Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1902, New Year NUMBER, Page 41, Image 43

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Was born in Missosuri August 2.?, i860, and
came to Oregon in the fall of 1874 and set
tled in Polk County, where he resided on a
farm till he attended school at McMinnville
college in 1883. He graduated from said
college in 1888 with the degree of A. B. in
scientific and classical course, and two years
later had degree of A. M. conferred. After
teaching school for two years in Polk and
Yamhill counties he was manager of The
Dallas branch of the Union Hardware Co,
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for three years. In 1894 Mr. Clark came to
Oregon City and organized the Clackamas
Abstract and Trust Company. In 1897 he
was admitted to the bar. This company, of
.which Mr. Clark is manager, has the only
complete set of abstract books in Clackamas
county, and all abstracts turned out have the
personal supervision of Mr. Clark and in all
respects are reliable. Mr. Clark is well
versed in land law, and all cases of this de
scription could not be in safer hands. Mr.
Clark is a substantial citizen of Oregon City,
and, we are pleased to say. has an increas
ing portion of the abstract business.
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Never did society make a greater demand
lor capable, ambitious young men, men filled
with the new wine of life. The Courier
Herald therefore introduces with no little
satisfaction to its thousands of readers, our
fellow-citizen, Dr. C. S. Seamann, whose ot
rice is in the Barclay block, at the suspen
sion bridge. Though a native of Vermont,
he is in every respect an Oregonian, having
grown here from youth to manhood, and be
ing a graduate of the Oregon State Univer
sity and the Oregon State Medical School.
sician to the Ancient Order of Foresters.
The success in his profession that has
crowned his efforts since he located among
us is an augury of the future years of use
fulness to humanity that are in store for
',1 '- V, .
Surveyor General of Oregon, is a Clacka
mas County resident, and a credit to our
commonwealth. He was born in 1852, near
llwaco, Wash., then a part of Oregon, and
has since made his home in Oregon. He at
tended Pacific University in Forest Grove
along with Harvey Scott and Judge Stott.
Mr. Meldrum has been U. S. Deputy Sur
veyor for 20 years, and iias done work all
over this country. From 1876 to j88j he ran
a livery stable at Tillamook, and during this
time filled mail contracts. He was elected
Surveyor of Clackamas County in 1884 and
refused re-election in 1886. He has but re
cetilly been appointed 'oumii-r Genr.il i.f
Cognizant of the educating influences of
travel, Dr. Seamann recently made a trip
to the Orient, visiting Japan, China and the
Phillipine islands, making a study of the dis
eases peculiar to Asiatic countries, and that
particularly at the hospitals in Manila.
While taking his medical course the doctor
made a specialty of diseases of the eye, and
therefore, in addition to being a regular
practicing physician, he is prepared to at
tend to all cases that come within the scope
of the optician and oculist. His ability-in
this particular is certainly of great advant
age to our citizens. Dr. Seamann is medical
inspector for ,-everal insurance companies,
as the Metropolitan Insurance Company and
the Pacific Mutual, and is also court phy-
Oregon, and has done away with much of
the red tape connected with the office ami
has practically brought the work up-to-date.
All can rest assured that the Surveyor Gen
eral's office will make a better record during
his term than at any previous one, which
shows that the Clackamas County man is all