s OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 1902 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Regular January Term of the County Board. J. R. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B. Killin, County Commissioners. Be it romembered, That a regular term of the Board of County Commis- 1L. ' -II 1 Bionera tor uiv county ui ijui'KuruuB, state of Oregon, begun and held at the court house in said county and state on Thursday, the 2nd day of January, the game being the regular time fixed by law for transacton of county business. There were present Hjn. J. R. Morton, Hon. John Lewellingand Hon. T. B. Killin, commissioners, E. H. Cooper, clernjJ.J. Cooke, sheriff; when the following proceeding were had to-wit: State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas. Before the board of County com missioners of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. In vacation, after the December term, to-wit: In pursu ance of an order made by the board and entered of record" ordering warrants to be issued in vacation, I, E. H. Cooper, clerk, of said county and state, do here by issue warrants in payment of said claims for the amounts and in favor of the following persons herein specified : PAUl'ER ACCOUNT. Mrs E Morgan, support of Mrs E Moraan, county charge $10 00 T M Baker, support of Jaue Rob ert county charge 28 00 Mrs li Davis, support of John Jones, county charges 14 00 Rosa Triuuhler, support of Mrs Rosa Triechler and family, county charge 12 00 Ellen liriiiges.Biipport of Ellen and Gorman Bridges, county charge 8 00. J VY Jones.supportoJ John Jti Pat ton, county charge..... 6 50 VV L Davis, support of W L Davis, county charge 5 00 William Scott, support of John and Margaret Mahan, county charge 10 00 HaLtie Woods, support of llattie Woods, county charge 5 00 Elias Williams, support of David Mortimer, county charge 30 00 Mrs 8 0 Harrington, support of Elizabeth Wilhoit.county charge 15 00 Paul F rey tag.su Rcort of J LI Jones, county charge 10 00 William Dean.supportof Miss For rester, county charge 6 00 A. M Shihley .support of Mrs Grind staff, county charne.. 8 00 MrB Shoemaker, support of Wil liam White, county charge.... 10 00 Henry Lewis, support of Henry LewiB, county charge 6 00 Mr Kreuger, support of Mr and Mrs Kreuger, county charge.. 7 00 Alice Carr, support of Jane Carr, county charge 10 00 L Mathewson, support of L Math ewson, county charge 7 00 Gub Pirkle, support of Gus Pirkle and wife, county charge 10 00 0 E Burns, support of Johanna, (Indian) county chnrge 5 00 Mr Heinz, support of Mra Titus, county charge 5 00 Mrs Martha Duff, support of Mra Martha Duff, county charge.... 4 00 J J Gorbett, support of William Stone, county charge 5 00 J M Hcckart, support of Carl Gadke, county charge 8 00 Mrs J M Bacon, Bupport of Mrs J M Bacon, indigent soldier.... 10 00 Jacob Kohler, support of Jacob Kohler, iudigent eoldier 8 00 John II Churchill, support of John II Churchill and family, indi gent soldier 5 00 John Watson, support of John Watson, indigent Boldier 5 00 Anna Nash.support of Anna Naeh, indigent soldier 5 00 W T Gardner, minora Boys and Girls Aid Society 10 20 King Bohall, support of Phoebe Hastings, county charge 7 CO Elias Miller,Biipportof U C Lewis, coutitv charge 12 00 VI rs Thornton, support of James Wilson, 13 days, county charge, 5 20 E Austen, support of Ira Phillips, county chaiga 10 00 Eldora Younger, support of El- dora Youngerand family ,county charge 8 00 L Freeman, support of L Free- i an and wife, county charge... 5 00 1 jhn Avins, support of John Av- ins, county charge 8 00 Vlrs M A Clark, support of Mrs M ' A ('lark and family 5 00 Mrs Adams, support of Mra Ad ams, county charge 15 00 George Prossor, support of Mrs Yolchers, county charge 8 00 Carrie Moyer, Bupport of Mrs Car rie Meyer, county charge 8 00 Godfrey Shiuulo, support of God frey Shmale, county charge.... 6 00 vV II Mattoon, support of Air and Mrs O S Phelps, county charge 5 00 W T Tinsley .support of W T Tina ley, county charge 5 00 Edward Wright, support of Ed ward Wright, county charge .. 