OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAYS ""JANUARY 161902 km t n v N 0 r r y n u k 7 . i Tho Kind Tou Ilave Always Bong-lit, and -which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the gigmatnre of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. CUcUAi Allow tin on a to deceive vouin this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment hat is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substauce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ... Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of the State Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Thcrese Grapeugelter, Plaintiff, . vs. Peter Ornpengtlter, Defendant, To Peter Grupengelter, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon! You are Wr,.l rnnuiri'd to p.nncar and answer the com plaint riled against you In the above entitled suit nn cir hi' fore January 27th. 1902. and if yon fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Bald court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: decree anuiuuK ana uis. Kolvinir tho inarriaKB between said parties. Tills summons is published pursuant to an or der nf Hon. Thomas F. Bvan. oouuty Judra of said county, said order bearing date Deoember 7th, Win, ami the first publication being of date December mil, lain. C. D. & D. C. LAIOURETTE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dated December 18th, 1001. CITATION. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY WARD REAL ESTATE SHOULD NOT BB BOLD. for The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Twr BCNTaull COMMNV. T MURAAV THCCT. HEW YORK CITY. In the County Court of the .State of Oregon, Clackamas County., t tv mutter nf the estate and euardianshlp of Emma Vleselmeyer. Mary Vieselmeyer, Willie VlcBclninyer, George Vieselmeyer, uenry viesel meyer, tied Vieselmeyer ana Aug1 mevor, minors. the netliion of Maria Viesel- nieyer, the guardian of the persons and estate of limma Vieslmeyer, Mary vieselmeyer, niuie Vieseluioycr, George Vieselmeyer, Henry Viesel meyer, Fred Vieselmeyeraiid August Vieselmeyer, iLfi.,.rU tiot ft. in nnpAKHurv and would be bene- flrinl to the ward that the following described ..,i .t,u, of said minors Bhould be sold, to-wit 11,0 nU ..f the ne'X of secti m 2 in township 6s, of ratine lo. W. M., containing eighty seres more m less and situated in the County of Clackamas .ml K,ntu nf llrptmn. It Is ihorofore ordered by the Court that. the ,.r kin tn tho alrt ward to-wlti John Vies- mever, Ihcir brother, and all persons interested in said slate, appear before this court on Moil dnv the 3rd of February, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause if any they can, an, ..in nhnuld not be ordered. It is further ordered that a copy of this order to show cause shall be published tnree ronseeu- tive weeks in the uregon uiiy wouner-nem.u, weekly newseuper published in Oregon City in said county, and of general circulation in said county, which is most likely to give notice to the parties intcielted, the first 'publication to be in the issue of Friday, $-MAX, County Judge. Dated this 21st Jay of December, I9ul. SPECIAL esc Pomona Orange. Clackamas District Pomona Grang e met at Tualatin Grange Jan. 7th, and had one one of the best meatinga ever held in this district. After transacting the usual business in the forenoon a sumptuous diuner was served and en joyed as only grangers can. in ine aiternooatne uisuusstou wua lively, interesting and instructive, fol lowed by the installation, conducted bv Mrs Mary 8 Howard, ol tne newly elect ed officers. In the eventna a large class was initi ated in the fifth degree of the order.fol lowed by a choice literary program pre. pared by the lecturer. Mrs Nora Miller, of Highland Grange, as follows: Recitation. G K Miller, wlio responeu to an encore. Recitation, Edna Irish. Recitation, Mrs Lindsley. Comic reading, Mrs Johnson. Instrumental music, Prof. Kruse, who responded to an encore. . Recitation, Mat Glover. , Recitation, Miss Hayes. Recitation, Rosa Alexson. Song, Mrs Nora Miller with guitar ac companiment by G R Miller, encored. Recitation, J W Thomas. Recitation, Mrs Turner. Recitation, Ella Alexson. Song, Lena Alexson and assistants. Recitation. Ruby Thompson. Comic reading, John Q. Gage. Instrumental music, Mr Kruse, en cored, Recitation, Ethel Holmes, responding to an encore with a solo. Remarks by Mr Se'lwood .and Mrs Howard, which were to the point and well received. Mits. Nora Miller, Lecturer. HANDY FARM DERRICK. A. Cheap Contrivance For Handling Ilnrreia and Socks of Produce. A simple and cheaply constructed boom derrick arranged as Illustrated will be found of much service by a great many farmers, and the time and labor that will be saved by Its use will more than equal that required to make It, says an Ohio Farmer writer. When boxes, barrels or sacks of produce are stored lu a basement, one man without some mechanical assistance of this kind will be unable