OR1G0N CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY io 18W IT 4 poisons the blood, irritates the nerve-cells and causes, aches and pains in the tem ples, eyes, brain and spinal cord. Headache, neural gia, impaired appetite, indi gestion, sleeplessness, nerv ous exhaustion and des pondency all point to the weakened nerves that are crying aloud for renewed strength and health. "My head was badly troubled, I ached all over and was weak and nerr ous. One bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine and Dr. Miles' Pills brought me out all right." Heksiial It. Jones, Bluefield, V. Va. soothes the nervous irrita tion, stimulates digestion and builds up health and strength. Begin to-day. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. agar: For Pneumonia. Dr. G. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich.', says : "I have used Foley's Honoy and Tar in three very severe c sea of pneumonia with g)oa results in every case." Be ware of substitutes. Charman & Go. Look Carefully V To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no" known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. io, 25, 50 Cents 109 Sold and Guaranteed by C. G. HUNTLEY, . Prescription Druggist, . Oregon City Oregon Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their ose is persisted Jn, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE. Edgars Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalizcr known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. K JO, 25, 50 cents. Sold and Guaranteed by C. Q. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist, Oregon City Oregon tjSubtie 8 Foe 1 ki ll a 0 m Dyspepsia id unrecognized in lmir tlit ruses. It deceives the unknowing wifforor. Its many variations work along the weakest linos of the system. To battle ng-.iinst only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablet give complete mul hinting relief. o m GILES' 1 Dyspepsia Tabi'ets S , 10e., ?5C. I' t ffiltl AND 60C. ij Sold and Guaranteed by C. Q. HUNTLEY, Prescr ptlon Druggist, Oregon City ....i Oregon' Colton. A New Year's dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gorbett. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gorbett, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bonney, Mrs. Gottberg, Misses Nellie Gottherg, Grace Gorbett, Edith Buckner.Meadie Hubbard ; Messrs S. T Komnn, Jessie and Kelly James, Otis Dix, Emery and Eddie Gottberg, Bert Hubbard and Walter Gorbett. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. .Mrs. Delia Marrs, o Springwater, has come to Co 1 ton to remain for an indefi nite time with .her Bisters and brothers. MiBs Lottie Freeman, of Elwood, is spending a tew days visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dix., ueiueri Bonney Has returned to Sher wood after spending a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. A. B. Countryman. Colton is situated about 18 miles southeast of Oregon City. It has over 100 inhabitants, and has two sawmills, a feed mill, store and postoffice, a new public hall, school house and more old bachelors and less old maids than is commonly found Lewis Hubbard, who has had a seri ous attack o! typhoid fever, is now able to be around again Delbert Bonney left last Tuesday for Sherwood. Oliver Lafferty has returned to Win dow, Washington, where he has employ ment in the loyying camps Fred ehafer, of Molalla, was in this burg on business Friday. Mis. Delia Marrs, of Pir-gwafcr, is visiting her sisters, the Misses H nbbard. , Willis Cox, Emile and Frank Bittner, of Elwood, attended the 0 V. Literary of this place Saturday evening. Birtie Hubbard andOlis Dix expects to leave for Oak Point, WaBh , in a few days. They will be accompanied by the latter's niece, Miss Ethel Freeman, of Elwood. There will be a dance in the 0. 0 hall in this place on January 16. Every body invited. ' - MissMaxie Pleaurd, of Hubbard, is lsiting with her siBter, Mrs. Frank Ar quette, at present. illis Cox was the guest of the Misses Meadie and Stella Hubbard Sunday, Jan. 5th, Come again, Willis. Colton was well represented at the dance given at Mr, Bittner's home at Elwood New Yean Eve. Those attend ing from Colton were Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bonney ; MieseH Nellie Got.tberg and Grace Gorbett, Amy Bonney, Christina and Clara Carlson 5 Messrs. Walter.Gor bett, JeBse James, Eddie Gottberg, Oli ver, Johnny and Cleve Lafferty. All re port having had a good time. Mr. Gerbnr. nf Afnnla T ana mi. " uhiiv) 111 Colton last week. Ired Force, of Mulino, was visiting his uncle, T. N. Force, last week. " ';' . . '-' . ' Amateur. Elwood. The Elwood correspondent has awakened from a long sleep finding new s still scarce. A, S. Henderson and wife returned home Thursday evening from a two week's visit at Philomath. Mii-8 Ida Wilson, who is working at Pirkplace, was home on a two weeks' visit... Mrs. Shubert is staying in Oregon Citv with her daughter, Mrs.Twibt, who is ill. Eddie Gottberg was the guest of Ida mison ounaay nigtit. Mat and Mort Park were out from Oregon City visiting relatives a few days ago. Bittners gave a dance in their barn New Years Eve. but they had to go out side of Elwood to get their dancers ex cepting three. Mr. Turner went to Portland Friday. Miss Edith Freeman, who has been working at Oak Point, Wash., is home on a visit for an indefinite lnnot.h nf time. Fiester Cadonau sold his pony to Mat Fard and has purchased a hound. Lydia Park, who has been ill for some lime, is improving. Elmer Dibble has purchased an organ. I. D. Iurfus if imnr.ivinir liin furm Uv digging out stumps. W. T. . Henderson has received word from his son, Willie, who resides near rroscoit, wash., tlia; his wife, Myra, is very ill with pneumonia. Lalla Rookii. Woodbum. Arthur Trask, of Po Ell, Wash., for merly of this pluco, came up Sunday for a few days' visit with his parents. S. C. Hall and O. A. Nemkl went to Portland last Tuesday on business. New Years was ushered in by guns, bells, dynamite and unearthly yells. Jonathan Whitnoy, of the ft fin ,of Whitney Bros, livery stable, departed for California to visit his uncle for a awhile. The work on t lie new electric light line from Silver Creek falls to this place is being pushed at host possible up. ed. The New Years number of the Cour-ier-IIorald was well gotten up and finely illustrated. Let success be theirs. Dutch . iM 1 School Report. Following is the report for Barlow school : No. pupils enrolled 47, and 31 have been present every day during the month ending Jauuary 4. 1002. There have bean only three cases of tardiness during the three mouths taught. Koll of honor Robert Armstrong, Fred Armstrong, Wood J. Andrews.Iona Andrews, Ura ltratton, rred Covey, Charles Oovey, Hattie Coleman, Ger trude Evans, Winnefred Freeman, Hat tie Irwin, Ralph May, Arthur May, Net tie Peterson, Mary Siegrist, Clara Sie grist, Nellie Watkins, K Iward Watkins, Eva Scoggin, Lyman Skinner, Virgil Skinner, Albert Skinner, Valeria, Lou ise, E7.ia, Winlleld and Proctor Sand ford, Cora, Laura and Judith Sandsness, Leroy Parmenter, Weston Howard, Sherman Howard, Orsula Zeith. Mahy S. Baulow, Teacher. Dress skirts, waists and petticoats at at K id letter prices. Racket Store. HEADACHE W 3 ttwtv JS Item J 5c 1 Coughing " I was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health." Chas. E.-Hart-man, Gibbstown, N. Y. It c tnn nkv. nlavrnT - - 1 1 f-j o , with your cough. The first thing you ; know it will be down ) deep in your lungs t the play will be over. Be-j gin early with Ayer's j Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Tfarea iliei : 25c., 50c., $1. All druggists. Consult your doctor. If he says take It, then do as he iy. If he tells you not to take it, then duu't take It. He Ituowt. Leave It with him. We are willing. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Hail. THE MUNICIPAL FILTER. Its Establishment is in Accordance JPith Scientific Sanitation. The procurement of Bull Run water did not give Portland pure water. It is claimed that the manufacturing plants which need it purer than that which comes through the main, have filtering apparatus ana tne amount ot tilth that isstrained out is surprising. A moment's reflection will convince any one that a rapid mountain stream like Bull Run must inevitably carry much decavine vegetable matter, besides silt, Oregon City's people will hence have much purer waterman inose ot Portland. All the microbes, excepting a very small per centage, will have been eliminated. It is these minute creatures that breed disease in the human organism. The Jewell-Hyatt-Warren-American National-Blessing-New-York type of filters has been installed in numerous cities of the Atlantic seaboard, and it is the most successiul and economical sys tem of mechanical filtering devised. The only other system that Oreeon Citv could have adopted, if the board of water commissioners had thought best not to adopt the proposition of the filter com bine, is that of natural filtering through about five feet of sand coveting an acre of ground, which would have been even more expensive than the plant that has been erected. " The principal parts of the Jewell grav ity filter, including those for the use ot sulphate of alumina (alum) as a coagu lant, are briefly : 1. The tanks for preparation' of the alum solution, this having been dis solved" before to be added to the unal tered water. 