OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD NEW YEAR NUMBER. '9 SOME PROMINENT CITIZENS SENATOR OliO. C. BROW NELL. No resident is better known to the citi zens of Clackamas County than Hon. George C. Browncll. His voice has been heard in every hamlet, precinct and schoolhouse throughout the length and breadth of the entire county, and it is safe to say every man, woman and child in this community has seen and heard Senator Brownell. He was born in Kelseville. Essex County, New York, in 1858, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar at the age of 21 years. Upon admission to his chosen profession he moved to Atchison, Kan., and entered the office of W. W. Guthrie, general attorney of the Atchison & Nebraska Rail road. He was elected Mayor of the City of Frankfort, Kan., in 1884, and re-elected in 1885. The folowing year he was appointed attorney for the Fitzgerald-Mellory Con struction Company, which built 1000 miles of railroad through Kansas and Colorado. In 1888 he was elected attorney of Ness County. ' ' -"'-ij Vs.' I I 0 1 Kansas. Mr. Brownell came to Oregon in June, 1891, locating in Oregon City. The following March the Republican convention tendered him fhe nomination for the State Senate, which fy- declined. The same con vention matte him its chairman and chair man of the county central committee. In 1894 he was nominated by acclamation and elected to the State Senate over Hon. W. A. Starkweather. In 1808, after one of the fiercest political fights ever waged in Clack amas, County, he was again the choice of the convention by acclamation for the Legisla ture, and again elected, this time defeating Hon. V. S. U'Ren at the polls. In 1899 the Republican county convention indorsed him for Congress. Mr. Brownell has a wide po litical influence and ranks among the first lawyers and orators of the state. GILBERT L. HEDGES. Gilbert Lawrence Hedges was born in Canemah, Or., January 19, 1874. When 15 years of age his parents sent him to An dover, Mass., to attend Phillips Academy. He remained there for three years, complet ing the prescribed course of study and grad uating in 1892. In the Fall of this year he entered Yale University and four years later was graduated from that institution, receiv ing his B. A. degree in June, 1896. Desiring to prepare for the practice of law, he decided to enter the law department of the univer sity. Completing the law bourse in two years, Mr. Hedges returned to Oregon. For a time he was with Hedges & Griffith, a well-known law firm of Oregon City, and af terwards opened offices of his own in the Weinhard block, Oregon City, Or. The clean -7 IJI I- at fj f 1 and bright career of young Hedges has forced him to the front, both legally and po litically. In April. 1900, he was made the choice of the Union party to represent Clackamas County at the State Capital, and the following June he was elected with a handsome majority, being the only success ful candidate of his party for the Legisla ture. During the last Legislative session he championed several worthy measures, one of which was the reduction of railway fare from four to three cents per mile. He is building up a splendul law practice and the future holds much in store for him. HON. A. S. DRESSER. A. S. Dresser was born in 1858 at Blue Hill. Me., and received his education in the schools of thafTstatc. He began his career as clerk in a large general merchandise store and later took up the vocation ot school teaching, constantly increasing his education by his own efforts and industry, and later began the study of law in the office of B. T. Sowl, one of the leading lawyers of Han cock County, Maine, and was admitted to the bar in 1885. While practicing at Ells worth, Me., in the same year, he gained his first fame as attorney in the successful de fense of a person accused of arson of a dwelling house in the night time, the pen alty in that state being imprisonment for life. Mr. Dresser came to Oregon in i88s, and kept books for a large lumber firm at Rai nier. In June, 1888, he moved to Oregon City and formed a law partnership with Hon. T. A. McBride, which continued until the latter was elected Circuit Court Judge, when he became a law partner of Hon, George C. Brownell, which partnership continued three years, since which time he has conducted an office alone. Mr. Dresser is a life-long Re publican, and in June, 1900, was elected by that party as Joint Representative of Mult nomah and Clackamas Counties, in which position he served his constituents with honor to them and himself. He is an able lawyer and a man of strict integrity and pos sesses a splendid character that can be uni versally vouched for. JOHN R. SHAVER. Was born in Marion County, five miles above Silverton, December 14, 1854. His father was a pioneer of 1851. He moved to Portland, when 5 years of age and lived there until 1880, when he came to Molalla, J I his present place of residence. Mr. Shaver was in the livery stable business in Portland for three years and was elected Assessor of East Portland for two years. He was road supervisor of his precinct for three years, school director for over three terms and constable for two terms. He is one of the most prominent stockraisers and stock buy ers of Clackamas County. A picture of some of his Hereford stock, which he ex hibited at the State Fair, appears elsewhere in this publication. Three of the cows shown came from England. He has 25 head of full-bloods, most of them registered.