Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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titled bo to do by the Act of the Legisla
ture of 1901, known as Senate Bill No.
56, and on paj;e 206 of said session laws
oj 1901.
And asking the Board lo issue and
make an order declaring said stream and
the tributaries thereto as herein set
forth , not to be navigabte for commer
cial purpobes, and to declare the same to
be a public highway for the floating and
transportation of saw logs, piling, lumber
and wood and leasing to petitioner for
25 years or such time as tlie Board may
deem proper, tbe absolute right to con
trol of said Molalla river and its tribu
taries within tbe boundaries set forth in
this petition.
Now on motion of J W Draper, it is
ordered that this matter be laid over
until the January term, 1902.
In the matter of communication of VV
H l'ope for improvement ot County road :
It is ordered that this matter be left to
Commissioner J K Morton for consider
ation. In the matter of application of P H
Marlay for return of tax redemption
money :
Now comes P II Marlay and shows to
the Board that on October 19th, 1901, he
redeemed Blocks A and B, Clackamas
Fruit Land for the year 1898, as shown
by the Sales Book for said year, paying
therefor the sum of $7.22; that upon in
vestigation he has found Baid blocks
were doubly assessed for said year and
that the taxeis on one assessment have
been paid, And the Board being fully
advised it is ordered that P II Marlay
have a rebate in the sum of $7.22 and
that ttie Clerk draw warrant for same.
In the matter of application ol L Gur
lingar for return of money paid for tax
It is ordered that the matter be laid
oyer until the January Term, 1902.
In tbe matter of reports of officers for
month of Nov. 1U01 :
The officers having made their reports
and the Board having examined their
books, and being fully advised, It is or
dered that the same be and hereby is in
all rwpeclB approved and accepted; said
reports show collections as follows, to
wit County Clerk $374 35
County Recorder 223 05
In the matter of County Clerk's state
ment of scalps delivered during the
month of November, 1901 ;
This matter coming on upon Clerk's
report of scalps turned in and warrants
issued and the Board being fully advised,
It is ordered that the same be and
hereby is in all recpects approved.
In the matter of assessment of north
east (inarter of section eight, township
Ave Bouth, range three east:
Now r.t this time comes on to be heard
the above matter and it appearing that
said land was sold to the State Land
Board on July 21st, 1900, and therefore
was not assessable and that the Bame
was assessed to J (iorbett and is adver
tised for sale for delinquent taxes, it is
ordered that said property be not sold
by the Sheriff on December 14th, 1901,
as nor advertisement lor rjuu tax.
In tbe matter of changes of allowances
of Countv charues;
It is ordered that the allowance of Mrs
Wilhoit be changed from $12 to $15; Mrs
Triechler from $10 to $12 jilt is further
ordered that Amanda Wilcox, Abraham
Yates and Ida C Uartman receive no
further aid from Clackamas County.
In the matter of petition of K Tie
Shasior to vacate Maple avenuo, Clacka
mas River side:
Now cornea on to be lieaid the petition
of R DeSbazor et al praying the Board to
vacate that part ot Maple Avenue, Clack
aniiis River side, as the same is platted
and of record in the office of the County
Recorder ot Clacknmas County, And
further appearing to the Board that a re
monstrance against said petition has
been filed with the Board, It is therefore
ordered that said petition be laid over
until January 4th, l'jfcj, at 10 o'clock
In tbe matter of Jas. Adkms, super
visor Road District No 17:
ll appearing to the Board that this re
port was laid over at the November term
for the reason that eaid supervisor had
not complied with the order of the
Board, and now on this date, the Board
being fully advised, It is ordered that
said report be allowed in full and that
the amount of said report paid out of
road fund be taken from the apportion
uient of said district in 1902.
In the matter of the new bridge near
Cnnby and Barlow :
It is ordered that Paul bridge be in
surcd for $5000 in the Springfield Fire
and Marino Insurance Company
Springfield, Massachusetts.
In the matter of petition of Edward
Wriirht for aid :
Now cmneB Edward Wright and sub
mils a written statement, showing to the
Board that through accident and divers
misfortunes he is left destitute and with
out any menus of earning a living during
the winter, and the Board being fully
advised. It is ordered, that Edward
Wiight be allowod $8 per month from
the 1st day of December, HIM, until the
1st day of Slay, 1902.
In the matter of repairing tho Bcave
Creek and Highland road :
It uppearmg to the hoard that sau:
road is worn out and in a dantiemns con
The little folKs
enjoy the distinction of
drinkins: coLTce just like
mamma and papa.