8 00 The board having examined the re ports of iho road supervisors for their respective districts, and being fully ad vised, it ia ordered that they be and are The scientific blending of California figs and prunes with carefully selected grain makes A perfect cereal coffee . of delicate flavor and fragrant aroma. A delicious beverage having ell the satisfying qualities of coffee and tea. Boil from 5 to lO minutes only, -i ALJ- GROCERS. Best cereal Coffee. FlGPRUHJE Cere&I ' hbereby authorized to draw warrants on the road and general funds for the sev eral amounts and in favor of the follow--ing . named : j Road Diatrict No. 2 D McKnickal, md fund ( 3 00 J W Wold 3 00 HImel 3 00 Charles Stevens 3 00 Albert Notz, . 3 00 Frank Deakina 3 00 J W White 3 00 E Hubbard 3 00 T M Roots 3 00 C G Millard 3 00 W E Millard 3 00 EdCocka 3 00 H A Webster 3 00 W T Davidson 3 00 OH Mall... 3 00 King Spurgon 3 00 Anton Hanson 3 00 Total.....:.... $54 00 Boad District No. 3 O W Griffin, road fund 36 00 Ed Griffin. 9 00 O M Rodlam 2 25 SNRodlam 112 J E Seifer.. 5 62 C Burghart 1 50 WW Cooke 3 00 H Hilleary (son) gen fund 7 Oo SB Johnson 449 47 Total $514 96 Road District No. 4 John Tracy, road fund ....$150 M Marshall 3 00 FredCrofford.... 1 50 Raney Crofford 1 50 J Steinman 3 00 R Hering 2 25 E Bates 1 50 E Bates, team 3 00 Walter Strunk 6 00 N Tracey 3 00 John Duns 9 00 J E Burnett 8 00 J E Burnett 4 00 Lou Baker, gen fund 2 25 JE Burnett, gen fund 6 10 H Wilbern 3 10 Total. $59 70 Road District No. 5 S S Waybill, road work $20 00 Road District No. 7 James Fegles, road work $6 00 Road Diatrict No. 8 Bertie China, gen fund $ 7 50 Ira .Flynn 6 00 O P Ware 7 50 Frank Stone 9 00 i E Shangle 6 00 Total $36 00 Road District No. II J E Smith, road fund 32 00 W Foreythe 7 50 T Parish 7 50 M Glass 17 25 JjMay field 4 50 S Jones 1 50 E 0 Hackett 4 13 J Dunmire 3 75 E Furguson ; 3 75 vV II Smith, road fund 6 75 Total $S8 62 Road District No. 15 R H Tabor, road fund $17 00 M Hart 6 75 I N Criteaer 7 50 G Criteser. . ; 7 50 AJMaville 135 James Partlow 3 00 RD Miller 2 25 S Thomas 1 50 James Pa Mow 75 RH Tabor 150' F W Hacker 3 00 J C Schmidt 00 A F Stokes, gen fund 2 20 ! SF Scripture 20 I Total $55 50 Road District No. 16 M Huiraa, road fund $ 7 13 T W Blanchard, road fund 7 50 Elmer LucaB 2 80 Charles Bauman 1 50 Max Bauman 3 00 Frank Briggs 6 37 TW Blanchard 6 00 Frank Brigga 15 00 JF Brigga 14 00 Total $09 32 Road District No. 17 J H Bissell, road fund $ 4 50 Chile Dick 4 50 I) C Rones 7 no Bartal Erickson (i 00 Carlton & Rosenkrans, gen fund. . 6 55 Carleton & Rosenkrans 20 40 Total $49 45 Road District No. 19 Trullinger Bros, gen fund.. . . 84 17 Jacob Schmidt 8 37 Road District No. 20 Peter Schieve, road fund $ 2 50 Olu Hanson 2 00 Fred Bauer 2 00 Oail Strjmgreu 2 00 B Sullivan 1 00 R Johnson 2 00 E W Hammett 2 00 M E Kandle 1 50 Fred Scheruble 1 60 J A Stromgren ; 2 00 J A Stromgren, supervisor 16 00 Delhert Bonney, gen fund 19 50 Emory Gottberg 19 50 Total $73 so Roud Dixtrict No. 23 N Waikins, gen fund $ 3 00 1) O Freeman f, 00 D J Parnienter 6 0J Wilson Evens 4 50 J B King 6 00 D R Dimick o 25 George Banner ,. 1 50 J A Andrews 3 00 Joe King ". 8 00 J downer 3 00 A L Knell , 3 00 H Snell 3 00 II Hedges 2 25 J MeOreary 3 00 O A Nelson 8 00 William Krueger 3 00 J K Yost 4 00 J MKli.l, road fund 13 50 J F Yost 6 30 Total Road District No. 24 Roy Cochran, gen fund.. Fred Mohr C Konechak George Brockart William Kuhnke Levi Both Dan Krh Pete ('bristlier Jean Broadwell Georae Letllor E L Kenagy ., .$86 38 .$ 9 00 . 3 25 . 8 25 . 12 75 . 7 50 . 1 50 1 50 .. 1 50 . 2 00 . 1 50 . 2 25 Aug Willbroed..-.. 75 EJMont&nden ,r... 13 60 JuliuaSpagla 3 00 William Thompson....... 2 25 Simon D Yoder 2 25 E A Montanden... 20 00 Total $95 60 Road District No. 25 M Mathews, road fund $ 7 50 John Heinz 9 75 Total.... $17 25 Road Diatrht No. 26 W Pairin, gen fund $1 50 W O Vanghan 1 50 W W Everhart 50 W H Engle 4 00 Hard Engle. .. 4 j;5 Total v 7 50 Road District No. 28 Clarence Vorhiea, road fund $100 Road District No. 29 OKocher, road fund 6 50 Otto Knorr 15 00 J II Keller 3 37 C A Rex 2 50 H H Smidt 2 00 F S L Bagby, gen fund .... 2 40 Cole Bros,& Co 60 Tot1 $29 37 Road District No. 27 Charles Richie, gen fund $ 75 Ivan Broad well 1 50 George Leffer 2 25 George Perdue. '..'.'.!.!!' 2 25 Revis Graham 1 59 Bud Thompson !!."!.'.' 4 50 J E Marquam V. !'.'.!'. ". 