Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1902, New Year NUMBER, Page 22, Image 24

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Is a native of Sydney, Australia. He came to
California when but a youth of 12 years of
age, and after a residence there of one year
he arrived in Portland. Oregon, in 1857. He
commenced the practice of his chosen proies-
" 1
sion in the drug store of Dr. Alden H. Steel,
and has been engaged in the drug business
more or less since and continously since 1874
at Oregon City. Mr. Harding thus has a
record of more than 40 years in the drug
business, which, to the best of our knowl
edge, is unequaled, and is still an exception
ally active man. During 1899 and 1900 he
was president of the Oregon State Pharma
ceutical Association. Mr. Harding was a
member of the city council for four years. He
has been vice-president of the Bank of Ore
gon City since its organization. In connec
tion with a prosperous drug business he is
ticket agent for the Portland and Oregon
City Electric Line. The local office of the
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co. is in his
Geo. T. Howard, Manager of the Red
Front Trading Co., was bom in London,
Eng., and came to Oregon City 14 years
in the company, he does notarial work, in
surance and deals in real estate for the ac
commodation of his patrons. The present
incorporated company was organized in 1895
and carries a general stock of merchandise
which it buys direct from the factory and
sells for a small margin at one price to
all. and aims to treat all fairly. Since its
organization the company has been agents
for the celebrated Standard patterns. It
has built up a first-class trade, and the Red
Front is known from one end of Clackamas
County to the other as a good place to trade.
Proprietor of the Seventh-Street Bakery, is
a native of Germany. After learning his
trade he worked in the Old Country for
twentv years, five years as proprietor of a
bakery. He worked in some of the largest
bakeries in Germany. Russia, Australia am)
San Francisco before coming to Oregon.
That he thoroughly understands his business
The firm of Ely Brothers is composed of
Duane C. Ely, a native of New York, and
Geo. V. Ely, a native of Illinois. They came
to Oregon 23 years ago and have been in
business over 13 years, and are next to the
oldest general merchandise store jn Oregon
City, having been in business in Ely addition
before moving to their present location on
Seventh Street. They own two stores, one
being used as a warehouse. Their stock is
one of the largest in the general merchan
dise line in Orgeon City. By constant at
tention to business, along with their long ex
perience, they can sell goods cheaper than
their less fortunate competitors and are en
joying a large share of the trade. They are
enterprising and universally honored and re
spected. Recently they put up a private tel
ephone to Ely for the accommodation o."
their patrons.
goes without saying. Mr. Schrader had
been employed for nearly eighteen years in
the Main-Street Bakery in Oregon City be
fore purchasing his present business, about
a year ago. During Tiis residence in Oregon
City he has baked wedding cakes for two
generations parents and children. His
bread and pastry gives the best of satisfac
tion, and is delivered free t ) his many customers.
ago, having been connected with the mer
cantile business for the past 11 years. Be
sides being manager and chief stockholder