Let the table beverage be
FIGPRUNE and they can
join with the family in par
taking of a rich, nourishing
drink made of choice
California figs, prunes and
Healthful nutritious.
Boil from 5 to lO minutes only
ml womefj
Wine of Cardul is the guardian
of a woman's health and happi
ness from youth to old age. It
helps her safely into womanhood.
It sustains her during tho trials
of pregnancy, childbirth and
motherhood, making labor easy
and preventing Hooding and mis
carriage. It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
known as the change of life.
cures leucorrhoea, falling of the
womb, and menstrual irregularity
in every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman's
life. It reinforces the nervous
system, acts directly on the goni
tal organs and is the finest tonio
for women known. Ask your
druggist for a $1.00 bottle of
Wino of Cardui.
Batesville, Ala., July 11, 1900.
1 am nsinfr wine or uarrtui ana Tnea-
ford's Black-Draught and I feel like a
different woman alreadv. Several la
dies here keep the medicines In their
homes all tbe time. I have three girls
and they are using it with me.
jurs. ix.Aii!i jiituwiiBtt.
For adTice and Uteratnre, address, plyingr
I symptoms, "The Ladles' ArtTisory Depuit
ment", The ChHttancwga Mediciue Company,.
Cuanaoooga, lean.
dition, It is ordered that Commissioner
John Lewellen be and is hereby author
ized to let contracts for lumber and have
said road repaired as Boon as practicable.
In the matter of petition of T O Rid
ings, et al, tor County Road :
In the matter of the petition filed by
T O Ridings and more than twelve house-
holde'S of the county living in the vicin
ity of the road described in the petition,
and praying viewers to be appointed to
view and locate a county road in Clacka
mas County, Oregon, described in full as
Beginning at a point where the "No-
land Mill and Cribble Prairie Road"
crosses the North line of Section 20, in
Tp 5 e, R 1 E, in Baid county, thence
running south 80 rods ; thence West to
intersect the center line of said road ;
and to vacate all present travelled roads
between said terminal points except the
road running East and West on the
North side of said Section 26.
Said petitioner filed his alii Javi tot no
tices posted respecting said road, show
ing ttiat there had been posted, one on
the Court house bulletin board, and three
in three of the most public places in vic
inity of proposed road, more than 30
days prior to the presentation of this peti
tion, lie also tiled bond for One Hun
dred Dollars conditioned according to
The Board being fully advised, It is
ordered that VV 11 Engle, A Myera and
VV A Shaver be and are hereby appointed
viewers to meet at the beginning on the
23d day of December, 1001, and to Bub'
scribe to a written outb of oflice adminis
tered by E 1 Rands, County Surveyor,
he being appointed by the Board to sur
vey said road, before proceeding to view
and locate eaid road and report in writ
ing at the next regular term of this
In the matter of repairs of the Ross
Bridge :
This matter now coming on to be
heard, on presentation of report of VV J
Culver, Road Master for Marion County,
Oregou, showing that Marion County has
expended If 32 1.00 in repairing what is
known as Ross Bridge over Butte Creek,
and presenting to this Board a bill for
$100.50 as Clackamas County's share of
Baid repairs, and it appearing to the
Board that said bridge is a joint bridge
with Marion County and that Clackamas
County is liable for one half of eaid ex
penses, It is ordered that a warrant bn
drawn in favor of Marion County for
$100.50 to pay for one-half of said im
provements. In the matter of petition of VV V Irvin
for rebate of taxes:
Now comeB on to be heard the petition
of VV VV lrvin, showing to the Board that
for the year 1000, 20 acres of his land ly
ing on the suuth bide of Budding River
was assessed in both Marion and Clacka
mas Counties ; that said land is in Mar
ion County and that Marion County is
entitled to the taxes thereon ; and that
Lioth assessments have been paid. And
tho Board being fully advised, It is or
dered that VV VV lrvin have a rebate in
the sum of $2.43, the amount of taxes
paid to Clackamas Countv by reason of
said assessment.
In the mailer of petition of E F Riley
fnr return of money paid al tax eulo of
Now comes on to be heard the petition
of E F Ui'cy Bhuwing to the Board that
the sale of lands fur tbe delinquent taxes
ol '181)8 held on the 2lst dav of October,
1S0O, Clackamas County ottered for sale
(or taxes of 1808 twenty-one acres of land
in the Donation Land Claim or Hector
Campbell in said county belonging to
and assessed in the name of Samuel Fin
ger ; that petitioner purchased said land
paying therefor the sum of $18.8r, the
amount of said taxes, interest and costs;
that it now appears that on the 5th day
of September, 1800, said Samuel Finger
paid ihe taxes on said property, which
was a part of a 42 aero tract, and that he
received a tax receipt in full for the taxes
of 1 S'JS on the w hole 42 acres, said re
ceipt being numbered 2370.