5 00 Total J17 75 Road District No 30 II Bullock, road fund $ 10 25 J Erickson ' 9 53 J Kiser 10 25 M Morrell.. 6 50 L Ilallinan 2 25 E Worthington '..'' 5 ,, 1 Davidson ; y rjO J RHays . . . . 14 00 A J Monk is 75 L Ilallinan 17 60 Total $110 00 Road Diatrict No. 34 EdBatdorf, road fund $17 50 Ed Batdorf and team 9 oo Total ..$28 00 Road District No. 35 Proctor & Beers, gen fund $ 34 50 Proctor & Beers.. 140 40 Fred Wagner, supervisor. 40 00 Total $214 90 (Continued next week.) Notice. Taken up at my farm 5 miles south of Meadowbrook, on December 20th, one cream-colored mare pony with sucking colt about six montha old. Owner can have same by proving property, and paying for feed and advertsyement. Budd Smith, Meadowbrook. KEMARK A 15 LK CURE Off CROUP A Little Boy's Life Saved I have a few words to say regardin" ChamberUin'a Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I cannot praiie it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere of Good win, S. D., and when I got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine aa directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" and then I thought sure he waa going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth today. Joel Demont, Inwood, Iowa. For aale by G. A. Harding. Women and Jewells. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that ia the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of might; power to the average woman. Even that great est of all jewela, health, ia often ruined in the strenuou8 efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a wo man will risk her life to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify heraelf against the insiduoua consequences of coughs, colds and : bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee'a German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in its early Btagea and heal the elected lutig9 and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It ia not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at George A. Haid ing'a. Get Green's Special Almanac. Fruit Growers And everyone interested in diversified farming, or gats, should read the Ore. ton Agriculturist, only 50 cents a yoar; with Uoad's Dairyman, " 2"; with Breeders' Gazi-tte, $1 5J;with Courier Herald, 1.60. C W. Swallow, agent, P. O. box S38. Ort-gnn Citv, or fend to Courier-Herald office. 8 acres on east edge of city limits for sale at your own price. Inquire at Courier-Herald office. 1 A FREE PATTERN (yonr own selection) to every ub acrlber. Only SO centt a year. MSCALLS MAGAZINE A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A em; beautiful colored pUtei; Uteit fashions; drmmakiniE economies ; fancy work household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub scribe to-dftv, or, send . for latest cooy I.ady agents wsntetl. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, t'p-to. date, Komomlcnl and Absolutely i'erfect-Fitting Paper Pattertn. MS CALL Pattern All Sf.vns Wimftt nnd pfrf orations show w bdumi ami &ewma Only lo tul t$ centt Mch none higher As ix tticui S,M nt nraily every city nnU umii, ui' bv ititii li't'ii) TH F. McCALL CO.. I!J-i: -H7 Wr! '' St. NtW YORK. SW ASTMM A CUKE FISEE Asthmalene Brings Instant Belief and Permanent Cure In All Cases SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL 1 j Wabash Niagara amsr) Hf1T ir' 1 w r 1 f OFFERS YOU 4 Through Trains Daily iiom Chicago 4 Through Trains Daily from St. Louis 4 Trains Daily from Kansas City T?vT TTT3TC7r'ClVrTf Reclining J.VXill X DiniM and men. Perfect roadbed, shortest bed and and Thursdays; 29 hours Chicago to hoBton. C. c. CRANE, G. P. & T, A, St. Louis, Mo. ROSb C. CLINE, P. C. P. A.. Los Angeles. "Sometime ago ray daughter caught a severe cold. She complained of pains in her chest and had a bud cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years snd have never known it to fail," says James Prendor gast, merchant, Anuato Bay, Jamaica, West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an approaching attack of Jpneumonia, which in this instance was undoubtedly warded off by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It counter acts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. .All drugglsti. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEers THE COUNTRY 1831 Seyenty-Secona Year 1902 GENTLEMAN The Only Agricultural Paper And admittedly the Leading Agricul tural Journiil of the world. Every departmen written specialists, the highest authorities in their respective lines. No other paper pretends to compete with it in qualifications of editorfal staff Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree of completeness not even at tempted by others, Indispensable to ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS Who wish to keep up to the times. Single Subscription $1.50 ; Two Subscriptions $2 50; Five Subscriptions. Special inducements to raisers of large clubs. Four mouth's trial trip, Sprciinan copies will be mailed free on request. It will pay anybody inter estea in any way in country life to send for them . LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, N. Y. STOHISIilHG OFFER!! For mnr vrt we niv twirl onr Whist 1 us aiul Clfrarato WholMnlenonly antl our brands are pref rwi y them , a Hid y are superior to all olltera. lit order to irivetheConauuter it.e btuielit of tl hre nroiiLi nf Dealer an - jliddlemin, w have derided to now 'tpniar Brian or wriK.e era linn at Jru tnn whnlce.le vc 1 Id flFAUTfFUl PM7FS FRfT RmmfTios! vkbvi i ' j " t Jii j nT l.i iurr I,,' Havana (uo.n wlikw will t.v. Pi sprues often face, extra hearr nickel 0nt With everTqimrt-Wtttanf nnrfamnm 10 veil old lneen ( ItyClab PurrS4 and one fox of nur :hin!y celebrated evniHit rltm Hand-Had lite ler wind and act. renutne American movement and caea. best timekPMrer on! u,s n"tuntu and wiii last achanm Pipe. 1 genuine Meerschaum wsireiwnjwtr, pretty leaaner T'lracco m icaei raati h Ihii, I piir pearl cuff bnttona. I ha') Vp collar button, 1 neck tie holder. 1 pair i!ee ve hutUma. 1 douMwrSiin afil nn K:nifnl hirm Ml iewvlrr hailT Uk nlahut ill iiraounirtnrtilaH and one quart v i,, . muiur, n?cuinoinc iwngri ror cludi-stheUprtzeaforUilLT and ritrirt alone cost more than we aak an ibwlntei Pare 10 y weld Rxt and aae. clear l!a aia,ma 'e in tmt ew f wmm anting tt ad vertleed before WBcleesii 1 ' P,if I'Q'io" mi Ctcm. RDOT!ibl. mm uM Cnlet to-dM. U. 8. i)ITUJLEK S 11 KIUCXING There is nothing like Asthmalee It brings instant roller, even In the worst caiea. cures when all else fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Bidge, III., ajs: " Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition . 1 cannot tell yon how thankful I feel foi the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained wltl putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de spalred of ever being oured. I saw your advertise ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormentiBa disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves, but resolved lo give It trial. To mj astonishment, the trial aoted like a charm. Send mt a full-size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnat Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. Drs.Tait Bbos.' Medicine Co.. (ientlemen: Your Asthmnleiie iB an excellent rem edy for Asthma and Uay Fever, and its composition ailvelatca ail troubleB wnlcn combine With Astnma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hav ing It carefully analvzed. we can state that Asthma lene contains no opium, morphine, ehloform nor emer. very iruiy yours, REV. DK. MOKB1S WECHSLEB. Trial bottle se nt absolutely free on receipt of postal. Write at once," ad dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED ICINE CO., 79Easti3cth St. New York City Falls Short Line TO BUFFALO And Points Eeyond. Chair Cara ( fro" ' P"'lman Palace Sleepera Cafe Cara on all tia.iiB. Tolite train quickest time. Tourist cars Mondays A CELEBRATED Chickering Piano VALUE $650.00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY The enterprising citizens of Oregon City have purchased a $(150 Chickering Piano and will on January 25, 1902, give it to the organization or person receiv ing the greatest number of votes. , Th instrument and ballot box are on exhi bition at Burmeister & Andresen's jew elry store, where the ballots are counted every Wednesday evening and the result ispubllied in the Courier-IIerald. The official ballots are WHITE and are printed by the Courier-Herald