2. The two settling tanks in which coagulation takes place and the grosser impurities sink to the bottom. 3. The altering tanks in which the purification is completed through a sand bed. In these tanks the alum coagu lant settles on the surface of the sand as a fiocculent film, and materially assists in catching the bacteria. It is a peculiar fact, observed in East ern cities by analysing mechanically filtered water, that it contains less alum befoie filtration Jtlmn it did before. Its use is common in mechanical filters, whereever its utility is understood. It is a very important fact that filtra tion of contaminated water reduces the death-rate from typhoid fever and simi lar diseases. The average results obtained with the mechanical filter at East Providence, R. I., give us an idea of what will be ac complished here. Using one grain of sulphate of ammonia to the gallon, the filtered water contained less than the raw water the following percentages of ingredients: One per cent chlorine, 6L per cent ferric oxide, 38 per cent aluini nic oxide, 20 per cent free ammonia, 63 per cent albuminoid ammonia, and 83 per cent less color. The water had in creased 20 per cent in hardness and was alkaline containing harmless sulphate of lime. In several Eastern filter plants it has been found by experiment that ground scrap iron compounded in a certain way with sulphur, forming the sulphide (or sulphate) of iron, is a far' cheaper, and as efficacious, c agulant alum ; but as in either ease the chemicals remain among the debris strained out by the Band, the use of the one or the other is a matter of little importance to the consumer. A coagulent will not be used in the city's (1 tor when the small percentage of little bugs in the water renders it unnecessary. A. Erkkson's Stock Farm. A. Erickson's stock farm on ths Clackamas wagon road is the only one of its kind in the county. Its raison de'etre is the breeding and training of trotting horses. Such a place is an ex pensive luxury but Mr. Erickson does not appear to 1111 ml that obstacle. He has a string of exceedingly fine thorough breds on his tarm, equal to the best found anywhere, among them "Bill Frater," a horse with an acknowledged record for speed on the track, and, as an ambitious turfman, he will spa re no efforts to lit them for winning both fame and money in the luture, One of his plans is the establishment of a track on the farm for training purposes. Though the place is rendered conspicuous by a number of well-built, handsomely painted buildings, yet last month it was necessary to add a large cow stable to them. It is possible that Mr. Erickson'e enterprise may lead others in this county to give attention, to the breeding of that beautiful, highly specialized ani mal, the "fast horse." School S ill in the li ice. A rumor which has been circulated that that the public schools hava with drawn from piano contest, is untrue. We wish the public to understand that we are still in the rac.i, and wish all who will, to give us a helping hand to win. Po not forget tho children, and remam ber that they will appreciate the piano. Francis Mvkhs, As TOINETTK WaLPKS, llAUlitEr COCHRAN', Committee. Annual Iteport of Postmaster Ilorton Shows a Gratifying Increase in Postal Receipts. "Following ii a.-statement of business of the local poitoffie lor 1901, compared with figures for 1900: 1900 No. domestic money orders issued 5354 Amount (34.730 03 Fees on same 399 53 No. International money or- . ders issued 113 Amount . 1638.71 Fees on same 21.70 No. domestic m. o. paid 4354 Amount..., 53,445.29 No, Int. m.o. paid.......... 101 Amount 2936.28 Funds transferred to m. o. ac. from postal ac 3470 Drafts on New York 20,230.00 Surplus m. o. funds remitted to Portland 3843.00 Receipts of m. 0. business, Postal receipts 36,789 07 6493.06 Total receipts for year 43,283,03 1901 No. d. m. 0. issued 6294 Amount... 