,FOWtP OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIPAY JAWJAtY g, 1902 1DCOOOOOGCXXOOOOOOOCOOOOO( CORRESPONDENCE locooeocccoeecccccccooo Marks Fairie. Bid coUj are epidemic here. Mrs Stechman lias been visiting her (other for the past week. Mrs Emma Bachart is very sick , and the will he taken to the hospital tun .reek if possible. John Taylor is improving his ranch, ad he will construct a new residence in r the spring Your Liberal correspondent is all right). He is somewhat ','fosy, oat 10 enjoy his communications if the layor of Liberal doesn't. We notice that your Barlow scribe is adirectlv booming W W.Jesse for office. tie Judge is all right, and no more ca able man can be found. He is strictly square man and deserves recognition ly all reform voters. Mr and Mrs Coleman Mark rejoice in ha arrival of another daughter. William Stewe, of Needy, is wearing a .road smile. It's a boy-a Christmas resent. What's the matter with Theodore? 'here must be something wrong, Tena. Mr and Mrs John Jesse gave a taffy ulling party Saturday evening, which oitpnflpri. there being about 30 uests present. Frank and Charles 'glesby furiiiuhed music for the occa- ion. George Oglesby was visiting his rrother near Silverton during the past veek . G W Taylor, one of the old pion eers .nd Indian War veterans, is yet hale nd hearty at the age of 70 years. Wilhoit. The glorious Christmas is already be ing celebrated in this burg. Mr and Mrs Haun and Francis Haun nado Mr and Mrs Crouse a pleasant irisiton Christmas day.' An elaborate (inner was served at 12 o'clock to which ill did justice. DanGroshong and wifegave a Christ nas dinner to quite a number of their ihildren. An elaborate dinner was wrved at 12 o'clock to the following uests: AM Groahong and wife, B F Barstow and wife, James Groshong and life, George Groshong. John Furgam and wife, of Pleasant lill, spent Christmas with her sister, dr and Mrs Harvey Part, of Molalla. A pleasant party was given at the 'lome of Mrs. Emma Vorhies on Christ um night, which was well attended. Everyone had a good time. At 12 o'clock 'he guests were invited into the dining cooin, where a dainty lunch was served, jo which all did justice. The following vera present: Mr and Mrs Haun, BF larstow, A M Groshong and wi fe, G W .1 nml wife. Harvie Dart and wife, leorgo Dart.A Pluard and wife, - Shep- ird and wife, Elva Wyland, Dora Wy :and, C G Vorhies, Al Wyland, Francis laun, Raymond Wyland, George Gros long and others, too many to mention. A M Groshong and B F Barstow have just completed their logging contract for lr Morteson, of Marquam, which . mounts to 630,000ft, and the boys don't ee n to be satialied with their long siege ( logging. They will now log for Mr Sieh, of Wilhoit. That's right, boys. A L Wyland m ule a quick trip to Salem hist week. A DMazingois slowly improving from in attack of la grippe. Mr Miller, of Rick Creek, has been ery sick Dr Leavitt, of Molalla, at .andod him, and he is now recovering .npidly. F W McLaren was transacting busi ness in Portland last week . It is a sad thing to see fine ?ruit trees spoiled by the blight You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well lftcrwards but stay small and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Goal health is tlC natural right of children. But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott's Emulsion can atop that blight. There b no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott's Emulsion Is a medicine with lots of strength strength grow. Scott's in it the kind of that makes things Emulsion makes children grow, makes them cat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion will make it catch up with the rest. This picture represents the Trade Ma.k of .Scott's Emulsion and ia on the wrapper of every bottle Stnd for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNK, 409 rcarl St., Now Yotlc 50c and ft. all drugs''' M'M V-t IM$9 MB UBBBBBim Mrs Crowsin made Mr and Mrs Mc Laren a oleasant call last week . News Boy. Highland. Highland is not dead yet if not hav ing been h jard from for so long. The farmers art enjoying fine weather for Christmas time. The entertainment and Christmas tree was a grand success. Mrs Lizzie Miller has been staying at Uncle Tom's but will soon leave us and go to her son, Will, in Eastern Oregon. Charlie Jones, Tim Nicolas and Cur tis Kandle are a working over at Sandy. Frank Holloway is home again. "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." ' H W North is building a new barn on his place. School closed December 24th. Miss Bertha Kennedy is teacher. George Stepbenaland family are here visiting relatives. MrB H W North's school lias closed, and she is home again We can hear the joyful sound of Kirk l xros Biiiiigiemui. Martha Jones and Lill Kirk spent Christmas on the Abernethy with relatives. Ely,what is the attraction atRedland . Mr Livingstone's Bmiling face was seen once more in our vicinity. Sweet Bunch op Roses . Colton. Miss Nellie Gottberg came home from Portland to spend Christmas with her mother. Will and Otis Dix came here from Oak Point, Wash., to spend Christmas at home. The entertainment and Christmas tree was quite a success and enjoyed by all present. Oliver Laferty is home from Wash ington. Walter Gorbett