to. lift them from the cellar way and load on a wagon conveniently, and even If several men engage in the work they cannot remove and load the articles as easily and Bpeedily without the derrick as tlicy can by Its help. A derrick made in the WILLAMETTE . GROCERY NOW Stevens block OPEN FOR BUSINESS Bbl. NOTICE . OF PANTS ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by order of the county court of the state of Oregon for Clacka mas oountv, In the matter of the estate of James A. Hnruur, deoeased, the undersigned will sell at public sale to the highest bidder, at the front door of the court house in Oregon City, State or Ore eon, on Saturday, the 8th day of February, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m of said day, the fol lowing desciibed properly being in Clackamas couniy and stale of Oregon, to-wit: 1'. e seii of the seJ4 of section 2 of township 8 smiih. range 2 east of the Willamette Meridian. . , , . Terms of sale cash at time of s.ile. Sale to be made tuhjict to the order of the said court. A. B LINN. Administrator of the Kstatoof James A, Baibur, Deceased. Dated, January 3rd, 1903, We have still a few Tim Cassitmn Remnants at Cost of manufacture OREQON CITY WOOLEN MILLS EXECLTRIX NOTICE. X'Allna la Iw.w.Htf tftvPT, t.hnt. t.hfl 11 lldersllT 116 d has been duly appointed by the county court of Clackamas enntv, Oregon, executrix of the last will and Instalment of Morris Cadanau, deceased, late of said county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to pre sent the same lo my attorney, 0. H. Dye, hq Cor. 6th. and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months frmn the date of this notice, such claims lo be duly venflcl according to law. MARTHA CADANAU, Ixecuirix as Aforesaid. Dated at On Km City, Oregon, January 3, 11102. MARKET BE PORTS. Portland Market. ; (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Best $2.703.30; graham $2.50.' Wheat Walla Walla tuactae; vauey 61cG2; bluestem 62g. Oats White, Ho; aray, ii.iu. Barley Feed $18; brewing 20 per t Millstuffs Bran $18; middling $20; shorts $20; chop $17. Hay Timothy $H12; clover, $7g; Oregon wild $6. Butter f ancy creamary z ana wo ; store, 12 and 25. v Egg9 2a cents par aoz. Poultry Mixed chickens $3.503.75; hens $3.504; springs $33 50; geese. $67; ducks $56; live turkeys 11 12c; ' dressed, 15tl7c. Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers and ewes, sheared, $3 25; dressed, 5 and 6 cents per pound. Hogs choice heavy, o to ana spu uu ; light, $5 ; dressed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per pound.. , i Veal Large, 8 and 91-2 cents per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $3 50 and $4, dressed beef, 3 and 7 cents per pound. Che"se Full cream llc per pound Young America 12c. Potatoes 001.10 per hundred. Vearetables Beets 90c; turnips hoc i : 1 i EM $3.10 Dalles Hard Wheat Flour. . $3.25 Bbl. Union, Oregon, Flour. 2 Cents . Best Cottage Hams 25 Cents 6 Bars Dimond C Soap 15 cents Pound Best Costa Rkha Coffee 30 Cents ' " Pound Moch and Java 5 Cents Can Good Alaska Salmon Produce Taken MILES & McGLASIIAN, Pkoi-s. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenlntla Treatment 1V which Drunkards are. lielng Cured Du'ly Sjille of Xhenisolves. in A Bliin.E DEWtlCK. same way and supported as best suits the ense on hand will often he useful for other purposes, such as getting out stone, loading ice, etc. For the derrick post use a piece of stout timber not less than 4 by 4 inches square, or a round polo If preferable. The length of this pole will he govern ed somewhat by the length of the boom and by the situation of the derrick. For the boom use a round or square piece of light but strong wood 10 to 15 feet long. Insert a heavy Iron pin In the top and the foot of the post and put on Iron bands. Hinge one end of the boom with Iron straps and bolt It to the post nhout five feet from the bot tom, and on the other end put a band with eyes or hoops, as Is shown In the pnitlnl Illustration of the derrick. If the post Is round Instead of square, as pictured, the boom may be attached by using a band on the post and the Iron device on the boom, like those showu In one corner of the samo lllus- No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and l'esitlre Cure for the Liquor Habit. NOTIOE OF SALE. AR YOU EA W0W HEAD- NOISES? ASKS OF mm i IEARIR9C jorn deaf mm re incurable. MOiATELY. l 1 all: c DEAFNESS OU by our new invention. Only t!ioc2 F. A. WERMAN, O? BALTJli'lCRE, SAYS: Baltimore, Mil.. March 30, 1901. Gmtlrmen : Deinfr entirely nirej of ikafncss. thanks to your treatment, I will now give you B full history of mv case, to be ucd :.t vour licrc-Lion. Alwut five yours ngo my righ' cat be;;an to and this kept 011 getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. c I underwent a treatment for eatanh. for three months, without nnv purr-ess, ronsulten a num ber of phvsirians, among others, the mo-1 cntinctit . ..r .jiecwUrt. o 1 his city, who told me that only an operation could.' help me. mnl even tir.it only temourai i!;', that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost f never. I then saw vour advettiseincn'. accidentally in a New York xkt, and ordered your treat ment. After Iliad used it only a few davs acconling lo your directions, the no-.scs ceased, and to-dav, afler fne we.