OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD NEW YEAR NUMBER. OREGON TELEPHONE 235 H. C. BRANDES 4 SUCCESSOR TO BflUM & BRANDES Leading Restaurant AND CONFECTIONERY PRIVATE FAMILY RODMS 228 alder street 145 First Street Portland, Oregon rfCf? W li a ''' WATSON'S RESTAURANT, PORTLAND, Dining Room Seating Capacity 250. A. J. OWENBY HORSESHOING AMD General Blacksmithinc DR. GEO. tlOEYE Mountain View Poultry Yards offer for sale for a short time Dentist io Barred Plymouth Rocks lo " " " Special Attention Given to Repairs All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed 10 . . . . . 2 White Crown and Bridge worlc a specialty $1.50 2.00 3.00 2.0O CAUFIELD BUILDING Back of Pope & Co., Oregon City Oregon Citt, Oregon All fine large birds from our prize winning strain. Our birds won all the best prizes at the last State Fair. Eggs $1.50 per sitting.Sj J. MORROW & SON, Oregon City Brunswick House and Restaurant OsTTA, Proprietor Newly Furnished Rooms Meals at all Hours Open Day and Night Prices Reasonable Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Or J.KNOWLAflD J.W.BLAYNEY . FASHIONABLE TAILOR CLEANING AND REPAIRING SEVENTH 5T , near Depot OREGON CITY, OR. Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS Phone 704 Cor. Seventh nnd Monroe Streets OliftiON CITS', OREGON www, DIAMONDS Loose ciiwl Counted- WATCHES JEWELRY OPTICAL DEPARTMENT We now have a gold filled frame warranted forever by A. N. WRIGHT ,The Iowa Jeweler 2f):s MORRISON STREET, nciir Eifth IX)RTWNI), OREGOM