met with quite an ac cident by cutting his hand quite badly while'cutting wood. He had to go to Dr. Prudon, or Springwater, to haye it dressed. Elbert Killin, of Handy, spent Christ mas with his cousins, the Hubbard children. ' Stella Hubbard was the guest of Miss Edith Buckner Wednesday afternoon. Victor Dickey, of Dickey Prairie, at tended the entertainment and spent Christmas with friends in Colton. Mrs. Gorbett was the guest of the Misses Hubbard last Friday. School will again start next Monday after a month's vacation. Mr. Carlson and daughter, Clara, went to Portland ts spend Christmas and New Year with their daughters and sisters, Mrs. John Lighthiz'ir, and Mrs. Albert Haglund. Oscar Hoale was seen in Colton last Tuesday evening. My I How Edith did smile. There will be a Bhooting the Cqlton store tomorrow 28lh. match at December Union Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns, Mr, and Mrs. Mackintosh. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilker son and family and Mrs. J. H.Burns were visiting at the residence of J. L Thomas on Sunday last. Born, to the wife ofObarley Pipka, a baby girl. Mother and child are doing well. Misses Eliza and Mollie BurnB were the guestB of Miss Cora Helvey Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. C. Phelps spent Christmas in Portland visiting relatives and friendB. John Burns spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Nancy Burn i. Mr. and Mrs. I. Mosfrberger were the guests of B. J. Helvey and family last Sunday. Miss Olive Friedrich, of New Era, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. II. Burns, Christmas. Mrs. Anna Tice spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. James Wilkerson. Miss Tillie Molzan, who has been working in Portland, came home and spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Juhn Molzan. Messrs. Sam and James Wilkerson and Mr. Stearns and Mr. Mackintosh went to Oregon! City last Saturday on busi ness. Miss Francis JoluiBon, our teacher, went to her homo in Oregon City to spend the holidays with her parents. John Thomas went to Oanby on Mon day laet. The Christmas tree, entertainment and dance given at Union hall on Christ mas Eve were a grain! success in every way. The hall was tastefully decorated with evergreens and bunting. In the center of tho hall hung a large Christ mas bell. Old Glory occupied a promi nent potation over the front door, the music was excellent. The tree wiie a beautiful siuht to behold. John Bums acted as Santa Chins. Tho presents le ceiveu 1 11 1110 tree ere numerous anu pome of them being very costlv. The ball was crowded to its full capacity. A bountiful repast was served at midnight following is the program : Openiig retmuks, J I) Wilkerson. Christmas song, five girls. Recitation, "A Suggestion for Santa Claus," .Mary Molzan. Recitation, "Mother Hubbard's Christinas Cupbotud." Geno Burns Tableaux, "Santa Clans Didn't For get Me," Bertha Biggs. Song, "One of the Sweet Old Chap ters," Eliza and Mollio Burns. Recitation, "Santa Clans," Mabel Bums Recitation, "An Address to Santa Clans," Lydia Johnson. "ine four .teasuiis, iv tour tins. Recitation, "A Patriot," Fred Mol (an. Recitation, "Little Orphan Annie" arren Phelps. Song, ' Bird of Hope, -'Mary Thomas, Mollio and Eliza ISurns. Scene, "Wav Down in Georgia. " Tableaux, "Pugilist Contest," R.y Thomas and Lester Kiggs. Beading, "Matrimony On Possum Ridue," John Burns. Tableaux, "Love, Friendship and Inno cence. ' Recitation 'Sjnta's Chiistnms Cake," Louisa I erruiger. Backwoods E,Iledland.fl You can rest assured old Santa did not pass us by but loaded us down with presents. All seem to be enjoying good health but B F. Linn and Grandma Nowyer. A new shed will be built by the mem bers for the M. E. church befoie the series of meetings begin, which will fol low immediately after quarterly confer ence, which will be held by Kev. Dr. Wetter on the 24th and 24th of Janu ary. Our Sunday school elected the follow ing officers for the coming year: Super intendent, E. Brock; assistant superin tendent, Harry Mosher; secretary, Wil lie Stone-; assistant secretary, Ora Wil cox ; treasurer, Maude Stone ; librarian, Fred Pierren; 'teachers, William Stone, Louis Funk and Mrs. N. Stone. Lc ! If we get the Appeal any longer we mutt pay for it ourselves. Harry Mosher closed a successful term of school at Garfield on Monday, De cember 23. Our sawmills are running in full blast but the roads are getting so bad that it get over much May the coming year be aB prosperous and calm as the one that is just draw ing to a close. ,. Meaddwbrook. The weather has been very cold and foggy for the last few days. Troy Kay, accompanied by Miss Cooley, of Ostrander, Wash, visited hie home during Xmai time. R P Cooper and family ivisited W Slandinger and family Sunday after noon. A Mrs Shaw is visiting Mrs Kay at pres ent. Victor Dickey visited Mrs Ramsbv Sunday. R P Cooper and O T Kav started to Molalla one day last week, and while crossing the river their boat got the best of them and took them down the river some distance. They climbed out of the boat to a log lying in the river, and had to stay there until assistance came. Mr Bonacher and wife went to Canbv last week. Topsy. Woodbum. miss Jiessie Stevens, of Salem, is