-ks. my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, V. A. WilRHAN, TjoS. Broadway, Baltimore, Sid. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. "TSSflST YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT K ntarrual INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 535 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. tratlon, both of which may bo made perfelckrrlicTcperlbj'cahhagell ftotn a heavy wagon tire and fastened 1 - 1 D - , ' i.-n nr. I nnn. tn l,nlf a In thn hnlna mnrln for (gl.oU per xw pounus; cauiuiower ot; per dozen j parsnips 85c fr sack; celery 7075o per dozen; asparagus 7; peas 23c per pound. Dried fruit Apples evapora'.ed 78j sun-dried, sacks or boxes 45c; pears sun and evaporated pitless plums bc;7 Italian piuues 34c; extra silver choice 57. In the Circuit Court of the tate of Oregon for the State of Oregon for the County of Cluekamaii. In the matter of the alignment .of E. M. Alkln- em,, an illllO vent debtor. Notice is herebv Biven that under and pursuant to n order of the above entitled court duly mads and entered lu the above entitled mattcron the 12th day of November, MM, requiring and com munrtinir mp. AHsienee. of the abovo named in solvent debtor to sell the following dosoribe d real property, to-wit: A tract of land containing forty-tight (48) acroa.more or uws . eituated In sec inn' ihiiiv-lwn (321 and tlrlrtv-three (33) in townsliip two (2) aoutb, range two ('2) east, Wil lamette Meridian In C'lackmnaa county, state of OHCgon, fur a full description of which reference is hentiy uiude to the partition deed made and de livered to K. M. Atkinson by the heirs of 0. H. At kinson, deceased and recorded in the records of deeds of said county and state in book 67 at page 405 thereof, excepting therefrom a parcel of land containing one and eighty-live hmulretlis (l.itJ) ai res luretofore conveyed by said B. M. Atklnsim to George Stock by deed duly recorded In bonk 80 of the records o( deeds of said county and state at page 411) thereof, and also excepting a piece or parcel of land containing seventy-tive hundrelhs (.76) of an acre, heretofore conveyed by said E.M. Atkinson to Henry M. Htock by a detd duly re corded in the rccorde of deeds of said county and state in book 69 at yage 847 thereof. Therefore I will on Tuesday, the 4th day of March, l'JOi at th: hour of II o'clock a. m., of said day at the door ul iliu couniy court house of Clackamas county, stale of Oregon, in Oregon City, sell at niihlic auction to the hliihest bidder allot the above described real pri.periy. Assignee of E.M. AlklnBon.Iusolvent Debtor. Vvw;ullnfV,v Atlornevfnr Assignee. Datid at uregon City, Or.,this8tb daj of Jan.1902. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Why Water Won't Fry. Why cantiot we fry In water? Be cause water can only be heated to the boiling point, 212 degrees, and any ad ditional heat does not Increase Its tem perature. Two hundred and twelve de grees of heat will not brown the sur face of anything. Fot, on the contrary, can be made much hotter, the tempera ture depending on the kind. There la ft lesson here for the economical house wife. Don't stuff the stove witn ruei when the vegetables, meat, etc., are already boiling. They, cook no faster because of the Increase of heat. CITATION. in the Couniy Courtof the State of Oregon for Clackamas Couniy. In the matter of tho estate of Murthi E. Partlow. deceased. To the following named heirs at law of Martha E I'artow, deceased, and to all others unknown: Jvalin Johns, Nellie 8- Jolirs, t-usan Johns, Amelia Johns, Chailes Johns, William Miller, Ed win J Biier, Helen tliepard,. Eliza J. Fowler and Charles Hacker. In the name of the Stale of Oregon, yon ana each of vou are hereby cited and required 10 ap pear at the court room of the county court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas couniy at the hour of 10 o'clock a. Di., of Monday, the 3rd day of February, 1W)2, to show cause if any there be why an order should not be made by said court direct ing the adminisltatorof said estate to sell at pri rate sale the following described property of said deceased, to-wit! ..... , Commencing at a slake south 11 degrees oOniin ntea fast 8."1 chains lrom the southwest corner of he D U C. of Wm. llolines and wife in Itownship 3 south range 2 east of theW. M. in Clackamas countv and state of Oregon, and running thence east 4.38 chains lo a stake, thence south 11' de grees east 2. JU chains, thence west 4 38 chains to a slake: thence nrrth UK degrees west 23 chains to the placed beginning, cenmiutng oue acre of land more or less. Done by order of Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of said court, dated the 27th day ol I)ecemlr l'Jtd. Witness my hand and seal of this court the 27th da, of -member. 