Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1902, New Year NUMBER, Page 44, Image 46

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himself.. Our local .merchants would .further
their own interests and secure a superior
grade of goods bv buying their candies at
home from F. H. Welsh.
Is a native of Ohio, where he was born 54
years ago. He came to California 13 years
ago and a year later came to Oregon, resid
ing at Salem and Tillamook until he located
in Oregon City eight years ago. Mr. Wilier
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Only when you have grasped not alone the
art but alio the science of the calling which
you follow does it become of real interest, for
then it gives a zest to life previously un
known to you. You unravel the secrets of
your calling.. It is by such a thorough knowl
edge of his profession that our townsman,
F. H. Welsh, the confectioner, is able to
guarantee his customers that each week he
will offer them new and ever new varieties
of delicious candies. He is making use of
his inventive genius in a way that is shaking
the dry bones of conventionality. He manu
factures a chocolate cream which he ships
to dealers in Portland anu many other points,
and for which the demand is greater than he
can possibly supply. Another specialty is
French nougatine cake, seeming for all the
world to be a baker's loaf, but which, on be
ing cut open, consists of candy, li s a candy
cake. This novelty he shins to confectioners
in California. Eastern Oregon, and in other
rapidly growing trade, anu therefore he will
take steps to establish a large candy factory,
complete in all its details, in order to be aDie
to supply the trade with any quantity desired.
By the way, practically all the stock he now
sells over his counter at the "Acme," opposite
the Oregon City Bank, is made day by day by
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is a first-class harness-maker and has built
up an excellent business since living here.
His work gives universal satisfaction, his
harness being hand-make, of the best stock
directions, trench cream candies of "his
make" are equal to the best. A fact of vital
importance to the eater of candies is that
Mr. Welsh uses no vile chemicals, but only
pure fruit colors and flavors of his own manu
facture. He guarantees all his goods to be
as he represents them, and if they prove not
to be, he cheerfully takes them back. The
facilities he now possesses for manufacturing
prove to be inadequate, on account of his
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Residence of I Gillett, Ely J. E. Jack's Residence, Marquam
Howard's Mill, Mulino Silas Wright's Residence Liberal
Levi Stehman's Residence, Liberal H. Thiessen's Residence Milwatikie