the. Oldest Shoe- House in Orecjon City 1- . .r' ' . Our ladies', misses' and children's full stock calf shoes in lace, made up with a nice neat tip and coin toe are the best shoes in the market to-day to wear and to keep the feet dry. No rubbers needed when wearing these shoes. Our winter stock of boots and shoes is complete. Our ladies and gents fine foot-wear equals goods carried in Portland and we sell them for less money. We are sole agents in Oregon City for ladies' misses' and children's full stock shoes. Yours to command, NcKITTPICK, 'The. Shoe. MoiV Next door to Oregon city Bfinu W. L BLOCK FRED C. GADKE THE HOME FURNISHER PLUMBING and TINNING Carries a full line of House Furnishing Goods, including , , . .Hot Air Furnaces Furniture, Carpets, Hardware, Tin- r . and Hop Pipes ware, Glassware, Crockery, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Organs, etc. :: ALL KINDS OF JOBBING A SPECIALTY Opposite Post Officb OREGON CITY, OREGON Estimates given on all classes of work If you are thinking of buying anything in this line hold onto your money until you have seen our goods, as values OrGHOH CltV, 0r610n count not words.