and is sued FREE by the following merchants with every 10-cent purchase : R. Freytag, groceries V. Harris, groceries Schrewe & Vernum, meats Brunswick Restaurant Burmeister .k Andresen, jewelry Charman & Co., drugs ' Courier-rierald, printing Moo e's Pharmacy Welsh's Candy Stor.e Red Front, general merchandise I. Selling, F. T. Barlow, groceries J. M. Price, clothing P. O. Cigar .Store Pope & Co., hardware A. Robertson, groceries Ely Bros., general merchandise G. A. Harding, drugs J. W. Blaney, meats G. RoseiiBtein, clothing W. L. Block, housefurniRher Kozy Randy Kitchen P. G. Shark, barber, confectinery H. Schrader, bakery Mrs. Deute, ladies' furnishing goods right's Disease. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a epecinc for bright a Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the series investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of the test c.isen were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen percent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of ibe investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will be mailed free on ap plication. Address John ,T. Fulton Company, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Charman & Co. are our Bole agents in Oregon City. eell direct to th Consumer our loitt rr OVX MIL L KT Tll ! AKSOLlTKI.r RKK one of the hi a Wtchea Dnde.iao ladn) Mem a lifetime. 1 entrance tenne reer- Oirar Hcd-Vr, I frenuine Meeracliamn ponch. 1 eietaut extra reavv thm 11 with r, hr. nf mir nottlerf ourf anmua 10 yenr old Vueen ie man fi-'iv. we tell inei for the entire lot Our Wllatey i'. our fkyara taulee fnbae hand t-tov Tti?,Ti anf.r K.tt. We Guarantee the eweda tad refasdi. packaea. Writa tx cutter aud CO.-lpU Iw, UI North Clark Su, Chicago, n jj nrw mm 1 Oregon and Union Pacific TT3HESAT The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS TWO VIA. ONE VIA THE OREGON THE GREAT SHORT LINE NORTHERN 9:00 p. m. ",uu D , TO TO SALT T E, DEN',..., SPOKANE, OMAHA, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO and ST. PAUL and KANSAS CITY. CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRAIMCISOC Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For full information call on or addres nearest 0. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A., Portland, Oregon WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA. ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Daily Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD , Leate Portland... 7 A. M Leave Astoria 7 1. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. TAHOMA Between Poitland, The Dalles and Wa Points TIME CARD leave Portland, Mon., Wfd. and Fri. ..... 7 A.M. Arrive The Dalles, sama day.... 5P.M. Leave " Tues., Thurs. and Sat. ....7 A. M Arrive Portland, same day 4 P. M. MEALS THE VERT BEST JTgjr-Sundfly Tilps a LeadluK Feature 2 Vl'hls Konte has the Grandest Scenic Attrac tions on Earth Landing and office, Foot Alder Street BOTH FHONES, MAIN 851 PORTLAND, OltEaON J. C. WYATT, Agt.. Vancouver WOLFORO & WYERS, Agts.,White Salmon PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles A, J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria E. W. CRICHT0N, Agt., Portland The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (exoept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at wv points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of tie above stoamcrs have been re tit and are in excellent shape for the season ori 00 The Regulator Line will endeavor togivelta patrons the best service possible. For Comfort,,-Economy nnd Pleasure travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line, The above steamers leave Portland 7 a.m. an' Dalles at 8 a. ui.,and arriveat destination in amp time for outgoing trains. Portland Office, Th e Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. Courtstieet. A. C. AJ.LAWAY General Age CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature cf Cl&ffifa&li E. E. G.REOL Will give you a Bargain Li Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Tainting Taint Shop near Depot Hotel tV. H. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stabls Finest Turnouts -u City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON