Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1902, New Year NUMBER, Page 24, Image 26

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four years on the Pacific Coast anil prefers
Oregon City to any of the other places she
has lived, from a business standpoint, where
she has bought the Racket Store, taking
possession October 1st. Mrs. Cole carries
one of the best lines of ladies' and children's
furnishings to be found in Oregon City and
will study the needs and wishes of her pat
rons. Values count, not words. Come and
see the many attractive offerings made at the
Racket Store better goods for the same
money than at any other store in town.
She carries a full line of the renowned
Kid Fitting Corsets, in 24 styles, Eskaz Kid
Gloves which are warranted not to rip, be
sides a complete slock of ribbons. Come
one and all and see the surprising bargains
offered at the Racket Store.
The hardware house of Pope & Co. was
established in the 60s by Charles Pope and
sons Charles W. and W. H. Pope, in the
building now occupied by Young's livery sta
ble. The brick building, the present quar
ters, was built in 1873, the upstairs being
used for an opera house till a few years ago.
T. A. Pope, son of the original founder of the
business is the present manager. The firm,
which is incorporated, deals in hardware,
stoves, tinware, builders' hardware, plows,
harrows, machinery, blacksmith's supplies
The annexed cut shows a front view ot the
well known grocery establishment of Chester
A. and Charles E. Muir, on the corner of
Seventh and Center streets, Oregon City.
The members of the firm are represented in
the photograph view in front of the store.
Roth are energetic, wide-awake and thorough
young business men. They do not Veep gro
ceries and food products. They sell them.
That is why their stock is always fresh and
the best that can be secured in the city. The
iron, steel, coal, packing, oils, rope,
barb wire, cutlery, pumps, iron and lead pipe
and fittings, etc. A specialty is made of plumb
ing, and several men are constantly employed
in this branch of the business. The firm by its
honest and square dealings has built up a
large and constantly increasing business.
Was born in Texas thirty years ago, and
came to Oregon in 1887. He conducts a
first-class grocery at "Freytag's Corner,"
Fourteenth and Main streets, and has been
in business in Oregon City for eleven years.
Over a year ago he more than doubled the
size of his store on account of his increasing
business. Mr. Freytag owns a fine resi
dence alongside his double store building
and is one of the substantial merchants of
the city. He has always attended to the
wants of his customers in an honest and con
scientious manner, and has built up a fine
trade and keeps only the best.
store is constantly thronged with customers,
and their free delivery wagon is kept on the
jump from early morning until after dark. A
few months ago their store was burned to the
ground, destroying the entire stock. The old
corner has been replaced with a larger and
more elegant building, and the stock is more
complete and of greater variety than ever be
fore. There is not a shelf-worn or fly-specked
article in the store. In addition to the high
standard staple articles, table delicacies, the
freshest fruits and vegetables are carried in
stock, as well as cured meats, flour and feed.
was born in the Province of Dundee, Quebec,
and came to the United States in the early
70's and settled in Nebraska. He removed to
Oregon in 1891 and has since followed the
occupation of a contractor and builder. A
year ago he started the Oregon City Planing
Mill and under his management the business
has been constantly increasing and has be
come one of the leading and substantial in
dustries of the community. Besides furnish
ing mill work of all kinds and doing general
jobbing he devotes considerable attention to
contracting and building, and being connect
ed with the mill he has an advantage in fill
ing contracts and building cheaply and with
dispatch, and he and his men are always kept
Is an Oregon native son, having been born
in Oregon City 45 years ago. He has been
in business in the city for 24 years and the
IS -
meat market of which he is proprietor, in ex
istence since it was founded by his father 45
years ago. Mr. Albright has always taken an
interest in public affairs and has held many
positions of honor and trust. He was a
member of the city council of Oregon City
irom 1890 to 1893, and was again elected in