Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 10, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
tuterei In Oregon Citypostofflceas 2nd-elaes matter
Paid in advance, per year
Six months...
Three mouths 'trial
......... 1 60
' 75
kh. Aia vniir OdrARS Oil the
paper denote" t he time to wnicn younmo yom.
If this aoticeis marked your subscription-i due.
With Weekly Oregonlan
; Trl Weekly N. Y. World
National Watchman
A ppeal to Reason . - .
" Weekly Examiner,.., '.
" Bryau a Commoner...:
,'.;r. $ oo
.... 1 85
1 75
.... 1 60
;". . ... 2 26
.... 1 76
Standing business advertisements: Permonth
rofessioualcards.ll t,9, per year): 1 to 10 inches
SHa per lnoh, 12 inches for $5, 20 inches (column)
SB, SO Inches Qi pK0) $12.
Legal advertisements: Per Inch (minion) 2.50,
Nvorse summons 7 50. Affidavits of publica
tion will not be furnished until publication fees
are paid,
Local notices; Five cents per line per week
Per month 20o. Obiluar es, cards or tbanks.
elmroh and lodge notices where admission fee
to charged or colleoted half price or i cents
. ftt line.
OREGON OITY, JAN. 10, 1902.
Englirh securities have decreased
200,000,000 since the Boer war began,
two years sgo.
Tun postofBca department continues
persecution of and discrimination against
the Appeal to Reason, because it is a
socialist publication.
Seven northwestern states, including
Wellington, will tight the consolidation
f the Ureat Northern, the Northern Pa
cific and the B. 0. & Q. railroads.
, Julius Erickson, the astrologist, pre
dicts thit the crushing defeat the demo
cratic party will receive in 1904, will re
sult in its renewed life and growth.
The Philippine civil government con
sists of 36 carpetbaggers with salaries
tanging all the way from $2750 to $20,
C00. The Filipinos have to foot the
kills. ' ' "
At the works of Osborne & Company,
Auburn, N. Y., day laboreiB receive
$1.15 for ten hours work, and there are
800 names of men on the register wait
ing for a job.
DiRuci legislation and proportional
representation ( which would represent
the minority vote) are two reform meas
nreaoi vital importance that demand
attention of the voters.
A NtrvfflK of the soldiers of the Boer
army are schoolboys. They dropped
their books and took up the rifle. Lit
tle follows of 13 snipe the bated British
from behind cliffs on the kopjes.
In Chicago last year more than 247,-
CCD.OOO shares of stock weie sold "on
'Olmiige." At $100 a share, this
ftmounu to nearly $25,000,000,000. This
is gambling, pure and simple, run mad.
Bkiuadier-Gknmial Bell has issued
an order to the soldiers in Northern Lu
ion forbidding them, under pain of se
vere punishment by court martial, to
drink the native "vino" spirits, which
lave been fouud to'produce insanity and
incite to crime.
Govkunor Yates, of Illinois, a republi
can, has issued an appeal to the people
of his state for contributions to aid the
Boer women and children who are suf
fering in tho British recuncoutrado
camps. Governor Goer might try the
anme tiling in,.Oregon.
' Tun c; o Jit system is tho cause of most
i tlie business failures. Were it not
for its deslructiveness, it would not be
true-that more than nine-tenths of those
engaging in business become bankrupt.
li not trust and do not get trusted, is
the only safe rule to follow.
Tun torriblo wasUgo of the army in
South Africa is wall illustrated by tho
case of tho Argyll and Sutherland High
landers. Tho.London News hears from
a correspondent that of the original regi
ment that went out to SouthAfrica only
a hundred men still remain in the field.
Tho rest of the force now fighting,
amounting to only 500 nun, consists of
drafts sent out sint'e,
Oxk of tho ends of iha struggle now
waging botweou brotherhood and greed,
says the Denver Daily News, will bo to
set the wage slave free. There is 10
good uf shutting our eyes to this phase
of thn question. This is a fumlaiuontnl
principle. Any man has a right to that
which he produces or its exact equiva
lent. If be ig forced to give to another
a portion of this product, in that far lie
is a slavtt. Statistics prove that labor
prod 'ices several times the amount it re
ceives iu return wages. We need no
further proof of this than the fabulous
fortunes the exploiters of the peoplo hold
vtnild up. To thlsextent is labor enslaved,
von sav this is voluntarily? In form,
yes." In substance, no. For tho man of
1oil must livo. Need and the cries of his
.Htle ones force him into the avenues
ithat offer.
