OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD NEW YEAR NUMBER. 21 PROFESSIONAL MEN CUAS. H. DYE. C. II. Dye, one of our substantial law yers and business men, came to Oregon in 1890, and immediately identified himself with the best interests of the community. He has been Deputy District Attorney, City Attor ney, secretary of tTie Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association and is now vice president of that flourishing organization. In connection with his practice he has built up one of the largest and best working law li braries in the city, has built him a beautiful home overlooking the Willamette and has a prosperous and growing business. Mr. Dye f ( i has especially been identified with the move ment for good roads, clean politics and pub lic improvements. Mr. Dye is a prominent member of the Congregational Church and has been superintendent of the Sunday school most of the time since he resided in Oregon. He is known as a lawyer who settles diffi culties rather than encourages litigation. Anyone entrusting business to Mr. Dye can always be sure of prompt, honest and care ful service. JOHN W. LODER Was born in Paynesville, Mo., in 1871, came to Oregon at the age of 5 years, and grew ui) on a farm in Yamhill County; graduated with B. S. degree from McMinnville Col lege, 1894; took a state teacher's diploma and taught school the same year; read law under Gordon E. Hayes a year, and entered Columbian University of Law September, 1895; graduating therefrom with LL. B. de gree June, 1896. Was admitted to the bar October, 1896, locating since at Oregon City to practice law. He has successfully cor responded for the Evening Telegram and Oregonian; is also secretary of the Oregon City Board of Trade, treasurer of the Catar act Hose Company, and treasurer of the First Baptist Church and corresponding secretary of the Oregon City Young Men's Christian Association. He practices in all the courts of the state, and solicits business pertaining to general law practice, settlement of estates and adjustment of claims. Is also resident agent for the United States Fidelity & Guar anty Company, of Baltimore, Met., supply ing afl kinds of bonds and undertakings, and recently bonded the contractors construct ing the new sewer system of Oregon City. He has office in the new Stevens building, and is esteemed by the community for in dustrious habits, exemplary character and straightforward business methods. DR. J. W. NORRIS. Dr. J. W. Norris was born in Illinois in 1844. His boyhood days was passed on the farm and in school until 1861, when at the age of 17 he went to Delaware county, Iowa, where he secured, by passing examination, a first grade teachers' certificate. Returning to his home in August. 1882, lie enlisted as a private in the 108th Illinois In fantry with which regiment he served in all its campaigns until his muster-out at Vicks burg, Miss., in August, 1865. Si- -.- LcL He was in the battles of Hame's Bluff, Ar kansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, seige of Vicksburg, Guntown and Spanish Fort. When mustered out he was first ser geant of his company and was breveted second lieutentant by the governor of Illinois. After the close of the Civil War Dr. Nor ris studied two years at the Tremont Acad emy, alter which he did successful work as a teacher in his county. Dr. Norris graduated in medicine and surgery at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., and arrived in Port land on the 1st of May of that year and lo cated in Oregon City in February, 187,?. Since that date the doctor has been prac ticing his profession in Oregon City and Clackamas county with what success is well known to the public. During his residence here has been a member of the school board for twelve years. He has been coroner of Clackamas county once by appointment by the late Judge W. L. White, to fill a vacancy and once by election. He was also a mem ber of the city council when the water works were purchased by the city for which meas ure he worked and voted. The doctor has also been honored by election to the vice presidency of the Oregon State Medical So ciety. Eesides having taken a couple of post graduate courses in medicine and surgery, the doctor is a close student of current med ical literature and keeps himself informed in the latest adv; nces in medicine and surgery. JOSEPH E. HEDGES, Of the law firm of Hedges & Griffith, was born in Canemah, this county, June 2, 1864. k.Z- : Until 14 years of age he attended the schools of this city, when he took a course at the Bishop Scott Academy, of Portland, where he afterwards was an instructor for four years. In 1887 he entered Yale University, taking n classical course, from which insti tution he was graduated with high honors in 1891. Mr. Hedges then returned to Ore gon, and, upon admission to the bar, began the practice of his profession in Portland, where he remained about two years. In 1895 he opened a law office in this city, as sociating himself with his present partner, Franklin T. Griffith. As a lawyer he is care ful and painstaking and one of the ablest young men practicing at the Clackamas bar. He enjoys the respect of the entire community.