And the Board being fully satisfied
that said sale of said properly was void
and that said purchaser acquired no title
under said Bale, It is therefore ordered
that tho $18.85 paid by K F Kiley for
g..id property be returned to him with
interest at six per cent and that the
Clerk issue a warrant for the same.
In the matter of Ida C Ciartman, a
County Chaige:
It appealing to the Board that Ida C
Garttnan has left Clackamas County, It
is o dered that warrant No 0400, urawn
December 2nd for her support, be can
celled and that she receive no further aid
from Clackamas Countv.
In the matter of petition of A Blanken.
ship, et al, for a CojntyRoad :
In the matter of the "petition filed by A
Blankenship and more than twelve
householders of the county living in the
vicinity of the road described in the peti
tion, and praying viewers to be appointed
to view and locate a County road in
Clackamas County, Oregon, described in
full as follows :
Beginning at a point 320 feet northeast
of a bridge over a small ravine where
the road turns and runs parallel to Wil
lamette FallB Ry on the Oregon City,
Willamette Falls and Fields Bridge
County road, said point being in the cen
ter ot Baid County road.
Thence in a westerly direction, along
what is known as the old territorial road,
marked by a rail fence about three-quarters
ot a mile to the line between the
land owned by the Willamette Falls Co
and Hiram Blankenship ; thence along
said line west to the southwest corner of
Blankenship's land about 800 feet;
thence along the old road bed of the Wil
lamette Falls Railway to the Tualatin
River, being about 3200 feet along said
road bed, course northwest.
Said petitioner filed his affidavit of no
tices posted respecting said road, show
ing that there had been posted, one on
the court house bulletin board and three
in three of the most public places in
vicinity of the proposed road and more
than thirty days prior to the presentation
of this petition. He also filed a bond of
one hundred dollars, conditioned accord
ing to law.
liie Board being fully advised. It is
ordered that A Mau'z, VV II Smith and
Fred Ely be and are hereby appointed
viewers to meet at the beginning on the
21st day of December, 1001, and sub
scribe to a written oath of ollice adminis
tered by E P Rands, county surveyor,
he being appointed by the Board to Bur
vey said road hefore proceeding to view
and locate said road and report in writing
at the next regular term of this board.
In the matter of bids for indexing the
assessment roll :
It appearing to the Board that John
W Loder and M Dollie Cross have sub
mitted bids for type-writing the index
of the assessment roll for 1901 and the
Board not being satisfied with said bids,
It is ordered that eaid bids be rejected,
and that this Board receive bids for said
work, at the January teim, 1902.
"Sometime ago ray daughter caught
a severe cold. She complained of pains
in her chest and had a bad cough. I
gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
according to directions and in two days
she was well and able to go to school. I
have used this remedy in my family for
the paBt seven yearB snd have never
known it to fail," says James Prender
gast, merchant, Am.ato Bay, Jamaica,
West India Islands. The pains in the
chest indicated an approaching attack
of Ipneumonia, which in this instance
was undoubtedly warded off by Cham
berlain's Oounh Remedy. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold toward
pneumonia. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
Taken up at my farm 5 miles south of
Meadowbrook, on December 20th, one
cream-colored mare pony with sucking
colt about six months old. Owner can
have same by proving property, and
paying for feed and advertssement.
Budd Smith, Meadowbrook.
A Little Itoy't Life Saved
I have a few words to say regarding
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
saved my little boy's life and I feel that
1 cannot praiie it enough. I bought a
bottle of it from A. E. Steere of Good
win, S. D., and when I got home with
it the poor babv could hardly breathe.
I gave the medicine as directed every
ten minutes until he "threw up" and
then I thought sure he was going to
choke to death. We had to pull the
phlegm out of his mouth in great long
strings. I am positive that if I had not
got that bottle of cough medicine, my
boy would not be on earth today. Joel
Demont, Inwood, Iowa. For sale by
G. A. Harding.
Does your head ache ? Pain
back of your eyes? Bad
taste in your mouth? It's
your liver ! Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure consti
pation, headache, dyspepsia.
25c. All druggists.
