i8 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD NEW YEAR NUMBER. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS OF OREGON CITY COMMERCIAL BANK The Commercial Bank of this city was incorporated September 21, 1889. The County of Clackamas and Oregon City are justly proud to boast of the financial solid ity of this banking institution. It is officered and managed by men of the r.v: strictest integrity and its dealings are un compromising, honorable, regular and busi nesslike. This institution conducts a general banking business, occupies its own stone front building, and is one of Oregon City's solid and ornamental structures. The offi cers are: President. D. C. Latourette; vice president, Hon. C. D. Latourette; cashier. Fred J. Meyer. The bank's president. D. C. Latourette. is a native of this state and county, being born in 1856. His education was acquired in the schools of Oregon, he graduating from Pacific University. Forest Grove, in 187S. He occupied a position as teacher in the McMinnvillc College from 1878 until 1880, when lie began the study of law, being admitted to the bar in 1882. During this year he associated himself in the practice of his profession with his cousin, C. D. La tourette, his present law and bank partner. Cashier Fred J. Meyer is a young man, born and raised in this county, and his man agement of the bank's affairs has drawn to it a large patronage, and the unlimited con fidence of its customers. On Dec. 2 he was elected City Treasurer by a good majority over his opponent, who was up for a second term. Vice-President C. D. Latourette was born in St. Louis, Mo., in 1854. He gradu ated from the law department of the Uni versity of Michigan, situated at Ann Arbor, in 1879. That same year he came to Oregon and began the practice of his profes sion in Oregon City. Charles D. Latour ette is a profound thinker, an able lawyer and is conceded by all to be one of the best and most successful practitioners in this community. He has been connected with most of the celebrated homicide and contested will cases that have been on the dockets of this county during his time of practice. In politics he is a consistent Dem ocrat. In 1890 he was elected to the City Council and served two years. In 1897 lie wis again elected for two years, and before U II Cashier President Vice President F. J. Meyer D. C. Latourette C. I). Latourette his term had half expired he received the nomination for Mayor. He was elected to that office by a good majority, serving the people so well that they re-elected him for a second term. The law firm of C. D. & D. C. Latourette have offices in the bank building. The Bank of Oregon City Paid Up Capital $50,000 Oldest Bank in the City Incorporated and Established in 1881. A general commercial banking business transacted. Deposits received subject to order. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts sold on the important cities of the United States and Europe. Oregon City, January 1, 1902. To our Friends and Patrons: We extend to you our cordial congratulations at this the close of a prosperous business year with our best wishes for the future. We wish, furthermore to thank you heartily for your generous patronage in the past, to which we owe whatever of business success has come to us and to solicit a continuance of the same for the future. We begin the new year better prepared than ever to serve you, and fully appreciating the trust you have reposed in us, we assure you that in the future, as in the past, your interests will be guarded and protected to the best of our ability, and that we will use our best endeavors to merit the confidence you place in us. Very respectfully, Charles H. Caufield, President. E. G. Caufield, Cashier.