11. I. H. COOPER. ' Clerk of County Court. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. tvj Clackamas, CcJnity. In the matter of the eslatj of Loonora Ross, deased. ' Notice is hereby given that I.iielnda Ito.ss, ad miuistratrix of tho estate of Leonora Koss. de ceased, has filed her final account in the county court ol tho state or ttregon, lor t-iacKamai county, aBd that by order of said court Mon day, the 13th day of January, A. D l'X2, at 10 o'clock a. m., In the county court room in Iho court bouse in said county, has been fixed aa the time and place for hearing objections thereto, and Buttling the same. LUCISDA ROSS, Administratrix of the Estate of Leonora Ross, Deceased. do. -i Nottee Is hereby given that all those luvins claim against the Male of E.W. l'eck.d:eascd, will present the same to F. C. Peny, at Molalift Oregon, wiiliin .R) days lieni dale. F. C. PEBRY, Dutei'.Mululla, Or., Jan Slih.ltWJ. ADMISWrRA-TOB'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have been duly nr,,,Aliitpl )v iIim euuntv ciuirtiif the State of Oregon for Clackamas couniy, as the executor of the t 111 of Leonard Hoitu, deceased, and that all m-rsons having claims against the. said . estate, in uat niesi-nt them to me. w: th nroper vouchers at the law office of C. I. ,fc I). C. I.atourella. Oregon Ci y Oregon, wiiliin six months from this date. WILLIAM HKINZ, Fxeeulor of the Will of Leonard Heinz, lieceased. 1 ule.l, Jn. tli, 1902. V v FINAL NOTICE. Notice's hereby given that the undersigned, administratrix of the estate of James McKenzle deceased, has filed In the county court of Clack amas county, state of Oregon, her final account as tuch admiuistrairix of said estate, and that Mon day, .the 3rd day of February, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objection of "said report and the settlement thereof. JLNNIE MCKF.XZIE, Administratrix of the Estate of James McKenxie, Deceased' ft". ' 1 r V' ? - I si VI) I T. I ii 1W. I mm A Share In a Jewel. Thpm is ft storv told of a French serv ant who was shown a priceless Jewef by a great duke. Thank you, my lord duUe," eaia tne man of science, "ror anowiug uiu iu Kiinm with vou the Dossession of so great a treasure." "In what way? " saia tne auite. "Why. your grace can do no more than look at It, and you have allowed mo to do the same." All the Year Uound. Living; Like a Savaare. Civilized people will he shocked at the advice of an English physician to wealthy patient to live like a savage to be cured. Savages, It may be re called, do not belong to clubs, have no stock exchanges, know nothing of trust and trade combinations, run no polit ical campaigns and so reserve some vi tality and nerve force for purely living purposes. Baltimore American. Foolish, Robert Lowe, afterward Lord Slier brook, once saw a deaf member of par liament trying his best to catch with his ear trumpet the words of an ex tremely dull speech. "Just look nt that foolish man," said Lowe, "throwing away his natural advantages." in place by bolts In tho holes mado for this purpose. The top of the post and tho end of the boom are connected by a ropa and a pair of single pulleys or, better, by a double block tackle. The lower pin of the derrick post re volves In a wooden block having an Iron socket or a heavy stone with a hole drilled to receive it, and the top pin Is held by a strong projecting wood or iron cleat or one or me Duuuiug tinibcrs. The part of the post above the point at which the boom Is hinged should be as long as the boom, so .its not to have tho tackle work with too great loss of power. When the boom is elevated to a hori zontal position, the article being lifted will be about the right height for load lug on a wagon, and tho end of the boom may by means of the revolvlug post be swung round to the point do sired. With a double block tackle one man by ordinary exertion ought to be ahlo to handle couveuiently a weight of 300 or 400 pounds. By attaching a hay rope pulley to a Arm slake near the foot of the derrick or to tho building the rope may be conducted over it and have n single- It is now generally known una under stood Unit Drunkenness is a disease and not wetikiie.