38,430.40 Fees on same 401.49 No. Int. m. 0. issued ........ 88 Amount 1644 04 Fees on same 29 40 No. dom. m. o. paid 4898 Amount 54,422 06 No. Int. m. o. 62 Amount 2102.95- Funds transferred to m. 0. ac. from postal a 3105.05 Drafts on New York 21,440.00 Surplus m. o. funds remitted to Portland 4621.00 Receipts of m. 0. business . . . 40.502 33 Postal receipts 7202.97 Total receipts for ysar $17,705.30 The increase of business of the prev ious year is $4422 27, a remarkable good showing for the year 1901. Canadian orders are now treated in all respects as domestic orders, whieh has decreased the number cf interna tional orders for tl e past year . The amount of fees on domestic or ders was decreased by the removal of the war tax, which was included last year in the amount. GEORGE F. HORTON, P. M. THE CHWKERINQ PIANO. A Popular Favorite With Ticltet Voters. Following is the vote in the Checkering piano contest : W. O. W ' . 470.423 K.O. T M 250.972 The latest count places the Woodmen of the World 219,451 ahead. Thft rAo-iflt.rmtnn nf vAfora Viarvnn at the court house last Monday, under cuarge 01 ex-uouniy uierK iiimer Dixon, and already a considerable num. ber of voters have registered. Extracts from the Th fViltnn flo. clone, a new literary venture, will-ap pear ueii wees. Yesterday, a jury in the circuit court returned a verdict in favor of W.H. Kandle in hifl eiectmAnt miir. niroinBt W. F, Pruden. Mr. Kandle also won in ine in tne justice court. The f el lows wtll case was argued on appeal yesterday. For Sale One tnoroghbred Jeisey Bull. Inquire at this office. i" Attention Socialists, Having been chosen corresponding secretary of the socialist party of Clack amas county, and being almost an en tire stranger to the county, and to the people of the county outside of Maple Lane precinct, I hereby call upon all good comrades to aid mo in polling the socialist votes of the different precincts of Clackamas county as the number of votes In each precinct will determine the number of delegates to which the precinct is entitled. It will be neces sary to use both judgement and caution as in the first place we wish to have all socialists reported, we do not wish in very outset to overestimate our strength as a party, and I think it would he much better to call a couniy convention based upon 90 per cent of our actual voting strength, than to call one based upon, say, 1M per cent, as in the hrst place we would have an actual gain at the polls, which in the second, we would suffer the loss, not only of the overestimate in members, hut also of public confidence, and at the very out set, would ha dam aging to our party organization through out the county and a serious backset to the principles which we advocate. The help I seek of the comrades is simply this, let some representative socialist in each voting precinct make out and send to me a list of all the social ist voters in his precinct who can be de pended upon to vote for such candidates, both state and county, that will pledge themselves to conform to, and abide by the principals of scientific and practical socialism. Now please do not leave this for your neighbor, or wait, expecting some one else to cover the field, If I should receive two or more reports from the same precinct, well and good, the more the better, one would rectify the other, but by all means see to it that your precinct is reported. Thanking you beforehand for ydur trouble, yours for socialism. Wm. Bkard, Co, Secy. P. O. Ely, Ore. School II (pert. Following is the report cf Shubel school for the month ending Jan. 3: No. pupils enrolled, 46. No. days taught, 19. Average daily attendance, 44. Cases of tardiness, 3. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month are: Edna ade, Irene, Idna, Lena and Nellie j Moehdke.Hacel Ginther.Athleen Bluhm. i Lottie and Alvin Hornschuh. Following were the visitors present; during the month were : Edward ; Schmidt, Otto Moehnkc, Rev. A.Engel- ; bsrdt, Martin Massinger and Eva , Moehnke. Visitors always welcome. ; Robert Ginnier, Teacher. 