We heartily agree with a general dis
cussion of the ideas expressed in the ar
ticle by Hon. George Ogle in last week's
issue and hope something can be done
to purify politics in Clackamas county.
There iB but one of three things for
democrats, populists, independent re
publicans and others of the same stripe
to do. We can either fuse, put tip a
straight democratic ticket or start a
purely independent movement.
' First Fusion is entirely out of the
question in the minds of most voters and
that it could not he successful in any
event seems to be the unanimous opin
ion. ' ;
Second A straight democratic ticket.
There are many who believe that as a
matter of principle it would pay in the
end to put ip this kind of a ticket even
if the ticket was not elected at the polls.
Third An independent move seems
to be more to the liking of those who
Wish a change and consensus of opinion
makes this the most feasible, and many
believe that a purely independent ticket
would be successful as to officers on a
county platform pledged to retrench
ment in county affairs.
Any opposition ticket would neces
sarily have to be anti-Brownell, t s it
is a forgone conclusion that he will be
the nominee of the republican machinery
and it will take the united effort of all th
voters classed above to beat him. He
will go before the people and sa : J
"Didn't I ferret out the $30,000
school fund shortage ; 'didn't I reduce
interest lrora 8 to 6 per cent; didn't I
pass the initiative and referendum ;
didn't I pass the road supervisor laws j
didn't I cut $500 off salary of judge, T3C
each off salaries of clerk, sheriff and
recorder; didn't I pass several exemp
tion laws, giving poor people a show?"
and so on. What are you going to beat
a man like this with when he has passed
or helped to a large extent pass these
measures for which the people have
been clamoring? Have we a man that
can beat Mr. Brownelt unless all help?
We must look facts in the face, and a
few suggestions from readers would not
come amiss at this time.
It is really very funny, and quite in
the comic opera line in one aspect of it :
"Oapt. Chad wick, of the New. York,
gets $14,025 in prize money as the re
sult of the naval battle of Santiago, al
though his craft did not fire a shot and
was nearly ten miles away at the time
of the surrender of the laBt ship
in the Spanish fleet. His
share is nearly one hundred times
more than that of Admiral Schley, who
has been awarded $149.
Germany is pestering Venezuela in or
der to collect 7 per cent interest on the
capitalization of about'$150,000per mile
of 110 miles of narrow gauge railroad,
which could be duplicated at no more
than $60,000 per mile. The swindle
was saddled on the Venezuelan govern
ment by thieving German and native
speculators. The German emperor
could be in more honorable business
than backing up thieves with his war
hips. Premier Beddon, of New Zealand, de
nies that his country is financially em
barrassed. To the contrary, during the
ast 10 years, bank deposits in the island
have increased CO per cent., wealth of a
family to $7400, and exports 40 per cent.
The public debt, $54,000,000, was nearly
all incurred for internal improvements
and in buying lands, and proves, as an
investment, profitable. In short. New
Nw Zealand is prosperous as never be
fore. In an Ohio town this fall, the .African
Methodist Episcopal church of that dis
trict held a conference, and for a week
the town was filled with colored miluit
orators. A few days after the conference
closed its sessions, one of the lending
colored women of the town drove out to
Pea Ridge to purchase chickens of an
old mammy who had supplied the fam
ily for years. Aunt llanna, coming to
the gate, said : "I'm sorry, Miss Allie,
1 ain't got a chicken loft. Doy all done
enter de ministry."
"Op the wealth which the English la
borer creates," writos J. Kter Hardie,
M. T , "ha receives but one-third : the
t )tal income of the nation is 1,450,
000,000 a year, of which the wage earn
ers receive less than 500,000,000. When
he comes to spend what he has received,
more than one-half goes as rent, inter
est or profit. He is paid one-third the
value of his labor, and when 'he seeks
to lay ii out ho is robbed of one-half its
purchasing power, and all this is done
by a Christian people."
