Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1902, New Year NUMBER, Page 6, Image 8

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The i.ublic school system of Clackamas
County is one of the best in the state. There
was paid out last year for school purposes in
the county the sum of $58,800. The schools
are in excellent condition. An idea of the
magnitude of the public school work may be
obtained from the report ,o the County
School Superintendent, J. C. Zinser. The
general statistics show the facts and figures
concerning the public schools as follows:
No. children of school age in county 7,582
No. of teachers employed 260
Estimated value of schoolhouses and
grounds $117,443
Estimated value of school furniture. 16,870
Estimated value of apparatus 7,683
Whole number of organized districts 120
No. of school buildings in county. . 121
Average number of months taught
during the year 7
The people of the Pacific Slope are ac
tive, intelligent, capable men and women,
most of whom have come from the Eastern
states. Cultured society is here as well as
elsewhere in the country, and the homes of
the people show as pure a strain of the
typical American civilization as can be t'oun;!
elsewhere between the two oceans.
The far Northwest is a land of great
promise. The development of the gigantic
water power at Oregon City is bringing this
locality more prosperity than it has ever
known. It is the opening of an era of in
dustrial activity that has real bottom, not a
boom of prospects or achievements dreamed
of. This growth is not to be of short dura
tion. From the nature of the case it must
be substantial and will continue indefinitely.
W, "
In a country being settled and improved
as Clackamas County is, real estate values
must be constantly changing. There are, of
course, lands of all grades and values, from
$200 a foot front on Main street, Oregon
City, to Government land that may be had
in the Cascade foothills by simply occupying
it in accordance with law.
Residence property may be purchased in
Oregon City for $200 to $goo per lot. 66x105
feet, within four or five blocks of the busi
ness center ot the town. Within 12 blocks
of the postoffice eligible lots .may be had
for about $50 each.
Choice prairie and bottom lands in the
southern part of the county are worth as
high as $100 an acre. These lands are usually
put in fruits or hops rather than in general
farming. Farming lands grade down to $10
an acre, or even less for partially improved
farms. It all depends on the location and
quality of the land and the degree of im
provement. Near Oregon City acre prop
erty is up as high as $1000 and $1500 an acre.
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