OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD NEW YEAR NUMBER. 45 obtainable, and teamsters using his harness once, will have no other. He also carries a full line of horse furnishing goods and sad bles, besides a line of boots and shoes which he sells at living rates. He also deals in wag ons and buggies and is able to save his cus tomers money on this line of goods. Mr. VVilley is considerably interested in Oregon City and Clackamas county real estate. He also takes an interest in evangelist work for the Free Methodist church and is at present pastor of Central Addition church of Portland. A. W. CHENEY. A. W. Cheney is a native of Wisconsin, and, after a residence of 20 years in Iowa and .South Dakota, he came to Oregon in 1889. In 1895 he purchased the Oregon City Cour ier, publishing it until 1898, when he pur chased the Herald and consolidated the two under the name of Courier-Herald. In 1899 he purchased the Canby Independent and 0 added its patronage. Mr. Cheney, being fa miliar with all the details, has built up the paper until it is in the front rank of country weeklies in Oregon. Its circulation is not equaled by any paper in the county, and by but few in the state, and the paper enjoys a patronage that is constantly increasing. Be sides publishing the Courier-Herald an im mense amount of job printing is turned out by his power printing plant. Modern DENTISTRY DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Twelve years practice in Oregon City. Gold Crowns, Porcelain Crowns, and Bridge Work a Specialty Fine Sets of Artificial Teeth All work vvamted for 5 years. Prices lowest consistent with first-class work. If you are interested in Bridge Work or teeth without plates, send for illustra ted book free. It tells you all about it. Office jn the Barclay Building i Near the Suspension Bridge. When in Portland pat- v I ronize the Clackamas TSt County boys. Royal Restaurant 253 FIRST STREET Near Madison Is the leading Restaurant for cleanness and low prices. Our motto is "Live and Let Live". We buy only the best and purest the market affords. If you come to Portland give us a trial and we can please you. Meals 1 $c and upwards Bohlandkr Bros., Props. PORTLAND, OREGON UNDERTAKERS ENBUNERS AND EUNERL DIRECTORS .ucitits'TiiflntiTO A full line of Metalic Burial Cases, Cloth and Wood Caskets.Coffinsand Undertakers'Supplies Calls Receive Prompt Attention We keep a first-clas9 hearse of our own. :: :: :: SHANK & BISSELL Parlors on Lower Seventh Street Between Railroad Depot and Bridge OREGON CITY TiurpMoNi: Bn 42 Ornei 4' 1 RMiemet 304 A -I " " .jr V L.yJ ' V f . f . ',- ' -' . ; , ... ked Polled Cattle of George Lazelle, Oregon City.