Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1902, New Year NUMBER, Page 36, Image 38

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Prosperity of the Town and the Firm of Carlton & Rosenkrans Identical,
There is one locality in this county where
the "gentle rains" of Oregon produce no
mud. That is Canby Prairie. It is therefore
an ideal spot for residence. Though its soil
is porous, yet it is productive, as the large
crops of strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes
and melons attest. The apple and prune
thrive here. Favorable agricultural and hor-
What Canby needed to stimulate its growth
was enterprising, wide-awake merchants.
Their absence long retarded its advancement
commensurate with its natural wealth. When,
in November, 1891, Messrs. E. H. Carlton
and F. A. Rosenkrans opened their general
merchandise store, a new era began for Can
by. They, necessarily lor their own interests,
did all in their power to advance the material
debts" on the books. However, not satisfied
with the exceptional bargains they have been
able to give their constantly increasing cus.
tomers, they have joined the Cash Buyers'
Union, composed of twenty-eight stores,
which keeps two resident buyers in New
York in order to take advantage of the mar
ket by buying enormous quantities of merch
andise for cash. In their capacious store. 28x
ticultural condidtions have built up a thriving
little city. It has been incorporated and has
its mayor and board of "city fathers." Large
belts of timber are contiguous and for years
there has been an extensive trade in cord
wood and products of the sawmill, shipment
being made by the Oregon and California
railroad which runs through the city. Canby
has a commodious graded school and some
of its residences are cozy, handsome structures.
welfare of the community in which they bad
cast their lot. Harmoniously this firm and the
citizens have worked out their destiny. The
prosperity attained speaks for itself. Canby
now enjoys the proud distinction of being
the largest shipping point between Portland
and Salem.
Messrs. Carlton and Rosenkrans do busi
ness 011 a cash basis. They are not obliged
to tax good customers with double profits
In order to reimburse themselves for the "bad
1 iX) feet, and warehouse. 1HX52 feet, the firm
has an enormous stock, one of the largest
south of Portland. To enumerate but a few
lines, they carry dry goods, ladies' and
gent's furnishings, colthing, groceries, hard
ware, boots and shoes, etc. Buying as they
do in carload lots, this firm can not k-k under
sold in Western Oregon, and it is not sur
prising, therefore, that for a radius of 25
miles people come to trade at the big "Canby
Clackamas County peaches compared with silver dollar and half dollar.
Cherry tree in full bloom.