DECKED WITH DIAMONDS, costing $20,000.00, if given to you FREE Would be of no practical use if it was not made out of good timber. The timber in a wagon is like the foundation to a house, it is the foundation upon which the whole structure is built without good timber it is impossible to build a good wagon. Recognising this fact the Mitchell Wagon Company do not hesitate to pay 20 to 30 per cent, above the market price of the best grades of timber for the privilege of culling over and selecting or skimming off the cream of the best wagon stock. This makes Mitchell Quality which is equalled by no other wagon manufacturers in the world. If you want the best Buy the MITCHELL WAGON r.l.,.,IHI.m, mm mmm-mmm 1 "F W mm !W'1!NWiB1l!l!! lllllIHIIIfl! II 11 1! II i II "lit" ii(it 1 I illil III ill! il II Ill 1 1 1 1 (U mbUiiMJglJ IIJl UJIU We also handle J. I. CASE PLOWS AND HARROWS HOOSIER DRILLS AND SEEDERS SOUTHWICK HAY PRESSES PLANET JR. IMPLEMENTS STAR WIND MILLS MEYERS PUMPS HENNEY & B. LINE BUGGIES Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Cor. First and Taylor Streets PORTLAND, OREGON