1 OASTOJIIA. Bears the A Kiiltl Vol! H3V9 AI3VS f? igmture of UZ.7V J-CtlsAMI GEORGE BROS. RESTAURANT ' Newly Furnished and Refitted HEALS AT ALL HOURS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT PRICES REASONABLE . This Restaurant has no Superior in the City Opposite Electric Hotel, I Bread Is the Staff of life The better the flour, the better the bread; I The better the bread, the stronger the staff. , . . Patent Flour. .. Makes the Whitest, Lightest Bread. It is kept lor sale by all dealers. Demand "Patent" Flour. Made by. , PORTLAND FLOURING MILL CO. 0Z Good Literature J'y-y m A I 4- pampniets, lowers, booklets, etc., are w .Tv-il. 1 rr of what MR. CHAS. S. F IM Olllinil Agent, St. Paul, Nlnn., C mailed, upon receipt of pr nation can be made, and money or accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain eood descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland 1901 An annual publication, beautifully Illustrated lu color and halftone. This number treaU particularly of the history of Send the Northern PaclBo's Trademark, the ouster Battlefield In Six Cents Montana, and the Yellowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland , . ' A neat and dainty publication containing a complete history of the northern Paolfio Trademark. The artistic covers or Srni the Wonderland, 1901 are used in miniature. Four Cents Wl!d Flowers from Yellowstone ... A book of pressed wild flower from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowers In their natural colors. A dainty Send and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of Sowers and six Fifty Cents full page illustrations of Park scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 page book In strong, flexible covers, good paper, plain type, lllustrt,ed, pocket size, a compendium I and Twenty-five descriptive of the Woild's Wouderland. Cents Climbing Mount Ralnier- An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pages, in strong, flexible Send rovers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenty-five the highest peak In the United States outside of Alaska of a Cents, glacial nature. , fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2nd Annual Sale 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 At If AGIS Everything I Christmas Is Over I AND S YOU STILL EAT X Since on Christmas you had good things to eat you may J want to still at good food, if so, buy your groceries of the 1 Seventh Street Grocer 1 A. ROBERTSON. The) Best Prescription for Mnlnria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. PUTNAM FADELNSS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle. Sold by C. G. Huntley. Blown to Atoms. The old idea that tne body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New Life Tills, which are perfectly harmless (gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex i pel poisonous matter, cleanse the Byo- tem and aosointeiy cure vjonBiipaiion and S:ck Headache. Only 25c at Geo. A. Harding, 8 drug store. A Five-Room Cottage for Sale city water, sewer, fifcC etc. Inauire at 1 this office. YOUR MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS TO DO THE WORK Sold under a positive guarantee. 1st to stop hair from falling out, 2 nil to produce a io" and abundant growth of hair oicr the entire head, 3rd to cure Bandiuffand all humors of tli scalp. Frier's Ililr Food will not disap point you. Forsa'ebyall drugji.-u and R. Trior, CauSold Building. OHEGON CITY, OREGON J The Northern Pacific is not ed among railways for its advertising matter. Its tastefully gotten up and are valuable for nat tney contain. Here is a partial liet FEE, eneral Passenger i will Bend out, carefully Dricesmven. Anvrnmhi. express orders, silver or stamps will ba The Reduced Individuals' Money to Loan at 6 per cent and 7 per cent. " Call on or write, Joii.t W. Lodrr, Attorney at Law, Stevens Bl'd'g. Oregon City, Oreg CA.J3TOXI.I.A.. Bearifl ? ib mm tou naviMiways The Kind You Have Always Bought A Cure for Lumbago W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va., says: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. I finally tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm and it gave me en tire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do. Sold by G. A. Harding. OASTOniA. Bean the jf M"" nave Always mm. Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen FARM FOR SALE. Situated onemile south of Needy,containiiig 83 acren, with good buildings, prune orchard and well watered and nndnr good state of cultivation. Also ranch located about 4 miles east of Boda" Springs, consisting of 212 acres, with fairlv good buildings, is an excellent stock ranch. These pUces will be sold cheap. For particu ars inquire or address A. T. COCHB VN, Administrator, Hubbard, Ore, H k A t"i v- i Al 13 drug ttwj. 2 Com 25c. m m 0 a 0 0 o 0 0