the Spooner bill is responsible lor conditions in the Philippines. Saturdjy, January 11. Want Representative Tongue lias ad Too dressed a letter to the Port Much, land chamber of commerce in reply to its memorial relating to the improvement of the Columbia river at The Dalles and Celilo, the up per river and its mouth, says the aggre gate appropriation which it demands at once would be $7,000,000. "It is not likely that the rivers and harbors com mittee will aspropriate more than $20, 000,000 or $25,000,000 to be available at once," said be, while it may authorize contracts to the amount of $40,000,000 or more. The chamber, in asking for an immediate appropriation of this large sum, has set the delegation a rather hard task. It asks for a very large pro oortion of the entire amount to be ap propriated by the bill, much more- than could possibly be Becure. Mr. Tongue corsiders it dangerous to ask for such a large amount. It was a current expression at the far mer's congress at Salem that the Oregon farmer is no longer a mossback . Gov ernor Geer made a bit on the expression. Southern Oregon apples sold in Lon don return $2 25 per box tiet to the grower. Sunday, January 12. Railroad The plan of railroad cam Betterments, paigning to be carried out by the Union Pacific road during 1903 was given out officially today, and will result in the expendi ture of from $25 000,000 to $30,000,000 in improvements and extensions. It is a continuance of the general plan of put ting the road in the best possible con dition between Omaha and San Fran cisco, but efforts will be directed almost wholly to that part of the road west of rait Lake and Ogden and to the Oregon Short Line. Twenty millions alone will , be vsed in improvements on these lines ' and the remainder in pushing the ex tension of the Salt Lake-Los Angeles j branch of the Oregon Short Line, which ' will be nearly or quite completed bef. re 1 January 1st, next. Partioular atten tion, however, will be given to the ex . tensions and improvements on that part ' of the Short Line, which competes with ! the Hill system. An attempt will be made to secure modifications of the Philippine tariff bill . that will be of benefit to the Pacific , coast. There are 500 cases of smallpox in ljondon. The Portland General Electric Com pany protests against underground wires. The Port of Portland Commission is unable to hold a business meeting on ac count of continued wrangling among its members. Hon. J. N". Williamson, of Prineville, has begun an active campaign for the congressional nomination in the second dietrict. A human sacrificial offering was pre vented at Baker City yesterday by the timely arrival of some Sisters of Charity on the scene. Hy Wong, a paralytic Chinaman, who has been a county charge at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, was to have been the victim. When Hy Wong was sent to the hospital some time ago he was dfrty and paralyzed, and the sisters cut off his queue. It was yesterday decided t sen a him to the county poor farm, but ihe county physi cian arranged with some of Wong's countrymen in Chinatown. When it was noticed that the invalid had lost his queue they were horified, and prepared to sacrifice him on the altar to Joss. The sisters at the hoipital were notified, and rescued Wong, just as the preparations were completed to waft bis soul accom panied by the odor of pungent incense to the flowery kingdom. The Sisters will care for Wong during the remainder of his life. Monday, .January 13. Ashland will be a dry town, as the new council has voted to continue pro hibition. ASieuxCity Company will build a beet sugar plant in Portland. Henry N. Andresen, who was injured in an elevator accident in Portland, is dead. The Columbia Southern Railroad is to be extended 100 miles southward from Shaniko. There is baid to be nearly 1,000,000 acres of land tributary to the proposed extension that will produce without irrigation. The Portland carpenters' union has given notice that $3 per day will be the minimum rata for carpentes's wages, af ter April 1st, and 50 cents per hour for over time. ' The county assessment summaries filed in the secretary of state's office at Salem, shows an increase of $24,000,000 more than that of the previous year. Daniel Meade French, a pioneer mer chant and banker, died at The Dalles yesterday . Continued on page 7. An Old anh Wkix-Thied Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has i i i f-1 v f 1 1 : uot;u uhou lor over uuy years uy uiiuiuui of uiothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by uruggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalcu lable. Besure and ask for Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. To Loan. $5C0 $600 $700 -$800 $900 and $1000 at 6 per cent ,oie to three years on farm property. Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers. Oregon City . For Sale One blooded Guernsey Bull. Inquire at this office. rRANIi BUSCH The Housefurnisher 9 (figure FOR YOURSELFl Jb 1 jti. Co. d ou can can eas''y see how soon small savings will amount to a . J' .! considerable sum. We watch out fcr your daily savings, and want CjVO you to keep track of them, seeing how soon your savings will come jsttjjjg to a dollar, and then how the dollars multiply. .3 . " . v V If you buy things for your table dishes and the like you ought to see that they are of good quality. 6 handled cups and saucers for 50c. ' - Your room has limitations. The right paper will improve it, the wrong paper will mar it. The color and figure are Both important. Our variety is great enough to enable us to just suit you and your room. Prices will astonish you, 5c per double roll. MATTRESS MAKING VwiC ir-.jy? Isn't a motoplyj It isn't reasonable for any maker to '-. ' -j claim to make the best. Here are mattresses that are the O Jv - equals of any mattresses you can buy, and prices are lower jji" ; I'.Xf than you'd pay elsewhere for the same goods. All Wool Mattress $1.65 I Cotton Felt Mattress $15.00 . y""j? J"? Combination " 3.50 Laminated 10.00 ttffllriHs Fil Hair Mattress from $7.co to $16.00 ' ' J I i 4 Moas " $5.00 Northwestern Implement Company I 208 Front Street, Portland. Ore. Dear Sir: If you are in need of anything in the Implement or Vehicle line call at the store of the Northwest Implement Co,, there you will find a complete line of Farm Machinery, Stump Pullers, Harvesting Machinery, Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Tedders. A full line of Garden Tools, Pumps and Wind Mills, Oils and Machine Supplies of all kinds. We are agents for the Original and Genuine FISH WAGON Made at Kacine, Wis. These wagons have thoroughly air seasoned White Oak Wheels Which are soaked in oil before being painted, the axles are White Hickory Which is split and not sawed from the log as some are. The Fish Spring and Delivery wagons stand at the head of the list and are known all over the Country. The Harrington Buggies, Surries and Road Wagons are made in all grades and will suit you both in quality and price. The Canton Clipper Plows, Disk and Drag Harrows-are as good as anything on the market and are sold as low as any first class article can be sold. The Superior Drills andJSeeders we sell are the standard of the World and are giving the best of satisfaction in all kinds of soil. Our salesmen are always ready to show you our line and quote you prices, and if it is not conveinent for you to come and inspect our stock personally, write us and we will be only too glad to quote you prices on anything you may need. Trusting that we may have the pleasure of meeting you in our store and forming your acquaintance we beg to remain yours, Northwestern k Implement Company. fl N it