-a. A body filled -with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or consUtit ute of itiioxieatiug liquors, requires an antidote capabl-ol neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxi cants.' Sufferera may now cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURE" which has been perfected after many years of closo study and treatment of inebriates. The faith ful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the mofit obBtinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the nmrvelous transforma tion of thousi t i. s i Uninkards into. so ber, indiibtri . ntl iiuiiuht men VVIVE8 ( i. U,J YDlilt H USBANDS 1 CHILDREN v I'KE YwUR FATH ERS 11 Thin lemuuy is no sense a nos. trum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skilliully devised and pre pared mat it is thoroughly soluble ana pleasant to the taste, so lhat it can be given in a cup of tea or coffoo without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thoiistt'ids of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cared and made temperate men bv having the "CURE" administered by loving friends aud relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and bolieve today that they discontinued drinking of their own freewill. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all Mate. The VHome CiOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing in reach of everybody a treatment more ef fectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special . advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge, Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept E 594. EDWIN B. GILES &COMPANY 2330 and i?332 Market Street, rinladel phia. All correspondence strictly confl-t!entia).. TO tl l'.K A COI.D 11 OKE BAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails tocurer E. W. Grove's signature is cn each box. 25e. Tlionsands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whoso luns are Bore and rucked with coughs nro urged to go to another climate. But this ia costly and not always suto. Don't ho an exllo when Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption will cure vou at home, It- is the iPOHt infallible medieiiio for Coughs, Colds, and'all Throat and Lung diseases cn earth. The ln.st dono bi ings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent uw. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's. Price 50c and $1, Every bottle guaranteed. Don't tie the top of yonr Jelly and preserve Jara In theold fashioned way. Heal tuem by the now, quick, absolutely sure way by & thin roatlnir of Pllrfl m Refined 1'araUi ue. Jiaa .VV nn tnstA Or fidor. 1 air tight and acid V.alltf annllul ? M Ueefui in adozeu other r7 wava alio tit the bouse. Full directions with each cake. Bold every wherer Made by STANDARD OIL CO. No Deferred Payment. "Is your daughter learning to play by rioter "Certainly not." answered Mrs. Cum rox a little Indignantly. "We pay cash for every lesson. The Ideal" Wash ington Star. Well Bred. Gentleman That looks a well bred dog. Owner I should think be was well bred. Why, he won't have a bit of din ner till he's got bis collar on!-Punch. The Nile Is noted for the variety of Its Osh. An expedition sent by the British museum brought home 2,200 specimens. Railways nse ap over 2,000,000 tons of steel a year, almost half the world's product DETAIL OK DERRICK. tree attached for n horse when It Is necessary to lift a more than ordinary heavy object from the eellarway. A Deep Mystery It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, NervouHiiess Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved tnat Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I fmliVired for vears with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. I'hebe Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I could not drehS myself, but Electric Bitters w holly cured me, and, althou gh 73 years old, I now am able to do all my housework.' It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect lieallh. Only 50c at '.'Co, A. Harding s diug store. Th Ohio Stomach Worm Remedy. One lahleKpoonful of gasoline and four ounces of sweet milk well shaken together Is a good dose for sheep weigh ing anywhere from 00 to 100 pounds. The quantity of milk may be reduced or Increased slightly without detrimen tal results. Each sheep or lamb should bo set on bis rump and so held that lie will not struggle while tho dose is given as a drench, and his head should not be thrown back farther than the natural position while standing. This stomach worm treatment should be given only after 12 to 18 hours fast ing, and neither water nor feed should be given Inside of two hours after giv ing the medicine. Treatment should be given three days consecutively, then repeated one week or ten days later for the same number of days. WaNTET) TrtrsTWOTiTAY JIFK AND WO men to travel end adTerti-o for old eMiubtlnhed houneof rolld financial tdttnilir?. fcalary $7fVJ a year and expenses, all rajalile in eio-h. fco enn. aii-inir required, (jiya reference" mid enoloeo elf'Hddrei-Hcd tnmied envelope, Address Mau or, Duo l.'uiton Wds., Chlein;, Piano liekfts with till Monro's I'lmrmacy. purchases at Vi a Are All I niiiillai' with the deep, hoarse lurk, giimly called "a gnivt-yuid emu b," It is the cry of tie tortured liu u fo' iercy. (jive tfiem uieicy in thelu m of ' 'n's Lung Balsam, a remedy for ivlsuvi'iry trouble, so highly esttemcd ti.. 5t recommended t-ven in the earlier uuj. of consumption. In the lsit' i(os mortal skill is ur.availirg. yobody fan afford to neglect a cold.;