The N. Y. World thus summarizes
the record of Henry C. Payne, the new
postmaster general appointed by Presi
dent Roosevelt: "First A corruption.
1st, an exponent of the commercial poli
tics in erau ami cnicane in lus own
state in the republican national ma
chine. Second A lobbyist at Washing
ton aud at tho capital of Wisconsin and
in his own city a lobbyist for the tele
phone monopoly, for the Northwestern
railways, for tho Armour Meat Trust.for
the MUwaukie street railway."
Tuk sentence of imprisonment Dassed
upon Igl esifls. tho Porto Rico organizer
,.' It is very con
venient to attribute
the disasters which
overtake as to fate.
But for the most
part man is the
arbiter of his own
fortunes. Business
men are struck
down suddenly as
by lightning. The
verdict is generally
"heart failure." "His heart was weak.
It was fate for him to meet this end."
But if we went behind the "weak" heart
we should find a "weak" stomach, prob
ably, and back of the weak stomach is
careless eating at irregular hours.
When the stomach is diseased, the
organs depending on the stomach for
nutrition are shirved. Starvation means
weakness of the body and its organs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. When
these organs are cured, diseases of heart,
liver, lungs and kidneys, caused by the
diseased stomach, are cured also.
In the fall of 1897 I was taken with smother
ing spells, palpitation of the heart, and a dis
tressed feeling in my stomach," writes Mr.
H. W, Kinney, of Knight, Doddridge Co., West
Va. "I consulted a doctor and he said I had
organic heart trouble. He gave me some medi
cine, but it did me no good. I the tried diffr
ent kinds of patent medicines, but they only
helped me a little. I then sent and got five
bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery Before the first bottle was gone I felt a
change. When the five bottles were gone I
began to work. I had not worked any for a
year before.
"I am well and can eat anything now with
the exception of pork and greasy food."
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
of the American Federation of Labor,
and the dissolution of the central labor
body of the island on the charge of "con
spiracy to raise wages," demand answer
to the question : What have the Porto
Ricans gained by the transfer of domin
ion V y Spain to the United States? If,
as the Iglesias incident would indicate,
they are to romain in economic slavery
under Spanish law, there remains to
them precious little of the glow ng pros
pect held out by the recent, or rather we
should say the present, "war for hu
manity." ' "
In his recent report upon Alaska the
secretary of the interior says: "Silver
and platinum have been found in pay
ing quantities, and there have been al
legations of the discovery of tin and cin
nebar. Mountains of iron are available,
but very little attention is paid to iron
on account of the search for gold . Cop
per mines have been opened upon the
shores of Prince William Sound, Prince
of Wales Island and Dall Island. The
governor expresses the opinion that the
mining interests of Alaska have become
so extensive and valuable as to render
advisable the appointment of a commis
sioner of mines, whose duty would be to
exercise general supervision over the
mining operations of the district, to pro
tect mining companies against unjust
litigation for damages, and to require
the companies to conform to regulations
prescribed for the protection of miners . "
Congressman Hill (republican,) of
Connecticut, was one of the delegation
which visited the East last summer. In
a lecture in Washington he reported :
"There is an opinion prevalent that the
Philippines are a doorway into China
and that Manila is an entrepot for Chi
nese trade. One might as well claim
that Cuba or the Bahamas could control
the commerce of the United States, for
barring the small percentage of Ameri
cans and Europeans in Manila, the indus
try, the enterprise and, indeed the capi
tal is largely Chinese." As to the Chi
nese trade, he added : "There are no
spheres of influence for us there, and to
look upon Manila as a base for Chinese
trade is like chasing rainbows for a pot
of gold, for commercial bases are not es
tablished 600 miles at sea and where
storage and reshipmeut charges would
be more than the direct freight to the
destined market."
W. J. Bkyan is no doubt familiar with
the public record of Mr. Shaw, the Iowa
man who has been appointed eecretary
of the treasury. The Commoner says
of him: "If there is anything bad in fi
nance that Mr. Shaw has not indorsed
it is because the matter has not been
brought to his attention. He has been
an ultra-gold man and an ultra-advocate
of the doctrine that the treasury
department should be run according to'
the wishes of Wall street . On the trust
question he is entirely in harmony with
the corporations. At the conference of
western and southern governors called
to consider the trust question, he was
the only one who spoke of the subject in
a flippant vein the only one who
dared to espouse vhe cause of the trusts.