Wanyour moustache or beard a butifui T
brown or rich blark? Then use
HOfTV or rU(KiisTfl, 0 R. P. HIL A CV, Nbmu, N H.
SeTenty-Seconft Year
The Only Agricultural Paper
And admittedly the Leading Agricul
tural Journal of the world.
Every dopartmon written specialists,
the highest authorities in their respective
No other paper pretends to compete
with it in qualifications of editorfal
Gives the agricultural NEWS with a
decree of completeness not even at
tempted hy others.
Indispensable lo
Who wish to keep up to the times.
Single Subscription $1.50;
Two Subscriptions $2 50;
Five Subscriptions.
Special induce o.etit s to raisers oflarjre
Four month's trial trip,
Speoitnan c pies will be mailed free
on request. It will pay anybody inter
estea m any way in country life to send
for them .
Alb.iny, N. Y.
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure In All Cases
Wabash Niagara
4 Through Trains Daily fiom Chicago
4 Through Trains Daily from St. Louis
4 Trains Daily from Kansas City
men. lerlect roantiea, snortest, Dea arm ijmcnojiij umo. ma
and Thursdays; 29 hours Chicago to Boston.
C. c. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
ROSS L. CLINE, P. C. P. A.. Los Angeles.
Chickering Piano
VALUE $650.00
The enterprising citizens of Oregon
City have purchased a $050 Chickering
Piano and will on January 25, 1902, give
it to the organization or person receiv
ing the greatest number of votes. Th
instrument and ballot box are on exhi
bition at BurmeiHter & Andresen's jew
elry store, where the b 'Hots are counted
every Wednesday evening and the result
ispublheu m the tourier-Heralu. lhe
ofticial ballots are wuilJS ana are
printed by the Courier-Herald and is
sued FREE by the following merchants
with every 10-cent purchase :
R. Freytag, groceries
V. Harris, groceries
Schrewe & Vernum, meats
Brunswick Restaurant
Burmeister . Andresen, jewelry
Charman & Co., drufcs
Courier-Herald, printing
Moo e's Pharmacy
Welsh's Candy Store
Red Front, general merchandise
I. Selling, " "
F. T. Barlow, groceries
J. M. Price, clothing
P. O. Cigar Store
Pope & Co., hardware
A. Robertson, groceries
Ely Bros., general merchandise
G. A. Harding, drugs
J. W. Blaney, meats
G. Roeenstein, clothing
W.I,. Block, housefurnisher
Kozy Kandy Kitchen
P. G. Shark, barber, confectinery
H. Schrader, bakery
Mrs. Deute, ladies' furnishing goods.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cinco, AiijS. 30, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specitle for Blight's Disease and Dia
betes, hitierfo incurable diseases.
Thpy nmmenced the series investi
gation of the specilic Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges . Up to Aug. 25, eighty-3even
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen pr cent of
failures, the parties ,ere satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports ol the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal. Cl'armnn & Co. are our
sole agents in Oregon City.
MftSiAsraaisHMQ offer.!?
l nn-luiir bi ,ii..arc ircferf'i by let.i.
r ti eivmli Consumer lt:e Wtieiii
i: . b hnvn de.-iLii-it to now
f Whi.-L-.o iv.il V
1 1 - - '
W.th vrry .yMrtWtH of imrfamr-u
i. : ( nin- lx i (,f ,.,tr 'tuily cloV"nte t e
H nana t'ubnWfl'B.wa will ev
n.eilo!n f", Mr rnv nivkel G-M's W trhfs mie.in l.lyl stem!
"in i srtd set (tenutre Ai ioriTn moTtrr.fr.t and tM. best timekwper onj
S'-h4vm I it. 1 renuine Mrcrnum
irir. o . r.-t Urr.-rt ot i w'.l lut
ueve iMMvr, I pretty Uathcr
iu-5.ii tn.it-n ix, i r.iir r-warl cuff imttoiu. 1 i-antop.-oinr wiwn, i bock
:i hol.ier. 1 iair t!va buttons. 1 douh! chaia and me Ivautifnl chirm
Ml iwlrT hMvilT lit rtA.
f laiouiliKnnSnwtalcBnd on rintrt
vlr C'.ubKr Rv cannot bsM
hlskT andOrTtin-nVI V
rlndinthUpri?wfor Ullk I tj
rl t 'mi alir rttstTitor thn we
an iltitttair'j Pott 10 yarld Re
V4u.rr uataaa.mao: m onr own
i ' i iiii mi YTiifiv rwr ii Ttnava nrrrra
tU unDrTl'Mt Off I An r.tr, Pnmlun l .n
a rrTToio4. r?la.& f Pttr. if 1 97 n H&t in BWano with order. Good tent in plain PUt Writ fat
waukla fitoe list et liquor- ird rirar Retpaniib'.e ant wanted. Ord Hiy. ,
U. tt. DlaTUXEK S UJ lUlltllXQ CO. iepU 431 North Clark Chicago, UL
There is nothing like Asthmalee
It brings inRtmit relief, even In the worst caBes.
cures when all else fulls.
