39 The doctor has bought a large tract of valuable land across the river, opposite Ore gon City, where he has built a pretty and at- PROFESSIONAL MEN OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD NEW YEAR NUMBER. O. W. EASTHAM. In 1849, V:n. F. Eastham located a dona tion land claim on Butte Creek, twenty miles south of Oregon City. To this wilderness he brought his young wife, who bore with him the hardships of pioneer life. A large family grew up in this pioneer home. j Year by year the acres of brush grew into I a fine farm. Neighbors came, and the wilder ness became a broad expanse of golden fields. In the early years, among the boys that 5 came to the country spelling school, were tliose o! Mr. Moreland, Mr. Killm and Mr. Eastham. Of those boys, Julius Moreland, lienton Killin and E. L. Eastham became successful lawyers, whose lives in after life ran close together. E. L. Eastham became a widely known and highly respected citizen, who spent mnch of his time in advancing the interests of Clacakams County. Benton Killin and Julius Moreland became partners in the practice of law, and at this time constitute one of the leading law firms of Portland. i',' " nm-- ' : . r: ; Under these men. of sound, nractiral ideas. j O. W. Eastham, the youngest brother of E. I L. Eastham, took up the study of his chosen j profession. He came to their office with six J years preliminary training in Portland Uni jversity, from which institution he had just :; graduated. Under the direction of Judge j Moreland, Mr. Eastham studied two years. ' On the suggestion of his able instructor, he then entered the law department of the Uni jversity of California, where he continued his studies two years longer, when he was ad mitted to the bar of California. Prepared to settle down to his life work, Mr. Eastham returned to take up the prac tice of his profession near his old home. I On admission to the Oregon bar he en tered into a law partnership with Hon. G. B. Dimick, who was already a well known and eminently successful young attorney. The firm of Dimick & Eastham has constantly enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. Steadily loyal to the county of his boyhood, and with unswerving faith in its future de velopment, Mr. Eastham has already become a substantial property holder in the county and city. When he forms a close friendship, he is always to be depended on in the ups and clowns of business life. j W. S. U'REN. Hon. W. S. U'Ren is a lawyer whose name is a household word in Oregon in connection with the Initiative and Referendum. Since December, 1892, Mr. U'Ren has been secre tary of the Direct Legislation Committee of Oregon, and as result of the work of these organizations the people of Oregon will have an opportunity to adopt or reject the system in the State Constitution at the June election next year. 1 I . r t. 'ill Mr. U'Ren was born in W isconsin in 1859, studied law in Denver, Colorado, and was admitted to the bar in 1881, failing health compelled him to abandon the practice of his profession. In 1892 he engaged in the fruit and nursery business in Milwatikie and Can by, in this county. He was one of the prom inent and active leaders of the Peoples' party in Oregon from 1892 to 1898 and was elected to the Legislature in 1890 on that ticket. In 1898 Mr. U'Ren resumed the practice of his profession in Oregon City, and speedily acquired a profitable practice and in January. 1901, engaged in law partnership with C. Schuebel. Esq. The firm of U'Ren & Schtte bel has had a growing and profitable business, and affairs entrusted to them receive prompt and careful attention. Upon the destruction of the Populist party, Mr. U'Ren, with many others who had been prominent in that party, joined the Inde pendent American Voters and gave all their political effort and labor on nonpartisan lines to furthering the cause of the Initiative and Referendum in Oregon, and there is now every prospect that it will be entirely success ful at the polls next June. DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN, one of our substantial dentists, came to Ore gon in 1898, buying Dr. Welch's old estab lished practice. The doctor was brought up in Toronto, Canada, and after attending the University and spending some time with his preceptor, went to Chicago, graduating from the American College of Dental Surgery and also from the North Western University Dental School, later taking a post-graduate course in the same institution. After spend ing several years in successful practice in Chicago he came West to obtain a more con genial climate. Dr. Freeman has now been in Oregon City three years and is enjoying a lucrative and increasing practice. 1 " tractive home, and is a prominent factor in business and social circles. C. SCHUEBEL. No attorney in Clackamas county is better or more favorably known than Mr. C. Schue bel. His life has been full of action and use fulness. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1866, and served some time in the coal break ers before coming to Oregon in 1878. He lived on a farm near Oregon City until 1887, and worked some years in logging camps and five years in the paper mills of this city, and studied law all his spare time. He took a night course in the Portland Law School and as admitted to the bar in 1897. Mr. Schuebel has always taken an active part as a reformer in politics. He was elected justice of the Fourth District in 1896, and re elected in 1898, making an envyable record as a judicial officer. The higher courts never reversed one of his decisions on appeal, a tact which speaks volumes for his judgment of the law. He was an active member of the city coun cil in 1898 and was re-elected in 1899. In January. 1901, Mr. Schuebel and Hon. W. S. U'Ren formed a law partnership under the name of U'Ren and Schuebel and have been remarkably successful both in the growth of their practice and the trial of contested cases. For several years past Mr. Schuebel has been an active member and elder of the Presby terian church of Oregon City. 3