As governor of Iowa he has been the
friend of the corporations. With him
at the head of the nation's finances the
ordinary every-day people who make
their living by labor will receive little
To Loan.
$500 $1)00 $700 $S0O $900 and
$1000 at 6 per ceut ,one to three years
on farm property.
Dimick & Eastiiam, Lawyers.
Oregon City .
30 Days
Great reductions on
all leather goods
Harness, Saddles, Brushes,
Curry Combs, Sweat Pads, Etc.
Hand and Machine Made
Harness a Specialty,
i Fotografs....
Drop in and see what
we bare in the latest
photographs. We can
please all.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heatinn apparatus
To hare both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
wort is aone oy
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
nan you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Caufield Block OREGON CITY
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second -Hand Ooods Bought and Sold
Goldstone, Sugarman & Co.
a tf Designs
"ryYM Copyrights Ac.
Anrone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertHin our opinion fre whether an
Invention i probably patentable. Communlca
lions strict lycontidential. Handbook on Patents
Bent free, oldest atency for securing patents.
Patents taken throush Munn A Co. recelvfl
tfwuii notice, without charge, ta tho
Scientific American,
A handsomely Illustrated weeltlr. Largest rr
culation of any scientitie Journal. Terms, t'A a
vean four months, U Sold by alt newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.36,Bs New York
Branch office, 63 F Ft. Washlumon, D. C .
rhis aignalure Is on every box of the gennln
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet.
the raiuedy that cures a cold to o da
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Hours Opon Day and Night
rarea Reasonable
Only First Class esiaiirant in the City
: CHAS. CATTA, Prop. V
Opposite Suspension Bridge, ' OREGON CITY, ORE.
Most Peoploi
Phone 393
t u and Center Sts.
Hardware, Stores. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr, Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. '
Oor. Fourth and Main Sts.
But the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
Opposite Huntley's
Fipst-Glass-11 cats of 11 IiQds
(5ive yirrj a Sail arjd be Treated ?igtt
$975.00 Locomobile Given Amy
With every jocts. invested with A. N. Wright, the Iowa
Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you get
a ticket on the $975.00 Locomobile to be given
.Xo Some Lucky One
VMAS goods now every day. New and fresh from the factor
Quality always the best. Prices correct.
Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co
. ; PETZOLD & BETHKE, Propb.
, . New Stratton Building, Oregon City
R. L. HOLM AN, Undertaker
Phones 476 and 305. Two
tfnn of a famous Frnrh nhvulnfon niiinninbi
BEFORE AND AFTSR . laenorrorsoIlmlTOin('?. cleanses uieliver, U14
riTIIIF'E strengthens and restores
The reasou sufferers are not enred by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled wltb
Frontal tti. tTPIDKif Els the only known remedy to cure without an operation. Wdotestimonk
als. A written guarantee piven and money returned If six boxes does not eiiect a ptjiiiauetit cur
fl.00 a box, six for (5.00, by num. Bend for rsxic circular aud testimonials,
AddrelAVOLJaKMCKCOP.aB6xam,SaaFranciscolCal. ForSaicbl -
G. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City , , Oregon
Like a Grocery House A plce where they they
can get what they want and feel sure that the
price will be right. They want "to feel confident
in tbeir Grocer. Now, you who are looking for
such a house, we most cordially invite you to try
Muir Bros, f
We carry the largest stock of Ca sketa
Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas
We are the only undertakers in the
county owning a hearse, which we fur
nish for less than can ba had elsewhere.
vVe are under small expense'and do
not ask large profits.
Cilia promptly attended night or day
Doors South of Court House.
Brown & Welch
Proprietors op the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
This IT rent VsH-tahla
tion of a famous I rench physician, will quickly cure you of all ner.
voua or diseases of the generative organs, such as toe I Man hood.
Insomnia, Pains In the Back, Seminal Emissions Nervous Debnnv.
Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exuaustiim Brains, Varicocele ana
Constipation. It stops all losses bv duv or night Prevnts onick.
Bss of discharge, which if notchecltert leads to Bop7matnrri.1v.!. Bna
small weak onrann.