The ltev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, 111., Bays:
Yoor trial botlle of AHthmalenu received in eood
condition . 1 cannot tell yon how thankful I feel for
me good derived irom 11. i wan a siavo, cimineu wuo
nutria sore throat and Aslhma for ten years. 1 de
spaired of ever being oured. I saw your advertise
ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspokeu
Yourselves, but resolved to Rive it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial aoted like a charm. Send me
full size bottle.
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Rabbi of the Conjc. Bnal Israel.
New York, Jan. 8, 1901.
Gentlemen: Your Astliumleue Is an excellent rem
edy for Asthma and Hay Kever, and its composition
allveiates all troubles which combine with ABthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. Alter hav
ing It carefully analyzed, we con Rtate that Asthma
lene contains no opium, morphine, chloform nor
ether. Very truly yours,
Trial bottle se nt absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED
ICINE CO., 79 East 13 th St. New
York City
Falls Short Line
And Points Beyond.
Redlining ChairCars (frpn1 "llman Palace Sleepers
Dining and Cafe Cars on all tiaiiis. Polite train-
Will give you a
Bargain hi Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting.
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Caufleld Block OREGON CITY
Send for catalogue.
t Fotografs.... t
Drop in and see what
we have in tbe latest
photographs. We can
please all.
Mlln - y ore superior u ctiiert. li,
of the krpe itri'flts of DJor aivi
direot to th Consumer our Most
t rs at !t t r- wli.-VWe r-
1 1 r f E VU.L (r.T Vfcl III
I"". 'd On wis t'i'jrt ! rurRH
- t i'lthsii Utnd-laiU hH Clear)
AuSiiUTi;;. l"iik:fct-.r.ot C; hmi
a l.'etiTie. 1 tr n-e icni
Cier HoWT, 1 Snnine Meerschaum
YoWco pouch, 1 Wut tr heavy
Atl 14 rlect witii onbox of cuH
bottle of our f mom ll yenr del Uuecnt
'or thn wll the!
MCO P with pmilfFc (-
O 3 I amlrtatioo, vhil WVev
ui for tha entire lot IKir wali"
and ntir (in rennlM inhaa han"
f-tor yelp.r ir wii- ,
Pk.t nif. ilh (A hlirlM. 1 eork-S TtW, 1 CitW CUtVT Mill i
rninnniTTirTi rn n i
ft mu
. . LM
AND Union Pacific
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice ol
9:00 a. m.
8:00 p. m.
SALT 1 4E,
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
' ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full Information call on or address nearest
0. E. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
Portlftud, Oregon
Dally Round Trips, except Sunday
t.pnvfi Portland 7 A. H
Leave Astoria 7 P. M
Between Portland, The Dalles and
Wa Points
Leave Portland, Tues , Thu . and Sat 7 A. M
Arrive The Dalles, uiu day.... 5P.M.
Leave " Sun , Wed. and Frl 7 A.M.
Arrive Portland, same day i P. M.
JPSp-Sundny Trips a LeadluK Feature
4jr-ruts Koule lias the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions en Earth.
Landing and office, Foot Alder Street
both phoses, wain 851 Portland, Oregon
J. C. WYATT, Apt.. Vancouver
W0LF0R0 & WYERS, Agts.,White Salmon
PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River
JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria
E. W. CRICHT0N. Ajt., Portland
Ftie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at way points on both Bides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steam prs have been re ul
and are In excellent shape for the season ofl 00
The Itrgnlator Line will endeavor to giveita
patronB tbe best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
The above steamers leave Portland7a m.an
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in amp
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Ollice, The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet.
General Age
Guaianteed to be the beet Sulky Plow
in the world. This is a broad statement,
but we stand ready to prove it in the
field with any plow made.
9Send for special catalogue.
Mitchell.Lewis & Staver Co
VV. il. V(MJ.(J'S
Livery & Feed Stabla
FinestJTurnouts. in City
liyerv, Feed and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspension Lndga
First-Class Rigs of All Kinds
J. I.