spending the holidays with the Misses Kose and Irene Ashford. E II Cowles. who has minine interests in Montana, put in an appearance here on Xmas and will remain wuh his fam ily for awhile. Quite a number of young people from I here attended the masque ball in Hub bard Anias night, and all report having had a good time. ... Miss Irene Ashford went to Salem last Saturday to visit friends a few days. Whitney Bros are having their livery stable remodeled somewhat, and it is as suming a better appeayince than it had betore. Who was that young man who was out with his girl Christmas night, and waa setn by a certain party about 3 o'clock, and the young gentleman was overheard talking to his girl in a pretty I sweet tone qi voice 1 Mav Hoysett Bpent Xmas in Oregon City visiting mends and relatives. Mr and Mrs Patton, of Salem spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs L W Guiss. Mr and Mrs Steelhammer, the newly married couple, spent Sunday here with the bride s parents. JJutcii. Medland. Fred Wilcox spent Xmas with hia sis ter at Portland. Xmas is a thing of the past, and was apparently enjoyed by all. Mrs Mattie Heimann is out on a short visit with relatives. D C Richardson is papering A M Kir- cheni s house. Mrs Henry Dittmer moved onto her property last week. Frank Sprague can be seen these days driving a pair of long-eared donkevs. Frank says that one is light-footed be hind. Considerable stock has chanced hands here lately. Geortre Hicinbothem, Jr, has gone to Portland 10 h ive his eye-teeth cut or at tended to; will he able to tell when he returna. Wheat is a very scarce article in this burg. Bert Hurt la now herding goats nt Yuma, Arizona. Bert says he feeH first rate. Jason Lee brought his sisters, Mattie and Nettie, up from Portland last week. Who savs a dairy doesn't pay? Well, if you think so, see N II Smith, and he wi'l tell yon all about it. tie intends to put in a separator soon. There is room for oiitf nioro familv here, as there is only one vacant house. It is reported that Mr Pepple is seri ously ill. J O Gaskell arrived down from Izee with a small band of horses last week. A M Kirchem intends to move into his house next week. Continued on p"i G. v Fiank Treadwell, Bennett, Li., was troubled with kidney disease for two years. He writes: "I had taken several kinds of kidney remedies, but with lit tle benefit. Finally 1 tried Foley's Kid ney Cure and a one dollar bottle cured me. unarman cc L-o. Women and Jewells Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that great est of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a wo man will risk her life to get a coveted gem, then let her (unify herself against the itipidunus consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use i;f Dr. Bosrhee's German Syrup. It will uromptly arrest eon enmptioo in its early stages and heal the atl'eetid lii"g and bronchial tubes and drive the diead disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain pure for cmiihs, col Is and all bronchial troubles. Yon cun set Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at George A. Hard ing's. Get Green's Special Almauac. " Have by a surgeon to stop his wounds lest We know that we Knowing that, we know that if the loss of blood means death, the gain of blood must mean life. But blood must have quality as well as quantity ; It must be pure as well as plentiful. When the blood is diseased it must be made pure before being made plentiful. To do this we must go back of the blood to the stomach. Blood is made from food properly digested and assimilated. When digestion is incomplete and assimilation is imperfect the blood at once deteriorates and the nutrition of the body is reduced. In general therefore, under such conditions, there is a loss of flesh showing the loss of nutrition and the deterioration of the blood which is the vehicle of the body's nourishment. People talk sometimes of blood-making medicines. But no medicine can make blood. Blood is made from food digested and converted into nutrition. The medicine which increases the blood supply of the body must do it by curing the diseases of the stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the obstacles to the perfect nutrition of the body may be entirely removed. . When this is done the nutritive elements of the food eaten are perfectly extracted and in the form of blood feed the weakened organs and wasted tissues of the body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It removes the causes of corrupt and poisoned blood, so making the blood pure. It increases the supply of nutrition received from food, so making the blood plentiful. "Golden Medical Discovery " cures scrofula, eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, boils, eruptions, pimples, rheumatism, debility and other diseases which have their origin in impure or diseased blood. Mr. Chas. Hunwick, of Lenox, Macomb Co., Mich., writes: I have never felt better in my life than I do now. I have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery right along. I can now walk quite well with a cane and hope to throw even that away before long, and as I have had II 10 use flOO KewarJ The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is aWleast one dreaded disease that science' lias been able to cure in all its sianes, and t hat is Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cine is the only positive cure kuo wn to the uiidi ciiffraternity. Catarrh being a consti tutional disease, reqdires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a.-ting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sjb tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aud giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have eo much faith in its curative powers, that they offor One Hundred Dollars for any case that it; fails to cu e. Send for list of tcstimo-i nials. I Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To-! Iedo, O. jff"Sold by Dniggisis, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Don't oasa ns by call in and getour prices, lied Front Trading Company. It Girdles the Clobe. The fame of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, as the best in the vorld, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer cf CutB, Corns, Burns. Bruises, Sores, Scalds Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in fallible Bile c:ire. 25e a box at Ge . A. Harding's. II i 1 .173 1 v 1-9 1 U I 11 1 lim'smwn H 1 bfWWMSA mmmm 11 xsk' I Mil OMIDIIITIIMTTM I Shy lock on thy charge he do bleed to death." may bleed to death. crutcnes tor nearly two years, 1 think I am doing nne. x go not cougn now ana 1 can 6ieep like a school boy. I think I will have to change my mind about ' patent medicines,' as I never had much faith In them until your medicines cured me. Vou must know that I have been treated in two hospitals and by three other doctors besides, and received no benefit ; so I think your medicine is the only medicine for me.' "I will forever thank you for advising me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery," writes Mrs. Jas. Murphy, of Fonda, Pocahontas Co., Iowa. "It has cured me of chronic scrofula of twelve years' stand ing. I had doctored for the trouble until I was completely discouraged. I also had chronic diarrhea for twelve years. I am in good health now better than I ever was in my life, owing to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took several bottles of the ' Discovery ' before I stopped." , The blood is the sole coloring matter which nature uses to produce the wonderful tints which color the skin and give beauty to the complexion. When the blood is impure or diseased the effect is generally marked by eruptions which disfigure the skin. The use of "Golden Medical Discovery " will effect the removal of disfiguring eruptions by re moving their cause and will restore the beautiful complexion which is every woman's birthright. " I was troubled with eczema from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet," writes Mrs. Ella Quick, of Cass City, Tuscola Co., Mich. "Could not walk at times nor wear my shoes. Thought there was no help for me at least the doctor said there was none. I went to see friends at Christmas time aud there heard of the good that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery had done for them, and was advised to try it at once. For fear that I might neglect it my friend sent to the village and got a botUe and made me promise that I would take it. I had been getting worse all the time. I took thirteen bottles of the ' Golden Med ical Discovery ' and ten vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets, and used the 'All -Healing Salve,' which made a complete cure." Twenty -ono one ... : rj nfiii pay oxponav copy or tno paporvuwrv Hon of Dp. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing over WOO pages There Is no charge for the book It Is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Address s Dr. R. V. PIEROE, Buffalo, N. Y. Si. l-'f h WW? Fruit Growers And everyone interested in diversified farming, or goats, should read the Ore gon Agriculturist, only 50 cents a year ; with (load's Dairvman. $1 2"i; with Breeders' G.i.oUe, $1 5.1; with Courier Heral I, $1.61). C V. Swi.Bow, agent, 1 O. box 838, Oregon City, or send to Courier-Herald olli.-e. Falls view Entertainment. The Falls View Heal Club gave mi enjoyable and interest ins entertainment i,t the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mead, Thursday evening. The following was the program rendered : Instiumental solo Ella Evans Recitation Stephen Baker Recitation Maggie" Mead Guitar solo Virgil Clark Dialogue .. Little Women Recitation Violet Roberts Recitation Dollie Mead Song Ella Evans Recitation Mrs. Mead Song Virgil Clark Recitation Verna Mead Cake walk, "Darkey Camp Meeting," Dorris Evans.M-iggie Mead, Dollie and . John Mead. Masric lantern pictures. . . Vrs. Andrews The program being ended, a eong was sung by request by Virgil Clark ; also a solo by Jlra. Henry iurner. ihe auui I ence was requested to join in sinking, ! afier which each dispersed to his diffet- ent home having spent an enjoyable eve-ining. ?fc TV -cent stamps o ui wnv CASTOR 1 A lor Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the Signature i C&O.lUj. Co. 23i; h tho regular Sunday round trip rate between Oregoi City ami Portland Get your tickets at Harding's drug eiore." WM. MACKRELL DEALER IS Harness, Saddles, Brushes, Curry Combs, Sweat Pads, Etc . Hand and Machine Made Harness a Specialty. MOLALLA. ORE.